Half past eleven in the evening.

In a bedroom on the fifth floor of the Burrow, Loren turned over in a daze on the pillow, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and a pair of black eyes slowly opened.

When he turned over, the unkempt curly hair left traces of lines on his forehead, itching, and the aroma of wine and apple cider vinegar was infiltrated in his mouth and nose.

Pulling off the quilt to get some air, Loren lay flat on the bed, looking at the poster of the Chadli Artillery Corps on the ceiling of the room, and blinked. His brain was now restarting, and the vague memories of the recent past were slowly being loaded.

After the cake was distributed at the dinner, George and Fred secretly drank whiskey and almost stood on the table...

After they sang, they poured the champagne into the cider bottles and gave everyone a large glass.

What happened next...

Loren scratched his head and continued to read the chaotic and fuzzy memories in his memory.

Ginny dragged Harry to see the ghoul upstairs, Ron shouted that he wanted to compete with Crookshanks, and George and Fred actually stood on the table and sang in front of the Weasleys. , claiming that when school starts, he will stand in the guest seat of Hogwarts Hall and sing.

What were he and Hermione doing—looking like they were giggling the whole time.

Loren's expression became a little complicated after he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he hasn't done anything embarrassing, he hasn't received Hermione's gift yet!

George and Fred got me wrong!

It was almost twelve o'clock. In order to sleep tonight, Loren, who had missed the opportunity, began to comfort himself: the gifts were all from Hermione, and he could receive them when he got up tomorrow. It was the same gift, just a little bit different. It's a little late - that's weird!

Can the gift I receive on my birthday be the same as the gift I receive the next day?

The room was pitch dark, Loren's eyes were staring straight at the Chadley Artillery Team's broom on the ceiling, with deep resentment, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. His eyes were so bright that they seemed to be glowing, and he was not sleepy at all.

Suddenly he looked at the window of the room. There was a rustling sound for a while, and the footsteps of some small animal were getting closer and closer, light and agile.

There was a click, a fluffy little paw rested on the glass window, and a small ferret's head suddenly popped out from the lower right corner.

The ferret pushed open the glass and got in. He walked lightly along the bed and headed straight for Loren.

Loren quickly closed her eyes.

The ferret stepped on the quilt and came to Loren's pillow. He smelled the smell of wine and apple cider vinegar, and waved his paw in disgust... Mrs. Weasley should really wash them with a cleaning spell before putting them on the bed.

Hermione glanced at Loren secretly. Probably due to the effect of alcohol, the man's cheeks were a little red and he looked very quiet with his eyes closed.

"Happy birthday--"

Just as Hermione was reciting this sentence silently in her heart, her eyes suddenly opened, her black eyes sparkling with a joking smile. The next moment, the person in front of her suddenly shrank and turned into a white cat. He walked around behind him, grabbed the back of her neck, and jumped toward the window with light movements.

The room quickly retreated, passing through the glass window to the roof. She was swayed by the lift and ran and jumped all the way, crossing the neat roof tiles and the crooked chimney, and they came to the branch of the largest sycamore tree in the garden.

The ferret turned into a girl in pajamas. Loren released the transformation and looked at her with a smile: "In order to give me a birthday gift, you specially used an Animagus to sneak into the house?"

"No." Hermione turned her head away from him, deliberately pretending to be asleep and not bothering with him about the scary thing.

Loren came close to her and smiled: "Then what are you doing sneaking in?"

Hermione changed direction again: "Nothing, not anyway."

Loren looked into her eyes carefully with a smile, nodded, sat down next to her, and stretched out his feet: "Okay, okay, in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep, you use Animagus to sneak in room, sneak into my bed, just to see me.”

"..." Hermione didn't want to speak anymore, letting the blush creep onto her cheeks.

Loren stopped teasing the shy girl, leaned his head on her shoulder, and swayed his feet to feel the peace and beauty of this moment.

After an unknown amount of time, Hermione took out the silver coin from her pocket and handed it over: "I burned the corresponding runes on two different silver coins. As long as one end touches the rune, the same change will occur on the other end. This enables simple communication.”

"cell phone?"

"It can't deliver sounds or images, only simple messages." Hermione whispered.

Loren looked at the silver coins in his hand. Elf silver coins are a currency that only circulates in small amounts within the elves. The country of elves has disappeared, and most of the elves now use the currency system of copper Nats, silver Sickles, and gold galleons.

Most of the current fairy silver coins are used for commemorative collections, and only a small amount is minted every year. Unlike another silver coin, silver coins, the casting materials include many rare metals, so they are often used in alchemy and special magic rituals.

The front of this silver coin shows the silver gate of Gringotts, with a small motto engraved on it: "Taking blindly and getting something for nothing will be the most severe punishment." On the back is a ferocious fire dragon with one eye open to a slit.

A faint blue light lit up in Loren's eyes. The main structure of the array was divided into two layers. The lower layer was responsible for transmission and response. The upper layer was 26 letters and common symbols. It was not difficult to make, but the design was very complicated. Ingenuity.

The silver coin was placed flat on the first knuckle of the middle finger, and the ring finger pressed lightly on the edge. The silver coin flipped over in the hand, dancing with silvery white light. Loren asked: "What is the distance limit?"

"I didn't take that into consideration."

“What are the main zodiac runes used?”

"I just picked the runes that fit Mithril."

"That's it..." Loren held the silver coin in the air, level with the moon, reflecting the bright silver light. "Relying on the special material of mithril and fairy silver coins, the maximum distance is about a thousand miles. We can add more next time." Some astrological symbols."

"Oh." Hermione responded dully.

"Okay," Loren tossed the silver coin up, caught it, and put it into his pocket, "I've finished reading the silver coin, where's my birthday gift?"


Hermione's eyebrows knitted together, she looked at him, then at the silver coins in his hand, and asked doubtfully, "Isn't this the gift I gave you?"

Loren also frowned and looked at her, and said seriously: "If I only have it, it can be considered a gift. You also have this silver coin, and I also have it, so how can it be considered a gift... It's not your birthday today, you say Right?"

Hermione was stunned.

Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

Loren quickly urged: "Okay, give me a birthday gift quickly."

Hermione was silent for a while, then handed over another silver coin: "Then take this one from me too."

Loren pushed the silver coins away and looked at her doubtfully: "What's the use of asking for two silver coins by myself, when I can send a message to myself?"


Hermione looked at this man with a sad expression: "What birthday present do you want?"


Loren's eyes were particularly bright and shining in the night: "A gift like last year's birthday would be great."

Hermione had already seen the answer in his eyes, but deliberately pretended not to know, and asked doubtfully: "Tie?"

"Not a tie, another gift."

Hermione's eyes sparkled, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "I just remembered that I gave him a tie, and no other gifts."

"You don't remember why you are blushing? You obviously remember it very clearly!"

"I don't remember if I don't remember."



After grinding for a long time, Loren finally tasted the warmth and softness, as tender and elastic as strawberry pudding. Unfortunately, he was pushed away after only five seconds.

Hermione's eyes were also bright. She avoided the man's gaze and suddenly thought of a question: "Why can't the silver coins we both count as gifts, but a kiss in which both parties participate can?"

"Emmm..." Loren showed a thoughtful expression, "What you said makes sense, I have to change it."

Hermione laughed angrily and moved aside in disgust, trying to get further away from him.

Loren followed happily.



"That pair of silver coins you've been working on for your ancient runes homework?"

"Well..." Hermione nodded, letting him rest his head on her shoulder, "I asked Mr. Flamel for advice when designing it, and I bought the raw materials when I went to Diagon Alley that day."

"That time you made me stand in line for ice cream?"

"That time you deliberately hid mint ice cream in strawberry ice cream."



"Did you drink wine with dinner?"

"I drank a little, and it was already half past eleven when I woke up."

"You couldn't sleep because you were thinking about giving me a gift, right?"


Loren kept asking silly questions, and Hermione took the trouble to answer them, but was always silenced by his strange train of thought.

The candles in the burrow had long been extinguished, the starry night spread out, and the moon rotated in the window, like an ever-bright candle, slowly, slowly, falling silent in the dawn.

"How about I tell you a story?"

"The Sword Demon and the Papaya Elf?"

"No, it's a serious story about the sycamore tree... I can't remember whether it's the sycamore tree or the fig tree. Anyway, it has something to do with the tree."

"you say."

"Let me think about it..." Loren thought for a few seconds, "The story begins during the summer vacation of the first grade. The Roski family moved to a new town. The first peer he met was Juliana Baker, his neighbor. The little girl at home..."


Hermione listened quietly, lowered her head slightly, and looked at the sycamore tree under her, with a glimmer of light twinkling in her eyes.

This is a story without magic, and the main content is not about trees, but about heartbeats...

This person obviously didn't remember the details of the story very well, and she didn't tell it fluently. She always had to go back and fill in the missed details until later in the story, but this didn't stop her from liking the story.

Some people are mediocre and shallow, and some people are bright on the outside but rotten on the inside.

But there is always someone as gorgeous as a rainbow, and you will only know it when you meet them.

The quiet wind of the summer night lingered in the treetops, and the crooked crescent moon spread a shallow silver light on the tree crowns. They were the only two people in the sycamore tree and the entire yard. Not far away, the frogs in the pond kept chirping, but it didn't sound noisy at all.

They may have been too sleepy and leaned together for a nap for a while, but no one wanted to say goodbye. It was not until the first light of the morning splashed on them like cold water that they suddenly woke up and hurried back to the room.

Life at the Burrow is full of magic and surprises. There is a clock in the living room that tells the location of the family, a mirror on the mantelpiece that criticizes people's regular dress, ghouls in the attic that make noise, and the occasional things George and Fred create. The explosion was considered completely normal.

During Loren's visit for more than half a month, Hanhan was bribed by the twins with rat fucks and many fresh nuts, and became a temporary courier for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. He set out every day with a large amount of Wheezes products, and was often busy until late at night. just came back.

But in the eyes of several guests, the most admirable thing about the Weasley family's life is not the talking mirror, the magical indicating clock, or the knocking ghouls, but that it is full of sharp points. The warmth of screams and laughter.

The time soon came to late August, and the summer temperature quietly but quickly flowed away from the stream, turning into increasingly dense fog in the forest in the morning and night.

The opening ceremony of the Quidditch final is just around the corner.

At 7:30 in the morning, Loren got up from the bed on time and took out the slightly warm goblin silver coin.

The fire dragon on the back of the silver coin opens its mouth slightly, and the slightly hot temperature comes from the mouth. This is a reminder that the silver coin has received a message.

【Good morning. 】

Loren grinned and moved his fingers over the characters.

【Good morning. 】

After putting away the silver coins and getting up, Harry and Ron were still sleeping, and George and Fred were working beside the bed. But today seemed a little different from usual. The postman waiting next to him was not any owl Loren had ever seen, but An unfamiliar brown forest owl with a black back and white belly.

What the twins packed was not fake wands and toffees, but a smelly, granular substance piled on top of a large sheet of parchment.

Loren took a look. With a perfect score in Potions, he recognized what it was at a glance, and couldn't help but fall into a deep silence.

"Dried dragon dung... Do all magic tricks shops sell such outrageous things nowadays?"

George and Fred made a move, then looked over and saw Loren. They smiled and stretched out their hands to pull him down and said, "This is not a product from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, but a gift from us to Percy."


Fred winked at him: "Remember to keep it a secret for us."

Loren silently mourned for Percy for a few seconds in his heart, then turned and went downstairs to wash up.

After dinner, everyone sat in the garden and chatted as usual, but the topic changed to tomorrow's itinerary.

"Go to bed early tonight." Molly looked at her watch. "Don't talk about Quidditch too late. You will get up early tomorrow morning to watch the game. Harry, Loren and Hermione, please bring your school supplies." Leave the purchase order and I'll go to Diagon Alley to buy it for you tomorrow. I want to buy it for other people anyway, and I won't be able to make it after the World Cup. The last game lasted for five full days."

"I really hope it will be like this this time," Harry said with emotion.

"Oh, I don't hope." Percy raised his chin reservedly and proudly, "If I leave for five days at a time, the file basket on my desk will not be full of files. Thinking of this really makes me shudder. .”

George shuddered coldly and gave Fred a look.

"I have to go to the bathroom!" Fred immediately stood up and ran into the house with long strides.

Hermione looked up and said hesitantly: "Mrs. Weasley, what do you mean, you won't go to the game with us?"

After asking this question, the table suddenly became quiet.

Arthur frowned and looked at Molly, his eyes shining with thought. The other Weasley children also fell silent. They exchanged glances with each other. Finally, Arthur nodded to his children. Others had relaxed smiles on their faces.

"Oh, dear... I can't live alone in the Burrow. I have to look after my home." Molly chuckled.

"But -" Hermione was about to say something, but she felt Loren tugging at the corner of his clothes, looked up at him, and then fell silent.

The sound of talking and laughing resounded in the garden. Not long after Fred came back, a strange brown wood owl flapped its wings and flew over from the other end of the Burrow. It landed directly in front of Percy and put down a Bulging parchment package.

"The strange owl must be something from work..."

Percy opened the package with excitement, and came face to face with a whole package of stinky granular dragon dung. He was stunned, and his expression froze on his face.

Charlie turned his head and looked at the frogs by the pond with interest, his lips pressed together tightly.

George came up to look at his face with a smile on his face, glanced at the note on the parchment, and couldn't wait to remind him: "Oh, it said it was a fertilizer sample squeezed from Norway. Is this the job you are responsible for?"

Facing the eyes of the whole family, Percy's face turned blue and white, and his teeth gritted loudly: "Yes, that's right."

Fred exclaimed loudly: "That couldn't have come at a worse time. You have to keep it until the end of the World Cup."

"For work, that's what it should be."


Charlie tried hard to suppress the corners of his mouth that were rising crazily, and he pointed at the pond in a panic: "Did you see, a frog tripped!"

Loren's shoulders trembled and he echoed: "I saw it, I saw it."

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