Whenever there is a message that will make them rich, Liu Ye will not let go. ★ Look ★ Most ★ New ★ Chapter ★ Festival ★ Hundred ★ Degree ★ Search ★ Chase ★ Book ★ Help ★

The people in the village have a really hard life. If they continue to do so, they will only become more and more backward.

Due to frequent visits to the village, Liu Ye and some women in the village became familiar. Sometimes, Liu Ye often had lunch at their homes.

In this way, Liu Ye's heart can be grasped clearly in their living conditions and the problems that need to be solved.

Therefore, after seeing that there are medicinal herbs available here, the first thing Liu Yan thought of was to let the women in the village come here to collect medicinal herbs, so that they could be quickly exchanged for money.

During this period of contact, Liu Ye discovered a problem, that is, there are no medical museums in several villages.

Regardless of whether it is an adult or a child, as long as they get sick, they will carry it, drink some **** soup, and get fever. It will be fine if they can get better, but the condition can only continue to worsen.

This made Liu Yan sprout the idea of ​​opening a medical museum.

However, this is only a temporary idea. Liu Ye thought that there were many villages on the border, but there were also a few towns not far away. She wanted to go there to see the situation, and then draw conclusions.

Soon, everyone came to the second ditch.

"Miss, ma'am, let's take a look. It's so deep that you can't see it." Zhu Yuan shouted.

Usually, the cracks in earthquakes are not too deep, and they can be restored to their original state after filling. However, this seems to be a little different. It is not only wide but deep enough to see to the bottom, a dark area below.

Because he had gone too far, Nangong Yu decided not to use a second gully.

Right next to the second trench, Nangongyu and Guo Xuzhao decided to dig the trench the next day.

Of course, this matter must be carried out in secret. Otherwise, if the enemy forces are made aware of it, they will have to give up everything.

Liu Min thought that only with full preparations can he be prepared. If all hope is placed on the interception, it is somewhat arbitrary.

"Apart from this, is there any other way to deal with it?" Liu Min asked Xiang Guoxu.

"At present, if you don't want to fight hard, this is the only way to let them retreat, but even if you fight hard, we have little chance of winning, and the difference in military strength between the two sides is really the same." Guo Xuzhao said seriously.

Liu Yan smiled and said, "Don't have too much pressure inside, I just ask casually."

How can such a large mountain be used reasonably? Liu Ye was thinking about this while walking.

There are stones in the mountain. What can a lot of stones do? Liu Yan suddenly thought of the trebuchet in the ancient Roman battle movie that he watched before.

At present, there are trebuchets in the barracks, which are generally not used, because they have a range of only two or three hundred meters. The giant trebuchets can shoot farther, but because the trebuchets are projectiles, they cannot be dropped after landing. Move again, it is more passive to use, so it is generally used when defending the city, when it is not necessary, it will be used as a siege tool.

The accuracy of the catapult is not high, but the number of shots in a day can be many, which is why it is still retained.

"After returning to the barracks, can I look at those trebuchets?" Liu Yan looked at Nangong Yan.

Nangong Yan said directly, "As long as you have time, you can do it anytime."

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