Loren and the other little wizards slowed down a bit in place, waiting for the discomfort caused by crossing the space to gradually subside, and then curiously looked at the surrounding area.

This is a desolate swampland, the early morning fog has not dissipated, the fog is so thick that almost nothing can be seen.

There were two wizards dressed as Muggles standing in front of them. They were probably just showing off and dressed in a nondescript manner. The man on the left wore a tweed suit and a pair of thigh-high rubber galoshes underneath; Wearing a Scottish-style pleated skirt and a South American cloak.

"Oh, it's Basil, good morning, buddy." Arthur greeted warmly while throwing the old boots into the box in front of them. "You guys are really well dressed. From my professional point of view Look, very Muggle-like."

The face of the wizard in a short skirt was full of exhaustion from staying up late and working overtime. He glanced at Arthur with a resentful expression: "It's you, Arthur, Amos... Some people are so lucky that they are not on duty... It's not like that We'll be here all night."

Arthur and Amos Diggory chuckled.

Another wizard in a suit said quietly: "You'd better get out of the way, there's a large group of people coming from the Black Forest at 5:15."

Arthur wanted to say something more, but Molly reached out and hit him. She glared at him and stepped forward with a smile: "Please help us determine the location of the camp."

"Let's see, Weasley...Weasley..." the wizard named Basil was looking for it on the parchment list, "walk about a quarter of a mile, and the first field ahead is. Camp Management The officer is Mr. Roberts. Diggory...you are on the second field...looking for Mr. Payne."

"Thank you, Basil...Amos, let's go first."

"Goodbye Arthur, goodbye Molly..."

Saying goodbye to Diggory and his son, Arthur called on everyone to follow him into the thick fog where nothing could be seen.

After walking through the deserted swamp for about twenty minutes, a door gradually appeared in front of them, and then a small stone house. Behind the stone house were hundreds of grotesque tents, rising up the gentle slope of a large site that stretched into a dark forest on the horizon.

In Loren's field of vision, the slope was lit up with dense spots of light, some strong and some weak, as strong as an incandescent lamp, and as weak as a firefly. Each spot of light represented a wizard.

Loren blinked and turned to look at the people around him. Harry and Ron's faces were full of excitement. Even Hermione's eyes were shining. She was also very interested in such a grand gathering of wizards. Not to mention all the Ministry of Magic stuff you learned along the way.

"I have a question..." Loren suddenly spoke up, attracting the attention of several people. "Mr. Weasley said there were 100,000 spectators for this game, right?"

Harry nodded: "Any questions?"

Hermione suddenly had a bad intuition, and Loren's next question really made her vision go dark.

"How are the excrement of 100,000 people disposed of?" Loren looked at the hillside in front of him with interest. "The last Quidditch World Cup final lasted for five days, and the excrement of tens of thousands of people lasted for nearly a week. , at least several hundred tons, should the Ministry of Magic bury it on site or transport it away?"


Hermione opened her mouth, let out a tired breath, and finally said nothing.

Ginny glanced at Hermione with pity and moved quietly to the side, farther away from Loren.

I misunderstood you, Hermione. It seems that your love is not easy either...

Harry and Ron were a little confused. They tried hard to control their minds not to think about the hundreds of tons of excrement, but the more they restrained themselves, the more profound and clear the scene became.

Ron thought for a moment and decided to ask his brothers, in case they knew the answer.

At the door of the stone house, Arthur was enthusiastically approaching the Muggle camp administrator, Mr. Roberts.

"Good morning! Are you Mr. Roberts?"

"Ah, yes."

Arthur pretended to be relaxed and said: "Weasley-the two tents were booked two days ago, are they available?"

"Let me see... Weasley... just for one night?"


"Okay Mr. Weasley, your camp is near the woods. You can see it when you walk over. There is a sign on the ground... So, can you pay now?"

Arthur's expression froze, and he stumbled a little and said: "Ah - OK - no problem - wait a moment."

Arthur quickly stepped back and came to Loren, Hermione and Harry: "Help me, children."

As he whispered, he took out a roll of Muggle money from his pocket and separated them one by one: "This one is... um... um... ten dollars? Ah, by the way, I saw it above The small numbers are printed...so this one is five yuan?"

Hermione couldn't stand it anymore and lowered her voice to correct him: "It's twenty yuan... This one is only five yuan... We need this..."

"Ah, so that's it..." Arthur's eyes were full of excitement, as if he thought this was something very interesting. After recognizing the pound notes, he faced them confidently again.

Roberts counted the banknotes and glanced at Arthur sideways: "Are you a foreigner?"

Arthur was stunned for a moment: "Foreigner?"

"You're not the only one who can't figure out the money..." Roberts looked at Arthur and the children behind him carefully, with a faint glint in his eyes, "Just ten minutes ago, there were two people who wanted to pay I don’t look like a normal person with a big gold coin the size of my hubcap.”

Arthur felt a little guilty: "Really, really?"

"There have never been so many people," Roberts looked at him, probably thinking that he couldn't kidnap so many children, so he temporarily lowered his guard, and while groping in the change jar to give him change, he complained, "How many people are there?" Hundreds of people reserved tents and people kept coming for days."

Arthur nervously took the change and asked tentatively: "Is there something wrong?"

"Something's wrong, of course there's something wrong! There are people from everywhere, countless foreigners... not just foreigners, but also many weirdos, you know? There's a guy wearing a pleated skirt and a... South American cloaks walking around.”

"Can't you?" Arthur looked thoughtful.

Is there something wrong with Basil's outfit? He still thinks it's normal...

"I don't know either..." Roberts spread his hands. "It's like a cross-dressing party. They all seem to know each other. It's a bit like a cult or something...Anyway, if it continues like this today, I'll call the police."

At this moment, a wizard wearing bloomers suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of Roberts.

"【Everything is forgotten】"

He pointed the wand at Mr. Roberts. Immediately, Mr. Roberts's eyes became distracted, his brows relaxed, and his face showed a calm expression of being in a trance and indifferent to everything.

"Weasley, here is your camp plan."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Roberts."

Arthur didn't seem surprised by this scene. He sided away from the administrator Roberts and called to Molly and the children behind him to follow.

The wizard in bloomers had a tired face. Not shaving for a long time and staying up late for a long time had left his chin covered with a layer of livid, and the thick bags under his eyes were covered with purple shadows.

Seizing this short moment, he muttered to Arthur: "In order to keep him in a happy mood, I have to recite the Forgetting Curse more than ten times a day... I am already busy enough, Ludo Bagman Just walking around doing nothing but talking about Bludgers and Quaffles at the top of his lungs, with no regard for Muggles and staying safe. God, I just wish this was over... See you later, Arthur .”

After saying that, he apparated away.

Hermione looked at this scene deeply, her brown eyes immersed in the thick fog that had not dispersed, and they were gray.

Loren took her hand and squeezed it.

After using the Forgetting Curse more than ten times a day, even if Mr. Roberts does not suffer from Alzheimer's disease, he will become forgetful in the next few years...

No one noticed the strange behavior of the two Muggle-born wizards. The group walked through the gate and walked into the camp. They trudged on the mist-shrouded field and passed between two long rows of tents.

Most of the tents at the edge look nothing special, just like ordinary tents produced normally. Some tents have superfluous additions such as chimneys, bell ropes or weather vanes, making them look nondescript.

As we walked toward the center of the venue, the tents became more and more conspicuous. The tent in the middle was like a small palace, built in the shape of a four-story building, with several turrets next to it, and a garden in front of the door. , inside there are marble statues, sundials and fountains. At the striped silk entrance, a few live peacocks raised their necks reservedly.

After passing through the tent community, we came to a clearing on the edge of the field and next to the woods. There was a sign on the clearing that read: Wezley.

"Okay!" Arthur said excitedly, "Strictly speaking, magic is not allowed, since so many of us have come to Muggle territory. We have to put up the tent with our own hands! It shouldn't be too difficult... …That’s what Muggles do…”

The group of people naturally divided into two groups. Arthur took the boys to set up a tent, and Molly took the girls to set up a tent. Loren and Hermione were a little silent, but they only thought that they were too tired from climbing the mountain early. Didn't think much about it.

"Let me see...it says, first we need to lay down the positioning nails!"

As soon as Arthur finished reading a paragraph, he immediately went to find a sledgehammer happily, picked up the pole and started hammering it into the soil.

The Weasleys around him looked at him expectantly and didn't think there was anything wrong with this step at all. Harry did have some doubts on his face, but he had no camping experience and couldn't tell what was wrong.


Hermione: ...

The two of them couldn't care less about being sad, so they could only start assembling the tent with their own people. To be honest, the Weasleys were enthusiastic, but it was a complete disservice. The twins were messing around with poles and screws, and Arthur had a sledgehammer in his hand, getting excited whenever he saw where a hammer was needed.

When the sun fully rose, they finally set up two crooked two-person tents.

Everyone took a few steps back, admiring the fruits of their own labor with a look of satisfaction.

Except for Loren and Hermione, they just felt tired.

Arthur admired it for a while and took the lead in getting into the first tent on all fours. Then Loren noticed a wave of magic power coming from the tent, similar to the wave when the space of the Traceless Stretch Spell was unfolded.

Recalling the tents he had seen along the way and the tent products he had seen in Diagon Alley, Loren had some guesses... Some wizards use a complete set of magic tents, such as the four-story luxurious palace, and the Some wizards, like Arthur, use ordinary Muggle tent shells. After setting up, they unfold their magic tents in the inner space.

"It might be a little crowded, but I think everyone can squeeze in. Come and take a look." Arthur's voice spread out from inside the tent, and it was a little dull across the canvas tent filled with water.

Inside the tent was an old-fashioned three-bedroom apartment with a bathroom and kitchen. The bedroom was filled with double beds, the furniture was a bit old, and the air was filled with a dull smell that was not unpleasant but not unpleasant either.

"We need water to clean the house..." Arthur shook the dusty empty kettle, took out the camp map, and looked at it carefully, "On the map that Muggle gave us, there is a water tap marked. Just on the other side of the field…”

"Okay, in this case..." Arthur looked at the group of children, took out three kettles and two stew pots from the box, and distributed them to Loren, Hermione, Ginny, Harry and Ron who came in behind: " You guys are responsible for going over there to fetch water, and then—"

There was excitement on his face: "——The rest of us are going to collect some firewood and prepare to light a fire!"

"But..." Ron looked at the excitement on his father's face and asked weakly, "Why don't we use the cleaning spell and the fire spell?"

"Ron! Don't forget the safety regulations for Muggles!" Arthur looked at him seriously, "Real Muggles always light fires outdoors when camping. I've seen it."


If you ignore the excited smile on his face, it might be more convincing.

Because of the lush foliage, the dense fog in the woods always disperses slower. Deep in the dark and deep woods, a giant stadium made of magnificent golden walls stands impressively.

This is a design that is unimaginable for any architectural firm.

Scattered patrols walked through the stadium, and the training teams of the Irish and Bulgarian teams pointed around the fifty-foot scoring ring from time to time, discussing tonight's tactics with solemn faces.

Barty Crouch, Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic, stood in a top-floor box, looking down at the people coming and going below.

The world Quidditch event is held every four years, and wizards from all races around the world gather here. They have to squeeze in seats in every corner. Even the top box with first-class tickets has enough seats for twenty people.

Barty Crouch rubbed his brows tiredly, and said softly to the place where there was no one around him: "You just stay here until the show is over and don't leave again."

A house elf appeared from the seat next to him and said in a sharp voice: "Don't worry, Master, I will take good care of Master Barty."


Barty Crouch's voice was undetectable. Many people in the Ministry of Magic knew his house elf, Winky, and they would think that they had asked Winky to reserve a seat for him in advance. Although there would be some criticism, it didn't matter.

In the seat next to him, Barty Crouch Jr., shrouded in an invisibility cloak, had an expressionless face, and his fingers hanging underneath him trembled slightly.

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