Harvey Dent has been working in Gotham Court, mainly providing legal consulting services.

Before, his situation was not very good, because the gangsters often consulted about not serious issues, and most people asked him to get rid of crimes, but since the logistics industry developed, he has been much better.

It is really overthinking to expect gangsters to understand the law. However, in order to transport goods, it is inevitable to communicate with other cities. To sign a contract, one must understand the legal provisions of various places. Now, lawyers and finance are the most popular in Gotham. Both careers, Harvey is no exception.

He is now mainly providing legal consulting services to the Falcone family, and the godfather Falcone doesn't care that he is unwilling to acquit the gang members, as long as he can provide the most professional legal services for the Falcone family's logistics industry. For legal aid, Nafalcone was more than happy to spend the money.

When he received Gordon's call, he was still working overtime. Hearing that Bruce had a problem, he hurriedly put down the work at hand, and even asked for tomorrow's leave, and came to Gordon's place.

Harvey and Bruce have always been in contact. The two of them actually have a lot in common, especially in terms of law. The principles of the Light Knight and the Dark Knight are actually similar, and the moral level is also on the same line. The two of them often chat in Wayne Manor. A chat is a whole afternoon.

Harvey was very used to chatting with Bruce and answering various questions. Therefore, seeing the current situation, he did not show any surprise, but sat down beside him familiarly, patted him on the shoulder and said:

I know that you want to understand the people's sentiments and know how the people of Gotham live, so you came here and experienced it for more than a month, and then found that this matter is much more difficult than you imagined.

Everyone here is good in his own way, and everyone is bad in his own way. Poor people must be hateful, but hateful people are also pitiful. Those who condone criminals are not necessarily evil, and those who attack criminals are not necessarily just. , whether to discuss the trace first or the mind first... You can't figure out these questions.

You find that this world is far more complicated than you imagined, and all the methods you have imagined before cannot solve these problems.

So you feel that you were childish and ridiculous, wasted too much time, your incomprehension and resentment seemed meaningless, and then, you didn't know what to do... ·

Harvey put his arms around Bruce and found that his body was very cold, as if there was no temperature at all. He said, Tell me, do you think so, Bruce?

I just suddenly realized the truth of this world. Bruce replied, his tone was always very calm, and it could even be said to be a little dull, which was also a manifestation of a state of stupor.

You know what? In this month, I've been through a lot. I'm not depressed by these bad things. It's just that I find that whenever I feel that life is getting better, there will be something less deadly. But there are still bad things that will make me fall into the trough. ·

These bad things are not my fault, but they are not in my control. I am always in a passive situation and I have nothing to control.

I avoided a lot of traps. I thought I didn't make a wrong choice, but everything fell down unstoppably.

But what's even more frightening is that I found that I've done well enough that I didn't fall into many traps, such as really treating those drugs as medicine, squandering after having a fixed income, falling into the abyss of gambling and carrying gambling debts ,, borrowing usury but can't repay it, and being injured in a direct conflict with a gangster...

I didn't do any of these, I avoided these phenomena perfectly, but that's only because I have received a good education and have more knowledge than ordinary people, people who live here can really escape this one Another trap?

I have the house that Selena left me, the dozens of dollars she didn't take away, a muscular body and a strong appearance, and the fat and calories accumulated in my previous life, but what do ordinary people have?

Let's not talk about money and houses and muscles. They may be born with drug addiction, born with gambling debts, born with gang money.

Just when I thought I'd hit rock bottom, I imagined more dire possibilities, and then I realized...

Bruce paused, gave a very stiff smile, and said, It really only takes one bad day for the average person to completely lose everything.

No, it doesn't even take a whole day. It may be that the weather is bad and you can't go out to work. It may be that the road is repaired during the commute. It may be that you have eaten something bad and have diarrhea. It only takes a few minutes or a few hours. It's all irreparable.

Harvey... Harvey... Bruce called his friend's name in a daze, and he said, Don't you think all this is very scary?

In just a few minutes, your life is sliding into the abyss irresistibly, and you can only watch helplessly, but you can't do anything. This is the daily life of everyone here...

Harvey closed his eyes, took a deep breath and said, Are you scared? Bruce, I feel you are scared, but you're not from here, you don't belong here, you don't get scared because of little things like this. ...

That's why I feel fear. Bruce said a little stiffly: What can I do to appear in everyone's few minutes, so that they don't slide down, but just miss one, in this world One more crazy criminal.

Harvey lowered his head, looked at the reflection on his leather shoes, and said, I told you a long time ago that this road doesn't have to come to the end to be meaningful.

How far you have gone, how fast you have gone, will not change because of when you gave up. Harvey pursed his lips and said: If you feel that you have done too little before, go for more Do a little, but don't be afraid that you can't finish it, and don't feel pain because of it...

Harvey patted Bruce's arm and said: I have suffered like you, because at that time, I discovered that the law actually does not allow everyone to get a fair trial, it is not a panacea.

No one person, system, or society in this world is perfect. If you can see the long road ahead, the decision you have to make is to go or give up, not to How far.

Harvey looked at Bruce, but Bruce remained silent. At this moment, a car suddenly appeared at the end of the street. Harvey squinted his eyes. He realized that he seemed to have seen this car in the garage of Wayne Manor.

And when the high beams were turned off, Harvey saw Alfred's face in the driver's seat.

Gordon, who was standing aside, gave Harvey a wink, and he said, We still have work to do, so we're leaving first. Your housekeeper is here to pick you up. Go back with him.

Sleep well and everything will pass.

After Gordon's voice fell, Gotham started to rain again, and the patter of light rain drifted to the top of Bruce's head, and he began to shiver again, but it was not shivering from the cold, he could no longer feel the cold.

He felt hot, very aroused, a joyous emotion surging in his chest that he had never felt before.

When the shadow of the umbrella Alfred was holding covered his head, he calmed down a little. Alfred looked at his condition and the wound on his face, and said nothing. He was silent for a while, Then he said, Master, let's go back, Aisha and Dick are waiting for you.

At this moment, Bruce looked at Alfred as if he had grasped a life-saving straw and asked, Is there really no perfect system in this world?

Alfred stood where he was, and there was a stream of rainwater between him and Bruce. The surface of the stream reflected the faces of the two of them, one side was very old but energetic, and the other side was very young but extremely haggard.

Yes, sir, there is no perfect system in this world. Alfred replied, Bruce did not hear any hesitation in this answer, this is not an answer after thinking, more like a well-known answer common sense.

Alfred turned his head and looked towards the end of the alley, where the neon lights shone on the puddles, making the small puddles more colorful than the sea. He said:

There is no perfect system in this world, because there are no perfect people in this world, and people are subject to change.

Alfred lowered his eyes, looked at Bruce and said, But also, many imperfect people want to create a perfect system, and they feel that they have succeeded, while those who come later feel that they don't need to work harder , as long as they follow this rule, everything will be as they wish, so...

Alfred shook his head and did not continue, but Bruce said, Do you want me to go back, Alfred?

Bruce thought he would get a positive answer immediately, but unexpectedly, Alfred paused and said:

Master, I hope to leave here with your soul instead of just a body. If you want to stay here to find the answer, then take this umbrella and don't catch a cold anymore.

Alfred handed the umbrella to Bruce. Bruce looked up at him, but didn't reach out to take it immediately. He looked at it for a while before saying, Don't you want to say something to me?

What do you want to hear?

Don't you have some solutions for me? Bruce asked, he didn't speak too bluntly, but Alfred still understood, he said: Didn't you already read books related to Marxism? Yet?

If you really believed in it and wanted to take this path, you wouldn't be looking for answers here now. Alfred shook his head and said, Marxists are not missionaries, no one would walk on the street I will hand you a book to let you know what's in it.

Although Alfred's tone was very respectful, his words were very straightforward. He said: You are looking for a shortcut from me, but in fact this is not a shortcut. It is not that you can get all the problems if you understand a certain doctrine. The answer is to get rid of all pain and move forward.

This kind of behavior runs counter to Marxism and is more like theology. There are no shortcuts and no single answer here.

On the contrary, in the process of understanding, learning, and deconstructing this doctrine, there will be more similar pains. Alfred added: It's like writing a thesis.

Eventually, Alfred left anyway, and Bruce sat on the side of the road with his umbrella, his adrenaline fading a bit, and he didn't want to laugh so much anymore.

However, that absurd and funny feeling still surrounds him, and he doesn't know when he will laugh out loud.

After Alfred returned to Wayne Manor, he didn't rest immediately. He picked up the phone and called an unfamiliar number.

Hello? Hello, is this Miss Maggie? I'm Alfred, the housekeeper of Wayne Manor. Miss Selena left your phone number...

Yes, I hope you can help me contact Miss Selena, I don't have her contact information now...

Bruce's not in the right shape, he's probably suffering from some sort of traumatic stress disorder, we can't stop his hyper-behavior right now, but maybe Miss Selina can...

Yes, I know that they had some conflicts, but I think it is necessary to tell her, in case something happens, and both of them feel regretful.

Okay, I will wait for your message, thank you.

Maggie in the apartment hung up the phone and sighed.

She knew that Bruce's trip to the slums would not go well, but what she didn't expect was that the consequences would be so serious.

Bruce Wayne had mental problems, and he was not the only one affected. Although Maggie had never read a book, she was quite wise in living in the slums with such a weak body.

She did complain for her good sister, and felt that Bruce had neglected Selena during this time, but she also knew that if she really didn't tell Selena about this, Selena might resent her if something went wrong in the future. After all, she could also see that the two of them were on and off and still had feelings for each other.

In the end, Maggie still called Selena, and just as she expected, she had already sneaked into the crew. Selena, who got a role, rushed back to Gotham after hearing the news.

And after Alfred and Hal drove the Bat Fighter and brought her back, Selena found Bruce for the first time.

Then gave him a slap in the face.

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