The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 413 Lively Fireplace

At No. 4 Privet Drive, the Dursleys' breakfast was juicy grapefruit. The four of them shared a serving of grapefruit, about a quarter of the portion for each person, along with fried eggs and milk.

Breakfast was brought to the table. Dudley stuffed a quarter of the grapefruit into his mouth in one gulp, chewed twice to squeeze out the juice and then swallowed it. Then he swallowed the omelette in one gulp, and the breakfast was finished. Dudley clicked his lips and looked eagerly at Harry's portion.

Harry slowly cut the grapefruit with a knife and fork, acting reservedly like a gentleman. He picked up a piece and put it into his mouth. The fruity juice burst out in his mouth. The condiment was Dudley's ferocious expression.

Well, this slightly sweet and pantothenic pulp is actually pretty good, nutritious and healthy.

What will you use to make real breakfast when you go back upstairs later?

Harry was happily worrying about this problem. There were also birthday cakes sent by Mrs. Weasley and Hagrid, sugar-free snacks sent by Loren and Hermione, and convenience store food sent by Sirius...

Aunt Petunia glared at Dudley sternly, and Uncle Vernon took a mouthful of bland grapefruit and sighed heavily, making his unkempt beard tremble.

The doorbell rang, and Uncle Vernon stood up from his chair with difficulty and walked toward the hall, shouting dissatisfiedly: "Who, I won't buy anything you are selling..."

Dudley's eyes moved rapidly, showing a cleverness that was completely unmatched by him. Taking advantage of Aunt Petunia's care of the kettle, he reached out and took out Uncle Vernon's remaining portion of grapefruit and kettle. The omelette was stolen.

Harry was amazed that such a fat body could be so flexible.

There was a sound of voices at the door, someone laughing, Uncle Vernon said something in a few words, his tone sounded a little annoyed, then the front door closed, Uncle Vernon came over angrily, pointed at Harry and shouted:

"You! Okay... Okay!"

A few years ago, Harry might have been frightened by his angry and red face, but not now. He looked at the fat man in front of him who was inexplicably violent and angry, and his heart was as calm as the surface of a black lake, with only a slight glow. ripples.

"What?" Harry looked politely confused.

"Look at this!" Uncle Vernon shouted angrily, waving a strange envelope at Harry.

The envelope was covered with stamps everywhere, leaving only a small one-inch square area on the front. The person who wrote the letter densely filled in the Dursleys' address in tiny characters.

Harry tried his best not to laugh out loud. The only person who could send a letter in such an unusual way was probably his good friend Ron.

After taking the strange letter and opening it, Harry was a little surprised when he saw the letterhead on the writing paper: "This is for you, Uncle Vernon."

Uncle Vernon glared at Harry angrily, grabbed the letter and read it out loud -

[Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dursley:

We've never met, but we're sure you've heard a lot about my son Ron from Harry.

Perhaps Harry has told you that the Quidditch World Cup will be held on Monday night in two weeks' time, and my husband Arthur has got some of the best tickets through his connections in the Department of Magical Games and Sports.

I really hope you will allow Harry to go to watch the game... We would love to invite Harry to our home until the game starts, stay there until the end of the summer vacation after watching the game, and send him back to school safely by train.

Hope to see Harry soon.

Yours faithfully

Molly Weasley

Also: I hope we put enough stamps on it]

Harry remembered what Mr. Weasley said when we parted at King's Cross Station: "... Bates has already taught me, just put the stamp on and stuff it into the mailbox. It's very simple..."

It seems that Mr. Weasley did not fully learn it, and Mrs. Weasley also learned the wrong method.

"It seems that she has indeed put enough stamps on it." Harry tried his best to sound calmer, although at this moment his heart felt as if he was soaked in the sweet juice of grapefruit, full of joy.

Uncle Vernon's eyes almost burst out with fire, and one word after another popped out from his teeth: "No matter what method you use, tell them not to contact us in these weird ways again!"

Harry knew that they were both particularly sensitive to things that were slightly outside the norm, and their biggest concern was that someone would discover that they were connected to someone like Mrs. Weasley, no matter how distant the connection. Because of this concern, Harry lived in a storage room under the stairs for ten years.

Were they trying to hide their tracks, or were they enjoying the pleasure of abusing him... Harry couldn't think of an answer, and he didn't want to know the answer.

"Okay, Uncle Vernon." Harry agreed simply, blinking at him, "So...can I go?"

"Go! Of course!" Vernon shouted angrily, "I wish this weird guy could stay in our house for a few days longer!"

"Thank you, uncle. May Merlin bless you!"

Harry said this deliberately. Seeing Uncle Vernon's big purple face twitching slightly and his expression becoming even more ugly, he turned around with a smile, walked briskly upstairs, and gave Mrs. Weasley the wizard's way. Sent a reply.

When he returned to his bedroom, Hedwig had returned, accompanied by a very small owl, like a gray tennis ball, with an envelope in its small beak.

That was Ron's owl. He came with the old postman Errol on his birthday and delivered a congratulatory letter from Ginny.

Harry took the letter and saw at a glance that it was Ron's handwriting on the cover page, and inside was a hastily written message:

[Harry, I wonder if the Muggles in your family have received your mother's letter. Things have changed a little. Bill met Loren and Hermione at Gringotts. My mother plans to visit their home tomorrow and drop by after the invitation. Pick you up at your home...

Yes, we're coming to get you whether your Muggle relatives want it or not, but Mum and Dad thought it best to pretend to ask their advice first. If they agree, please send Piggy a reply as soon as possible, and we will pick you up at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon. If they object, please send Xiaozhu a reply as soon as possible. We will come to pick you up at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

We should be with Loren and Hermione. Percy works in the Department of International Cooperation on Magical Affairs. When you meet, don't mention anything related to 'foreign' or 'International Federation of Wizards' unless you want to be annoyed by him.

See you tomorrow.


There was the sound of a car starting downstairs. Uncle Vernon must have gone to work. He would tell them the news when he came back in the evening... Harry grinned.

After writing the reply, Harry asked the owl named Piggy to send it back. Harry watched it fly out of the window and disappear into the sky. He stood up from the desk and lay on his back on the bed. He took out a piece of birthday cake sent by Hagrid and ate it. .

Mouth full of sweetness.

While folding up a pair of black-on-white-striped trousers, Hermione scolded in disgust: "Look at the pile of things in your pendant. Those who know it are the Philosopher's Stone, but those who don't know it think it's garbage!"

For little wizards who have storage containers, packing is a very simple task. There is no need to worry about whether it is necessary to carry such heavy and bulky things. As long as you feel that they can be used, just throw them into the storage hanger. Just fall in.

At least Loren packed her bags in less than ten minutes.

Thin shirts for spring and summer, pile up. Drape loose casual pants, piled up. A large box of snacks from the Muggle supermarket was piled up. A few small gifts for the Weasleys were piled up in another place.

Not far from the pendant space, there are many items full of magical atmosphere stacked up, such as the magic stone with powerful magic power, papyrus books with ancient history, the fantasy book that retains the memory of the legendary wizard Nicoléme, and the sealed resurrection stone. The stone ball of the Horcrux, the eyeballs and scales of the evil basilisk, the hair of the pure unicorn, the small hand mirror shining with strange scarlet magic...

Loren, who only took ten minutes to pack his luggage, couldn't help but show off to Hermione that some changes had taken place in his originally easy job——

Hermione asked him to stack clothes neatly according to season and keep magic items separately by category. Sorcerer's stones, unicorn hair, basilisk scales and eyeballs should be equipped with separate boxes.

I was busy until one o'clock in the afternoon after lunch, and there was still a pile of summer clothes that were not neatly folded.

"Professor McGonagall told us that reducing complexity into simplicity is the thinking of a smart wizard. Why do we make it so troublesome..." Loren muttered softly.

Hermione put the folded pants aside and rolled her eyes.

Too lazy to pay attention to him.

On the other side, at Granger's house next door, adults from two adjacent households in Hampstead Gardens on the outskirts of the city gathered together, sitting around the tea table, drinking steaming black tea in silence, and the atmosphere was a bit tense. .

Soon there will be a group of various wizards visiting their home, which makes the Grangers nervous and frightened. When Loren and Hermione told them yesterday that the Weasley family would come to visit the next afternoon, the Grangers were caught off guard and took Bates to discuss how to entertain them.

"When we were in first grade, the principal we hosted Loren and Hermione was an old wizard with a white beard. I heard he was over a hundred years old. He seemed quite easy to get along with..." Wendell took a sip of tea. Unable to bear the quiet atmosphere, he muttered: "Although I don't know what the Weasley wizards are like, to be honest, I'm looking forward to it... I'm just a little nervous."

Monica refilled his tea cup, feeling nervous but also a little happy. This was the second time that parents and children came to visit besides Loren. Their Hermione was also a child with normal social interaction!

Bates smiled cheerfully: "We met at the Leaky Cauldron, and we also chatted when I picked up the children at the station during the summer vacation. Don't worry, he is a very easy to get along with."

"How will they come here?" Wendell relaxed a little and kept turning the tea cup: "I heard from Hermione that wizards' means of transportation are brooms, and I really want to give it a try..."


Monica looked over with doubtful eyes.

Wendell quickly changed his words: "Take a look, I mean take a look."

As he was talking, a heavy knocking sound suddenly came from behind the fireplace in the living room.

"Ouch! No, Fred - go back, go back quickly, it must be a mistake - tell George not to - Ouch!"

The middle-aged man's dull cry of pain came from the fireplace wall: "George, go back and tell Ron that we can't squeeze in anymore."

Thanks to the advancement of heating technology, most Muggle residents no longer have fireplaces in their homes. The fireplaces are sealed as decorative buildings, and at best a fake charcoal stove is placed inside.

Now it seems that this lifestyle has brought serious inconvenience to wizards when traveling.

"Dad - maybe Loren and Hermione can hear us, maybe they can let us out!"

"Oh, you're right George!"

"I'm George——"

"I'm Fred!"

Wendell and Bates looked at each other silently, with complicated expressions and even more complicated emotions.

The image of wizards in their minds has changed slightly.

Monica took a few steps back, picked up the phone and dialed the next door, intending to ask the other two little wizards to rescue the wizards trapped in the fireplace.

Several fists pounded the wall behind the electric stove, which sounded like it hurt: "Loren? Hermione, can you hear me?"

Bates walked up and knocked on the wall with a complicated expression, and spoke through the wall panel: "Mr. Weasley, this is Bates... The fireplace is sealed, and it will be difficult for you to come out from here."

"Seal it up?" Mr. Weasley's voice came from the wall, "Why do you have to seal up a good fireplace? Don't you get cold in the winter?"

"We use an electric stove now."

"And heating." Wendell added with interest.

"Really?" Mr. Weasley's voice suddenly became excited, "You mean it's live? Is there a plug? That's great, I must see it... Let me think about it - Ouch, Ron!"

"What are we doing here? What happened?"

A slightly younger voice that sounded like Loren's peers joined in, looking silly and naive.

Loren and Hermione received the call and immediately teleported back from next door - there were still some summer clothes that were not packed neatly. Hermione reluctantly agreed to let Loren pack them again when she had time, she wanted to check them.

The scene in front of the fireplace was a little different than they expected.

The chandelier in the living room was turned on brightly, and the cups on the tea table were steaming. The three parents gathered in front of the sealed fireplace. The Weasleys were trapped in the sealed fireplace, and the two parties talked happily through the wall panel.

"How do you pay the electricity bill by feeding coins into the socket?" Mr. Weasley's cheerful voice came from inside, making the siding make a muffled sound.

"..." The three Muggles were somewhat silent.

"You can't put coins into the socket, you'll get an electric shock," Bates replied.

"Electric shock!"

George and Fred shouted in surprise:

"Can you get an electric shock just by touching it?!"


"I understand, you have to use banknotes, right?"


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