The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 376 Oliver Wood and the 1994 Quidditch Final

Chapter 376 Oliver Wood and the 1994 Quidditch Final

In April, small petal flowers such as daffodils, camellias and lilacs bloomed very well. Perhaps they realized that the flowering period was coming to an end, so they bloomed particularly brilliantly.

Tulips and bluebells took over the work of decorating the fields and popped up in clusters. Hogwarts and the Forbidden Forest completely got rid of the shadow of winter and became bright and moving.

Hao Qi's death added a touch of sadness to the Easter holiday. Loren and the others witnessed a tragic story, but they did not understand the protagonist of the story, so the sadness could not be upgraded to sadness.

During the remaining days of the vacation, Harry and Ron occasionally thought about Voldemort and the Horcruxes. After severely reprimanding them, they were escorted to the Quidditch pitch by Wood for high-intensity training.

After the training, there were piles of homework waiting for them. Amidst such sadness and high pressure of homework, the Easter holiday was over.

After Easter, the tension between the two teams, Gryffindor and Slytherin, and the two houses reached an explosive level. Some minor conflicts often occurred in dueling classes, spells classes, and even the protection of magic. In animal class.

When they have free time, the little wizards can often see big black bats flying out of the abandoned classrooms, which is a sign that someone has been cursed by the bat spirit.

This little curse invented by Miranda Gorshak can turn the target's boogers into big black bats that fly out of the nose. It is not very harmful but extremely insulting.

"Harry, are you ready for tomorrow's game?"

"Oh, I don't know either..."

On Friday morning, Loren and others walked down the stairs slowly and met Hermione who was sitting on the sofa.

Because the game was approaching, Harry and Ron were nervous and had to rehearse their tactics every night. As a result, Loren got up a little late today. Hermione, who was waiting in the common room, even finished memorizing a chapter of the history of medieval magic.

"Alas..." Harry frowned, "Wood's pressure is too great, and the pressure he puts on us has also increased."

"Need off-field assistance?"

As Loren spoke, he freed his hands to smooth out Hermione's wrinkled collar: "I can use polyjuice potion to disguise myself as Lee Jordan and go on stage to give commentary, which will make Slytherin lose his mind."

Ron's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Hermione glanced at him coldly and asked in a weird voice: "Then Professor McGonagall was so angry that he canceled our team's results and kept you in confinement until the end of the exam. Are you satisfied?"

Harry and Ron were silent, thinking that Hermione had learned some of the essence of a certain narrator.

"Isn't it okay if she doesn't find out?"


The group came to the first floor laughing and joking, and saw a circle of people surrounding the entrance of the auditorium from a distance. Discussions were going on, but nothing could be heard clearly.

Percy, the student union president, quickly maintained order. With the help of several boys, he carried the two senior students out and hurried to the school doctor's office upstairs.

Loren and the others learned the whole story through Seamus when they had breakfast. In the morning, two groups of young wizards from Gryffindor and Slytherin got into an argument in front of the auditorium. In the chaos, they didn't know who made the first move, and the two sides started fighting fiercely. stand up.

When Percy arrived, a fourth-year Gryffindor student and a sixth-year Slytherin student kept having leeks popping out of their ears, and the Universal Breaking Curse couldn't stop them. In order to prevent the leeks from growing into his brain, Percy had to hurry up Send them to the school hospital.

The night before the game, when Loren and Hermione returned to the Gryffindor common room, the commotion inside could be heard outside the portrait hole.

The common room was noisy, with Angelina, Alia and Katie laughing at their jokes as George and Fred dealt with the stress by being more noisy than usual. Wood squatted in front of a model of the Quidditch field in the corner, using his wand to direct the little man to move around while talking to himself.

Harry and Ron sat by the window, away from the center of the excitement.

Compared to Ron who was not playing, Harry's face looked ugly, with no trace of blood on his pale face. He opened his mouth to exhale from time to time, as if the tension turned into a stone in his stomach and blocked his throat. He struggled The earth wants to spit out the stone.

As Loren and Hermione walked in, they passed by the bulletin board and saw the results of the morning's fight posted. The group fight between Gryffindor and Slytherin had a bad impact, and each side deducted a large amount of house points.

Seamus came over and explained proudly: "Although we and Slytherin both had points deducted, they entered the hospital with a sixth-year student, and ours is a fourth-year student. This shows that we are stronger than Slytherin." !”


Hermione thought she should reflect on the fact that she actually thought there was some truth to this weird argument.

They came to Harry and said some words of comfort, but Harry's complexion did not improve. Fortunately, Wood stood up and suddenly shouted:

"All team members, sleep!"


It was a clear and windless day. Except for the glare of the sun, the other environmental factors were very suitable for Quidditch.

Harry was greeted with a round of applause as he entered the Great Hall with the Gryffindor team, and was also applauded by his classmates at the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables.

Wood looked even more nervous than Harry, hardly like an experienced captain of the team. He spent the entire breakfast urging the players to eat more, but he couldn't eat anything.

The final started at 11 o'clock. The team members had breakfast and rested for half an hour. Soon they went to the stadium to warm up and get familiar with the environment.

Loren and Hermione followed the young wizards and walked slowly towards the auditorium.

Lavender and Parvati walked past them arm in arm, making strange laughing sounds, and walked away with strange smiles before Hermione could ask.

Hermione looked up at the bright sunshine, then turned to look at Loren. He had a handsome face, and the long winter had made his skin fair and glowing:

"The weather is getting warmer and the fire in the common room fireplace has gone out. Where are the salamanders we keep?"

Loren glanced at the little wizards in the audience who were cheering for Gryffindor. Three-quarters of the audience were wearing bright red roses, waving red flags with the Gryffindor lion on them, or holding banners. Banners with the words "Go Gryffindor!" "Lions win the cup!"

Behind Slytherin's scoring ring sat some young wizards wearing green ornaments, with the silver snake pattern shining brightly on their flags. Professor Snape sat in the first row, also wearing green ornaments, with a smile on his face. A gloomy smile, probably in a bad mood.

Loren could sympathize with Snape, who would be in a bad mood when he saw the stadium full of supporters of opposing forces.

Hermione found a seat in the back row and sat down. She could see most of the corners of the court. The slightly deserted atmosphere in the back row suited them both.

"George and Fred are leaving. They said they would give them a good home. What's wrong?"

After a few seconds of silence for the Salamander, Hermione asked: "Then can you become a Salamander?"

"Can't..." Loren shook his head, "I tried a dozen different ideas, but I still can't imitate the unique magic power of the Salamander."

"The Gryffindor team is on the field! Potter, Bell, Johnson..."

The team took the field, and commentator Lee Jordan's voice filled the stadium, arousing boos from the Slytherin side, which were then drowned out by even louder cheers.

Hermione noticed that Ginny and Luna were sitting together. They were both wearing slightly exaggerated lion hoods, which made them stand out in the crowd.

Hermione couldn't help but look at it a few more times. Waiting for the stadium to become quieter, she said softly:

"Don't be too disappointed, Loren. Although there are records that the wizard Merlin and the fairy Morgan can transform into various animals at will, there has never been a record of humans transforming into magical animals. Perhaps this idea will not work in the first place, even the legendary wizard. Can't do it."

The Slytherin players came on the stage. Except for Draco, the seeker, the rest were all tall and strong.

"The Slytherin team is also on the field, led by Captain Flint. He has made some adjustments to the lineup, which seems to focus more on size rather than skills-"

Lee Jordan's explanation provoked boos from the Slytherin audience.

When the two teams shook hands before the game, Loren saw Flint and Wood talking to each other from a distance, and then his eyes followed the players on both sides:

"I also realize that magic skills alone may not be possible, and I plan to try other methods."

"any solution?"

"Borrow the magic of magical animals and let me put it to work."

"What's the meaning?"

The conversation between the two was very loose, with most of their attention focused on the situation on the court.

The bright red Gryffindor robes and the dark green Slytherin robes were entangled, dragging afterimages above the pitch.

The identical broomsticks used in the competition weakened the equipment advantage of Harry and others, and also completely eliminated the equipment advantage of the Slytherin team. In a pure competition of skills and tactics, Slytherin gradually fell into a disadvantage and began to use its physical advantage to use some insidious tricks. trick.

Fortunately, Wood was well prepared for this. With various borrowed passes, the Slytherin players were overwhelmed and unable to organize an effective attack.

Loren straightened his back slightly to broaden his field of vision:

"Just like Mr. Ollivander makes his wand and the alchemist makes magic items from animal materials, wizards always have ways to bring out certain properties of magical animals.

It's just that the original method has many limitations. Even after complicated ritual processing, it can only play a negligible role in the end. "

Hermione said thoughtfully: "Just like the wand with the core of the fire dragon nerve can slightly amplify the power of the spell, the core of the unicorn hair wand has special resistance to dark magic...

Do you want to use dragon fire directly and unicorn fur to fight dark magic? "

"Not quite, but close..."

Loren saw Harry and Draco fighting together, and the robes of two colors seemed to turn into magnificent flowers under the tug of dozens of fancy flying methods.

"Complex magical animals often possess multiple magical powers."

"Remember the basilisk last year? Its eyes contained two kinds of magic, one represents petrification, and the other directly causes death...Dumbledore and I collected some basilisk's magic power, which needs to be exerted through strange eyes. Function. But there are still many limitations. For example, the eyes of alien creatures cannot exert these magic powers 100%."

"I was wondering if the talent left behind by Fairy Morgan would allow me to directly use this magic power..."

Hearing such an astonishing thought, even though the situation on the court had entered a heated stage of confrontation, Hermione couldn't help but glance sideways at Loren several times: "Is there any danger?"

Loren smiled: "Don't worry, I will ask Professor Dumbledore to conduct the experiment again."

Just when Hermione wanted to ask a few more questions, deafening cheers erupted on the court, and Lee Jordan strained his throat to explain the situation to the audience:

"We won the cup! We won the cup!"

"Eighty to sixty! Eighty to sixty! When Gryffindor was twenty points ahead, Potter caught the Golden Snitch!"

The entire stadium suddenly boiled. Countless little wizards in bright red rushed through the fence and poured into the stadium. Torrents of red merged into an ocean. Countless hands rained down on the Gryffindor players. All the players They were all carried up by the crowd, and Harry was lifted to the highest point.

Ron, the backup goalkeeper, pushed hard toward Harry.

Loren and Hermione did not join in the fun. Loren cheered along with the crowd and acted as if he was ecstatic. He couldn't help but stand up and hug Hermione, and even jumped a few times.


Hermione was speechless as she felt the man's embrace. After holding on for several minutes, the crowd began to disperse. She broke away from the man's hands and looked at him helplessly:

"Has it been planned for a long time?"

"Don't understand what you are saying?"

Loren looked at the crowd celebrating the victory below, his face expressionless, as if he didn't have any small thoughts.

Hermione's expression was calm, but there was a glimmer in her eyes: "I thought you would kiss me after the hug, pretending to be so excited that you couldn't control yourself, and maybe you would take the opportunity to stick out your tongue."

Loren's eyes widened, and a look of heartache and regret gradually appeared on his face: "But, is it okay?"

"Of course not!" Hermione gave him an elbow and turned towards the stands, "Let's go, it's time to go back to the common room to celebrate Harry and the others!"


Loren blinked and then stepped to follow.

I feel like I have lost 100 million, which is a huge loss anyway.

But the opportunity has been missed and we can only make plans later.

While Harry's excitement about winning the competition would last at least a week, Wood was less excited.

When the championship party was over, Loren and Wood who were walking behind saw Wood squatting alone in the corner. He was talking to himself in front of the Quidditch model that had been with him for several years. His voice was very soft and he was often silent. Silent.

Loren and Hermione looked at each other, walked quietly upstairs, and went back to their dormitories.

After that day, Oliver Wood frequently talked to team members, detailing the mistakes he had made during his tenure as captain, and planning the future development of the team... The talented seeker Harry was the focus of his conversation, and he brought along the substitute goalkeeper. Ron was also given special attention.

Like a peaceful farewell.

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