The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 150 Traces of Azkaban

"Welcome aboard the Willump Sylvia Explorer, this journey starts from the Thames, passes through Grays to Southend, and finally sets sail in Southend."

In front of the crowd, the instructor wearing a maritime uniform introduced in a sweet voice, his tone was polite and mechanical.

Loren had no disturbance in his heart, and even felt a little sleepy. On both sides were the Grangers, with Loren and Hermione in the middle, waiting quietly to board the ship.

Wendell looked at the hull and said, "You can't fish while the boat is sailing, right?"

“There will be slow-down and stop times, just for the entertainment of the tourists,” Loren explains.

Wendell stared at the big ship, holding the box in his hand tightly, secretly calculating the unknown contents in his heart.

"Everything is done, let's board the ship." Grandpa Bates came from behind and handed everyone the tickets. "The bank manager told me that there are screening conditions for this trip, and the service must be great."

The plan to rent a yacht was replaced by a boat ticket. Anyway, at least Loren felt it was a good deal.

He shook the backpack on his back. There were only a few sets of clothes in it, which weighed nothing at all.

Other people's backpacks are like this, very light. Everything that might be needed was stored in Hermione's small linen bag, except for the two boxes held by Wendell and Bates.

"Dad, why don't you put the contents of the box into my bag?" Hermione held Monica's hand and poked her little head out to look at Wendell's box.

"Listen Hermione," Wendell's expression was very serious, "We can't all carry the same backpack, as that might arouse others' suspicion."

Loren looked at the fishing tackle box, which was more slender than an ordinary suitcase, and felt a surge of mixed emotions in her heart.

He was silent for a moment and said: "Fishing gear is provided on the cruise ship, why do you have to bring it yourself?"

Bates grinned when he heard this, then remembered Wendell's request and suppressed his smile.

"Fishing gear, what does this have to do with fishing gear?" Wendell turned around and asked, pretending to be confused, "Does fishing service still exist on the ship?"

"There is a fishing icon on the handle of the box." Monica reminded.

Wendell felt very uncomfortable.

Except for Wendell, everyone else was a little uncomfortable holding back their laughter.

There was silence all the way. After boarding the ship, the two families first found the reserved rooms and placed their luggage. The two rooms are next to each other, next to each other.

Loren threw his backpack into the cabinet, sat on the bed, slumped back, stretched his arms, and sank into the soft quilt.

The all-white bed sheets and duvet covers can't hide stains at all. This arrangement allows travelers to use them with confidence. There is only a blue stripe on the edge. The bed has a detergent fragrance, a light lavender fragrance.

"Not bad, pretty clean." Bates walked around the room and looked around. He looked energetic and looked old, and was more energetic than Loren, who lay down as soon as he entered the room.

"Did you buy the fishing gear or did Hermione's father buy it?" Loren suddenly remembered this question.

After waiting for a while and not hearing an answer, Loren knew the answer. Wendell, he's fallen.

"Come on, let's go hang out on the deck for a while first." Bates pulled Loren from the bed and dragged him out. "The Granger family needs to unload the contents of the small bag, and there are two women. It will probably take a long time." some time."

The distance from London to Southend is not that far. If you calculate the time, you can set out in the afternoon and go out to sea in the evening.

When passing by the next room, Loren poked his head towards Hermione who was sorting the cabinet and shouted: "Let's go out and hang out. Meet us in the restaurant for dinner!"

Hermione waved her hand to indicate that she already knew.

There were not many people outside, and most tourists were resting in their rooms. Loren and Bates stood in the corridor of the atrium and looked out. They could faintly see pedestrians and trees on the shore, and the river surface was like a curtain with sparkling ripples.

There are various entertainment facilities, shops and even coffee shops in the cabin.

When it got dark, the Granger family came to the restaurant together, and Hermione immediately spotted Loren sitting next to them.

Grandpa Bates sat aside and looked at the restaurant, and Loren was digging into a large cup of strawberry ice cream with a small spoon.

"Why are you only eating ice cream? Aren't you hungry?" Hermione asked.

Loren sipped his spoon, raised his head and began to recommend: "Fish and chips are delicious, pasta is delicious, lamb chops are delicious, barbecue is also delicious, salmon is not delicious..."

Hermione understood immediately that she was not just eating ice cream, but that the main meal had been eaten and this was dessert.

Wendell and Monica went to get food, and Hermione sat down to exchange experiences with Loren, about the bad coffee and the fact that there would be musical performances in the cabin at night...

In less than half a day, Loren had become familiar with the situation on the ship.

When Wendell and Monica came back with food, Loren and Bates had disappeared. Hermione was alone holding the strawberry ice cream left by Loren, tasting spoonful after spoonful.

The two of them didn't pay much attention to it. They had just boarded the ship and it was normal to feel fresh and explore around.

Steaming fish and chips, pasta covered in bright red tomato sauce, browned lamb chops...

No wonder Loren said this is delicious and that is delicious. Hermione touched her swollen belly and noticed sadly that she seemed to have eaten a little.

She looked up at Wendell, who was dipping big chips into ketchup and taking one bite at a time, "Dad, aren't you going fishing?"

"Fishing? What kind of fishing? I'm not very interested." Wendell was very calm. He had confirmed that fishing activities would not be open on the first day of the cruise ship.

"Really?" Hermione nodded calmly, "But Loren has already gone."

"What?! Where is it? Isn't the boat parked yet? Isn't fishing not open yet?"

Hermione and Monica both stared at Wendell.

Wendell calmed his expression and remained silent for a moment: "I mean, don't violate the rules on the ship. It's not safe and you may get into trouble."

Hermione said "Oh": "The fishing service on the boat is not open, but some people will use their own fishing rods to fish on the second deck for a while. The staff will not dissuade them, and there are lifeguards nearby."

"I don't really want to go fishing. Loren is a child after all, and it's understandable that he wants to be playful." Wendell said, sitting back stiffly in his seat and continuing to dip French fries in ketchup, but his movements were not so refreshing.

Seemingly remembering something, he turned around and asked, "What about Bates?"

"Grandpa Bates also went fishing, the two of them went together."

"H-how could he..." Wendel suddenly stood up with an extremely angry expression. Facing the eyes of mother and daughter, he sat back again, "I mean, I still have some accessories of his fishing gear. You can’t catch fish if you don’t have all the accessories.”

"No, I have to send it to him." Wendell stood up and was about to leave, looking anxious for Bates.

"It's okay. Loren is here, so you don't have to worry about missing accessories." Hermione's voice was innocent and cruel.

Wendell sat back, his expression changing again and again, he was fidgeting visibly and moving in his seat.

"But it's not convenient to use magic on the ship. Dad, you'd better give the accessories to Grandpa Bates." Hermione's lovely face was full of kindness.

"You're right!" Wendell stood up and walked into the room.

Hermione looked at her father's hurried back, leaning on Monica and laughing.

Monica tapped Hermione's nose with her finger and said with a smile: "Have you ever teased dad like this? I don't know who you learned it from?"

"Hee hee hee……"

Hermione and Monica were not interested in fishing. They finished their dinner slowly, then walked around the cabin, listened to the music at close range, and watched the impromptu performances. They did not go on the deck until they had eaten.

On a folding stool with a few cloth strips supported by a simple bracket, Wendell, wearing a wide fisherman's hat and fingerless gloves, quietly held the fishing rod with a solemn expression.

But Bates raised the fishing rod casually, paying more attention to the sea, as if the waves were a more attractive thing.

To Hermione's surprise, Loren was not fishing. He held the railing with his hands crossed, supported his body with his arms, leaned on the railing, and looked in the direction of the ship, as if he was looking for something.

A fresh aroma suddenly floated in the slightly salty air. It was Hermione's scent, and Loren could recognize it without turning his head.

"What are you looking for?" Hermione followed his example, leaning next to him and looking in the same direction.

Loren's gaze extended into the distance: "Do you know Azkaban?"

As a famous prison for wizards, how could Hermione not know about Azkaban? She had seen an introduction about Azkaban before entering school: "Azkaban was built in the 15th century and became a British wizard in 1718." The prison is a prison located on a small island in the middle of the North Sea. It - "

Hermione carried it here and her eyes lit up. They would pass through the North Sea on this voyage. She asked hesitantly: "When it was built, some specific spells were used. Azkaban is hidden in the Muggle world." It's also unplottable. We can't find it, can we?"

"Some magic only works on Muggles. Even if the prison is right in front of Muggles, they can't see it, but we are wizards now."

"Yes! That's what the Muggle Expelling Curse is!" Hermione became excited. She tried hard to search for the knowledge in her mind, trying to find some traces of Azkaban based on the scenery in front of her.

"It is said that Azkaban began as a fortress inhabited by an evil wizard named Extis. He lured Muggles to the island and tortured them to death."

"After Extis's death, the hiding spell he used on the fortress and the island failed. Only then did the Ministry of Magic know about the existence of such an island. At this time, the place was full of dementors, and the Ministry of Magic was afraid of destroying it. The island will release dementors, causing heavy casualties, and the island will be abandoned.”

"In 1718, after Damocles Rolle was elected Minister of Magic, he insisted on using Azkaban as a prison because he believed that the dementors on the island could serve as guards, saving time, cost and energy."

"The later Minister Edric Diggory visited Azkaban Prison and witnessed the horrific scenes inside. He began to seek alternatives to Azkaban, but Edric died of dragon pox in 1747 , the plan to replace Azkaban has also come to nothing."

"It may have an Invisible Stretch Charm or similar magic used inside it to ensure that it can accommodate all the criminals in the UK."

Listening to Hermione's little mouth chattering non-stop, Loren's head hurt a little, and he couldn't help but ask: "You actually memorized all such trivial content."

Reflecting the lights on the ship, Hermione's eyes sparkled: "It's very interesting knowledge, isn't it? I once thought about why one prison can hold all the criminals in Britain, are there other prisons, what are the prisons in other countries, and the death penalty for wizards? How to implement..."

When it comes to knowledge, Hermione always has infinite enthusiasm and is full of infinite curiosity. It is this kind of Hermione that has infinite charm.

Chirping, facing the dim sea, the two of them discussed endlessly while searching for the elusive traces of Azkaban.

"I know there's another wizarding prison."

"Huh? Why don't I know, what's your name and where is it? Is it also on an island?"

"Call Nurmengard..."

The wind almost brought tears to my eyes, and I couldn't see any trace of Azkaban, not even the shadow of a small island.

"We are still in the Strait of Dover, which is below the North Sea and does not belong to the North Sea, so we can't find it." Hermione's eyes turned red as she gave the reason for tonight's failure.

"If it weren't for you, I would have gone back to fishing in a few minutes. It's all your fault." Loren naturally and habitually shifted the blame, unable to remember who brought up Azkaban in the first place.

"The ship will probably pass through the middle of the North Sea tomorrow afternoon. We will come here tomorrow morning and sit and watch." Hermione recalled the map around the North Sea and guessed where Azkaban might exist.

"Are you going to continue searching tomorrow?" Loren's face was full of rejection. He was just on a whim and had no intention of fighting Azkaban. "Then what if you can't find it tomorrow?"

“Always have to try it!”

Hermione is always very serious about certain things.

"Loren, Hermione, they are going back after fishing." Monica came over, looked at their eyes that were red from the wind, and rubbed their heads in a funny way, "Even the wind doesn't know. Are you stupid to avoid it?"

"Oh~" Hermione gently hit Monica's waist with her head and let her guide her inside.

Bates was carrying two fishing gear boxes, and Wendell was carrying a small bucket borrowed from the boat. The two stood at the entrance of the cabin waiting for them.

Loren observed the smile on Wendel's face and knew that he had gained a good harvest tonight. He didn't ask any questions and just walked towards the guest room. Hermione was clinging to her mother and didn't even want to open her eyes to look at the road.

Wendell felt uncomfortable carrying the bucket. Monica watched them fishing and knew the harvest, but Loren and Hermione did not.

Without letting these two people know, he caught three slender capelin in just a short period of time. He always felt empty in his heart, as if something was missing.

"Hey, did you know? The fish you catch can be sent to the kitchen on the ship for free processing." Wendell's voice was louder than usual.

"I know, the crew said it when we were fishing," Bates responded.

Wendell's expression was extremely awkward. He originally wanted to remind Hermione and Loren, but now Bates answered, but the two children did not respond.

Monica and the three walked in front, showing no tendency to look back and participate in their conversation.

Wendell was silent for a moment, then shouted: "Hermione!"

"Huh?" Hermione turned to look at him.

"How do you know that I caught three bald fish in a moment?" Wendell's voice was loud and natural.

"Huh?" Hermione looked confused, Dad, what are you talking about...

Next to them, the shoulders of the other three people were shaking, and they were feeling very uncomfortable holding back their laughter.

A certain Hermione boss wants to urge the author at any time to see if there are other friends with similar ideas. If you build a building here, I will create a group if there are 20 people.

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