The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 759 Miss Goth's Bad Luck (Part 2)

It was another gloomy morning, and the cold wind blew through the soft skirt, which made Tracy Gold look even more out of place in the admission team, because she was the only one wearing a skirt here.

There were quite a few girls who came to sign up, but most of them wore thick trousers and windbreakers, and many of them wore windproof scarves and hats.

Tracy Gold was different from them. She wore a white shirt with lace patterns and a long woolen skirt. Although she wore thick wool socks on her feet, her leather shoes were still exposed.

It can be said that it takes a lot of courage to dare to wear such a suit to go out in the cold spring of Gotham, because not only do you have to suffer from the cold, but you also have to accept the eyes of people around you who look like idiots.

The citizens of Gotham will not restrain their contemptuous eyes just because you look very rich. In the eyes of the citizens of Gotham, all fools are equal.

Tracy stared fiercely at a girl next to her, just because that girl took a second look at the skirt she was wearing, Tracy thought, she must be jealous of her, jealous that her skirt is the latest fabric of this year, The color-blocking and floral patterns on it are all carefully selected by her.

This is the dress Tracy is most proud of. Even Mrs. Gold said that after wearing this dress, she can go to Hollywood to play the number one actress.

Tracy raised her face high, revealing her rounded chin, which was also one of the features she was proud of, making her face look very soft and beautiful, closer to the traditional image of a good wife and loving mother.

Tracy squinted her eyes and glanced at the girls around, and found that they either had pointed chins or wide chins that could be used for digging. She was the only one with such a perfect mandibular bone. Teeth, the poor of these slums will not understand.

Tracy hugged her arms tightly, trying to get some warmth from her skin, because the wind at the school gate was really too cold.

Damn it, how long will I have to wait here? Why didn't someone come pick me up to the VIP room? Why should I stay with these poor people who stink?? Tracy gritted her teeth and stomped her feet. , said very angrily.

Suddenly, she saw a car driving into the main gate of the school. Judging from the license plate, it should be the car of the Wayne family.

Tracy immediately widened her eyes, bumped away the people next to her, and wanted to run over, but at this moment, a person came out from the gate post at the side door and shouted at them: Stand up! Press the registration form Stand up in the upper class, and then go in one by one!

Tracy turned her head and stared at the man fiercely, gritted her teeth and stood in place, stomping her feet. Rather than chasing Bruce Wayne, she now wanted to find a warm place to stay.

More than 150 freshmen at the gate were arranged in three rows. Class 1 was learning about water and electricity maintenance technology, Class 2 was learning the operation and management of cold storage, Class 3 was learning car repair, and Tracy was being assigned to Class 3.

At the beginning, when Schiller gathered all the gang bosses together, he clearly told them what the three classes were learning.

However, Mrs. Goth was not among the people invited, and the admission form did not say which class was taught. Mrs. Goth thought that the preparatory class was nothing more than reading books together, looking at paintings and so on, just like those Art Salon, therefore, did not care which class Tracy was assigned to.

When Tracy found out that there were very few girls in her class, she felt something was wrong, because if it was an art salon, shouldn't there be more girls?

More than half of the girls are in class 2 on her right. Most of the female members will choose to learn about cold storage, because among the things taught in this class, physical labor is relatively light, while knowledge and technology account for a relatively large proportion. , There are many things to memorize, which is more suitable for girls to learn.

There are also a few girls who choose to major in hydropower, but they have already explored some experience in practice, and the same is true for those who learn to repair cars. Either there are elders in the family who work in car repair shops, and they have already learned some basics. Or simply be a truck driver yourself and know more about vehicles.

As for Tracy, she doesn't know anything, let alone distinguishing the parts of the truck and assembling them. She has never been in close contact with any truck in her life.

After another ten minutes of freezing in the cold wind, Tracy finally got indoors. When she walked in, she saw a professor in a black suit sitting behind a desk with a handful of black Umbrella.

Tracy breathed a sigh of relief, straightened the folds of her shirt, sat down on the chair opposite Schiller in a very ladylike posture, and said in a soft voice: Hello, professor, my name is Tracy Goth, a freshman in Gotham Prep, the weather is not so good today, is it?

Yes, Miss Goethe. Schiller did not look up, but registered her information, and continued: Miss Goethe, your dormitory is located at 4012 on the fourth floor. You have a roommate who should be called... Let me see, it's Sharon, Sharon Vail.

Oh, no! I don't live in a dormitory, and I don't like living with other people! Tracy shook her head and said, Tonight, our family's car will pick me up...

At this time, Schiller looked up at her and said, Isn't it written in the admissions brochure? The school does not allow day students, you have to live in a dormitory.

Tracy's eyes widened and she said, How could this be? How could I live in a house with air leaking from all sides? It would give me a cold! Besides, I have roommates, and I don't want to talk to people who smell bad. Live in a house!

Schiller knew that Tracy was a rich lady, so she didn't feel any anger at her remarks. After all, a delicate lady who was educated by a church girls' school would definitely not be able to adapt to group life, and she would feel awkward at first. Normal, so Schiller said:

This teaching building was funded by the Luther family. You don't want to say that the Luther family built a building with air leakage on all sides?

Tracy covered her mouth with her hand and said, Oh, sorry, I don't know...but why did the Luthor family invest in the teaching building?

Because the current head of the Luthor family, Lex Luthor, is a freshman here... Oh, yes, if you are enrolled now, you are in the same grade as him, maybe you can see him in school.

Tracy rolled her eyes, nodded, and said, Okay, so who's going to make my mattress? Where do I shower? Also, I don't want the bathroom to smell...

You have to make your own bed, and you can go to the private bathroom in the dormitory building of Gotham University to take a shower. As for the bathroom, there is a public bathroom in the teaching building. Schiller answered very patiently, but Tracy's face became darker and darker.

Okay, Miss Tracy, if you have nothing else to do, just take this paper and report to the dormitory. The first class will start at nine o'clock today. I hope you won't be late.

Schiller handed the paper to Tracy. Tracy still wanted to ask, but the people behind were already impatient. When Tracy turned her head, she found that standing behind her was a A burly guy with tattoos all over his body, he doesn't look like someone to be messed with.

Tracy knew that she didn't bring a bodyguard, so she could only grit her teeth and stomp her feet, and left with a small suitcase.

When she came to the only teaching building and dormitory building, Tracy felt even more uncomfortable. She didn't know that she was going to live on campus, so she only took the simplest luggage. Half of the box was full of books, and the other part was for Collections that show your taste.

Later, she had to go to the public phone, call her mother, and ask her to bring her luggage. Now, the biggest problem she faced was how to get her luggage upstairs.

Her dormitory is on the fourth floor, but there is no housekeeper to carry her suitcases for her. Every student who comes to school has a lot of luggage, and no one can help her. Tracy can only bite Gritting my teeth, I moved layer by layer.

Tracy had never done any exercise before, and the most strenuous exercise she ever did was playing polo, or going for a walk in the park or something. Carrying a box up to the fourth floor nearly killed her.

When she came to the dormitory, she was even more desperate, because the dormitory here was only temporary, and it was converted from a classroom. A classroom was not big, with two beds, and there was no shelter in between. There was no separate toilet, and there was no bathroom. In addition to the bed, there is only a table, two chairs, and the curtains have not been installed in time.

Tracy finally moved the box into the dormitory, and when she was about to sit on the bed and rest for a while, she realized that the bed was almost harder than the floor of their house, and she felt that she was being pinched.

She couldn't sit still, so Tracy could only stand up, but after a while, her roommate came in, and the place seemed even more cramped.

Tracy didn't want to talk to this girl who looked like she knew she was from the slums. She gave her a hard look, and walked out with her arms folded, intending to take advantage of this time to find Bruce.

There was more than an hour before the class started, and Tracy wandered around Gotham University. She found the university activity room, the cafeteria, and the gym. She felt that these places were the most likely to meet Bruce, but in fact , Bruce has been writing a paper for three hours in the library.

The search was fruitless, and Tracy felt very frustrated. Seeing that the time was almost up, she walked back slowly, thinking that being a few minutes late was not a big deal.

She didn't come to the classroom until 9:16, and at this time, the classroom was full of people, and the teacher had already started giving lectures.

Tracy walked in swaggeringly, found an empty seat and sat down. The teacher who was lecturing on the stage didn't say anything, but the teacher sitting behind and listening to the class tapped the table with a pen.

In an instant, the classroom fell silent. Tracy turned her eyes left and right and found that everyone was staring at her. She coughed lightly and turned her head aside, not wanting to talk to them, but at this moment, he heard a voice , from the back seat:

Miss Tracy, you are late.

Tracy's eyes widened, she turned to look at Schiller and said, Oh, I'm sorry, I was so busy praying that I forgot the time.

Tracy knew that this trick was very useful. When she was in church high school, she could avoid all the classes he didn't like by saying she went to pray, and the teacher wouldn't do anything to her.

Unexpectedly, Schiller stood up, pointed at the door and said, Lying is not a good habit. God has not received your prayer. Now, go out and stand. If you are late again, you will be fired.

Tracy stared at Schiller with her eyes wide open, as if she couldn't believe what she heard just now, but Schiller didn't mean to be joking at all, he just pointed at the door, while everyone was staring at Tracy Qian.

Tracy, who had never seen such a battle before, was flushed on the face, and tears rolled in her eyes. She stomped her feet and ran out in a hurry.

Instead of standing at the door, Tracy ran directly to the public phone she had seen before, intending to call his mother and tell how rude the professor was.

Mrs. Gold comforted her daughter, but asked her to be patient. After all, her task was to attract the attention of Bruce Wayne, and she could not give up until she found the rich man.

After Tracy hung up the phone, she burst into tears angrily, leaning against the corner of the wall and sobbing non-stop, but at this moment, she heard a series of footsteps coming from the next stairwell.

As soon as Tracy turned her head, she saw Bruce Wayne's face.

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