The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 175 I really like what Loren said: Huh?

After regaining consciousness, Loren found that the two snake-shaped stone sculptures were still in their original posture, with their eyes facing each other and their tails coiled. There was no trace of the snake-eating snake he had just seen, as if he were hallucinating.

The snake-eye emerald still exuded the light of green minerals. Loren looked at the snake's head carefully, looking at the rough texture of the stone-carved scales and the grit on the surface of the fangs. It's the same as before, but it seems different.

His heart was filled with questions. Why did the images from the Book of Abraham appear in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets?

Which was earlier, the time when Slytherin built the Chamber of Secrets or the time when Abraham wrote the book?

Did Slytherin read the Book of Abraham, or did Abraham see the relics of Slytherin?

Or maybe it's neither, but two mysterious wizards who witnessed the same scene and left the same record.

No one could answer Loren's doubts about the contents of the Book of Abraham, and he had no way to ask Dumbledore for confirmation. He could only hide all the questions in his heart.

Dumbledore looked at the door of the secret room with a complicated expression for a while, and sighed inexplicably.

He used the bones on the ground to transform into a snow-white python with transparent scales. He coiled himself in front of the door, stood upright and faced two snake-shaped stone sculptures, and uttered a snake language from his mouth.

"Hi~his! (Open)"

The two snakes on the stone wall heard the command, their emerald eyes flickered a few times, and they loosened their tails that were entangled with each other. They retreated to one side using the stone gap in the middle as the boundary. The stone wall split down the middle, revealing a passage behind it.

Stepping in, Loren and Dumbledore looked at everything in the room.

A long corridor leads into the darkness with no end in sight. On both sides of the corridor are countless stone pillars carved with coiled snakes.

Several light balls that were floating in the air and could not find their landing point entered the room, suddenly floated towards the tops of the stone pillars on both sides, and landed on the candlesticks in the shape of snakes spitting beads. However, compared to the huge room, these lights are just faint stars, and more stone pillars and corridors are still in darkness.

Occasionally, a green, mysterious and faint light shines on the ceiling, and with the help of the dim light, you can vaguely see the full picture of the secret room. The main color is black and gray, and the dark atmosphere of the room exudes a mysterious and ancient atmosphere in every place.

"Loren, do you know the story behind the Chamber of Secrets?" Dumbledore asked, his old voice sounding particularly melodious in the closed and spacious space.

"I've heard of some."

"Listen to me, an old man."

Dumbledore led Loren into the depths of the secret room, "The specific time is no longer clear. It was probably more than a thousand years ago, when the four greatest wizards at that time: Godric Gryffindor, Helga ·Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin, they built this castle together to provide a shelter for young wizards and teach them the ability to protect themselves.”

"In the first few years, the four founders worked together harmoniously, looking for children with magical talents, taking them in, and teaching them. Everything was developing in the best direction just like the vision when the school was built."

"However, slowly there were differences between them. Slytherin believed that magic education should only be for children from pure wizarding families. He was unwilling to accept young wizards from Muggle families because he thought they were unreliable. His former best friend, Gryffindor and Slytherin had a heated argument over this issue, and Slytherin left the school."

The old principal paused for a moment while speaking, and his mind was not at peace. Starting from his teenage years, the dispute between wizards and Muggles was like a hurricane, destroying his family, or in other words, destroying the beautiful life that Albus Dumbledore could have had.

Even so, he did not hate Muggles. He hated all Muggle-born wizards, but not everyone was the same as him. He has seen people who have lofty ideals but disregard life, people who intend to conquer the world with power and fear, and war fanatics...

Dumbledore, who had seen too many people, still felt a little sad when he learned that another student from Slytherin House had surrendered to Voldemort.

"Legend has it that Slytherin hid the secret from the other three founders and built a sealed chamber in the castle. Only his true heir can open the chamber, release the horrors inside, purify the school, and eliminate all those who are not worthy of learning magic. .”

Loren thought about the words for a moment: "It doesn't sound like you want to kill Muggle wizards. And I think that such a big project cannot be hidden from the other founders, at least it cannot be hidden from someone as smart as Ravenclaw. People. What do you think?”

"Ha, I think so too. It's just Loren, some smart people just can't see through it. They always think they are the smartest one."

Loren suddenly tilted his head: "Who is smarter, Slytherin or Ravenclaw?"

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, then laughed easily: "It should be Ms. Ravenclaw."


"I don't know, that's just my personal opinion."

"Can you lend me the sapphire? Let me experience the cleverness of Ravenclaw."

"At least not now."

"It's boring."

The two kept walking forward, passing stone pillars one after another, quietly, with only the sound of footsteps echoing in the empty room. When they came to the end of the aisle, their attention was attracted by what was behind the last pair of stone pillars.

It was a towering giant stone sculpture, almost as tall as some of the towers outside the castle. The stone is carved with a strange old wizard with a monkey-like face, leering eyes and an arrogant expression. His long, sparse beard almost reached the hem of the wizard's robe carved out of stone.

The stone statue clung to the dark stone wall behind.

For some reason, the stone statue was located there, and his name came to Loren and Dumbledore's mind: Salazar Slytherin.

"Slytherin is a great wizard with a long-term vision and the most mysterious one among the Big Four. I can't understand why he insists on pure blood theory so much."

Dumbledore looked up at the founder of Hogwarts with determination in his eyes: "I don't believe he left the Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk behind so that someone could use it to kill Hogwarts thousands of years later. student. I won’t allow such a thing to happen.”

Loren looked at Dumbledore and felt that he should be looking forward to facing the real Salazar Slytherin at this time.

Then, ask him a question!

The old wizard waved his wand, and a light wind suddenly blew up in the space. The light source falling on the stone pillar swayed slightly in the direction of the air flow. The dust accumulated on the ground for thousands of years was blown away, and a transparent line condensed from the air in front of the Slytherin statue. of giant python.

The giant python rolled out its tongue and uttered the longest Parseltongue line Loren had ever heard: "Hiss-hiss...hiss~"

"Speak to me, Slytherin - the greatest of the Hogwarts Four."

Loren looked up at the transparent python and sincerely admired Dumbledore's wonderful transformation.

Although conventional transfiguration involves the transformation of substances and changes in appearance characteristics, most of them follow this pattern: fluid changes to fluid, solid becomes solid, water turns into fine wine, and beetles turn into buttons. Dumbledore transformed the shapeless air into a solid and touchable physical python.

This is the first time he has seen such a profound transformation technique, which ignores rules and characteristics and changes the properties of matter at will.

Loren longed for when he could do this.

The huge face of the Slytherin stone sculpture gradually opened its mouth, opening wider and wider, and his cheeks gradually elongated, finally forming a huge black cavity, revealing two sharp opposing lower teeth.

The majestic, green magical light shines in the huge mouth of the stone statue, as if the stone statue holds some magnificent treasure.




Slow but huge and powerful air flow was spit out from the hole, making a slight air flow sound as it passed through the stone statue.

Dumbledore tapped Loren's shoulder again with his wand, and he felt that light feeling again, like a pair of invisible hands holding him up.

The bodies of the two people floated up, and silently floated into the statue's mouth like feathers.

Dumbledore pulled Loren and landed right in front of the snake's head. The tiny gap left by the coiled snake's body was enough for the two of them to fit in.

Even though he knew that the basilisk was still sleeping, and that Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard of this century, was beside him, Loren couldn't help but trembled when he saw this basilisk that was nearly fifty meters long and thicker than him. Hold your breath.

The thick and long trunk and tail are curled up in the outer circle, protecting the lizard-shaped snake head in the middle. The dark green scales reflect metallic light, especially the thick scales on the tail, which can almost break gold and stone.


A huge stream of air spewed out from the blowhole at the tip of the snake's head, and the wind they just heard was the slow breathing of the basilisk while it was sleeping.

An indescribable stench instantly enveloped the two of them. Loren was slightly shaken and his head felt dizzy.

He pinched his nose and muttered: "Is the basilisk's breath also poisonous? I feel like I have been poisoned."

"The basilisk's venom is not in the nose." Dumbledore smiled, pointed his wand at Loren's head, and with a soft "beep" sound, a transparent bubble covered his head, blocking out the stench outside. of snake breath.

Dumbledore began to explain the knowledge of basilisks to Loren: "The first basilisk was cultivated and hatched by the despicable Herbo. As a dangerous creature of a certain level, it cannot be tamed or tamed in most cases."

"The gaze of the basilisk can directly kill the life in front of you." As he said that, he stretched out his wand and used magic to open a slit in the basilisk's eyes from a distance.

You can faintly see that the snake eyes under the eyelids are a terrifying cold yellow color, and the pale green magic light bursts out from the slits of the eyes, accompanied by the raging magic power.

It was the first time that Loren saw this majestic magic power with a sinister aura of death, green color, and absolute malice towards life. If there is any will contained in the miserable green magic, it is the complete deprivation of life.

Before the magic came, Dumbledore took out the Deluminator and popped open the top cover.

All the leaked gaze and magic power of the basilisk were strangely drawn to the Deluminator, and restrained by the magic circle engraved on the outer wall of the Deluminator, so that none of it could be leaked.

He stared at the structure of the magic circle and the magic text on the Deluminator with wide eyes, but with Loren's current alchemy skills, he could not understand anything. He could only see that the structure of the Deluminator was complicated, and the magic text magic circle was interlocked one by one. The ring is very delicate.

Dumbledore knelt down and held the Deluminator in front of Loren's eyes. He held it with only his thumb and forefinger, and spread the other fingers to show the Deluminator, specifically to let him see it more clearly: "This one on the side is It’s a push-pull switch. I refer to the casings of Muggle lighters and flashlights. To use it, just push the top cover and shake the deluminator at the light source you want to receive.”

Loren nodded, heartbroken.

The main body of the Deluminator was held in Dumbledore's hand, and the other end pulled the majestic and dangerous basilisk magic.

Dumbledore began to shake the Deluminator with a strange frequency, and the magic power concentrated at the top shook. The pale green magic power began to layer with the shaking, and separated into three colors of magic threads: crystal dark green threads, and There are yellow threads with snake eyes, and there is also a non-luminous gray thread.

It was similar to the magic threads that Loren saw coming out of the eyes of the Acromantula during the day. However, compared to the mottled and mixed magic threads of the Acromantula, the threads drawn from the eyes of the basilisk were purer in color and seemed to be more powerful. Higher order, less impurities.

Dumbledore spoke at the right time: "The basilisk's gaze can directly kill the creature in front of it, but as long as it is reflected, the green magic power representing death will be blocked and cannot take effect. The gray thread can be reflected and will cause - petrification." Only a potion brewed from mandrake can revive the victim."

"What's that yellow thing?" Loren asked curiously.

"The yellow thread represents the gaze of the snake pupil, which is the carrier of two kinds of magic."

Dumbledore stretched out his hand to fiddle with the Deluminator, and a powerful and silent suction force appeared, pulling out the green magical thread representing death from the snake's pupil and putting it into the Deluminator continuously.

The whole process only lasted two or three seconds before the green magical thread completely disappeared. The death magic in the snake pupil on the right was completely pulled out, turning into a miserable green light group exuding a dangerous aura in the Deluminator.

Dumbledore flipped the switch of the lights out and closed the top cover. The gray silk thread representing petrification and the yellow silk thread representing the gaze carrier were disconnected and retracted into the snake pupil along the gap between the eyelids.

"So this eye of the basilisk can only be petrified and cannot kill people?" Loren was surprised.

Handing him the deluminator, Dumbledore said with encouragement in his eyes: "Here, try the other eye."

"Isn't this good?" Loren couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, showing a shy smile, and took the Deluminator neatly.

Although he was a little embarrassed, it was his first time playing with such a high-end alchemy artifact. He couldn't help but flip the deluminator back and forth between his hands and touch it a few more times.

"If you can't control the basilisk's eyes immediately, you can turn on the deluminator first, and then open the basilisk's eyes." Dumbledore guided.

Loren followed the principal's instructions obediently and used the Deluminator to connect the snake eyes... But his control over magic was not as detailed as Dumbledore's, and he was stuck at the step of separating magic threads according to color.

"If you are not sure about the shaking frequency of the layered magic thread, you can shake it for a while and you will slowly find the feeling." Dumbledore said patiently.

Shake it for a while, wait for the magic thread to separate into three colors, control the deluminator to only absorb the green thread, then close the snake's eyelids and close the top cover of the deluminator.

"It's not as difficult as I thought!" Loren gave himself a score of 82 for his performance just now, and didn't need the remaining 666, lest others think he was not humble enough.

Dumbledore also smiled brightly: "Then I'll leave the deluminator to you. From now on, I'll ask you to stop the basilisk's gaze every month."




"This is a basilisk!"

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