The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 164 Understanding Death

The lights in the common room were still on, but it was already very late at night. The bustling common room was quiet during the day, and most of the little wizards had gone to sleep.

The cold moonlight intertwined with the lights. This was the candlelight for Hermione to read. The girl's hair was down, very fluffy and messy, and her blue striped pajamas were so soft that Hermione couldn't help but feel sleepy.


Hermione yawned dimly, her usually bright eyes becoming a little dull. She glanced lazily at the door, but there was still no movement. The damn Loren hadn't come back yet.

Turning the page in the book spread out on her lap, Hermione's attention sank into the book and she continued her waiting.

Loren crawled in from the hole and saw such a scene. The lazy girl was sitting cross-legged on the sofa. She was already very sleepy and her reaction was a bit slow, so Loren could see clearly that when she noticed that he was back, her eyes slowly bloomed. Out of brilliance.

The bright moonlight is beautiful, and the scattered lights are also beautiful, but neither of them can compare to the girl's sleepy eyes.

"Go to bed when you're sleepy. You don't have to wait for me."

Loren walked up to Hermione and sat down. The sudden weight of the drop made the sofa dent, making Hermione sit a little unsteady. She held onto Loren's shoulders in a slight panic, and then slapped him in annoyance. .

"Who's waiting for you!" Hermione's voice was delicate and delicate, with the softness that was typical of someone who had just woken up and had a fuzzy mind.

Thinking of Professor Snape and Lily, what were originally best friends ended up becoming strangers, even separated by life and death. There are many regrets in this world, but fortunately, at least there are people in front of me to cherish.

An impulse arose in Loren's heart. He stretched out his hand to hug Hermione into his arms, and whispered against the girl's fair neck: "Hermione, thank you."

The boy's reckless movements made Hermione's sleepiness disappear in an instant, and her neck was hit by the hot breath, and boundless shyness surged in like a wave, making Hermione afraid to look up.

Why is this person like this!

In the end, Hermione couldn't bear it anymore, and after squealing, she squeezed out of her arms in panic, and ran up the stairs staggeringly without looking back.

It wasn't until the railing blocked his view that Loren heard a very quiet reminder: "I'm here to tell you that Hagrid asked us to find him tomorrow."

What kind of message could Harry and Ron in the same dormitory convey?

Loren was in a good mood for a moment, and even had the urge to sing and yell loudly. He was not sleepy at all and felt that his hands and feet had endless energy.

Humming quietly in response to Neville's snores, he covered himself with the quilt and entered the book of fantasy.

Flamel has just completed the work of sorting and archiving medical books. There are so many books collected from the Muggle library, hundreds of thousands of volumes, that it takes half a year just to read the names. Moreover, the names of some books are very difficult to pronounce and do not conform to people's normal grammatical habits at all.

The purpose of organizing the archives was to help Loren, but when he occasionally saw some drama analysis and aesthetic appreciation books, he would always get addicted to them, and time would pass by.

Fortunately, the library in the virtual world is not affected by gravity. You can organize the bookshelves with a wave of your fingers, and the progress is not too slow.

Flamel was reading an article comparing "Faust" and "The Divine Comedy" with a very serious look on his face. Occasionally he nodded in agreement when he read a wonderful argument.

A shining consciousness took shape in the library, and Loren's figure appeared in front of Flamel.

"Flamel, can the magic stone be used to refine a resurrecting medicine? I'm talking about the idea of ​​​​replacing death as a characteristic!" As soon as Loren appeared, he rushed to Flamel and asked excitedly.

Hearing this question, Flamel's expression calmed down. He gently pushed the book in his hand and let it float aside.

"To be honest, the idea is right."


Loren blinked, a little stunned. Nico hadn't refined the resurrecting potion for so many years, and he thought Snape would be in vain in the end. As a result, you told me that this idea is correct?

Flamel summoned two chairs and asked Loren to sit in front of him: "Although the idea is right, it is almost impossible to implement."

"Almost impossible?" Loren noticed the wording and rejected it, but not completely.

Flamel created a projection of a body in the air, referring to the maps compiled in medical books these days. The texture of the muscles, the operation of the internal organs, and the flow of blood were drawn in the projection.

He pointed to the position of the heart and explained to Loren: "Death is a general concept. It is not a characteristic of reality and is difficult to classify and label. The death of a wizard is even more complicated. Death is when the heart stops beating and the brain loses its Consciousness, or soul dying?”

Loren looked at the projection, thoughtfully.

Concepts such as cells stopping life activities and body metabolism stopping, but wizards are different from Muggles. The concept of wizards has idealistic content.

For example, if a wizard's bones were removed whole, they would grow back after drinking a bottle of Bone-Bone Spirit overnight, regardless of muscles, nerves, blood vessels and other issues.

When any Muggle doctor sees something like this, the impact on him is equivalent to being hit by a fully insured semi-trailer while walking on the road, and decades of concepts in his mind are shaken.

This difference is not caused by biology, but by cognitive differences. The wizard's understanding of the human body is very simple. Bones are bones, muscles are muscles, and the two are separate.

With a concept, a wizard can perform magic based on this concept.

Under the guidance of cognition, the wizard has embarked on a strange medical path through magic, and developed magic potions such as the Bone Spirit and the Buffy Awakening Potion.

Flamel pointed out the difference between the two concepts, clarified that death is not a clear-cut concept, and then pulled the time back to the 14th century: "When Nico was refining the elixir of life, the Black Death was breaking out in Europe..."

Men and women, young and old, rich and poor, nobles and slaves, the Black Death reaped lives without prejudice.

The child who could climb branches to pick fruits yesterday began to have dark spots on his body the next day, with large areas of skin becoming necrotic and blood oozing out.

"It only takes two hours at most, and no more than a week at most. People die quickly. From Constantinople to Egypt, Jerusalem, Paris, Spain, Florence, and Venice, the entire continent is enveloped by the plague. Villages. It became deserted and the city was filled with corpses. It was in that environment that Nico witnessed thousands of deaths."

"Countless dead entities accumulated in Nico's heart, forming an indescribable yet tangible cognition. Based on this, he refined the elixir of life. Every time death came, it was replaced by some animals."

"Nico also tried to make a resurrecting medicine, but the line between death that has not yet come and death that has come is clear and unshakable. He concluded that his understanding of death is not comprehensive enough..."

There was nostalgia in Flamel's eyes. He was recalling the people and things he had met over the past few hundred years, and he was mourning the plague that raged six hundred years ago.

Disease brings about the ravages of death, and the millennium-old Muggle theocracy is subverted by the fear of death. Panic leads to riots, massacres are everywhere, and famine is accompanied by plunder.

At that time, the entire European continent was on the verge of collapse. It was in such an environment that Nico realized death and completed redemption.

"In short, Nico's refining process is full of coincidences, and these coincidences cannot be repeated."

Principal's office.

After listening to Snape's idea of ​​a resurrection potion and his request to abandon all dignity, Dumbledore looked solemn and did not rush to agree or refuse.

After thinking for a while, he slowly spoke: "Severus, I once looked forward to reversing death. But as I grow older, the distance between me and death continues to shrink. The closer I get to death, the more I understand its power."

"Death is the most equal law of all life. All those who try to conquer death will eventually be lost..."

Snape stood in front of his desk, silent. After Dumbledore finished explaining the truth and the dangers of resurrecting from the dead, he said calmly: "Look at me, a rat struggling in the quagmire, trying to catch anything that can float."

He replied in a calm tone: "But, what if I put you here?"

Dumbledore fell into silence. He didn't want to think about this problem, but the thought couldn't stop popping up in his mind: If there was a chance to hear Ariana's laughter again, what would he be willing to trade for it?

The idea startled Dumbledore.

"Oliver! The genius just shines!"

Early in the morning, several people in the dormitory were awakened by Harry's screams.

Loren and the others watched helplessly as Harry was dragged out of bed by Wood. Like a human trafficker putting a child in a sack, he was put into a red team uniform and pulled out of the dormitory for training.

The people in the dormitory looked at each other with confusion in their eyes, and they were still a little awake.

Before they could react, Harry came back and put Ron into a sack in the same way Wood treated him. While dragging him back, he said, "This is to prepare you for next year's Quidditch selection. "

Ron screamed even more fiercely: "I suddenly don't want to join the Quidditch team!"

Eventually he was dragged out.

Harry had been caught in the rain, and he knew how to tear apart other people's umbrellas... Loren vaguely felt his way back into bed and went to sleep.

Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, has not won a Quidditch championship since he joined the team - no, since he entered Hogwarts.

Gryffindor, who has a rich ancestry and a glorious history, finds it difficult to accept this reality. Wood's desire for the Quidditch championship is stronger than Professor McGonagall.

Wood is already in sixth grade, and there is not much time left for him. The sense of urgency prompted Wood to think about new tactics throughout the holiday. He planned to sneak away for a period while other teams had not started training.

But such a simple little idea failed to come true. On the way to the Quidditch pitch, they met the Slytherin team, who competed with Wood for the reason of training new seekers.

Malfoy came out with a brand new Nimbus 2001, seven of them, smooth and shiny, blinding the Gryffindor players and almost crushing Wood's championship dream.

On the Gryffindor team, except for Harry's Nimbus 2000, everyone else uses the older Sweep Five Star. On the field, they might not even be able to bear the exhaust of Slytherin.

The specific situation was unclear. Harry only remembered Marcus laughing at Ron, the only non-player on the field, and then Ron took out his wand and cast a curse on Marcus. Marcus' bracelet flashed, and the green light was reflected back and hit Ron's abdomen.

Loren and Hermione finished their breakfast, enjoying the morning breeze and enjoying the charm between them, and went to their appointment slowly. The two walked into Hagrid's hut and saw this scene:

Ron sat in the corner, spitting a slug into the bucket from time to time. Harry and Hagrid sat nearby and sighed, helpless. In the middle of the room, Ginny and Luna were walking around, looking at the cabin curiously.

"Good morning!" Hagrid stood up hurriedly and prepared teacups and syrup toffees for the two new guests.

"Loren, Hermione!" Luna greeted them enthusiastically, "Come and see, Ron has become a slug mother."

Hearing this title, Ron in the corner whimpered twice to express his objection.

"What happened?" Hermione was curious. She stretched her neck and saw the big shiny slug and the slippery mucus, and then she pulled back.

Harry let out a long sigh and began to tell what happened on the Quidditch field for the third time: "...Oliver took the players back to think of countermeasures. I thought Hagrid might have a way, so I took him to the hunting lodge. ”

Judging from this situation, Hagrid probably doesn't know how to deal with this new type of creature, the Mother Slug.

"Ginny and Luna were just walking around and met us at the edge of the Forbidden Forest."

After taking a walk and walking to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Loren took one look at Ginny's red hair and recognized her Weasley lineage.

"Why don't you go find Madam Pomfrey?" Loren asked.

Harry sighed again: "The penalty for hitting the Whomping Willow with his car has not yet come down. If he is found fighting again, Ron is worried that he will be expelled."

Ron, who had a slug stuck in his mouth, whimpered in agreement.

"It will be fine once the vomiting is gone." Hagrid took the washed cup, poured hot tea and handed it to Loren and Hermione, and stuffed them with two pieces of syrup toffee that were very sticky to the touch.

Luna and Ginny finally finished visiting the cabin and sat in it. Luna looked at the slugs curiously, watching them return from the stomach, pass through the esophagus, mouth, and finally spit into the bucket. They showed no fear or disgust at all.

"My father has done some research on animals, and I also know some relevant knowledge." Luna had enough observation, and the ethereal voice attracted the attention of several people.

Ron cast his expectant gaze at her, hoping that this smart Ravenclaw man could do something.

Luna looked at Slug and Ron, with an innocent face and a beautiful tone: "Eat a frog, the frog eats the slug."

When the others heard this, they looked at Luna's innocent face again and fell into some strange reflection.

Only Hagrid seriously considered the idea. He asked with interest: "What about the frog? What should I do with the frog in the belly?"

"Eat another snake, and the snake eats the frog."

"What about the snake?"

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