The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 181 The Forgetting Curse

Loren and Hermione talked nonsense that they didn't care about. Fortunately, it was not uncommon for little wizards to mumble like this.

Hogwarts students often venture to the bar on weekends, drink like adults, and fall asleep on the table without finishing a glass. The waiters at The Three Broomsticks are used to it.

All kinds of guests in the bar did not dare to be hostile to these little wizards, not only because of Dumbledore's reputation, but also because the school's professors would often come to the bar to have a drink and relax.

The two chatted vaguely about the Transfiguration Club and the Potions Club, which had not yet begun to openly recruit members. Little wizards are very willing to join the potion club, because making potions is a professional skill with a high threshold, and a potion master is a decent job.

Leisurely stirring the liquid in the crucible, brewing cheap raw materials into potions, and selling them for a price that can cover a few months' expenses. Relaxed, comfortable and elegant.

Loren couldn't understand why the little wizards would have such unrealistic fantasies when there were potions classes every week. He could only think that this might be the same as ordinary people's longing for doctors.

After drinking the butterbeer slowly and even falling asleep for a while, the two left the Three Broomsticks refreshed.

It was already around two or three in the afternoon. The sun had passed its central position, and the faint sunlight flowing on my body gave me a comfortable warmth.

"What else should we do?" Hermione and Loren walked out side by side.

"Is there anything else you want to play?"

"No more!" Hermione replied crisply.

They haven't been to Zog's Magic Joke Shop, they haven't visited the Fengya Wizard Clothing Store, and there are still many places they haven't visited. In fact, Hermione also wanted to visit the Literary Quill Shop, but she knew well that she couldn't eat all the good food in one go, as it would make her stomach bloated.

How do you say that?

The future is long.

"Then let's find a place to eat?" Loren looked at both sides of the street. There seemed to be no restaurants or other shops on the left and right.

"Well -" Hermione felt distressedly, her stomach was still full. They had stuffed too much into their stomachs at Honeydukes Candy Shop. It was all high-sugar food and very filling.

She was lost in thought: "No, let's buy a cake and go back to school. I'm going to give some to Parvati and the others, and you can help me bring some to Harry and the others to thank them for their birthday gifts for me."

"Cake, what flavor do you want?"

"Avalanche Strawberry Cake! I always love Avalanche Strawberry Cake!"

"Chocolate cake is not bad either."

"Actually, I want to try a dark chocolate cake."

The two of them walked and talked.

The streets of Hogsmeade are still bustling with activity. In Mrs. Puddifu's teahouse, there are still many little wizards stuck with glue, with their hands glued to their hands and their mouths glued to their mouths. At the entrance of the Quidditch boutique, the unshaven boss squatted, worrying about the strangely packaged candy gift box with the clerk.

"I just asked you to go next door and steal - no, bring out some candies to try. How can you bring such a big thing back?" the boss said.

The young clerk blushed with embarrassment and stammered a little: "The new Zizi Honey Candy was so tempting that I couldn't help but eat all the contents in the sample box. Plus this uniform, I was caught."

He looked at the candy gift box in front of him: "You know the rest. Mr. Ambrosio Froom asked me to bring this to you."

The boss looked at the gift box suspiciously: "There won't be a bunch of cockroaches running around in it. Last time I opened the gift box he gave me in the store, cockroaches crawled all over the house!"

"You'll know if you take it apart and take a look."

"Are you a dummy?"

Loren and Hermione smiled as they passed by and walked into Honeydukes Candy Shop.

Bubbles in the colors of colorful flowers floated below the ceiling, and the explosions of sandwich popping candies sounded from time to time, as well as spurting flames and cackles of white ice mist... The shelves were still crowded with little wizards, and the counters were occupied with orders and checkouts. The little wizards circled around.

Although they said it was an avalanche strawberry cake outside, when they saw the various cakes displayed on the display cabinet for tasting, the two of them couldn't hold back and ate one piece of each.

The mousse cake is as soft as clouds, the black forest cake with cherry cream has a dense texture, and the nut brownie cake is sweet and not cloying. The undigested candies in their stomachs welcomed a new partner, and both of them felt a little full before giving up with regret.

Then he returned to the castle carrying the avalanche strawberry cake divided into two boxes. Although the sun had not set yet, the lighting lights and candles were already on.

The two felt the sweetness lingering between their lips and teeth, talked about the stores they would go to next time, and planned their itinerary. We have to go to the post office to see the owls, we have to see the Shrieking Shack included in "Magical Places of Interest", there are many interesting places, and it just so happens that their future is still very long.

Walking into the shadow, he exposed half of his body to block the light, casting a dancing shadow on the ground...

They bounced until they reached the stairs of the Gryffindor common room, where they stopped and looked at each other.

Loren turned his head and looked to the side, looking at the entrance of the girls' dormitory and said, "The birthday gift for you is stuffed into the cake box. Remember to take a look."

Hermione smiled: "Thank you! This is the happiest birthday I have ever had!"

"I'll pass it on to Wendell and Monica."

Hermione:? ? ?

With complicated thoughts, the two parted ways.

Before Hermione entered the dormitory, she opened the box and looked at it. It was the same small pendant as the birthday gift she gave Loren. The brown grapevine wood is carved into a cartoon version of a small whale with a square head and a square head, waving its little tail upwards, clumsy and naively cute.

The carving is exquisite and the minute carvings are neat. Focus and care are engraved in the neat carvings.

Hermione held the small pendant and felt a sweetness that was sweeter than butter cake.

Back in the dormitory, Loren divided the cake among Harry and several others, using the free shell plates provided by the store and small forks that looked like they were made of hedgehog back thorns.

Harry ate the cake and gestured with the wand he held, occasionally thrusting forward suddenly and then quickly pointing behind him. When he was simulating an encounter with Death Eaters, in which he was attacked from both sides and faced with one enemy, he would make sounds like "Boom! Boom!" from time to time.

If the atmosphere is right, Ron will also join in. In their imagination, there will be a scene of a lone hero breaking out of the siege.

But he was still eating cake, so looking at Harry's behavior from a third perspective, it was hard to explain.

"What magic spell can you cast instantly and defeat the enemy with one move?" Ron tried to make Harry's performance more rigorous.

Harry said: "The disarming spell, my disarming spell is a bit different. Many seniors only use it to disarm. I can also make it have a knock-up effect and defeat the enemy with one move."

So Ron was silent. He had sparred with Harry and had seen disarming spells that were not magical at all.

Seamus asked, "Loren, what is the spell you chose?"

Ron came over, put his hands on Loren's shoulders, and said solemnly: "You should think carefully before answering. This is about who will write the stargazing report for Seamus and I this semester."

"You actually bet on something like this?" Loren felt it was outrageous. "There are so many magic spells. What if the one I choose is different from the one you bet on?"

"You didn't choose a specific spell. Seamus guessed that you must have chosen an attack spell. I guessed it was a non-attack spell." Ron said.

Loren pondered for a moment and blinked at the two of them to convey the hint: "Choosing a magic spell is something that needs to be done carefully, isn't it? I think maybe "my" "stargazing report" will show some signs, I need to take a look. Decide again. "

His accent bite is amazing.

Seamus waved away his threats and fantasies: "Don't think about it. Your stargazing report will be checked by Hermione first. If we ghostwrite more than 3 words, we will be found out."

"Alas," Loren sighed and gave up struggling, "Then you lose, Iron Armor Curse, non-attack type."

"Ha! No need to write a stargazing report this semester!" Ron cheered immediately.

Seamus looked at him in disbelief: "You took me to the Forbidden Forest to blow up tree branches when I first came to school, and now you tell me that you chose the Iron Armor Curse?!"

Seamus couldn't accept it, not at all.

Afraid that Loren would change his mind, Ron dragged Seamus away to write the stargazing report for last week that was due the day after tomorrow.

The two of them reviewed the story in whispers:

"How did you guess that?"

"You can see from his chess playing style that he is both offensive and defensive but not so aggressive."

"Can this be seen?"


Saturday night was not a good one for Harry and Ron. Because the confinement they avoided last week cannot be escaped this time. Ron was going to the trophy room and wiped the hundreds of trophies clean without magic. Harry is going to find Lockhart to help him answer fan mail.

Loren is also going to find Lockhart, and the Forgetting Curse teaching scheduled last week will start tonight.

In the deserted corridor, Harry listened to Loren's footsteps and felt much more at ease. He said gratefully: "Thanks to you, Loren, otherwise I would have to face that best-selling author alone."

"I, I'm the one thanking you." Loren felt a little guilty and changed the subject, "How are you training with the new Quidditch tactics? Can you beat the Slytherin team?"

Speaking of this, Harry sighed: "We won't know until the official game. After learning that the Slytherin team had new brooms, although Wood calmed down, he became more and more nervous, sensitive and irritable. Everyone's The pressure is also very high, the atmosphere in the team is like a powder keg, I really hope to play earlier."

"Don't worry, Quidditch is not a sport that only pursues speed..." Loren repeated what he had heard during the day, which greatly encouraged Harry.

While talking, the two came to the door of Lockhart's office and knocked on the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.


The loose leaves made a sound of metal friction, and the office door opened inwards.

Lockhart was not behind the door. Instead, he was sitting in the middle of the office, holding his cheek with one hand in a posture that seemed to have been there for a long time.

Loren and Harry sighed in unison, they were so pretentious. Using magic to open doors is something that preschoolers can do, but you are pretending to be a profound magic spell that even Professor Flitwick can't pretend to do.

"Ah, here comes the little villain and the future memory canceller! Come in, Harry, Loren, come in." Lockhart greeted, with high-pitched sentences that matched his posture.

Dozens of Lockhart's photos and portraits hung on the walls, illuminated very brightly by candles.

"You come and write the envelope for me. Believe me, they will be so happy when they receive the letter!" When Lockhart thought of that scene, he was as happy as drinking a crucible of ice water in the hot desert.

"Just like this, the first one is addressed to Lady Gladys Googly, one of my ardent admirers..." Lockhart showed Harry how to write the envelope, and then stacked it as tall and thick as Harry. Thick stacks of envelopes were placed in front of him, and he was asked to compare them and copy them.

Peter Ivor, Veronica...

Harry slid the quill mechanically, his eyes losing their luster, like an emotionless envelope-copying machine.

Lockhart watched him copy a few letters and nodded with satisfaction. He looked up at Loren and smiled: "Oh, future memory canceller, let's start learning the forgetting spell."

The teaching process was somewhat beyond Loren's expectations. Lockhart had a comprehensive grasp of the Forgetting Curse. Perhaps due to his own conditions, Lockhart explained it in detail.

In addition to the rhymes and spell-casting movements of the spell, Loren also explained how to cast the Forgetting Curse in various situations.

"Memories at different times are related to each other, and they have some clever connections. We need to be strict when we delete and modify memories."

"The famous Ilfracombe Incident occurred in 1932. At that time, a mischievous common Welsh green dragon attacked a group of sunbathers in Ilfracombe, Devon, England. The wizard Torque was traveling there One family took control of the fire dragon and cast the largest amnesia spell on the residents there in the 20th century."

"I don't mean to look down on the Tok family, but they don't understand the principle of the Forgetting Curse at all. The rough and indiscriminate Forgetting Curse has caused many mistakes. If it were me, even if the Romanian dragons came from London together, If it flies over the sky, no Muggle will remember it the next day."

In typical wizard thinking, Lockhart probably had no idea how big London was and how many Muggles lived in the city.

Ignoring the braggadocio aspects of the lecture, the most useful part was Lockhart's detailed analysis of the memory storage areas in the brain and the storage of memories in the soul.

"Short-term memories that do not cause drastic changes in emotions will not be engraved in the soul. Such memories can be easily changed by waving a magic wand in front of your eyes."

"Correspondingly, many years have passed, and after countless memories, deep emotions pull the memories reflected in the soul. For this kind of memory, the forgetting spell must penetrate deep into the soul, and a tiny fluctuation of magic power will make people become Fool."

At this point, Lockhart smiled at Loren: "Many people simply can't tell the difference between the two memories, which can lead to irreversible brain damage and permanent damage to the soul's memory."

The combination of the favorable impression gained previously and Lockhart's desire to show off made this class full of useful information. Loren learned many unknown things about the Forgetting Curse.

"Every year during the Quidditch World Cup, the Amnesia Curse needs to be used repeatedly on nearby residents. The memory cancellers sent to the scene are all experienced and skilled, so there will be basically no problems. In other scenes, such as torture and interrogation, It's for training newcomers, and it often turns the interrogated criminals into fools." Lockhart lowered his voice, "Then he threw them into Azkaban and claimed that it was done by dementors."

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