The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 363 Professor Tom Gunter

Chapter 363 Professor Tom Gunter

The Hogwarts Principal's office is so quiet that you can hear the sound of silverware spewing out white vapor smoke. The walls are covered with portraits of previous old principals. These moving magical portraits keep the same expression, looking out in the frame. He looked towards the chair in front of the desk.

Dumbledore's expression became calmer and deeper, and he quietly looked at the white lion cat squatting on the cushion, with an interesting light flashing in his blue eyes.

"Honestly, as a former professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts, I have seen many human transformations and many unusual talents..."

Dumbledore's eyes were full of interest, "But let me tell you, such a unique ability deserves to be featured in "Transfiguration Today"...

"There are more types of animals that can transform than Animagus, and transformation involves a wider range of things than Metamorphosis."

Dumbledore paused and asked with great interest: "Can you look like someone else, like Polyjuice Potion?"


Loren opened his mouth to answer, and realized that he was now a cat. He shook the mane around his neck and returned to his human form: "I can't do it. It seems that I can't change my appearance flexibly when I become an animal. Whether it's a cat or an owl, I can't change my appearance." The figures behind him all have highly consistent features, especially the heterochromatic eyes...

It doesn't feel like a random transformation, but more like converting my own appearance into the corresponding animal signs through some inexplicable magical process... I'm also about to ask you for advice on how to control this magical talent. "

"After all, this is the magic passed down by Fairy Morgan..." Dumbledore fell into thought and unconsciously rubbed his fingers on the tea cup. After half a minute, he came back to his senses and shook his head, "Well, I can't do it for a while. I can't think of any clues, but...the wizard's magic is always full of infinite possibilities.

You can try to learn Parseltongue, and the Disguise Magus has a similar effect to the advanced human transfiguration. In the future, after you deeply understand the nature of transfiguration, you may be able to completely control the details of these changes. "

Loren took a sip of tea and exhaled slowly: "It was such a long time ago..."

The lazy tone was even a bit leisurely, and you could tell from the first listen that he didn't intend to explore in this direction.

Dumbledore smiled helplessly: "Perhaps you can reverse the transformation process into a magic ritual... to transform into other animals without restraint. That would be magic that surpasses Animagus."

"Forget it, I'm not Miranda Gorshak. This kind of thing about benefiting the public and studying abroad textbooks sounds very tiring..."

Loren leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair, "Speaking of it, this transformation is very different from Animagus. After I transform into an animal, a strange magic power will remain in my body, and I can pass through it. Control this magic power to change form.

So I was thinking, since I have magic in my body, can I transform into a magical animal? "

"Pioneering idea..." Dumbledore praised, "If you can realize your vision, it can almost be regarded as creating a new magical field."

"Really?" Loren smiled sheepishly.

"On the premise of ensuring safety, Hogwarts professors encourage students to try..." Dumbledore looked at Loren's face intently and advised sincerely, "But I also want to remind you that although Fantastic Beasts inspired He has created many magics, but compared to various magical animals, wizards’ magic is more colorful.”

"Don't worry, principal, I know which one is more important."

In the following time, Loren asked Dumbledore some questions about alchemy and transfiguration. He also asked Flamel about the same question. The two old wizards' answers focused on different aspects.

Flamel is better at theoretical knowledge in the field of alchemy and can often guide Loren to explore more profound alchemical systems, while Dumbledore focuses more on basic applications in alchemy, such as how to replace extinct materials. Which materials are more cost-effective...

In the field of transfiguration, Dumbledore was ahead of Flamel in almost all aspects, both in theory and application.

After ending the discussion about invisible beasts and the Illusion Curse, Loren looked out the window. The sky was gradually getting darker, and night began to cover the sky and the earth.

Loren sat up from his chair, patted his sleeves and said goodbye: "Professor, I'm going to have dinner first, and I'll chat with you when I have time."

"Wait a minute, I have something to ask you..." Dumbledore met Loren's curious gaze and said slowly, "Keep an eye on Harry for me. If he dreams of any strange scenes or conversations, be sure to tell him Notify me as soon as possible."

"Did something happen?" Loren was a little surprised.

Dumbledore generally would not mention Harry's dreams. He always hoped that Harry would master Occlumency and sever his connection with Voldemort, even though Harry's fool didn't think so at all.

"Peter Pettigrew's body was stolen..." Dumbledore rubbed his brows, as if he had a headache just thinking about it, "just when Bellatrix Lestrange attacked Gringotts Not long after that, the body that had been stored at Saint-German's Hospital disappeared, and I suspect it has something to do with Voldemort."


"Voldemort stole Peter Pettigrew's body?"

Harry and Ron's eyes widened in surprise, and even Hermione was a little confused and completely confused.

Loren nodded: "I'm not completely sure, but that's what Dumbledore guessed."

Anyway, Dumbledore never said anything about keeping it secret, and this kind of news should soon appear on the front page of the Daily Prophet. After coming out of the principal's office to have dinner, Loren called a few people to the abandoned classroom and shared with them the intelligence Dumbledore had just released.

Thinking of the short, fat, bald, middle-aged man, Ron suddenly felt physiological discomfort and shivered coldly: "What does he want with a man's body?"

"Of course we are looking for parasites..." Loren spread his hands and told a cold joke, "Otherwise, the temperature is too low in winter, why don't you hug him to warm the bed and sleep?"

"That's what Percy did. I didn't sleep with Scabbers in my arms!" Ron retorted excitedly.

Harry: "..."

It seemed like I heard some great news.

Loren: "..."

Percy has a good brother like you, and he was probably reborn after taking the elixir in his previous life.

Hermione: "..."

This sentence is so rich in information. I wonder if Penello has heard of Percy's dark history.

"Let's continue talking about Voldemort..." Harry said, while quietly moving away a distance, "I remember the last time I dreamed about Voldemort, he was in a weird baby state. At that time, he He is probably very weak, I wonder how he is doing now?"

Loren thought about it and speculated: "No matter what body he is in, he is in a parasitic state of wandering souls. He should be similar to Quirrell at that time."

"I think that stinky Quirrell is already difficult to deal with." Ron sighed sadly, "Why didn't the Ministry of Magic directly execute that Wormtail? Now that it's better, bigger trouble is coming. It's really... …”

"Stop complaining." Hermione interrupted, "These are not things we should worry about now. All you have to do is study hard and prepare for the upcoming exams."

"Merlin's beard—"

Ron looked at her in horror, even more horrified than when he heard the news about Wormtail and Voldemort, "This is just the beginning of school, and the exams are still a century away!"

His expression amused the other three, and the topic became lighter, shifting to the new semester of study, the exams for the newly learned elective subjects, and the Quidditch match that will be held next week.

Return to the dormitory before going to bed.

Loren sat down on the four-poster bed and dusted the thick silk quilt. From the corner of his eye, he saw Harry hadn't gone to bed yet. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head lowered, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Harry?" Loren called quietly.

"Huh?" Harry replied stupidly.

"Stop thinking about that matter. Go to bed early. It's best if you don't dream about Voldemort."

Harry heard some warmth from these words, and smiled, nodded heavily, turned over on the bed and got into bed.

But the human mind is a very wonderful thing. The more you ask yourself not to think about something, the image of that thing will become clearer and the impression will become more and more profound.

That night, Harry slowly fell asleep with Voldemort in his mind.

At the same time, far away in a magic academy in another country, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this semester, Tom Gunter, woke up from the bed in the lounge.

In the dark shadows, blood-red eyes flashed away. The short, fat, bald, middle-aged man sitting on the bed had a pale face, like a drowned corpse fished out of ice water.

Voldemort's brows furrowed together. He had just vaguely noticed a faint wave coming from his soul. When he concentrated on feeling it carefully, the wave quickly dissipated.

After checking the room for a while, I found nothing.

Voldemort could only think that there was something wrong with this body. Wormtail was in a strange state of neither life nor death, and it was normal for his soul to experience some fluctuations.

The courses for the new semester at Hogwarts are gradually getting on track, and most professors have chosen to spend a week or two reviewing and consolidating the content they learned last semester.

The most common complaint that Professor McGonagall has made to Sprout in recent days is: "I suspect that many little wizards were attacked by dark wizards during the holidays. Otherwise, how could the knowledge in their little heads be washed away as if by the Forgotten Curse? .”

Professor Snape believed this.

The little wizards who were suspected by the professors of being under the Forgetting Curse didn't realize it. They were happily immersed in the freshness and excitement of the new school. They felt that everything in the school was much more pleasing to the eye, except for a certain Potions Professor and Pippi. ghost.

Students are also concerned about club activities in various subjects. The first club activity in the new semester is Professor Lu Ping. After dinner on the first Thursday after returning to school, he carried out review and teaching activities on the Patronus Charm in the auditorium. .

Hundreds of floating candles burned, illuminating every inch of the auditorium with soft light. The long academic table was removed again, and a gilded stage appeared along the walls.

"...I'm sorry to burden you in the first week!" Professor Lu Ping stood on the podium with a gentle smile, "But I think that you may have many happy memories after the Christmas vacation...while these memories are still fresh. It’s so vivid, maybe someone can use it to summon a physical patron saint.”

He was answered by cheers that filled the auditorium.

"Now let me review the spells and key points of the Patronus Charm with you..."

On the side of the stage, Loren observed Professor Lupine's back, pondered for a moment, and asked Harry and Hermione next to him: "Do you think Professor Lupine has gained some weight?"

Hermione observed it carefully and nodded slightly hesitantly.


Harry fell silent as he recalled the days after Professor Lupin took out the mandrake blades.

There are so many grilled chicken legs that anyone who eats them will get fat.

"...In addition! In order to help everyone learn the Patronus Charm faster, I have invited three assistants for you!" Lu Ping's voice suddenly rose, and he stretched out his hand to motion for everyone to look to the side of the stage, "Except for the ones you were already familiar with last semester. Leigh Porter, and the other two are the newly joined assistant coaches Morgan and Granger. If you have any questions, you can ask the three assistant coaches for advice..."

There were familiar little wizards in the audience, cheering and shouting the names of the three people. Among them, two red-haired twins who did not want to be named were the loudest.

Suddenly being watched by everyone, the three Lorens straightened their backs subconsciously and walked into the crowd of people who were practicing.

"[Calling God to Guard]"

"[Calling God to Guard]"


Accompanied by the sounds of the little wizards reciting spells, a soft silver-white light began to appear in the auditorium, like pieces of silk and satin woven together, making the light more attractive.

Looking at the three friends who became teaching assistants, Ron was inspired. At first, he worked hard to release the brilliance of the patron saint, but after only ten minutes, he became sluggish.

"I can't see it has any shape..." Ron said with a sad face as he looked at the small ball of light at the tip of the wand.

"Happy memories, Ron, you must pour in happy memories." Harry instructed sincerely.

"Is this all you can say?" Ron said resentfully, "I also know that I want happy memories... I spent all my Christmas holidays with you. Obviously these memories are not enough to support my patron saint."

"..." Harry was silent for a moment, then turned to guide Ginny next to him.

On the right wall of the auditorium, Hermione is here to instruct her roommates:

"Parvati, the tip of the staff only needs to be turned slightly, no need to draw a big circle. Stop laughing, Lavender, I am not going to make you laugh out loud by letting you pour happy memories."

"I think Parvati's silly look makes me happy!"

Lavender smiled from ear to ear. She glanced at Loren who was among the Slytherin wizards. She took Hermione with one hand and Parvati with the other. She suppressed her smile and whispered: "Hermione, tell us whether the happy memories of dating Loren can help form a Patronus."

Hermione's cheeks were slightly hot after being told this, and she argued feebly: "Say...what are you talking about? Happy memories are not divided into categories."

Parvati looked astonished: "No wonder you and Loren have learned the Patronus Charm!"

"Oops -" Lavender said pretending to be disappointed, "It seems that the two of us can't learn the Patronus Charm."

"Don't be ridiculous, Harry also learned the Patronus Charm."


When Lavender and Parvati heard this, they both smiled excitedly and strangely, and looked at Harry who was not far away, laughing.

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