The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 409 Jupiter is bright

"I'm Vernon Dursley."

Uncle Vernon picked up the phone and just listened. His face, which had been a little pale from eating fruit in recent days, quickly turned red. His little eyes turned to glare at Harry, and he scolded unhappily: "Looking for it again." Yours are your weird classmates!"

Harry had completely adapted to this level of unfriendliness. It wouldn't cause any real harm anyway. He stood up and took small steps to the phone and took the receiver.

"Hello from Harry Potter!"

"The tone sounds seems like life at the Dursleys is no longer difficult."

A smile appeared on Harry's lips. He could imagine Loren's joking expression as he spoke: "I haven't heard your voice for a long time. Did you enjoy your trip, Loren?"

"Well, it's more thrilling than enjoyable, and it's somewhat related to what you want to know..."

The magical werewolf infernal incident and the International Federation of Wizards were told in words mixed with the sound of electricity. When the Aurors were helpless, a mysterious basilisk appeared to solve the crisis, leaving no trace of identity. clues.

Harry imagined such a scene, and his heartbeat couldn't stop racing. Such a journey would be much more interesting than the days at the Dursleys' house.

"I'll ask Hanhan or Hedwig to bring you some newspapers, which contain detailed reports on the relevant events. You can compare them and take a look..." Loren's voice paused, "By the way, I think you should rethink your brain. Occlumency thing.”

Harry was stunned for a moment and felt a little lower: "I will."

"That's it, we'll see you soon!"

"Say hello to Hermione for me."


Listening to the cold electronic busy tone coming from his ears, the world full of magic and excitement seemed to have suddenly gone away from him. Harry put down the phone with some sadness.

Loren hung up the phone and turned to look at her. He happened to see her quickly looking away and couldn't help but smile. He disapparated and disappeared, and when he came back he had another can of Coke in his hand.


Loren burped roughly and handed the freezing Coke to Hermione: "If you want to drink Coke, just say it. Say it directly. Will I stop you? Will I tell your mother? It’s really silly to read a book…”

"I think you will." Hermione took the Coke, cold water vapor clinging to the cold aluminum can, and she pulled the tab. "Especially to tell my mother something like this, it sounds like you are looking forward to it."

"Slander, absolutely slander!" Loren retorted with a serious face, "I have known you for so many years, but you still don't understand me. This is really sad. Miss Granger, you must make amends."

"To compensate you for helping me check the ancient runes homework." Hermione took a sip of coke and exhaled a breath of cold air.

"Is this compensation? It's obviously punishment."

"It's compensation, as compensation for you having been teasing me these past few days."

"It's slander again. When did I make fun of you? Judge Granger's sentence is not fair at all. I want to appeal."


This is already the fourth title he has been called, Professor Granger, Miss Know-it-all, Miss Granger, Judge Granger... I don’t know what new profession he will have in the future.

"You stopped talking, didn't you? Did you admit your guilt...?"

Loren raised his head and drank the last sip of Coke, crushed the thin aluminum can hard, threw the can into the trash can, stretched hard, and then collapsed on the sofa, his head resting on Hermione's Over his shoulder, he watched her drink Coke without moving.

"Criminal Morgan..." Hermione tilted her shoulders slightly to prevent his head from sliding down. "If you feel bored with nothing to do, check my ancient runes homework."

"Who says I have nothing to do? I'm very busy."

Loren said, waving his fingers to turn on the TV in the living room, his eyes and ears began to be busy.

BBC News: ...Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, which was captured by Jupiter's gravity two years ago, was split into 21 fragments due to strong tidal forces when it was 40,000 kilometers away from the surface of Jupiter. According to its orbit According to the calculation of the orbit, it is expected that starting tonight, it will gradually fall into the atmosphere of Jupiter at a speed of 210,000 kilometers per hour and crash into the southern hemisphere of Jupiter, forming an astronomical spectacle of a comet hitting Jupiter, and the time for these fragments to pass through the atmosphere of Jupiter will last for five years. sky. At the same time, the comet impact will release the atmosphere and other materials inside Jupiter, which provides astronomers with a rare opportunity to peek into the atmosphere inside Jupiter...

Hermione sipped her coke and tilted her head slightly to rest against his.

The bubbles of the cola burst on the tongue, and the faint pain was refreshing, and the sweetness of the caramel became more prominent. The scorching summer seemed to calm down in the broken bubbles.

In the tree hole of the Centaur tribe deep in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts, Principal Dumbledore and Centaur Elder Haus sat opposite each other, with a low stone table between them.

Dumbledore patiently tasted the centaur's tea. The taste was only better than dry leaves soaked in water, but it had a strange plant aroma and a long flavor.

The centaur elder was kneeling on the haystack. Even so, he was still much taller than Dumbledore, but his hair was sparse and his bones were rugged. He was an old horse that was too weak to run.

No one knows his age. As early as when Dumbledore was in school, Haos was already an elder of the centaurs tribe. Whether calculated by the age of a foal or the age of a wizard, he has already reached the end of his life. At the end of the period, I was too old to even stand up.

Haos drank the tea in the wooden bowl in one gulp, chewed it and swallowed the leaves together. He looked at Dumbledore and said with a smile: "It was originally made by centaurs and wizards. If there is anything good to drink, it might as well be Just chew it up and swallow it.”

Dumbledore smiled gently and said: "Your tree tea has a unique fragrance. It smells reassuring and is no worse than human tea."

"Even if I soaked the water in the haystack under me, you would still say it tastes good..." Haos curled his lips, "Obviously I was still a lively little pony when I was in school. It's only been less than a hundred years and you are already older than me. This old horse is getting older."

Dumbledore was noncommittal and drank tea silently without answering.

"How was this International Wizarding Conference?" Haos asked.

"Some accidents happened, but they also gave rise to good changes." Dumbledore leisurely told what happened in New York one by one, even the burning of Voldemort. "...In the catalysis of the Inferi Incident, Now, many countries have begun to introduce the power of werewolves. If the plan goes well, in one hundred or two hundred years, werewolves will disappear completely."

"No, no, no..." Haos shook his head repeatedly, "Werewolves will not disappear. When their number is rare enough and the danger becomes controllable, some of you wizards will take the initiative to be infected with werewolf disease and spread the werewolf disease. Treat it like a rare and precious thing, like a Veela."

Dumbledore thought carefully about the point made by this older man, and had to admit that he made sense.

Hao Si flicked his tail: "Compared with this, I am more worried about the mysterious man making werewolf inferi. Since he can make werewolf inferi, does this also mean that he can make centaurs, giants, etc. Vampire Inferi, Acromantulas and Howling Banshees... By the way, the most powerful Inferi are actually unicorns. After those innocent guys die, the curse in their blood is worse than the teeth and claws of the werewolf. The venom of the Acromantula is even more terrifying."

Dumbledore frowned slightly and thought for a while, then slowly shook his head: "You don't need to worry about this problem yet. If you are a group of people who surrender to the Death Eaters, Voldemort will keep his servants alive. If you are unwilling to surrender to the Death Eaters, Before Voldemort is completely resurrected, they are strong enough to protect themselves."

"I leave it all to you, Albus..."

Hao Si looked up at the deep blue-black sky outside the tree hole, his eyes far and deep, and said softly: "Jupiter is very bright tonight."

Dumbledore followed his gaze and stared at Jupiter, which was only slightly brighter than before.

"Albus, when I die, help me take care of my ponies."

"I will."

Late at night, Loren sat at the desk by the window, with ancient books without names in front of him.

When he repeatedly heard news about Jupiter and the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet a year ago, some indescribable intuition reminded him of this matter, and Loren once dreamed of a strange and spectacular explosion scene.

Regarding the above signs, Loren believed that it was an opportunity for the "Book of Abraham" to be opened again. Just like the bright Mars in the first grade, it was also a change in the celestial phenomena.

The pages of the book are yellowed, and the papyrus feels cool to the touch. When you open the book, there is still a warning in Hebrew on the title page: Except for the high priest and the book transcriber, anyone else who reads this book will be viciously cursed.

The first seven pages depict two snakes entwined on a cane, one devouring the other. The second seven pages, which is page 14, show the snake nailed to the cross. The third page, which is page 21, shows several clear springs emerging from a desert, with many small snakes emerging from the springs.

As before, nothing seems to have changed.

Loren checked carefully for a long time but could not see any clues. He closed the book and looked at the sky outside the window. It was already late at night. In the city with lights shining, he could only vaguely see the stars in the sky. The moon was not yet full. Not very bright.

The pitch-black sky was like a dye vat, so deep that it had no end.

After watching it for a long time, I felt sleepy and a little dizzy. My brain began to become drowsy. It seemed that I didn't want to think any more and just wanted to close my eyes and fall asleep.

Loren held his head with his right hand, blinked his unfocused eyes and slowly closed them.

In the darkness, the weight of his body seemed to disappear, and gravity began to reverse. Loren felt himself falling straight into the sky, but the sky had no bottom, and he would never fall to the sky. In such a long and endless fall, The sky grew larger and the night became thicker.

The sky and the universe seemed to turn into a net that enveloped him. The strong sense of weightlessness brought a strong sense of oppression. The wind whistled in his ears. He was falling and seemed to be flying.

I don’t know how long it took, but the whistling suddenly stopped, and the surroundings fell into boundless darkness and silence.

The sense of weightlessness and oppression disappeared. He was floating in an empty and lonely space. There was boundless darkness ahead and boundless darkness behind him. The touch of his body completely disappeared. There was no gravity and he could not feel his breath. , unable to see the reference object, Loren didn't know whether he was suspended in place or falling in a certain direction.

He couldn't feel his own heartbeat, and he didn't know how long he had been floating in the darkness and silence. At a certain moment without warning, the world suddenly became brighter.

It is no longer boundless darkness. A huge oblate spheroid planet is rotating in the vast universe. The yellow and pale air flow rolls out layer upon layer of ribbon flow, mixed with giant red spots as rich as blood. , plain white and bluish frozen ammonia crystals gathered together, spinning and falling like a torrential rain.

Just outside the planet, bound by strong gravity, 21 irregular-shaped comet fragments flew towards the depths of the gaseous planet. The strong friction caused the surface of the comet fragments to begin to vaporize and break, and red fireworks rolled around the tiny The water vapor on the surface of the gravel particles is trapped by the laminar flow and evaporates into rich white gas, while the gravel particles burn into part of the fireworks in a moment.

It should have been accompanied by a roar that could shatter the eardrums, but Loren heard nothing.

He fell with the largest of the 21 fragments, breaking through a hole the size of the Earth in the Martian atmosphere and falling deeper.


The chaotic airflow tore the comet fragments into pieces, and the red gas exploded and splashed like magma, dyeing the central area of ​​the planet red, melting all the gravel particles in this area, and the blood-colored particles turned into dark red clouds, which were blown away by Jupiter. The gas in the middle blew away, fell into layers of vast turbulence, and melted into the storm-like Great Red Spot.

The erupted energy instantly distorted the surface of Jupiter and spread in all directions like ripples. Loren also seemed to be broken into countless tiny fragments, smaller than all gas molecules. Mixed in the waves and ripples caused by the impact, he was a point without volume and weight, stretched and twisted into an endless Line, his perception extends and expands infinitely in the boundless universe.

He seemed to fly out of the gaseous Jupiter, across the eternally burning sun, and kept moving forward.

He didn't know where the mighty force of space and time came from, and he seemed to instantly cross the distance that it would take hundreds of millions of years for light to fly. He saw hot and shining stars, empty areas that distorted space one by one, swallowing up light and perception.

Among countless small and vast planets, he even saw existences that were very similar to the earth.

"Did you see that?"

"see that?"

Loren opened his eyes and found himself lying on the desk with the "Book of Abraham" folded under his head. The sky outside the window has turned gray, and a faint golden color appears in the distant eastern sky.

Loren raised his head and looked around. Not far away, Flamel's translucent figure was floating in the air, holding an equally translucent book.

"Are you awake?" Flamel raised his silver-haired head.

"What happened? Something happened to the Book of Abraham again? I seem to have witnessed the comet hitting Jupiter with my own eyes." Loren leaned back and stretched, feeling refreshed and refreshed after a good sleep.

"I don't know what happened to you, but I think you should feel the magic in your body now."


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