Dalong hangs the latest chapter, Chapter 0223 applies for his own stay (first), Astronomy

    the current day

    Maggie didn't follow Paris, or lived in Mrs. Harriet's house. Paris’s lunch was also eaten at Mrs. Harriet’s house.

    Liszt didn't immediately ask questions and questioned Paris's background.

    Just like a long line fishing big fish, the fishing line can't be in a tight state at all times, so it will be broken by the big fish. What needs to be done is to relax for a while, to tighten, to tremble constantly, to consume the physical strength of the big fish, and finally to catch the big fish.

    The life of the lord is quite boring.

    So Liszt has plenty of time to enjoy this kind of manipulation of the people, a lord, if it does not control the hearts of people, is not a qualified lord. Whether it is temptation of interest, temptation with honor, or even threat of restraint, it is a means of manipulation.

    After lunch, he met with the old Grande and told him: "You remind Mrs. Harriet that Maggie doesn't have to leave. It's actually very simple. Let her sister Paris stay in Flower Town. it is good."

    Old Grande is now an official in the town, full of enthusiasm: "lord, maybe I am more suitable with Dennis, let Dennis remind Harriet."

    Dennis is the husband of Mrs. Harriet.


    Old Grande was killed.

    In the afternoon, Liszt thought that Maggie would take time off to accompany her sister. Surprisingly, however, Maggie went to the castle to start an internship with other little maids and little servants.

    "Mr. Carter, you called Maggie."

    "Okay, lord."

    After Maggie arrived, Liszt asked directly: "Maggie, why don't you accompany your sister, you can take time off."

    "Master, I want to work, work, stay in Flower Town…I don't want to leave. ”Maggie is now happy and troubled. She seems to be thinking about her sister, but she does not want to leave the Harriet family, as well as this beautiful town, and the benevolent lord.

    She may be very young, but she has seen the lord in her hometown, riding on the big horse, and using her whip to beat the serf.

    Once, her father was beaten by the lord lord ten times.

    But in Flower Town, she has never seen Liszt beat anyone — even if they are beaten, officials punish the wrong civilians — in her simple notion, the benevolent lord deserves everyone to follow.

    "It's okay, Maggie, as long as you don't want to leave, whether it's Mrs. Harriet or me, it will keep you." Now go back to accompany your sister, I let Mr. Carter put you in a half-day vacation. ”

    "Master, I really, can, stay here?"




    Maggie went back to her happy vacation and found her sister.

    The two sisters strolled in Flower Town for an afternoon. Maggie shared her peanuts in the castle kitchen, and Paris gave her a pendant.

    The pendant is not very beautiful, because it is not a gemstone or crystal, but a large and small piece of crumpled leaves.

    "Take her, Maggie, don't lose it."

    "What are they leaves, sister?"

    "The large leaves with wavy edges are the leaves of the oak, the small oblong leaves, the leaves of the mistletoe."Paris explains, “Mistletoe is a plant that is parasitic on oak trees. It represents hope and fertility, and oak represents strength and unyielding.”

    Maggie understood, and put the pendant into the clothes.

    "Sister, are you leaving?"

    "Maggie, leave with me, let's go home."

    Maggie lowered her head: "But Mom and Dad have been killed, our village has been destroyed, and what can we do when we go back."

    "This…this…"My sister will protect you, we can find a place to start a new life. ”Paris did a posture with a curved arm bulging his biceps. "You have to believe in the strength of your sister. Although not a magician, it is more powerful than a magician."

    "But I think Flower Town is very good, the Lord Lord will protect us, and I have a new mother, Mrs. Harriet is my mother."

    Dinner, still eating at Mrs. Harriet's house.

    Paris once again proposed to take Maggie to leave. At this time, Mrs. Harriet, who had already been mentioned, quietly asked: "Paris, why are you obsessed with letting Maggie follow you? She is just a nine-year-old girl. How can I adapt to the drifting life?"

    "I will take care of her, Mrs. Harriet."

    "Of course I know that you are her sister, but have you considered it?"

    “What have you considered?”

    "Leave in Flower Town."Mrs. Harriet smiled. "If you don't worry, you can stay in Flower Town, aren't you?" I have lived in Flower Town for twenty years. I am quiet and undisturbed. My son grew up here and got married. He also has children soon. Maggie can also grow up here. ”

    Paris never thought about this.

    But after she stumbled, she felt that this was indeed an interesting proposal – it was not far from the coral island, the purpose was to save the sister being bought, but the sister is living very well now, then what is the meaning of this rescue, and why? Be obsessed with taking your sister.

    "I will consider, Mrs. Harriet, thank you for your hospitality."

    In the evening, Paris did not mention taking Maggie again. She still lived in the nobility area at night. Of course, Liszt has largely avoided the cost of her accommodation – he has already learned about the progress of Paris and Maggie through the old Gelangtai and others.

    I know that things are stable.

    "Probably tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, Paris will take the initiative to ask to stay…If she is outside, there is no reason to go back. ”

    But beyond Liszt's plan, Paris visited the castle that night.

    This time she did not rely on stealth to lurk in, but came out to meet, and Carter stayed in the hall waiting. When Carter knocked on the door and entered the study, please ask.

    Liszt, who was reading the book, nodded unpreparedly: "Please ask her to come in the study room and make two cups of milk tea by the way."

    After a moment, Paris was brought over by Carter.

    After she was seated, she did not have any nonsense. She said directly: "The Baron, I was a thief mercenary of the mercenary group in the Grand Duke of Maple Leaf. Although it has been separated, it still retains the status of a registered mercenary. I don't know if you need to hire a mercenary to work for you. ”

    Maple Leaf Grand Duke, like the Grand Duke of Sapphire, is one of the countries of Steel Steel Kingdom.

    "Listen to what you mean, plan to stay in Flower Town and take care of Maggie?"Liszt nodded. "So, let's start with a perfect self-introduction. You said that you killed the nobility. I am also a nobleman, so I want to make sure that you stay in Flower Town and will not cause trouble to Flower Town."

    "You can rest assured that the aristocrats I killed are indeed quite a lot. They are still wanted in the Grand Duke country of Maple, but no one will catch up with such a remote island country and find me trouble."

    Paris unknowingly picked up the milk tea on the table and took a sip: "It tastes good, it is definitely the milk produced by the fine cows…If you want to hear my story, there is nothing to hide. In order to get married, I left home when I was fifteen, I wanted to find a magician and learn magic. ”

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