After returning home, Liu Yan drank a bowl of water, and quickly took the shovel to Sister Cai's house.

She still understands this kind of diligence.

Sister Cai was still so enthusiastic, she was unwilling to let go.

Liu Ye thought to herself, she used a shovel for a few days, and she had to be polite about how she could do it. Even if she was unwilling, she couldn't show her unhappiness. She would not do the demolition of the bridge across the river.

"Ama, come here, sit here, I'll tell you something." Aunt Cai said mysteriously.

But he said from sister Cai's mouth that eight of the ten things were chewing the tongue. Although Liu Yan had no mood to listen, he had to sit down.

Sister Cai put her mouth to Liu Yan's ear and muttered, "Vanilla, have you heard?"

Just this sentence made Liu Yan's mood overcast immediately.

This elder sister really knows that she will poke wherever she hurts, and she will say whatever she is least willing to listen to.

This kind of person should be blamed if they don't recruit people.

"Ama, you really have the ability to cling to the village head and her mother and daughter." Sister Cai said with a smile.

"Sister Cai, I am fair and comfortable. I didn't do anything. I have no doubts. It's their business to be obedient. Maybe they are ashamed." Liu Yan said.

"Yes, yes, they are ashamed to do such unsightly things, and frame others, no wonder they were beaten by the village chief." Sister Cai said in a hurry, but she remembered that this unsightly thing seemed to be Liu Yan also did it.

Sister Cai felt that her head couldn't turn around. What happened today? It offends people to speak.

Fortunately, Liu Ye's face did not show upset. She hurriedly said, "Did you know that? It is said that within a few days, the village chief became more and more angry and wondered why, so he beat them both. , Haven't you seen them recently? Alas, that's right, the kind of person who puts his eyes on the top of his head all day should be like this, Grandma, do you mean? "

How others are doing has nothing to do with him. Now Liu Yan's mind is thinking whether her potatoes need to be watered. If Gu Rufeng is at home alone, will he forget to water those potatoes? ?

Now that little potato is her life, and thinking about the potato leaves snoring, Liu Yan can't sit still.

"Sister, look at the rush that I came out today. I still have no work to do at home. I really can't accompany you to chat here. I have to go back and look at it. Look back. Let's talk again." Liu said. To stand up, how could you know that someone's shoulder was pressed heavily and his buttocks were sitting on the small bench again.

Liu Ye thought to myself, "Sister Cai, just let me go. My potatoes need me."

"Ama, why are you in a hurry? Sit with your elder sister for a while, you know, isn't that daughter-in-law of the old Zhang family? That daughter-in-law," Liu Yan stood up and looked at Sister Cai with a stun, half of the words I swallowed it, I don't know what to say.

"Sister, I really have something to do, I can't be accompanied anymore, and this **** has been used for so many days, thank you very much."

After speaking, Liu Ye ran away.

As she ran, Liu Ye also thought, saying that every inch of time is an inch of gold, this sister Cai is too wasteful.

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