The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 192 Gunter’s Old House

On the hills on the south bank of the Thames River, the granite buildings form a majestic and historic castle town.

At the entrance of the castle, the stretches of green grass stretch along the ground to the end of the line of sight. The cool wind soothes the heart and lungs, making people unconsciously slow down and appreciate the autumn and winter trees.

Dumbledore, wearing a brown satin windbreaker, raised his high collar and had a relaxed expression. Loren's large magic robe was taken in by the transfiguration spell and turned into an ordinary black long-sleeved coat. The two of them looked like a father and son who were ordinary tourists visiting the castle on the weekend.

Dumbledore changed into a middle-aged appearance, but his steps did not become more agile. He looked at the green plants on both sides of the road with interest, but his speed became even slower.

Loren still had to make do with his speed, stopping and running. He was not in the mood to enjoy the scenery, he only wanted to go in and get the unicorn horn quickly, his face was full of urgency.

After walking for nearly half an hour, I saw that half of the long path outside the castle was still unfinished. Loren couldn't hold back his anger: "Principal, how about you stay outside and enjoy the scenery, and I can go in and get the unicorn horn by myself?"

With eyes full of green, Dumbledore said leisurely: "Loren, the more you desire something, the less you can be blinded. This is the advice of the old wizard."

The abominable Riddler...

Loren took a deep breath, suppressed his eagerness and asked, "Is there something I didn't notice?"

"Recently, Hogwarts Castle is very lively at night. There are two house elves running around in the school. You know, the magic of house elves is different from that of wizards, and the castle cannot restrict them." Dumbledore spoke slowly and slowly, as if he was talking about something insignificant.

Loren was stunned when he heard this. Harry seemed to have mentioned this matter after he was discharged from the hospital.

One of them is Dobby, who always comes to school at night to observe Harry and try to keep Harry away from the castle. They met Dobby that night during their night out in the library.

Dobby had warned Harry that there was an alien house elf in the castle who seemed to have evil intentions, so they should be careful.

"Some time ago, Xiaomai from the kitchen came to me and said that he often saw a strange house elf staring at you. He asked all the house elves in the castle, but no one knew him. Xiaomai was worried that someone would do something bad to you, so he encouraged Have the courage to ask me for help.”

Speaking of this, Dumbledore looked at Loren with emotion, and felt a little better about him in his heart.

Being able to make the house elves sincerely grateful and have the courage to ask for help from him, the headmaster, shows that Loren also sincerely gets along with the house elves, without discrimination or prejudice, and gives them the respect they deserve.

"Wheat..." Loren repeated this unfamiliar name, and it took some effort to retrieve the face of this vague house elf from his memory.

The last time I saw Xiaomai was during the Christmas holiday... At that time, he made frozen pears and went to the kitchen to ask for some pears. He gave Xiaomai a piece of chocolate frog as a gift. As a result, Xiaomai was so grateful that he insisted on being loyal to him forever.

Loren felt uncomfortable and never went to the kitchen or saw the house elf again.

His thoughts were in a daze: "Why didn't he tell me directly?"

"Well," Dumbledore's voice was very soft, "I also asked him this question. His original words were, 'Wheat is a house elf without any sense of proportion. Wheat makes Mr. Morgan hate him. Mr. Morgan doesn't want to see Wheat. Wheat I don’t want to disturb Mr. Morgan either.'"

The cold wind of autumn and winter was already very cold. Loren sniffed and did not want to continue talking about this topic: "So who is the house elf following me and what is his purpose?"

Dumbledore smiled silently, not holding on to the matter: "It's from the Crabbe family. Voldemort and little Crabbe gathered together. He used the house elf to convey news to the outside world, and at the same time let the house elf The elf is watching you and Harry."

Loren's brows knit together tightly. He could understand why he was observing Harry: "Does Voldemort already know that I was the one who destroyed the diary?"

"I guess he's not sure. It's just the words at the end of the diary that made Voldemort notice you. He tried to find out what's different about you, through the house elf's observation every moment." Dumbledore Liduo means something.

"you mean……"

That house elf is still following him!

Loren calmed down and closed his eyes, trying to mobilize his fighting instinct and sensing the strange sights around him.

During his long-term sparring with Flamel in the duel training room, he had accumulated combat instincts through his rich practical experience, and he could easily detect the spying of the house elf in front of him.

The house elf's gaze was not special, nor did it have any magic power. Loren would ignore this kind of prying eyes before simply because there were too many such gazes.

The numerous house elves in the castle serve the little wizards, washing clothes, preparing food, cleaning bedrooms... They try to reduce their presence and not let the little wizards notice them.

In such an environment, Loren would subconsciously ignore their sight most of the time.

Fortunately, he made a special inspection that night to clean up the basilisk and confirmed that there were no house elves on the third floor, otherwise the Philosopher's Stone might have been exposed. Thinking of this, Loren breathed a sigh of relief.

What he didn't know was that Dumbledore had also confirmed it for him.

Well, there were indeed no house elves on the third floor at that time.

When he opened his eyes again, Loren's eyes were filled with crystal blue light. Behind a beech tree in front of him, he easily observed a magic power different from that of the wizard.

His hand immediately reached for the wand hidden in his sleeve.

Dumbledore took his hand and shook his head slightly to stop him.

"Why?" Loren asked puzzled.

Voldemort will definitely return, and there is not much time left for Harry. He hoped that Harry could seize every opportunity to face Voldemort and learn from it.

Loren proposed a visit to Windsor Castle, which could divert Voldemort's attention from him and prevent him from realizing that the old Gaunt house had been discovered, and the darkest place in his heart was clearly seen.

"Voldemort's stay in the castle has other purposes. I don't want to disturb him yet." Dumbledore raised his eyes and looked at the beech wood.


Loren took out the wand from his sleeve: "I'm going to get the unicorn horn first..."

The house elf hiding behind the beech tree was trembling violently. He was worried about the chief wizard of the Wizengamot. He did not dare to follow too close and could not hear their conversation. He could only vaguely feel two extremely oppressive gazes. .

"It won't be discovered..." The house elf's heart seemed to be grasped by some invisible hand, and the blood flow throughout the body became stiff.

He was afraid of being discovered, and even more afraid of not being able to fulfill his master's orders. He cautiously poked his head out from behind the beech tree, wanting to take a look.

Loren held the wand and tapped it lightly on his chest. A wave of water flowed from the tip of the wand to his whole body.

"Fortunately, we weren't discovered." He patted his chest happily, but then his eyes, which were as protruding as tennis balls, widened as if they were about to fall out at any moment.

Illusion spell! The little wizard's figure disappeared from sight!

Loren Morgan is the main target that the master ordered to observe. He will not lose the target!

The house elf trembled even more, too frightened to control himself.

To He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, the lives of these humble, enslaved little people were worth nothing, and even his minions treated house elves like vermin.

If he fails to fulfill his master's instructions, the master will let the terrible venomous snake penetrate through his nostrils and into his head, lay eggs inside, and use its body to hatch baby snakes.

At the thought of those terrible poisonous snakes squirming in his mind, tears of fear overflowed from his eyes, and his nose dripped onto the dirty rag he was wearing.

In great fear, he forced himself to calm down and comforted himself by saying: "Dumbledore is still here, the little wizard will not go far, he will come back."

Even from a long distance away, Dumbledore could still sense every move the house elf made.

Mai is grateful to Loren and sincerely offers her loyalty to him. This house elf is afraid of Voldemort and Crabbe.

Comparing the two, Dumbledore sighed quietly: "The power that impresses people is never power, never fear."

"Yes, Loren Morgan will come back, will come back..." The house elf kept repeating these words, as if grasping at straws, causing the already high-pitched voice to become panicked. More tapered.

Sure enough, the little wizard named Loren Morgan soon appeared, holding something like a white sharp horn in his hand.

To his despair, Dumbledore disappeared this time with Loren.

The house elf screamed and snapped his fingers, teleporting to where Dumbledore and Loren had been.

Teleporting from the wilderness outside the castle to the wilderness beside the Thames, he could follow Loren Morgan's magical trail to get here. But this time it was Dumbledore who teleported with Loren Morgan, and he could not capture any trace of the magic power of Apparition.

The house elf was stunned. He grabbed a thick branch from the tree next to him and hit his head hard.

When he punished himself for not completing the tasks assigned by his master, he felt a trace of sadness in his heart.

If you could crack the head, you wouldn't have to hatch snake eggs.

Suddenly, he stopped tapping and looked at Windsor Castle with bloodshot eyes. The blood flowing from his forehead blurred his vision. The pain and despair suddenly caused a glimmer of light to flash through the blurred vision.

"Although I don't know what Loren Morgan took from the castle, and I don't know where they went...but if, if it can make the master happy...the master may simply chop off my head..."

The house elf's shrill voice became sinister and terrifying. He didn't want his head to be riddled with holes by venomous snakes. His frightened expression gradually turned into madness, and a hot red light lit up on his fingertips...

There was a squeezing feeling from the rubber tube all over his body, and every part seemed to be being reorganized and merged. His brain was stretched into a long strip and then pulled back. The dizziness and falling feeling showed that the distance of the apparition was very long.

The transfiguration spell had been removed from the coat, and the unicorn horn was stored in the inner pocket of the robe.

Loren took a deep breath to calm down the discomfort caused by teleportation, and opened his eyes. They were standing on a country road, with tall shrubs and tangled branches on both sides, and the sky above their heads was slightly gloomy.

"Principal, your Apparition seems to be a little different." Loren said.

Dumbledore was reading a wooden sign sticking out of the brambles on the left side of the path: "The magic of Fawkes, which will keep us away from the house elves."

"Oh." Loren looked at the road sign. There were two indicator arrows on it. The arrow pointing to their back read: Great Hangleton, 5 miles. The arrow pointing ahead read: Little Hangleton, 1 mile.

Dumbledore compared the scene on the road with Bob Ogden's memory, trying to see what it was like fifty years ago.

"Although you may not be interested, I still want to tell you a story from many years ago." He led Loren along the tall hedges on both sides of the road.

Loren concentrated on the difficult and steep path under her feet.

The path turned to the left, and the sight suddenly opened up. They were standing on a high hillside. Looking down the mountain, Loren saw a village, which was undoubtedly Little Hangleton. The village is nestled between two steep hills, with the church and cemetery clearly visible.

But their destination was not that village. They walked straight down the steep hillside. Before entering the village, the path turned right and passed through a gap in the fence.

This is a steeper and narrower dirt road, with denser shrubs on both sides. The dirt road is winding, pitted, and full of rocks. Because no one has walked on it for decades, the grass and trees grow wildly, and there are almost no traces of the road.

"Many years ago, the Gaunt family lived here. Marvolo, his son Morfin, and daughter Merop were the last descendants of the Gaunt family. It was a very old wizard family. They lacked reason and were famous for their violence. They claim to be the descendants of Slytherin. In fact, they are indeed so. It’s just that the wealth of their ancestors has been passed down to them, and not much is left.”

Dumbledore narrated calmly, without any emotion, as if he was telling an insignificant story. He held Loren's hand with a little force and lifted him over a boulder blocking the road.

Continuing forward, the dirt road leads into a dark forest. There are tangled tree roots on the ground, and dense and lush branches above the head, almost completely blocking the sky, not revealing a trace of skylight. Whispering, Loren vaguely saw several fat snakes twisting and twisting among the branches.

"Morfin attacks Tom Riddle, the son of a Muggle squire. When summoned by Mr. Bob Ogden, his father Marvolo joins him in defying the Aurors, injuring Ministry officials, and both are imprisoned in the Auror Zikaban.”

"Melop, freed from the rule of her father and brother, became free-willed and used some secret means to force Riddle to elope with her."

Passing through the gaps in the tree trunks, I finally saw a strange old house.

The walls were covered with moss, the tiles on the roof were in tatters and were also covered with branches and moss. Thick nettles grew around the house, which was higher than the windows and almost flooded the house. Everywhere here reveals a strong sense of weirdness and unspeakable mystery.

Walking closer, Loren saw that in addition to moss, there were some corroded snake bones on the ground in front of the rotten gate. When you push the door open and go in, you will see that the gaps in the stone wall are covered with moss, and the wooden wall has long been eaten away by various insects, and is covered with all kinds of fungi.

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