"Bian Xiaogu, what are you yelling at?!"

In the editorial office under the maple tree, someone protested angrily.

Bian Xiaogu is Kuku’s real name.

The colleague who made the protest was sitting next to Kuku, feeling a little irritated when he heard Kuku shouting and clicking on the keyboard. This colleague was reading the manuscript, but the quality of the manuscript was obviously not satisfactory, which made him a little irritable.

Kuku quickly apologized: "Sorry, I didn't mean it. Mainly because Big B... Teacher Doraemon threw a bomb at me. The bomb was a bit big and I couldn't withstand it."


The colleague sitting next to me didn’t understand.

Kuku leaned back, gave up his position, and said, "You can see for yourself."

The colleague sitting next to him came over to take a look and saw the pile of folders on Ku Ku's computer screen. He read them one by one: "Little Prince, First Intimate Contact, Ugly Duckling, Magic Pen Ma Liang, Little Tadpole Looking for Mom..." Is this a new book?!”

He nodded bitterly.

The colleague sitting next to me said: "Damn it, Doraemon has written a new book?! And he took out so many at once?! How fucking cool is this, and you still look unhappy?!"

When other colleagues heard the commotion, they all looked around and asked what was going on, and some people came over to take a look.

He said bitterly: "Didn't you notice? There is no "Dragon Clan IV"!"

The colleague sitting next to me said: "As long as you have the manuscript! Doraemon's manuscript! Can't you give it to me? I will review these manuscripts, and you can wait for "Dragon Family 4"."

"What good things are you thinking of?! Mine!"

Kuku suddenly became anxious and pushed the colleague next to him away, guarding the computer like a hen guarding an egg.


The colleague sitting next to me sneered in displeasure and disdain, "How much shit did you step on in your previous life to be so lucky? How could you receive such a treasured author as Doraemon?"

Others couldn't help but nodded and said, "Yes, yes."

Not to mention Doraemon's high output, the quality of his works is also very high. In the field of youth fantasy novels, it can be said that no one can compare with him.

He was staring at the computer screen in triumph, but others couldn't help but start discussing it. Book titles like "Tadpole Looking for Mom" ​​and "The Ugly Duckling" sound like fairy tales. "Doraemon" has changed its style and is writing fairy tales?

Thinking about the author's previous works, colleagues have a little doubt about the fairy tale works of "Doraemon". The fairy tales written by this guy will not end up being dark and cruel, right? That would be too cruel to the children!

But although it is too cruel for children, they are still quite curious.

"Bian Xiaogu, please review the manuscript quickly, we are waiting for your first-hand information."

Colleagues all said this to Kuku.

I made an "OK" gesture and said "no problem". After confirming that there was no reply from Teacher Big B, I started reviewing the manuscript.

She first chose "The Little Prince" to open. The editor who was unwilling to give up still had some unrealistic fantasies, thinking that "Dragon" was full of dragon kings, so the name of the book "The Little Prince" might have something to do with dragon kings.

Maybe this is "Dragon Family 4". Teacher Big B specially changed his name to make fun of himself?

With such expectations in mind, I read hard:

"When I was six years old, I saw a very beautiful painting in a book about the virgin forest, called "True Story". In the painting, there was a big python about to devour the beast..."

Well, it's first person.

It should be a prologue like the beginning of "Dragon Trilogy".

Teacher Big B likes to play some tricks at the beginning of novels. "Dragon 4" starts with the first person, so there should be no problem.

She had made up her mind, and even the crude and abstract stick figures attached to the document did not change her mind.

She continued reading, and when she read that a slightly strange sound woke "me" up and asked "me" to help draw a sheep, she even judged that the little prince who came first with the sound was Lu Mingze.

She thought to herself that Lu Mingze was like this when he appeared in "Dragon". Although the little prince was more innocent when he appeared, he might not be Lu Mingze.

Who stipulates that Lu Mingze is the same? There should be some growth and change in this character. no problem.

Well, no problem.

As for the foreshadowing and hints about Lu Mingze's identity at the beginning of "Dragon Trilogy", maybe it was a trick played by Teacher Big B. After all, Teacher Big B is the author, so what kind of foreshadowing in the novel is going to be like, isn’t it up to the author to have the final say?

Thinking about it this way, there is no problem.

Kuku continued to look down. Looking at the strange planets and people, as well as snakes, flowers and foxes that appeared in the novel, she regarded them as some kind of special metaphors and tried to understand them as much as possible.

Those innocent and sharp dialogues, under her preconceived reading, did seem like some kind of metaphor.

She worked hard to interpret it while reading it. Even if she couldn't interpret it, she kept the points that felt problematic in her mind and planned to think about it later when she read the text.

But she didn't want to look at it. When it was getting dark, she had already pulled the document to the bottom.


She suddenly woke up at this moment and cut the screen to open "First Intimate Contact". There were "I", Qingwu Feiyang, and some witticisms such as "Am I ten million? No", but there was no way. Mingfei Lu Mingze.

Open "The Ugly Duckling" again, it's really a little duck!

The real Ma Liang in "Ma Liang", the three little pigs in "The Three Little Pigs", the tadpoles in "Tadpole Looking for Mom" ​​are really looking for their mother...

No follow-up!

"I'm so stupid...really..."

He murmured to himself bitterly, only then did he react. I was busy reading the novel, and pushed "The Little Prince" on top of "Dragon Family IV". Why didn't I pay attention to the size of the novel file "The Little Prince"?

"The Little Prince" is really "The Little Prince" and has nothing to do with "Dragon IV".

She opened the chat box with Lu Anzhi, and wanted to ask "Teacher Big B" if there was a follow-up to the novel, and if the entire "Dragon Family IV" was still in Lu Anzhi's hands.

But after she typed out a few words, they were all deleted.


She sighed, admitted the fact, and stopped deceiving herself.

After eliminating the wrong ideas, she had confirmed based on her long-term reading experience as an editor that although "The Little Prince" is short, it is a better story than "The Dragon".

"Dragon" is an excellent commercial work, but this fairy tale called "The Little Prince" is no longer in the category of commercial work.

If this work is regarded as the prologue of "Dragon Family 4", it would be too cheap.

Although I am a little unwilling to do so, it is the fact. If he asked the question just now, he would be too stupid and would be an embarrassment.

Yesterday's update was a little careless. I made some changes to the description of Zhang Suxin. You don't need to look back at what you saw yesterday. I will explain it here:

The modified content is that Zhang Suxin is not an orphan, but because she gave birth to Xianxian alone, she did not dare to let her parents know, so she endured it alone for more than two years and did not dare to go home during the Chinese New Year. When her parents came to see her, she also came to see her. Reasons to shirk, now.

Please continue reading and thank you for your support!

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