The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 699 U: Infinite Event (15)

Chapter 699 U Infinite Event (15)

Death will not use any curses. People who die from curses will indeed come to her, but she will not use death to curse someone. Her authority may be great, but it does not include directly killing a certain life .

If death can kill people at will, how can there be living things in these universes?

Death only means death, not killing, let alone cursing, but the consequence of these actions is death, and death cannot actively control them.

Is there a curse of mortal death in the universe?

From the perspective of death, there is. For example, in a certain universe, there is a toxin that can absolutely kill a certain creature. As long as you are infected with this poison, you will definitely die.

From the mysterious side, there are indeed curses, which can achieve the effect of killing 100% of the target. There are many ways to release these curses. It may be achieved by spells cast by characters such as mages or priests, or it may be attached on the item.

However, this type of curse also has special characteristics. For example, most of them are only effective in a single universe. Once switched to another universe, even the fundamental energy rules are different, and the curse will naturally become invalid.

However, what death saw was that beside all Spider-Man, all the people who said to him with great power comes great responsibility are all dead.

Just looking at the deaths of these people, there is no problem, and it is impossible for death to see what each person said before they died, so when she accepted these people, she did not notice the problem.

But if you look at their deaths together, you will find that this is really like a curse. If you say a certain sentence, you will die. If this is really a curse, then the person who cast this curse must be a Very powerful existence.

However, Death searched through the multiverse and found no clues of the curse. For an existence that can flip through and travel through the timeline at will, this is almost impossible.

If the curse really exists, then there must be a mastermind behind the curse, and if he wants to make the curse work on Spider-Man, then he must have an intersection with Spider-Man and the people around him.

Death can see all the causal relationships with just one glance, but among all the relationships, she did not find any clues related to the curse.

If not a curse, what else?

It is inconceivable that death did not find a connection between this sentence and death, because she is death itself, but she could not find a connection between this sentence and him.

But things have already happened, and Schiller has died because of saying this sentence, so if you want Schiller not to die now, you cannot let him say this sentence.

As mentioned before, the so-called multiverse is actually composed of infinite single universes, so why is it called infinite?

In the setting of Marvel comics, every choice leads to a possibility, and each possibility is a universe.

To put it simply, when you choose whether to drink milk for breakfast this morning, if you choose to drink milk, then this is a single universe, and if you choose not to drink milk, then this is another single universe.

Even when you have an idea, it is a universe, and if you have a dream, it is also a single universe.

Therefore, in the multiverse, there are infinite possibilities, and there is no empty place outside the single universe, and all places are infinite possible universes.

Then, in the present possibility, Schiller has already said this sentence and died. If death wants to save all this, he must return to the time when Schiller hadn't said this sentence.

Then, ask Schiller not to say this sentence, create a new possibility, and then use this new possibility to overwrite the current universe, so that Schiller will not die.

For Death, this is not difficult to operate at all. He first returned to the time when Schiller said this sentence for the first time, and then created some accidents to distract Schiller's sight.

After Schiller left the hospital, he didn't have time to tell Peter that with great power comes great responsibility, so naturally he didn't say this sentence.

But, just when death is going to cover the existing universe with the newly generated possible universe, he finds that the Schiller in this newborn universe disappears.

That's right, it just disappeared out of thin air, and death couldn't find where Schiller went.

Death was puzzled, and then she thought that in the multiverse, there are many special beings, and they have one and only one, also known as the only one.

If Schiller is the only one, then his sudden disappearance can be explained, because they are the only one, so no matter how many individual universes there are, no matter how many possibilities there are, they can only exist in one.

It is not impossible to create a only another individual out of thin air, but death is not a god of creation, she is just a god of conception, and she does not have such power if she does not perform this part.

However, this did not make death feel frustrated. At this point in the matter, Schiller's death is not important anymore, the main thing is to win.

So, if it is impossible to create a possible universe in which Schiller did not say that sentence, then create a universe in which Schiller does not exist, and then overwrite the existing universe. If Schiller does not exist, then Schiller will not died.

However, death cannot create a new universe out of thin air, she must return to a certain time point in this universe, and create a new possible universe by affecting certain things and people.

So, if you want to make Schiller not exist in this universe, Schiller cannot travel to Marvel from the very beginning.

In other words, only when the system didn't send Schiller to the Marvel universe, could there be no Schiller in this universe.

However, what would have happened if Schiller hadn't come to Marvel but stayed in the DC world?

Through the previous contact with Oneiroi, Schiller knew that the night he crossed, it was actually the fate of the DC world, holding the book of souls in his hand, and wanted to write Schiller's name on the book.

If Schiller did not travel to Marvel from the beginning to the end, and stayed in the DC world that night, then the fate of the DC world would not be unable to succeed because Schiller passed through the wall of origin and disappeared into this universe Write Schiller's name on the Book of Souls.

In other words, if the death of the Marvel world created the possibility that Schiller did not cross over, then Schiller's name should be written in the book of souls now.

When death put the possible act of creation into practice, the destiny that was working inside the wall of origin suddenly found that the book of souls in his hand had some changes.

He picked up the book and opened it, then made a bloody face.

I saw that on a certain page of that book, a name was being slowly written on it.

Fate closed the book of souls with a snap, opened it again after a while, and found that the name had already written several letters.

Fate stared at the name that suddenly appeared, and he realized, isn't this Schiller?

When I wanted to write my name, you didn't let me write it, but now I want to write it myself. If you let me do this, how can I do my job?

Therefore, fate resolutely refused, and with a wave of his hand, he wiped off Schiller's name directly.

But just after he wiped it, he didn't know where the power came from, and he started to write again, and then he wiped it with fate, and then wrote with this power.

Destiny is not without temper, a gleam of light lit up on his hand, and the name Schiller Rodriguez was directly blocked by him.

Fate rejected Schiller, that is to say, Schiller is no longer in destiny, but the entire DC universe is included in destiny, that is to say, Schiller can only go outside DC.

However, the current operation of Marvel Death is to prevent Schiller from appearing outside DC, but to return him to a state that he has never traveled through.

It is a paradox that one cannot be both within and outside of destiny.

There is only one way to resolve this paradox, and that is, Schiller is inside the DC universe, but he is dead.

The powers of the various members of the endless family do not overlap, as long as Schiller is taken away by DC's death, it can be explained.

The current situation is that the death of Marvel wanted to create a new possibility, but the fate of DC did not cooperate, and the two began to wrestle, but perhaps because the levels were relatively similar, the struggle between the two parties was fruitless.

The two world lines clashed, creating a paradox, you squeezed me, I squeezed you, and finally, a third world line was squeezed out, which is to let the death of DC take Schiller away.

However, this third world line requires DC's death consent.

When this request was sent to DC Death, she refused it without even thinking about it.

Don't forget, in the DC world, the young Schiller plucked a feather from Lucifer, which caused him to have some contact with Lucifer, and now, that feather is still in Schiller's soul.

DC's death can take Schiller's soul away, but the problem is, he can't take away the feather in Schiller's soul.

Lucifer is higher than DC death, death can't control him, so naturally he can't bring his power to his own country.

Just like you can deduct the wages of the boss's driver, but you can't deduct the wages of the boss. Lucifer is the boss of DC's death.

Now, the first world line, the second world line, and the third world line cannot go through. In order not to create a paradox, these three world lines start to squeeze me and I squeeze you.

In the end, the request was submitted to Lucifer in the DC world by DC Death.

In the hotel room in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Lucifer slightly opened his eyes and looked at Chloe, who was still asleep. The female police officer's long hair slid down from the pillow like silk.

Lucifer turned over and planned to sleep for a while, but at this moment, he heard a slight humming sound.

He sat up, gave Chloe a little push and said, Hey honey, is that your police station walkie-talkie? Why does it sound like it's ringing?

Intercom? Why does the intercom ring? Chloe replied very sleepily: This is far away from our police station, and the signal cannot be transmitted here.

Lucifer frowned suspiciously, but without thinking too much, he lay down again and pulled up the quilt again. After lying down for a while, the buzzing sound came again.

Lucifer sat up a little angrily, then walked to the side of the bedside table, picked up Chloe's walkie-talkie, but when he took the walkie-talkie in his hand, he found that it was indeed not the walkie-talkie that was ringing.

After searching for a long time, he rang the hotel's call bell again, but later the service staff said that he did not hear the sound.

Rejecting the service staff's proposal to call a doctor for him, Lucifer went to the bathroom and washed his face, trying to calm down.

But at this time, the buzzing sound became stronger and stronger, and Lucifer finally couldn't bear it anymore. He directly used his special ability to look towards the truth and origin of this world.

Then he discovered that this buzzing sound was someone calling him and still asking him.

Neither within fate nor outside fate, can't you die? Schiller, are you looking for trouble????

After finishing speaking, Lucifer hung up the phone. From his point of view, Schiller must have caused some trouble again, and finally found him because he couldn't solve it. He would not be satisfied with such weird What about demand?

After washing his face, Lucifer felt that he was still a little sleepy, so he lay back on the bed, hugged Chloe, and was about to sleep.

But just when he was about to fall asleep, the humming sounded again.

Lucifer sat up violently and shouted into the air: Schiller!! Are you sick?!! Don't call me!!!

After finishing speaking, he lay down angrily, wrapped his body tightly with the quilt, frowned, and planned to continue sleeping.

And just when he was about to fall asleep again, yes, the phone rang again.

She kept trying to create this possible death of Marvel, and she didn't know who DC's Lucifer was, and she didn't know that her own behavior would submit the demand to Lucifer, so there was no After success, she began trial and error.

As a result, Lucifer received an average of more than 200 harassing calls every day in the next week, and finally, Lucifer couldn't bear it anymore.

On the other side, in a certain mysterious hall in the Marvel world, Eternity, who had just finished a meeting with the ancient ones, called the most special one among the group of ancient ones.

This ancient one is different from other ancient ones. Her body has been transformed into a gleaming holy spirit, and she is also the strongest among all ancient ones. Eternity called her into his room and said: How do I feel, someone is drawing chaos energy recently? Go check it out and find out what's going on, we can't...

At this moment, the sound of bang bang bang sounded in the sky above the mysterious temple above all universes and all similar existences.

After the loud bang like an angry knock on the door, a voice full of anger resounded over the Marvel universe:

Schiller!! You have the ability to make harassing calls!! You have the ability to open the door!!!

Gently wake up the sleeping soul

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