The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 119 Humanoid Restoration Spell

"[Calling God to Guard]"

Dumbledore drew a circle with his wand, and the wand spewed out silver light like satin. The silver light gathered into a silver and transparent phoenix.

"Severus, I need your help, three bicorn horns and two-eared grass, come to the principal's office." Dumbledore said to the silver Patronus.

The purpose of bringing three parts is to leave a margin. Normal potion masters also prepare three parts of ingredients when brewing potions. If all three materials fail, then you should carefully check the formula of the potion or the operation when brewing it.

The Phoenix Patron Saint flapped its wings and flew out of the window, trailing a magnificent silver trailing light strip behind it.

"Can the patron saint still be used to send messages?" Loren said enviously.

He only knew that the Patronus Charm could dispel ghosts. He heard that other people's Patronus were ordinary animals, but Dumbledore's was a magical creature, a phoenix.

Dumbledore smiled and nodded, "Magic always has endless wonderful uses waiting for people to explore, isn't it?"

"I want to learn."

"Of course, it is different from the spells you have learned before. The Patronus Charm is the most positive emotional response..."

Dumbledore briefly explained some key points about the Patronus Curse to Loren. Loren occasionally raised questions, and Dumbledore could quickly answer them.

This ancient and mysterious spell summons a magical patronus who is a reflection of all the caster's most positive emotions. Its form is usually that of the animal with which it has the greatest affinity.

Because the two creatures, Dementors and Voldemort Bats, currently have no other defense methods and can only be dispelled by the Patronus Charm, the Patronus Charm is generally recognized as a spell specifically used to deal with these two creatures.

"...But the Patron Saint still has many other uses. According to the records of ancient wizards, the Patron Saint can even be used in combat."

An old man and a young man sat opposite each other, and the voices of questions and answers, old and crisp, slowly drifted away with the fragrance of tea.

About half an hour later.

"[Calling God to Guard]"

Loren's wand emits wisps of silver light, but it cannot coalesce into a patronus. He was thinking back to his days on the mountain pastures.

Dumbledore praised: "It's very good. Very few people can summon a non-physical Patronus so quickly. All that's left is to find your most positive and happy memories and keep practicing."

As he spoke, he seemed to notice something and raised his head to look at the door.

Snape pushed open the door and walked in. His face was expressionless and his eyes were as motionless as a dead fish. Even in summer, he still wears a robe.

"Professor Snape, good morning." Loren greeted obediently.

Snape glanced sideways at Loren, then looked at the hat on the table and the little snake inside. His lips opened a slit and a string of sentences popped out, "I want to know, you want the ingredients for the Polyjuice Potion." What are you going to do?”

Dumbledore waved to the corner of the office, and a new wooden chair slid out and stopped in front of the desk. "This is a long story. Let's sit down and talk slowly."

He also gave Snape a cup of tea.

Snape sat down indifferently, not even looking at the tea in front of him.

"Because of a prophecy, Loren and I went on a long trip during the Christmas vacation..."

Dumbledore recounted the process of discovering Nagini and the ritual of Nico's Philosopher's Stone, but hid a lot of content. He only said that Loren had special characteristics and that the Philosopher's Stone ritual required his participation.

Snape only raised his eyes to look at Loren when he heard the prophecy, and kept a dead look on his face the rest of the time.

"The great Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, do I look easy to fool?"

Snape mocked, "If you don't think so, then maybe I can ask, why can this idiot sitting next to me use the Philosopher's Stone?"

Dumbledore pretended not to hear, glanced at the shelf, and drank tea by himself.

Snape's expression was expressionless, and he mechanically turned his neck to look at Loren.

Loren felt the pressure-filled gaze, and he followed suit, lowering his head like a quail, taking small sips from the tea cup.

"Ha!" Snape sneered, took out a cloth bag from his robe and poured out three materials.

The horns of bicorns are similar to buffalo horns. The black horns are bent into an arc. The surface is smooth and hard, with some dotted lines on it.

Two-eared grass is a green grass seedling with two leaves on a rhizome, like two ears.

Seeing the materials, Loren tentatively said, "Then shall I start?"

Snape didn't respond, and Dumbledore nodded at him.

Loren began processing the material based on the knowledge in his mind.

Amphora is a perennial herb that grows in warm and humid places. Its function in Polyjuice Potion is to connect two unrelated people.

He tore a two-eared grass into two pieces and placed the blades on the magic stone. He slowly placed the palms of his two hands on the magic stone, making a grasping gesture, closed his eyes, felt the surging magic power on the magic stone, and gently moved it.

The two grass blades were held up by a strange force, and like a mimosa, the leaves shrank and rolled up in circles until they could no longer be rolled up.

The temperature above the magic stone continued to rise, causing the air to distort slightly, and the grass blades melted into two drops of emerald green liquid like ice.

Loren's thoughts moved slightly, and the invisible strange power carried two drops of green liquid flying towards Dumbledore and Nagini respectively.

Nagini swallowed two ears of grass liquid in one gulp, and the slender snake body glowed slightly.

Dumbledore gently tapped the drop of liquid with his finger, and the juice blended into his fingertips, as if being absorbed, and Dumbledore's fingers glowed slightly.

Loren let go of the magic stone, picked up two horns, put one into the hat where Nagini was sitting, and motioned for Nagini to put it on the plate; the other was for Dumbledore to hold.

The horn of the bicorn is usually ground into powder and used, but this ritual is obviously different from ordinary potion brewing, as the whole horn is used.

His eyes reflected an unknown red light, and he murmured following some mysterious guidance: "(Up is down, down is up)."

The two horns trembled slightly, as if they had a strange connection.

Loren nodded to Dumbledore, indicating that he could start casting spells.

Dumbledore pointed his wand at the horn in his other hand and said, "[Humanoid Appearance]"

Fierce and magnificent red light poured in from the thick end of the horn, and the horn in his hand and Nagini's twisted horn shook violently.

The wind stirred by magic blew Dumbledore's beard and hair, and the red light shone on his face, giving the old wizard a hint of heroic aura.

At the same time, the other horn in the hat emits a blazing red light, and the red light wraps up Nagini on it.

The bright light of the humanoid restoration spell continued to be output, and the red light on the other horn became brighter and brighter, dazzling.

The wind swirling in the office caused the clothes of the three people to flutter. Loren's eyes widened and he stared carefully at Nagini, who was shrouded in red light.

The snake coiled on its horns gradually flew up and separated from the hat and horns. Her tail was tightly wrapped around the sapphire, and she was holding it in her hand like a fist.

Nagini floated in the air and reverted into a giant python, larger than the entire table. The mesh pattern on the python's back gradually disappeared, and the scales on her body seemed to melt, gradually joining together and forming a whole black shell.

The red light gradually turned into the color of blood, and the python inside was shaped and changed by some mysterious force. The huge python head gradually shrank, the bulging and split mouth gradually became flat, and the eyes, nose, and mouth moved closer to the human face.

The tail changes into two limbs, and the upper body also differentiates into two limbs, which are the positions of the hands and feet. A black scaly hard shell covered it, and only a torso and limbs could be seen. The face, except for the eyes, was also covered by the hard shell.

At this point, the python has completely disappeared, and now floating in the air, shrouded in blood is a human figure.

After waiting for a while, it still looked like this, and the changes seemed to have stopped.

"Why can't it take shape?" Loren asked.

All the steps followed the ritual, and the previous process was very smooth, but Nagini just shed the snake's body and transformed into a human silhouette, but it never took shape.

Although Dumbledore maintained a strong magic output, he did not seem to be struggling at all. He looked solemn, "Because she was lost and moved in the body of a snake for decades, she had long forgotten her human appearance. "

Although Nagini relied on Ravenclaw's sapphire to retain her wisdom, the snake's body still had an impact on her. Decades of time had allowed her to adapt to the snake's body, which also distorted her cognition.

Loren immediately remembered Flamel's words, "Only he can see himself clearly deep in his own heart."

What does it look like deep inside?

He exclaimed: "Mirror of Erised!"

The Mirror of Erised can reflect the desires of people's hearts. No matter what Nagini's current desires are, they must be participating in them in a human body.

"Fawkes!" Dumbledore shouted.

"Hey!" Fox behind the shelf cried out loudly and disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, a flame ignited, and Fox grabbed a huge mirror and landed in the middle of the office.

Loren used a levitating spell to bring the mirror to Nagini, "See what you look like clearly!"

The Mirror of Erised floated in front of Nagini, reflecting the blood-cursed orc's inner desires.

Nagini, who was covered in a black hard shell with only two eyes exposed, saw the scene in the mirror. Tears suddenly flowed from her pure black eyes, and the tears quickly evaporated in the light of the curse.

"Cresden!" a female voice shouted in a muffled voice.

The black hard shell wrapped in the red light cracked open like an eggshell, revealing a snow-white and attractive ketone body.

Before the red light faded, Dumbledore quickly used a black hard shell to transform into a black dress, covering Nagini's body.

The red light faded, and the body fell on the table. The newborn Nagini's eyelids trembled, and finally fell into a deep sleep without waking up.

The three of them looked at the black-haired girl on the table.

Loren was overjoyed. Nagini's success showed that Grandpa Bates could also succeed. The werewolf's disease was much less difficult than the blood-cursed orc, and Grandpa Bates had not forgotten his appearance.

He blinked and looked at Dumbledore, asking him what to do.

"I will ask Professor McGonagall to place her in the staff dormitory."

Dumbledore, who continued to output magic power effortlessly, seemed to become a little tired after hearing the name from Nagini's mouth. He waved his hand, "You can go back first."

Although Loren still had some questions to ask, he could see that something was wrong with Dumbledore's mood, so he picked up the Philosopher's Stone and turned away without saying anything more.

"Goodbye, principal."

Snape looked at Dumbledore, then at the black-haired girl on the table, and exited the office without saying a word.

Dumbledore's eyes were deep and he said unconsciously, "Cresden, Cresden..."

In the corridor, two figures, one large and one small, slowed down after leaving the eighth floor.

Snape's face was tense. From the moment he received the notice, came to the office with materials, and then witnessed a process of reversing the blood-cursed orcs, he was full of doubts the whole time.

But Dumbledore chose to hide it.

For a man who came out of that era, what Dumbledore didn't say to him was something he knew he shouldn't know. So he didn't try to get any inside information from Loren.

He was more concerned about another point than this.

Snape cast his gaze on Loren, "Did you learn anything from the ceremony just now?"

"What did you learn?" Loren looked back at Snape and asked tentatively, "Learned how to use the magic stone to treat amphorae?"

Snape glanced at him with a sharp look, "Idiot! The ceremony just now was a standard process of achieving magic."

"As I said before, some fixed procedures are called rituals. The wizard completes the ritual and the magic achieves the effect."

Loren thought about it when she heard this.

Both spells and potions comply with the rules of rituals. Curses have specific spells and casting actions, and potions require specific materials and brewing methods.

Snape believed that potions were stricter than curses and abided by the rules, making them rituals that were more in line with the nature of magic.

"The ceremony just now was perfect. From the perspective of potions, the horns of the bicorn and the two-eared grass are both raw materials in the polyjuice potion..."

Polyjuice Potion can create a connection between two people, changing one person's appearance into another, and the ritual just now can change one person's magic into another.

That means that the characteristics of the two-horned beast and the two-eared grass are to replace, replace the appearance, and replace the will imprint in the curse.

If you can master this characteristic, you can use two materials to copy and capture any characteristics of others, such as memory, knowledge and even talent.

Loren was dumbfounded. Just hearing the concept, he knew how powerful this thing would be if it were actually made.

Especially the last one, taking away other people's talents. Wizards' talents include Metamorphosis, Parseltongue, and various innate magics.

Even the magic itself, if Snape's idea can be realized, it can even make a squib temporarily possess magic power.

Snape said: "If you develop any kind of magic potion, your name will be recorded in the textbooks and will be praised for thousands of years."

"But that's not realistic at all." Loren interrupted ruthlessly.

This conceptual idea is really unimaginable. This ceremony was successful because the magic stone played a big role. At present, there is no record in the magic world of achieving the effects of using magic stones without using magic stones.

I have never heard of anyone else refining the elixir of life, nor have I heard of anyone else successfully turning stone into gold. And now it seems that the effects of the two materials are time-sensitive, and both the polyjuice potion and this ritual have very large limitations.

To sum up, Snape is once again promoting his theory of the supremacy of potions, while giving him a thumbs up.

"Understanding, the nature of magic," Snape stared at him, as if he wanted to carve these words into Loren's heart.

The words in that ceremony are truly Hebrew.

The spell to restore the human form is Homorphus, which is a compound word of the Latin word "Homo" and the Greek word "morphe-", which means "person" and the latter means "form". I couldn't find a standard Chinese translation, so I took it upon myself to write one.

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