After the banquet, the prefects of each college took the new students back to the lounge and took the time to introduce them to some basic information, such as passwords, courses...

Regarding the Horcrux diary and the conversation with Voldemort, Loren felt that he should talk to Dumbledore.

He had many questions to ask Dumbledore, about Morgan, about gods, and about sages. Dumbledore might know the questions that Flamel didn't get answers to.

There is also the basilisk in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets. According to the original plot, the diary will control Ginny to release the basilisk to create panic. Although there is not even ashes left in the diary, there are dangerous creatures in Hogwarts Castle, and it would be better to notify the principal to deal with them.

Going to the principal's office to follow the team back to the Gryffindor common room, Loren followed the team, planning to leave the team when they reached the seventh floor.

"If you don't want to get scolded on the first day, you'd better get up an hour early." Percy introduced the school expressionlessly, and his stern face made the new students think that the prefect was in a bad mood.

"What's wrong with Percy? He wasn't like this when he was introduced last year." Loren patted Seamus on the shoulder.

"Don't you know!" Seamus came over with a very excited tone, "Harry and Ron came to school in a flying car, and they were even in the newspaper!"

Dean cheered from the side: "This is so cool!"

"Wait, wait," Hermione, who was next to her, was a little unresponsive and couldn't keep up with their brain circuits. "What's so cool about this? This means that Gryffindor will be deducted points just after school starts!"

Seamus and Dean looked at Hermione with strange eyes, thinking that she was the scorer of the college, and said nothing more. They sighed deeply and turned around to share this joy with others.

Hermione looked confused: "Isn't it normal for Percy and I to react? Why do they think deducting points is cool?"

How should Loren answer this? He could only pat Hermione on the shoulder to express comfort.

"Hey, what do you mean?"

"Do you think this is cool too..."

Hermione's angry words continued all the way to the seventh floor, to the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, and then Loren slipped away.

On the 8th floor of the castle, the principal's office.

Dumbledore had a habit of serving a cup of hot cocoa after dinner, which would help him fall asleep faster. He should fall asleep before dawn anyway. See if you can catch up on the remaining sleep while Minerva reports to work.

Shouldn’t the vice-principal help the principal solve his or her problems?

Dumbledore added a few more spoonfuls of honey to the hot cocoa and stirred it clockwise, full of anticipation. The hot cocoa tastes most delicious when the temperature drops slightly, is higher than human body temperature, and is slightly scalding.


Loren pushed open the office door and walked in. His steps were even a bit arrogant. He sat down on the chair carelessly, then looked at Dumbledore without saying a word.

There were too many things to say. When Loren actually sat down in front of Dumbledore, he didn't know where to start. His smooth and domineering momentum suddenly became stuck.

To hide that he knew the plot, and to reveal the diary and the basilisk to Dumbledore in a reasonable way, he needed to think carefully about what to say.

Fox leaned on his stand and used his beak to comb the feathers under his wings. The paintings of previous principals on the wall have been turned over, and they have taken a break.

Dumbledore was wearing dark gray robes and pajamas, a pointed wizard hat, and semicircular glasses on his nose. He lowered his head and glanced over the glasses. He said in an old-fashioned way: "To an elderly man, Night time is precious for people. So, Loren, if you need something, say it quickly."

"I'm wondering where to start, um..." Loren pondered for a moment.

Dumbledore put his fingers on the wall of the cup to feel it, and sighed inaudibly... Alas, he has missed the most delicious temperature, forget it.

He put another sugar cube in and kept stirring it with a spoon to make the sugar cube melt quickly.

"The day we went to Diagon Alley to prepare supplies for school, Lucius stuffed something into Ginny's book, and I discovered it." Loren raised his head and glanced at Dumbledore.

"Well, because the changes in the ownership of Hogwarts coincide with the new version of the Muggle Protection Act, Lucius should be eager to deal with some items," Dumbledore paused, "some items that are not so easy to deal with. Although It was Arthur who was responsible for the investigation, but to implicate a child as a result was too much."

"This is a diary that can talk to me. It belongs to Tom Riddle fifty years ago." Loren said this as calmly as possible.

Dumbledore's spoon made a clear sound as it hit the wall of the cup. He was sure that it was another Horcrux. Voldemort had indeed made more than one Horcrux.

"After a complex battle of wits, I learned something from the diary, which looked into my memories and was incinerated by Abraham's curse."

Putting the spoon aside, Dumbledore raised his eyes and glanced at Loren. There were too many strange points in this sentence, but he didn't ask and listened quietly to what was going on.

"Through the girls' bathroom on the second floor, you can use Parseltongue to open the entrance to the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets. In the secret room sleeps a thousand-year-old basilisk." Loren saw Dumbledore pick up the hot cocoa and take a sip. .

Dumbledore, who was hidden behind his cup and lenses, was not as calm as he appeared. His eyes were filled with light as he dug out distant memories and clarified many things at once.

Myrtle who died fifty years ago, Hagrid who was wronged, and Tom who had Slytherin blood in his blood at that time. Everything is tied together.

Dumbledore looked at Loren's sloppy sitting posture with a childish face, and thought of Harry and Ron who had just gotten into trouble today. They were still too young and still needed to grow up.

Basilisk, it just so happens that Harry also knows Parseltongue.

The old principal said calmly: "Don't worry, the basilisk matter will be taken care of. Hogwarts has the responsibility to protect every student on campus."

"Principal Dumbledore, I have some questions to ask." Loren wasn't sure. The principal might choose to keep the things Flamel didn't say secret.

"The diary said something tempting to me. It said that I was a descendant of Morgan, a sage of the times, and asked me to become a god with him and gain eternal life. I want to ask who Morgan is, what a sage is, and gods. What is it?"

Da, da, da... Dumbledore's fingers tapped lightly on the armrest of the chair, and he could imagine the scene at that time.

Even though he was cursed and was about to be annihilated, even though the diary might only contain memories of Voldemort's youth, before he died, he still tried his best to seize every opportunity to pave the way for himself.

Whether Loren agrees or not, it will plant seeds in his heart.

"If possible, I would like to know how he seduced you at that time." Dumbledore spoke slowly, and he added, "This is just an old man's curiosity. If you don't want to say it..."

There's nothing hard to say. If it's hard to say it to Dumbledore, then who should you say it to?

Loren spoke cheerfully: "He said that some people are born noble and destined to lead the times, lead wizards to rule Muggles, and lead mankind to a more glorious era. Let me join him, become a god, live forever, and make rules .”

"Oh?" Dumbledore felt that 16-year-old Tom was more rational than the later Voldemort. What he used was not power, pure-blood glory, or strong power, but a greater temptation.

"So, Loren, what do you think about wizards and Muggles, about immortality and gods?" Dumbledore looked into Loren's eyes.

Loren waved his hand impatiently: "What do Muggles and wizards have to do with me? Thinking about this kind of thing is troublesome, and things like immortality and gods sound even more troublesome. Wouldn't it be more troublesome to make some money, eat and drink every day, and be happy? Comfortable?"

The issues Hermione cared about, the ones she had to worry about all day long, and the social science books seemed to give her a headache.

Dumbledore couldn't help but laugh after hearing this answer. He couldn't restrain himself at all, and his loud laughter echoed in the office.

This was Loren's true thought, and he could see it without using Legilimency. It was precisely because of this that Dumbledore smiled even more heartily. Dumbledore didn't stop until some of the portraits cursed and Fox breathed several blasts of fire into his beard threateningly.

"It would be nice if everyone thought so."

Dumbledore's mood became lighter, and he pushed the glasses on his nose to the bridge of his nose. "The matter of gods is very complicated, and it is difficult to explain it for a while. But I can tell you that there are many stories about gods from ancient times to the present. The legends are just legends."

Just when Loren thought Dumbledore was going to deal with him again, Dumbledore said:

"The Philosopher's Stone is also called the Philosopher's Stone, and those who can refine the Philosopher's Stone are called sages. Legend has it that a sage will be born in a special era and have a huge impact on the world."

Will he have an impact on the world... Loren is not sure whether changing many plots counts as an impact, but can he be called a sage?

"As for Morgan, she was a wizard who was a contemporary of Merlin. We called her Fairy Morgan. I remember there were pictures of chocolate frogs of her before. No one knows where she came from. Some legends say she was with Merlin. Study magic. In some stories, she is Merlin's disciple. Fairy Morgan has a special connection with the mermaid clan. When I was learning the mermaid language, I had some conversations with their elders."

"Fairy Morgan was very good at shape-shifting, proficient in medicine and prophecy. She had a serious quarrel with Merlin. Since then, she has disappeared from history."

After saying that, Dumbledore picked up the cup and took a sip of the tepid hot cocoa.

"Does this have anything to do with me?" Loren asked curiously.

"You know, I am not omniscient and omnipotent, and I cannot explain this to you. You may need to find the answer yourself..."

After the conversation was over, the two chatted for a few more words before Loren asked to leave.

Looking at Loren's disappearing figure, Dumbledore suddenly had a special thought in his heart: "Loren!"


Loren looked back at the old principal under the candlelight, with his white beard and wrinkled face. From a distance, people would be impressed by his magnanimity; only from a little further away would people realize that this old wizard had already Over a hundred years old, he is very, very old.

"I need you to go to a place with me after a while, and I need your help." Dumbledore said.

Voldemort has been making Horcruxes for a long time. If he returns to that place, he will definitely find some clues. Whether it's Ravenclaw's diadem or a diary, Loren always seems to encounter a Horcrux.

Dumbledore didn't believe in fate, but why not give it a try.

"Got it!" Loren waved his hand and turned away.

Do older people take the Riddler talent? In the corridor, Loren was cursing as he headed back to the Gryffindor lounge. His mouth was not very clean.

It wasn't that Dumbledore didn't say anything, but it was as if he hadn't said anything.

Entering the lounge, Hermione looked very angry and uncomfortable, her cheeks were bulging, and she was inexplicably cute.

He stretched out his hand and poked the small bump on the girl's face, making it soft. Before she could react, Loren asked curiously: "I thought you would criticize them. What are you doing now?"

"Ask them!" Hermione said angrily.

On the sofa, Harry and Ron sat slumped on their stomachs, trying to make themselves feel better.

"Forget it." Harry waved his hand feebly, "Snape didn't let us go back to the banquet. He left us a plate of chicken ham sandwiches and pumpkin juice in the lounge. The sandwiches will be replenished automatically after the sandwiches are finished."

"Isn't this nice? I thought he would give you some punishment."

Ron's painful voice followed: "We thought so too. We thought the sandwich was a punishment and we couldn't come back until we finished it."

"Then they kept eating until they couldn't hold it in anymore and their stomachs were almost full." Hermione said helplessly, worried about the IQ of these two people.

Because of the two men's condition, the parties that George and Fred had planned for them were cancelled. Seeing the miserable state of the two, Professor McGonagall asked Snape to give them a bottle of potion, delaying the punishment.

"If you ask me, that bottle of potion is punishment." Harry's eyes were blank, "You can never imagine the taste. It's like leaving cheese for a summer, then fermenting it with pickles, and finally condensing it into a small mouthful. "

Hermione couldn't help it anymore: "If you two had been smarter and used an owl to notify the professor after you found out that you couldn't enter the platform, you wouldn't have ended up in this trouble."

Harry and Ron pretended not to hear, collapsed on the sofa, and occasionally let out feeble moans.

Neither of them cared about Hermione's words. After a year of getting along, they had already discovered that Hermione's caring words would turn into annoying words when spoken. Ignore the words and just feel your heart.

"Ignore them both, you go back to bed first -" Loren put his hands on Hermione's shoulders and pushed her all the way to the stairs.

"But!" Hermione turned around.

"When they feel better, I will take them back to the dormitory. You go to bed first-" Loren drawled his voice.

"Okay, this is for you." Hermione thrust a piece of parchment into his hand and went upstairs to her dormitory.

Loren opened the parchment and drew a table on it, filling in the course schedule for this school year according to time. As if knowing that he was too lazy to do these things, the class times and the floors of the classroom were marked.

Looking at Juanxiu's neat handwriting on it, Loren smiled unconsciously.

The new school year has begun.

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