Hermione looked at the little dolphin and then at Loren. There was a look of grievance on her little face, as if one person and one dolphin had united to bully her.

Loren felt that he would be beaten if he continued to laugh, so he quickly stopped smiling and comforted him with a serious expression: "Maybe it was the little dolphin I fed first, and it is familiar with my scent."

Before Hermione could think about this flawed comfort, Loren took the initiative to stand next to Hermione, took her hand, and scooped a shovelful of ice cubes to feed to the dolphins.

The little dolphin swallowed it directly this time, spraying out satisfying water vapor from its blowholes, and swaying its tail up and down on the water surface.

Loren looked at the little dolphin and felt a familiar and friendly feeling in his heart, as if he could feel the dolphin's emotions. He took Hermione's hand, slowly approached the dolphin's kiss, and then rubbed it gently.

The moist and cold touch spread from the palm of her hand to the bottom of her heart. Hermione's eyes widened, and her hands and feet were so stiff that she didn't dare to exert any force.

The little dolphin took the initiative to rub Hermione's little hand again, and made a happy "吖吖" sound in its mouth, which was ethereal and distant. Wonderful life, the pure heart of the sea elves conveys their beautiful emotions to them.

"It, it...me!" Hermione couldn't hold back her excited smile, pointing her finger at the little dolphin, which was trembling with excitement.

The two of them and the dolphin started playing like this. The little dolphin followed their hands and turned around in circles, turning over and causing splashes in the water. It burst into laughter, making other children and parents envious.

The Grangers and Bates stood not far away, watching the two children playing with the dolphins, feeling sincerely happy.

The keeper is a gentle woman with blond hair tied into a ponytail and wearing an aquarium hat.

She praised: "There are few children who can be so close to dolphins, even closer than our keepers. Both children have pure hearts."

"Thank you for the compliment." Mr. and Mrs. Granger said politely.

"Oh! You are a staff member of the aquarium!" Bates suddenly became excited. "We would like to ask if you have any suggestions for yachts. We want to take a trip on the sea."

"If you want to go to sea..."

The breeder took them to the auditorium, and they began to share their experiences at sea.

In the blind spot of their sight, the little dolphin suddenly spat out a jet of water in Loren and Hermione's faces.

The two were dumbfounded and froze on the spot.

Loren felt the dolphin's emotions and watched it twist and flick its tail excitedly, as if inviting them to play together, and hesitantly said:

"It seems like it thinks this is a game?"

Another jet of water flew over and splashed all over Loren's face. Although it was sprayed from a dolphin's mouth and was very clean and had no peculiar smell, Loren felt that it was clearly an insult to him.

Unable to bear it any longer, Loren made a spoon-like shape with his palms and suddenly stirred up a wave of water to pour on the little dolphin. As a result, the little dolphin became even more excited.

Loren and the dolphins were having a water fight, and Hermione soon joined them. The sound of splashing was louder than the laughter.

Hermione tilted her head to the side, facing behind to avoid the water splash, to prevent the water from splashing into her eyes and blinding her eyes. A hand in front of her kept stirring the water surface, causing the water splash to fly in all directions.

Loren felt the water waves hitting his face. He looked at the little dolphin and then at Hermione, who was paddling excitedly with her head buried in the water. It was hard to believe that Hermione wasn't taking revenge on him.

The smile on Hermione's face didn't fade away until she walked out of the aquarium.

Hermione asked: "Why is my patron saint a dolphin, but I feel closer to the dolphin?"

Loren looked around at the scenery on the street and said casually: "Maybe you saw it wrong. In fact, your patron saint is the white whale."

"Only a fool like you would admit your mistake!"

"Bounce back."

Hermione:? ? ?

Loren said seriously: "Idiot, rebound, so you are the idiot."

Hermione rolled her eyes: "Childish."

"Bounce back."

The adults followed behind, talking about adult topics:

"Did anyone notice that their clothes dried instantly?"

"It's summer, so it's not weird."

"No one will notice the two kids."

"Magic is so convenient."

No. 5 Privet Drive, Siu Whinging District.

Harry held a crystal ball in his hand, his brows knitted together, and his eyes fixed on it.

The crystal ball was about the same size as his head, and gray-green mist was gradually filling the entire crystal ball, making it look a little gray.

"That's it for today." Sirius next to him handed over a bar of chocolate.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, took the chocolate, deftly tore open the package, put it in his mouth, and complained incoherently: "Is this the only way to practice Occlumency? It's too boring."

Black avoided Harry's gaze, looked to the side, and said guiltily: "The color of the crystal ball can reflect your emotions. Once you block the induction of the crystal ball, it will prove that you have learned Occlumency."

However, when he was learning Occlumency, someone would use Legilimency to help him feel the process of his mind being spied on. When you can detect changes in your brain, you learn much faster.

But he didn't know Legilimency, so he could only let Harry practice in front of the crystal ball, while he explained some theoretical knowledge and occasionally gave demonstrations.

Harry swallowed the melted chocolate and felt better: "I've been staring at the crystal ball all day for a month, and I don't feel that it's helping at all."

When I practice every day, I watch the crystal ball gradually change from orange-red, which represents positive emotions, to peaceful blue, and finally to negative gray-green.

After a while, it would turn into a red color that represented anger, which meant that Harry was ready to throw the crystal ball. After a month, he had become familiar with the whole process.

"Occlumency is a very profound magic, and it is very slow to learn." Black said seriously.

Harry pretended not to hear this. He raised his chin with one hand, looked at the clear and transparent crystal ball again, and asked casually: "Tell me, why does Principal Dumbledore insist that I learn Occlumency? "

Blake was tinkering with the coffee machine on the countertop. The image on the TV said that chocolate can calm the mood and make people happy. Caffeine is at work.

Caffeine can make people happy, and there is a lot of caffeine in coffee. Black concluded that coffee is the Muggle euphoric drug, and it does not have the side effects of euphoric drugs.

Encouraged by TV shopping, Blake quickly bought a coffee machine and tried to make Muggles happy.

Harry tried to persuade him several times, but found that Blake was in high spirits and refused to listen at all, so he finally let it go. He felt that Sirius was obviously playing with the machine rather than making coffee.

This happened many times in a month, including trying to modify a lawnmower so that it could fly and mow out other people's hair; modifying a chainsaw so that it could fly and chase people.

Compared with these things, the ten-year-old flying motorcycle parked in the warehouse turned out to be the most normal thing.

"Of course to protect you. Occlumency can protect against Legilimency, preventing others from prying into your thoughts and emotions, and it also has a defensive effect on the Dementia Curse and Veritaserum. For Death Eaters, these are common methods. ” Blake replied.

Harry glanced at it and then looked away: "But, weren't you against me learning Occlumency before?"

"I just think this kind of magic is risky," Black pressed the valve stem. "Many young wizards from pure-blood families will be taught Occlumency before they graduate. For example, the boy from the Malfoy family will definitely have to learn Occlumency before he graduates. study."

Harry imagined Malfoy holding a crystal ball in a daze. Harry nodded. Malfoy would definitely break many crystal balls.

"Occlumency makes people hide and seal their hearts. If little wizards don't grasp it well, they will cut off contact with other people and become withdrawn and paranoid. It's like black magic, which makes people get lost."

"I have a cousin who is extremely talented. Not long after she learned Occlumency, she also learned Legilimency. There is also my younger brother Regulus. They both eventually became Death Eaters."

The brown coffee liquid slowly flowed out from the outlet and fell into the cup below. There was no ripple in the gurgling water, and Blake's words contained no emotion.

But a very emotional person showing such a state just proves that he cares about this matter very much.

Harry lowered his voice: "Then do I still want to learn?"

"Dumbledore specially asked you to learn. There must be a reason for him. He never does unnecessary things." Black took a sip of the coffee, and the bitter taste made his whole face become distorted.

"Yue!" He put the cup on the table and asked with a grimace, "Is this a Muggle joy potion?"

Harry felt that this was the Sirius he was familiar with. He pointed to the game controller in front of the TV: "That's the elixir of joy."

The two looked at each other and laughed.

"George! Fred!"

Mrs. Weasley's loud roar spread from the first floor to the third floor and reached George and Fred's bedroom, "If you don't come down and help, someone will be in trouble!"

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a rush downstairs, and George and Fred hurriedly came to the kitchen and began to pack potatoes, cut bread, and help Molly make breakfast for the family.

Ron and Ginny were still young and didn't have to go into the kitchen to help. They stayed outside and waited quietly.

After half an hour of busy work, a rich breakfast was placed on the dining table, and Percy slowly came down from the bedroom.

While his mother was still finishing things in the kitchen, Fred shouted and asked: "Oh, look who is finally willing to go downstairs?"

"Guess what the prefect is doing in the room?" George touched Fred's shoulder.

The two shouted together: "Wipe the prefect badge!"

Then the two of them laughed together, Ginny and Ron also had faint smiles on their faces. Percy glanced at the twins out of the corner of his eye, not caring at all, and could tell he was in a good mood.

Dad hasn't come back yet, mom is still in the kitchen, and the brothers and sisters start to whisper.

Ron complained: "I wrote several letters to Harry, but I didn't receive a reply. Is there something wrong with Errol?"

Errol was their owl. He was very old and was tired when delivering letters. Ron suspected that Errol was too old to deliver letters and that he was too old to do so.

He turned to look at Percy: "Percy, can you lend me your Hermes?"

"I still want to use it myself, I can't lend it to you." Percy shook his head and refused, then stared at the bread on the table in a daze, his eyes unfocused, staring blankly, motionless like a doll.

Percy must be hiding something from us, the twins looked at each other with suspicious looks on their faces.

"I have to invite Harry to be my guest. If this continues, Harry will think I've broken the promise." Ron muttered.

"But last time we used Errol to write to Lee Jordan, we got a reply very quickly."

"Errol is not an old fool yet," the twins said in one sentence.

Ron's eyes widened: "Then there's something wrong with Harry! Could he be locked up by his aunt and uncle?"

The twins got excited:

"We have to save him."

"Save the savior!"

Before Ron could respond, Molly came out of the kitchen. The two brothers looked at each other, paused, and wisely closed their mouths.

Molly put the mashed potatoes on the table and asked, "Isn't your father back yet?"

The brothers shook their heads together.

At this moment, the door banged.

"Back!" George said, "Dad is back."

Mr. Weasley hung his hat and coat on the hook on the right side of the door, dragged his tired body and sat at the head of the long table, breathing heavily.

Mrs. Weasley hurriedly poured him a cup of tea at a suitable temperature.

Arthur took a big sip of tea and breathed a sigh of relief: "Today I went to Knockturn Alley to check out some shops. I was supposed to come back early today, but something happened."

"What happened?" Fred asked eagerly.

The children also stretched their necks, waiting to hear the story of this night.

"The boy from the Crabbe family, I think his name is Vincent Crabbe, he was in the same grade as Ron. He was caught by a werewolf in Knockturn Alley, and it took many Aurors to save him. We happened to catch up when we were checking ”

"Werewolf!" Ginny opened her mouth and screamed, with a slightly panicked expression.

"Werewolf!" Except for Percy, the other brothers opened their mouths and screamed, their voices full of excitement.

"Did Crabbe get bitten?"

"Is he going to turn into a werewolf too?"

"Slytherin's little werewolf wizard!"

"This is so cool!"

After listening to a series of words, Molly slammed the table angrily: "It's outrageous, how can you say this about your classmate, even if he is a Slytherin, you shouldn't say these things! If Professor McGonagall or Principal Dumbledore Here they would be ashamed of students like you.”

Seeing that she had a tendency to continue educating her children, Arthur blinked and interrupted: "What's interesting is that the kid didn't have any scars on his body. Moody even suspected that he was the werewolf who provoked him."

"Oh!" The brothers and sisters opened their mouths in surprise, but did not say much due to Molly's majesty.

"This, this is only the first grade, and his parents-" Molly sighed. Old Crabbe was one of the famous Death Eaters back then, and she didn't want to say this in front of her children.

"The Ministry of Magic will take care of it. Let's eat."

The family began to enjoy breakfast, and soon the Weasley family in the Burrow returned to its usual bustle.

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