The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 647: Wilderness Survival Failure (Part 2)

Arthur was standing at the top of the cliff, pulling the rope, and lifted a crate of plump sea fish to the top of the cliff through the pulley device. After the fish crate came up, Hal next to him took it over and began to process the raw fish.

Scrape off the scales of the fish, remove all internal organs, and after cleaning, cut the fish open from the abdomen, then flatten it, then rub it repeatedly with the salt obtained before, and finally hang it on the drying rack that was just set up.

The four rows of racks are already full of hangers at this time, salted fish, cured meat, fiber hemp ropes that have been dried to half dry, and some fiber fabrics are shaking slightly with the dusty wind on the island.

Schiller stood on the platform and looked up. Hal, who was adjusting the pulley block, looked down and saw Schiller woke up. He waved and said, Hi, professor, good morning.

Just as Schiller was about to speak, he heard a sizzling sound. He turned his head and saw Bruce actually sitting on a wooden basket like a cable car, coming from low to high to the platform.

Schiller looked at Bruce and asked, What have you done? How did this place become an agricultural society overnight?

No, we haven't started to grow anything yet, but I just found some crop seeds over there. According to my observation, the fruits of the shrubs represented by these seeds are edible, and some can extract white pulp similar to glue , if we start planting now, it might be useful in the future.”

Schiller glanced sideways at the cable car he came up from. Bruce came from a lower place, while the cave platform was at a higher place, obviously not using gravity, so Schiller asked, Where did you get the power?

Bruce said indifferently: Go along here, and then turn a corner. There is a small waterfall on the side of the cliff, which is very suitable for placing a waterwheel. The power provided by the waterwheel is not enough, but let a person walk on the ropeway. It's enough time to move forward.

Schiller put his hands on his hips and sighed. Looking into the distance from the platform, the wild primitive scenery is no longer so simple. At least from the messy pulley lines, it can be seen that the place has got rid of the primitive life of the Stone Age. The era of small-scale peasant economy has begun.

Oh, yes, last night, we made a hang glider, you can try it, and by the way, we also finished the salt pan and crystallization pond, and rebuilt a few large pots for boiling salt.

In the first half of the night, we took out all the fish in the fishing traps, and harvested a total of about 6 kilograms of sea fish, as well as some shellfish and crabs. Hal boiled them overnight and stored them.

In the second half of the night, we made a pulley block system, powered by waterwheels, to transport goods on uneven terrain. Although the line needs to be changed and mounted every time, it saves manpower.

This morning, we have already dried the bacon and bacon. In addition, I plan to extract oil from the fat of the fish to use it as a lubricant for tools.

I have already done half of the truck that uses pedals to generate power. The next step is to lay the foundation and start building the track.

Bruce took out another basket of fish from the basket that brought him over, and said, Next, I plan to fully automate the acquisition of food, so that the fish can go from the sea, to delicate treatment, and then to classified storage. , can use the kinetic energy conversion of waterwheels to realize automation.”

This may be a bit of waste wood. After all, a simple wooden transmission structure may require many complicated parts, but it doesn't matter. I found traces of minerals in the rocks on the east side of the island. If everything goes well, we will soon We can start smelting iron...

Schiller covered his forehead with his hand, took a deep breath, and looked at the pulley line running through the woods, and the large area of ​​tropical rainforest that had been cut down by Bruce, he sighed deeply.

Schiller wanted to use nature to arouse Bruce's emotional emotions, not to let him come here to climb the technology tree and be the king of scrolls.

People always say that the characters of Batman and Green Arrow overlap, but Batman has another feature that Green Arrow does not have, that is, no matter how barren the environment, he can develop from scratch, Until the outrageous technological equipment is pulled out in place.

At this point, Iron Man and Batman are more similar. Isn't it the basic skill of genius to piece together a cross-age armor with those outdated and outdated equipment?

Schiller had just thought of this when Bruce said:

By the way, I heard from Arthur that you were attacked by Mexican drug dealers. In this case, I think it is necessary to erect some fortifications on the island...

Wait a minute, don't...

This morning, I explored the entire island and found a wreckage of a plane crash. I used the parts there to piece together a defense robot. It should be up and running now. If an enemy comes...

At this moment, Arthur shouted from above, he said: Oops! I heard from the killer whale that there seems to be a ship coming towards here. They are very aggressive, and they may be looking for trouble...

Oliver, who came over after hearing the sound, was still a little pale, and he said seriously: It may be the group of drug dealers who attacked me. They are extremely insane. They wiped out an entire village on this small island a long time ago...

When I hid in the dark to observe them, they heard the movement, and their first reaction was to shoot. If I didn't hide quickly, I'm afraid I would be dead now.

Hal set his eyes on Oliver's shoulder, and when he heard Oliver say that it was a drug dealer, he frowned and his face sank.

Among these people, Hal has the healthiest life and rest. As a pilot, he must not only maintain a good physique, but also keep a clear mind at all times. Although he is no longer a test pilot, this habit has been retained until now.

Therefore, not to mention drugs, smoking and alcohol have nothing to do with him. Hal is very disgusted with these addictive substances, thinking that they will control his mind and make him make mistakes when he needs to concentrate.

Hearing Oliver say that these drug dealers actually slaughtered a whole village, Hal became a little angry. Looking at the boat and the drug dealers with guns on board, Hal flew up subconsciously, wanting to deal with them. them.

As a result, just halfway through his flight, he saw a dark robot rushing out of the forest, shooting at the bottom of the hull, the hull began to slowly descend, and the drug dealers on it panicked and began to dive.

The program Bruce set for the robot naturally does not use lethal force, but who knows, after these drug dealers who fell into the water fell into the water, they saw a huge monster.

The black and white figure rushed towards them quickly. When he saw the shadow of the whale clearly, the leader was relieved, because he knew that it was a killer whale, and killer whales usually do not take the initiative to attack. human.

Then, he was bitten in two by the killer whale.

Looking at the redness on the surface of the sea, Arthur closed his eyes and tried to concentrate. He heard the low cry of the killer whale.

His face also began to become heavy, and he turned to look at Schiller and said, Remember what I said before? Killer whales usually appear in pairs or in groups, but the killer whale that sent you over , but it is alone, which is very strange...

Seeing the scene in the ocean, Schiller probably understood that killer whales cruising in the Gulf of Mexico would easily run into the teams of these drug dealers. Although these drug dealers make a living from drug trafficking, it is hard to say that they do not know how to hunt whales , because the profits of whaling are also great.

Sure enough, Arthur said in a sad tone:

He is a male killer whale that has just grown up. He was about to leave his mother to live alone, but just when they were about to part, they encountered a whaling ship...

His mother was killed by humans. According to him, the whaling ship was escorted by these drug dealers...

Collaborative, Bruce remarked.

Although he didn't kill people, he didn't have to rescue the whaling drug dealer who fell into the water, so he just made a comment and turned back to the cave.

Hal flew back again, feeling a little heavy, because even though he couldn't communicate with the fish, he could still hear the scream of the killer whale.

After landing, he sighed and said: When I was in the seaside city, I heard the legend of the whalers. People called them heroes, and thought they conquered the strongest giant beast in the world...

Hal shook his head and sighed, obviously disapproving and disappointed with this behavior, but at this moment, Schiller stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, Hal thought that Schiller was going to comfort him, but he heard until Schiller opened his mouth and said:

You used your superpower first, so you lost.

Hal covered his eyes, how could he forget this? Sure enough, the green light ability was used too easily, that's how it will be.

Just as he was about to accept the result in dejection, Bruce, who had already walked to Oliver, heard a voice from inside the cave:

Your resilience is really good, the wound is almost healed?

Yeah, I also think it's amazing. Last night, I was in pain so badly that I even suspected that I just passed out from the pain, but I woke up this morning...

Oliver lifted off the clothes on his shoulders and stared at his shoulders with some doubts. The wounds on it were almost healed, except that the skin had not fully grown back, the craters left by the steel balls, and the previously festered and infected parts had already completely gone.

Hal turned his head and stared at Schiller with a kind of unfriendly eyes. Schiller said calmly, Maybe Oliver has superpowers and super speed recovery. Is this rare? Don't you have it too?

Hal glanced at Oliver's restored rosy face, snorted coldly, and said, You've won this time, doctor.

After finishing speaking, he also walked in, and began to ask Oliver about the specific situation of the group of drug dealers.

After breakfast, Arthur and Schiller went fishing at the seaside. Although he knew that the wilderness survival-themed vacation trip might have come to naught under Bruce's high speed, he could still enjoy the tranquility of this last period, and at the same time finally Struggle again to see if you really can't catch a fish.

When they arrived at the beach, the two found a reef standing in the water, used the fishing rod made by Arthur, and the fishing line made by Bruce, and used the internal organs of small fish as bait.

Not long after Schiller cast his pole, suddenly, a shark's head appeared on the sea surface, and the two people standing on the reef were stunned. Arthur paused, and then said:

Don't worry, I have the ability to communicate with fish, let me feel what this shark is thinking... Oh, he wants to bite you.

Does this still need to be felt????

Schiller picked up the fishing rod angrily, turned around and left, but at this moment, he saw a black shadow appearing in the distance on the horizon, which looked like an airplane.

As the plane flew closer, Schiller noticed that there was a small figure under the plane, holding the plane with his hands up.

Not only Schiller noticed the shadow of the plane, but Bruce who was cutting trees outside also saw it. He calculated the flight trajectory and landing point of the plane, and walked there quickly.

When the plane landed, Schiller and Hal also arrived. Clark put the plane firmly on the ground. Seeing several people on the ground staring at him, Clark looked at the surrounding environment, rubbed his hands and said:

Don't look at me, I'm not here, I'm just a courier...

Bruce suddenly had a bad premonition, he took a slight step back, and then, a black shadow pounced on him with a whoosh.

A flock of seabirds startled above the entire island, and a scream that pierced the sky came:


ultimate torture

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