Loren looked at the parchment in trance, but the ordinary parchment looked different in his eyes.

The paper exudes a mist of light, and the words on it are flowing with magical light patterns.

This is a magic contract. When the little wizard signs his name, it means that he has signed the contract and the contents of the contract will take effect.

One party to the contract is the young wizard, and the other party is the Ministry of Magic.

According to the above regulations, after the contract is signed, the Ministry of Magic will be able to detect the spells cast by the little wizard, the place where the spells were cast, and the specific time when the spells were cast.

This kind of contract that implies surveillance makes Loren feel very uncomfortable. Even if he doesn't break the law, he doesn't want to be monitored all the time.

"Don't worry about it. George and Weasley abuse magic every year during the holidays, and they haven't been expelled." Ron signed his name at the end of the page nonchalantly.

"That's because Mom, an adult wizard, is at home, and the Ministry of Magic can't tell whether the person casting the spell is a young wizard or an adult wizard, so it won't issue a warning letter," Percy said.

Percy was worried that they were violating Ministry regulations by taking Ron's word for it.

Loren and Hermione looked at each other without comment.

They were the last ones who hadn't signed the paperwork, and since Percy was nearby, it wasn't easy to keep him waiting too long.

Harry, Hermione, and Loren signed their names one after another.

As the last letter of Loren's name was written, his magical perspective opened, and he saw the mist on the parchment magic contract separate a golden filament of light, swim around his arm, and finally wrap around his On the middle finger, converge the light.

Looking up, he saw that several other people were in the same situation. Tiny traces are attached to the fingers, and the light is dim. It is hidden under the light of the little wizard's own magic power, and it is difficult to distinguish it without looking carefully.

Percy folded the parchment neatly and looked at the people with a smile, "Okay, warriors, enjoy your cheers."

Simo and others rushed up all at once, pestering them with questions, "Tell us quickly..."

Loren managed a few words and quickly pulled Hermione out of the crowd. Ron was left enjoying the cheers, and Harry was left to endure the torture.

Ron picked out some exciting parts for artistic processing, which caused the little wizards to cheer from time to time.

"Harry looks so pathetic." Loren looked back at the crowd.

Hermione blushed and took her hand out calmly, "I have to go back and pack my things and take a shower. I'll see you at lunch."

The little witch lowered her head and held her breast in her arms and ran away quickly.

The retreating figure of the Loren girl was confused. Is she in such a hurry?

He returned to the dormitory slowly and leisurely.

Hermione needed to pack her things and sort out the books to take home. Tomorrow night is the year-end banquet. They were delayed in the hospital for too long and were pressed for time.

Loren recalled the contents of the previous parchment contract, and always felt that the role of trace silk was very strange.

After signing this agreement, any other creature with the ability to cast spells that uses magic within the range will be detected by Tracer, and will be considered as a violation of the rules by the little wizard, and a warning letter will be sent to the little wizard.

In the original book, the house elf Dobby used magic next to Harry and received a warning letter from the Ministry of Magic. Harry blew away his aunt in anger, did not use his wand, and was quickly detected by the Ministry of Magic, who issued a warning.

Zongsi does not detect whether the little wizard has cast spells, but detects signs of magic in the surrounding environment, and uses them as a basis to determine whether the little wizard has violated the regulations.

But if there are adult wizards around the young wizard, Trace will not react, or the Ministry of Magic will not issue a warning letter.

No matter how I think about it, it feels very wrong.

Loren opened the curtains on his bed in the dormitory. Even if he didn't come back for a few days, the bed was still very clean and free of dust. He turned over on the bed and took out the "Comprehensive Interpretation of Hieroglyphics" from under the pillow, and his consciousness entered the space in the book.

"Flamel, do you know Zongsi?"

After listening to Loren's question, Flamel looked complicated. After thinking for a while, he replied: "Trace Silk is a magic that was dug out of old papers. In fact, the use of Trace Silk by the Ministry of Magic is both legal and legal. There are many loopholes in technology..."

As Flamel told him, Loren learned something.

Since the early 15th century, Muggle persecution of witches and wizards has taken steps across Europe. Many witches and wizards were imprisoned and sentenced to death (beheading, burning) for engaging in witchcraft activities and showing traces of magic.

Some wizards enjoy teasing Muggles and take pleasure in doing so. For example, Wendelin the Soothsayer liked the feeling of being burned, so she deliberately disguised herself in various disguises and allowed Muggles to capture her and burn her 47 times.

Similar to Lisette de la Pin in 1422, she was able to use magic to escape even if she was caught.

But as the struggle between the two sides escalated, the Muggles seemed to have summed up some experience. In the later stages, some wizards were not so lucky.

For example, in 1492, Sir Nicholas Deminsey Porpington was the almost headless Nick. After his wand was taken away, he was imprisoned in a dungeon, so he could not use magic to escape his fate of execution.

The struggle is becoming more and more fierce. Adult wizards are occasionally injured and killed even though they have the ability to protect themselves, while underage wizards are more vulnerable to danger.

Wizarding families are particularly vulnerable to losing their children, because children cannot yet control their magic, often attracting the attention of Muggles who hunt wizards, and are unable to resist.

As Muggles persecuted wizarding children more and more, more and more Muggles forced wizards to use magic for them, and witch burnings increased day by day, including the number of Muggles who were mistaken for witches and burned.

The newly established British Ministry of Magic sent a special delegation to contact the Muggle monarchs William III and Mary II, hoping that Muggle laws would recognize and protect wizards.

The failure of this attempt to gain official recognition and protection forced the wizards to voluntarily go in the opposite direction - to go underground and keep their secrets.

In this regard, the "International Confederation of Wizards' Statute of Secrecy" was introduced.

The original intention of Trace Silk began with the protection of underage wizards. The magic detects all magical behaviors, not the individual who cast the magic.

In turbulent times, if magical fluctuations occur around minor wizards, a warning letter will be sent to their homes.

But instead of warning underage wizards to use magic, it is giving an early warning to wizard families, reminding them when and where their children may be in danger of revealing their identities.

After the parents of the little wizard see it, they will sort out the situation at that time. If there is no danger, they don't need to pay attention to the warning letter. If there is a risk, move as soon as possible.

This tradition has been preserved to this day, but has deviated from its original intention at that time. The persecution of wizards by Muggles decreased, and early warning letters lost their effect.

For a while, parents of Hogwarts students found themselves receiving a letter from the Ministry of Magic when they used a little magic. For a wizard housewife, she can receive up to hundreds of warning letters a day, which is extremely annoying.

At that time, the Secrecy Law began to take effect, and wizards began to stay away from the society of touch melons and gathered in some famous secluded spots. The gathering would create a market and bring benefits.

This common phenomenon has been noticed by pure-blood families. With the financial resources accumulated over generations, they have gradually taken control of some underlying industries.

This is all well and good, but Muggle-born wizards are an exception.

Modern Muggle society has made more progress in sociology, economics and other disciplines than in the past few thousand years combined.

Wizards who come from Muggle families can quickly exert their ideological advantages in business and politics.

The elites in the pure-blood family discovered this sign, but their arrogance disdained learning Muggle knowledge and instead curbed Muggle wizards.

Pureblood families unite. Economically, pureblood business is only done with purebloods. Politically, pure-blood families spend a lot of political donations to put their spokesmen in important positions.

In terms of education, they also came up with ways to curb the growth of Muggle-born wizards. Under the control of pure-blood families, the Ministry of Magic revised the "Trace-Warning Letter" regulations. If children from wizarding or mixed-race families use magic, their parents will not receive warning letters.

However, if you are from a Muggle family and only young wizards in an area know magic, you will be warned.

At this point, Zongsi and the "Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards Act" have become pure-blood persecution of young wizards from Muggle families.

This is a regulation that curbs the growth of Muggle wizards from the source of education. They cannot practice magic spells during holidays and can only increase their magical knowledge by reading very few books.

But their books will not be more than those of wizarding families. It is difficult for wizarding students from Muggle families to be better than students with wizarding backgrounds.

During the entire student life, you can't practice magic during holidays. After returning to school, you have to spend time reviewing what you have learned before, and you also have to learn new knowledge. This part of the wizards will have to work harder to catch up with the teaching progress.

But Hogwarts is not very strict. Young wizards can graduate as long as they pass the exams.

Many young wizards from Muggle families are unaware of their lack of abilities. After they graduate, they can only become low-level workers in the wizarding world or return to the Muggle world.

Finally, Flamel concluded: "This is domination! Pureblood domination!"

Loren stood aside, digesting what Flamel said.

He did not investigate whether anyone had complained to the Ministry of Magic to amend the bill in the past hundred years. Nor did they investigate why successive ministers of magic, or even great men like Dumbledore, did not amend this bill.

You don't need to think about it to know that this is a rule jointly established by all pure-blood families.

Even wizards and wizards who grow up in Muggle families will uphold this rule, because their children will become the beneficiaries of this law.

To clean up and revise it would be no less than a revolution for the entire wizarding society. It also involves the existence of confidentiality laws.

After a while, Loren came back to his senses and asked, "Is there any way to remove the traces?"

This was the key point he wanted to ask at the beginning.

Flamel smiled slightly when he heard this question, as if he didn't care what Loren thought about it.

His illusory body swam behind Loren, leaned into his ear and said, "That's why, I said that Trace Silk is a magic unearthed from old papers..."

Tracing back to the source, trace silk originated from the slave society and was an ancient magic used by slave owners to supervise and control slaves. Later, when slavery was overthrown, this magic was turned into paper information.

It wasn't until the time when confidentiality measures were being constructed that some old scholars uncovered the magic.

Because the source is too ancient and the time is too long, even the old scholars can't figure out the magic principle. Finally, they combined the trace silk with the magic contract and came up with a strange "Law for the Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards".

If you want to crack it from the perspective of magic principles, this is a very huge project, not to mention that the magic contract involved makes the traces more complicated.

But again, the traces restored by this descendant are not as powerful as ancient magic, nor are they so accurate. They can only be magic detection of the surrounding environment.

In other words, this is magic-sensitive material. The simplest and most direct way is to directly use magic power to wash it away.

Without the use of magic, the little wizard's own magic power will continue to wash away, erasing the existence of traces.

If the wizard's own magic power is used, this process will last for several years without external interference.

Taking an ordinary Hogwarts student as an example, a normal little wizard's magic power will continue to grow with age. Around graduation, when he was 17 years old, the naturally flowing magic power in his body was able to wash away the traces.

This is why the Ministry of Magic declares that young wizards will not be supervised when they reach adulthood. It’s not that it’s not regulated, it’s that it can’t be regulated.

"Is there a faster way?"

Flamel smiled brightly, "Of course, do you want me to remind you, it is the most powerful source of magic in the world."

"Philosopher's Stone!" Loren clapped his hands and had an epiphany.

What are you waiting for? Loren rolled out of bed and went straight to the principal's office. Anyway, he had something to see Dumbledore.

Passing by the lounge, Ron was still bragging about how he used chess pieces to hold Quirrell off, but there were far fewer little wizards in front of him.

Harry sat next to him, looking miserable, as if there were bugs on his back, twisting and moving his butt from time to time.

Principal's office.

"Principal Dumbledore, let me get my Philosopher's Stone." Lorenzo sat down at his desk confidently.

Dumbledore was checking the Hogwarts school year financial report. Hearing this, he looked up and looked at Loren with a smile, "Oh, I think it was the Philosopher's Stone I borrowed from Nico. It can't be said to be your Philosopher's Stone anyway. "

Loren poured himself a cup of tea, "Just give it to me anyway."

Dumbledore thought for a while, put down the documents in his hand, opened a small drawer in front of him, took out a red translucent crystal, and handed it to Loren.

Is this the magic stone? Loren looked at the stone.

The crystal blue and shadows in his eyes intertwined, and the stone gave off a dazzling light.

If Dumbledore's magic looks like a little sun, this thing is really a little sun.

Loren turned his head immediately and covered his eyes, but it was too late.

"Ah!" A bright light flashed in front of my eyes, and everything was white, swollen and painful. Tears couldn't stop flowing out.

Dumbledore looked at Loren dumbfounded. This little greedy man had learned a lesson.

He gently tapped Loren's head with the wand, and Loren immediately felt a coolness wrapping around his eyeballs. The swelling and pain slowly faded away, and his vision returned to clarity.

Loren turned his head away, not daring to look at the Philosopher's Stone anymore. He was hopeless, and his golden finger became a debuff. If you can't even look at the magic stone, how can you refine it in the future?

"Okay, you can watch." Dumbledore smiled.

Loren slowly turned his head. After realizing that there was no bright light, he guiltily avoided Dumbledore's sight, "I won't look at it anymore, and I won't dare to take it after looking at it."

Only with Dumbledore's help could his eyes recover. If you are alone, there is nothing you can do if you are blinded.

Dumbledore said: "These eyes are a unique gift, and you should learn to control them rather than passively accept them."

Loren was a little confused, "How should I control this? I can't control what I see with my eyes."

"Loren, magic vision and real vision are two different dimensions. Of course you can control them."

Dumbledore looked at Loren's eyes, "Magic power is not just about color and light. Your eyes just use this instinctive way to convey information to you. If you can control this perception, you can turn the light of the Sorcerer's Stone Becoming a softer landscape.”

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