The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 406 The second day of the conference


Hermione picked up the receiver and put it to her ear. As soon as she spoke, Wendell's eager greetings immediately sounded on the other end of the phone, but his voice was too loud, which made her ears buzz, and Hermione had to hold the receiver farther away.


"'s okay, Dad, don't worry."

Hermione comforted in a low voice: "Yes...that's right, you can come back."

The sound on the receiver paused for a while. It must be that the person on the other end of the phone has changed.

"Mom!" Hermione's little face became more solemn, but her voice was softer, sounding a little guilty, "Yes, we have lunch normally...the lunch provided by the hotel..."

"What! Do you want to ask the front desk?" Hermione's expression began to look panicked, and she quickly remedied, "We came out of the International Federation of Wizards venue quite late, so we ordered food from an outside restaurant and brought it back."

"What...why don't you eat in the restaurant...why don't you eat in the restaurant..."

Hermione's eyes darted from side to side. She was a little depressed. Why didn't her mother ask about the magical events of the past few days but she insisted on asking about her lunch? What was there to ask about lunch?

She had already eaten more than half of the food, could she still ask her to vomit it up now? She couldn't teach her a lesson until she came back.

Loren looked at the girl's unpredictable expression and found it a little funny. He walked over and stood next to her with an orange soda.

Hermione repeated it several times, and after her brain worked out the answer, she hurriedly replied: "Because there are too many people in the restaurant, Loren and I want to talk about magic, and it's not convenient to talk outside. That's right, that's it."

Loren smiled next to him, put the straw into his mouth and sucked on it, making a loud sound on purpose. He could tell that someone was drinking soda.

He heard Monica's voice on the phone suddenly become sharp: "What restaurant, what exactly is for lunch?"

"Eat... food..." Hermione hesitated, unable to make up a suitable lie for a while, and glared at Loren bitterly.

The topic was obviously about to end just now, and it was all this person's fault. Hermione was flustered and gritted her teeth in anger, with a very interesting expression.

Monica's patience on the other side gradually ran out and she said, "Don't think about it. Give Loren the phone and I'll talk to him."


Hermione slowly handed over the phone, and taking advantage of the opportunity that Loren had the phone in one hand and the soda in the other, she bit the straw and took a big sip, and the plastic cup made a loud gurgling sound.

Loren looked amused: "Good afternoon Monica."

Hermione leaned closer and listened carefully.

"Hello Loren, tell me what you had for lunch?"

"Well... let me see..." Loren replied unhurriedly, "I had bread, beef patties, pickles and lettuce salad for lunch, and I also drank orange juice."

Hermione's eyes suddenly opened wide, and she was shocked.

Why do you say that cheese beef burger? It feels like junk food instantly becomes nutritionally balanced.

Sounds so healthy.

"Um...yes, okay...don't worry, I will supervise her."

Loren chatted with Monica for a while, and the person on the other end of the phone soon changed to Grandpa Bates.

"It's over?"

"it's over."

"Are you injured?"


"See you tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow, Grandpa Bates."

The veteran's words were too concise and even a little cold. Loren thought it was probably because the Grangers were nearby, otherwise he wouldn't know how to ask further questions.

After hanging up the phone, I saw that the little witch next to me had not recovered yet, with a dumbfounded expression.

Loren couldn't help but pinch her cheek.

Well, it's soft, tender and elastic, and feels great in the hand.

Hermione's eyes slowly focused, she looked at him, then looked back at the unfinished cheese and beef burger, and murmured: "Bread, beef patty, pickles, lettuce salad?"

"Well, is there a problem?"


Hermione shook her head and looked down at the hotel logo on the toe of her slippers. In terms of grammar skills, she would probably never be able to catch up with Loren.

Still have to learn.

Woolworth Building, venue for the International Confederation of Wizards.

Dumbledore changed into a silver-white magic robe, and he looked much softer. Most of the time, he stayed in the main seat silently, and occasionally applauded for his wonderful speeches. He seemed to be an old wizard who was quietly listening, like a witness rather than a participant.

In the front row of the reporter's seat, a lady with blond curly hair and delicate and heavy makeup watched the automatic writing quill write down detailed memory records on the parchment. Compared with those, she seemed to be more interested in the old wizard with gray beard and gray hair. Wearing thick jewel-encrusted glasses, he always looked at Dumbledore.

Rita had a lot of doubts in her heart.

When the Werewolf Inferi incident occurred, she was in a city hundreds of kilometers away and missed many news details. However, she used a special method to find out the exclusive news from the New York Ghost Newspaper... The point that concerned her the most was that Dumbledore Lido, at the time of the incident, Dumbledore had been missing for some time.

Where was he then?

What role did he play in this incident?

What secrets does the chief wizard of the Wizengamot and the president of the International Confederation of Wizards hide?

Rita was full of curiosity, like a beetle lying outside the bud of a flower that was about to bloom, trembling its wings eagerly.

The agenda of the conference entered the second day, and the topics discussed were still some generally agreed upon issues, such as prohibiting wizards from teasing Muggles in the name of magicians, prohibiting the use of flying magic or flying magic props near the flying steel giant bird in the sky. Even the Illusion Body Curse won't work...

The speakers on the stage passionately expressed their political opinions, and the reporters in the audience kept flying their quills.

Loren was sitting in the auditorium in the corner. Next to her, Hermione listened more seriously than the reporters. She was writing and drawing in her notebook with a ballpoint pen, and turning her head from time to time to express some personal opinions.

He is long-winded and serious, like a bored adult.

Of course, Loren was verbally supportive, and he said this: "Yes, these must be written down, and you will bring them up when you become the Minister of Magic and attend the International Federation of Wizards..."

Hermione only felt that he was acting strangely.

The topics are constantly rotating, and the person speaking is the Director of the Department of Magical Creatures Affairs of the Magical Congress of the United States of America:

"The next discussion is the Prohibition of Experiments on the Breeding of Magical Creatures and the Regulations for the Protection of Magical Creatures, proposed and passed by Newt Scamander in 1965. Over the past thirty years, these two regulations have helped us protect rare magical creatures. Animals, while coordinating magical animals to hide the magical world from Muggles..."

Like other topics, before formally throwing out his proposals and opinions, the director gave a long speech about the role and origin of the regulations, but many wizards from MACUSA present had complicated expressions.

An important help in solving the werewolf inferi incident two days ago was a basilisk.

As we all know, in the magical world, there is an old wizard who gets very close to magical animals, and the closer he gets, the more dangerous he becomes.

Coincidentally, many years ago, New York also suffered a major magical terrorist attack, and it also relied on 5X-level dangerous magical animals to eliminate the crisis.

The same magical terrorist attacks, the same magical animals.

Many wizards couldn't help but murmur in their hearts: Can such a coincidence happen in the magical world?

In the middle of the venue, the spokesperson of MACUSA finished speaking about the information and finally put forward his own point of view: "We recommend that some outdated provisions and regulations in the regulations be revised, and at the same time, the loopholes that have occurred in the implementation of the regulations in recent years should be filled, mainly including the following several aspects……"

The response was overwhelming.

Another issue on which consensus is reached.

Loren and Hermione slowly walked out of the temporary restaurant in Woolworth Building. The house elves were skilled in cooking and the food was very delicious. However, in such a formal occasion, the other guests were talking about wizards and Muggles, werewolves and They talked about grand topics like vampires, fire dragons and basilisks. The lunch dishes the two of them talked about didn't taste as good as cheese and beef burgers, and they always felt a little out of place.

I came out of the restaurant after I was about seventy percent full. The corridor was now empty, with only a few staff members passing by from time to time.

The Magical Congress of the United States of America has opened the 20 floors below the Woolworth Building. If you are interested in visiting, you can move around freely.

But Loren just wanted to take a walk after dinner, and Hermione kept him company.

Most of the corridors are portraits of people. Apart from the past presidents of Congress and the original twelve Auror founders, the rest are some wizards with outstanding achievements.

In addition, there are some narrative portraits that tell the history of MACUSA from its establishment to the present day.

The Magical Congress of the United States of America was founded in 1693, after the Salem Witch Trials broke out, and the International Statute of Secrecy had just been enacted. Many representatives of the North American Cube community were elected to co-write laws, and one of them, a militant wizard named Josiah Jackson, became the first president of the Magical Congress.

In an environment like that, militancy and courage were always inspiring.

The first task of the Magical Congress after its establishment was to try and execute those Purifiers who had betrayed their kind. Those who committed murder, wizarding human trafficking, torture and other evil deeds often possessed powerful magical powers, and Josiah Jackson recruited and trained Aurors immediately after becoming Chairman.

The first twelve Aurors fought their way out of the chaotic area to bring order and law, at the cost of only two of them surviving to old age.

In the 18th century, the MACUSA built a large magical building in the Appalachian Mountains as their headquarters. In 1760, Thornton Harkaway was elected president, and the MACUSA moved to Williamsburg, Virginia.

The chairman was an expert on magical animals. At that time, there were no regulations prohibiting private breeding of magical animals. He bred a swallow-tailed dog that was highly aggressive to non-magical people. After the swallow-tailed dogs bred by Harkawi ferociously attacked the local No-Majs, seriously violating the Secrecy Act, Harkawi resigned.

Since then, the Magic Congress headquarters has moved to Baltimore, Washington... and other cities.

During the Revolutionary War, the MACUSA secretly sheltered a large number of Muggle war exiles, leaving behind many strange urban legends.

At the end of the 18th century, Dorcas Twelvetrees, the daughter of Aristotle Twelvetrees, the keeper of treasures and dragon coins at the Magical Congress of the United States, became infatuated with a handsome No-Maj named Bartholomew Barebone. He revealed the secret locations of the MAC and Ilvermorny, information about the International Confederation of Wizards, and all their methods of protecting and hiding magical society.

No one thought that Bartholomew was a descendant of a purger. After gathering as much information as possible from Dorcas, Bartholomew stole her wand and exposed all the magic-related intelligence he had collected, resulting in a serious violation of the International Statute of Secrecy.

The Magical Congress of the United States of America received a stern warning from the International Federation of Wizards. In the centuries since, the International Federation of Wizards and Wizards has never listed the United States as a conference venue, until this year.

Bartholomew Barebone's actions eventually led to the largest memory cancellation since the enactment of the Statute of Secrecy, and Emily Rappaport, then president of the Magic Congress, almost resigned. The incident ended with Barebone shooting someone and being imprisoned by the Muggle government.

Loren looked at it with a question mark on his face: "So the MACUSA never dealt with this Baribone. If he hadn't been imprisoned, there would have been more exposure time and more memory cancellation operations in the future?"

Hermione's expression was also a bit complicated. She looked at the text on the narrative portrait and hesitated for a long time, not knowing what to say.

Dumbledore looked at the depressed and puzzled expressions on the faces of the two young wizards and smiled softly: "Have you tried to look at this from another angle?"

Only then did Loren and Hermione realize that there was someone else next to them, and they shouted in surprise:

"Professor Dumbledore!"

"When did you come?"

"When you saw the swallow-tailed dog incident." Dumbledore smiled, his long white beard and eyebrows fluttering gently, and he was wearing a silver-white magic robe. His temperament was gentle and friendly, "From another To put it in perspective, even in such a critical time, the wizards of MACUSA did not use magic to deal with an ordinary person, called a No-Maj in their words."

Loren and Hermione were stunned for a moment, lost in thought.

Yes, even in such a critical moment, MACUSA did not use magic to kill Baribone, nor did it use magic to imprison his freedom.

On the wall, the portrait of Chairman Emily Rappaport smiled and stepped back, bowing to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore bent down, made an elegant return gesture, and then continued walking forward with Loren and Hermione: "Well, I have something to tell you, Loren."

"you say."

"Wizard officials at MACUSA are considering awarding Newt the Order of Merlin, First Class."

"Rolf's grandfather, what does this have to do with me?"

"They think that the basilisk in the Werewolf Inferi Incident was commanded by Newt..." Dumbledore stroked his white beard, "If you are willing to reveal your identity to MACUSA, I can guarantee that you will get the same of honor.”

Loren kept walking, waving his hands to reject it irritably: "That sounds like a lot of trouble."

Then the smile on Dumbledore's face became even brighter.

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