The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 107: Guardian Miner

Looking at the large group of short figures in the mine ahead, Mo Xie's eyes were excited.

Because these monsters, called mine thieves by the anode generals, actually have blue names on their heads. They are all allies of the players in the same camp...

How is this going?

Mo Xie was excited and puzzled. Although he saw the color of the names on the top of the opponent's head, the environment was dark, and he still couldn't see their specific names clearly.

Lying on the ground, he moved forward quietly again, with the help of the cover of mountains, and once again approached the large group of people who were mining crazy.

These weird people have been concentrating on collecting ore, but occasionally raised their heads and looked around, and then continued to wave their iron hoe.

And this mine has not been entered by outsiders for many years, so they don't have to worry about enemies around.

Mo Xie took advantage of this opportunity to quickly crawl close to a large group of busy figures, hide behind a mountain bag, adjusted his posture, quickly poked his head out, and looked at these guys not far away...

At this moment, the specific name of the blockbuster's blue name is finally revealed...

Guardian Mining Elite

Level: 25




Looking at the names of these mining heads, Mo Xie opened his mouth in surprise, not understanding what kind of race these guys are...

What does it mean to guard the mine spirit?

Since entering the mine, the copper mine and iron ore collection areas were empty. Only after entering the silver mine collection area did he discover the existence of these guardian mine spirits. It can be seen that the system has set such a special place here, absolutely Has a special setting.

Perhaps they represent a hidden task, or a hidden rule in the mine, which is not that simple anyway.

While thinking in Mo Xie's heart, the large group of miners suddenly stopped moving, one by one raised their heads, and their green eyes scanned the surroundings suspiciously, seeming to be alert to the arrival of enemies around.


Mo Xie immediately understood that this was because of the system setting of the alert range. In order to see the names of these heads clearly, he had entered their alert area. Even if it was blocked by the mountain pack, it also made these people aware of the danger.


Suddenly, a sharp flute sounded from the silent cave, followed by the sound of dense footsteps. Those low figures were frightened, and the tide of craziness began to flee toward the side of the cave...

Let them find out.

Mo Xie was speechless. He raised his head and looked in the direction where the crowds were fleeing. He got up angrily from the ground and looked at the huge cave that was empty.

But this time he finally understood some information. The miners are not the monster refresh area set by the system here, but the elite level with IQ.

There must be some special settings hidden in these bodies, and we must find a way to figure out where their nests are.

He immediately turned around and returned to the cave, leading the anode general to continue to explore...

Every time you enter a cave in a silver mining area, you can always see a large group of small figures busy mining, but when they first appeared, these guys whistled and fled without a trace.

"I'll take it, there are a lot of them!" Mo Xie exclaimed.

"These hateful guys, I didn't expect that more than ten years have passed, their ethnic group has grown to the size it is today!" General Yang said with a sigh.

"Master General, can you tell me carefully about these guys?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"To be honest, I have been busy with military affairs, and I don't know the situation of these guys very well. It would be great if my deputy was still there... Since you want to know, I will tell you something I know..." The general shook his head and sighed. The two of them moved forward, and he told Mo Xie about the protection of the mine spirits.

Following the general's description, Mo Xie finally understood some news.

These guardian mine spirits turned out to be the most special kind. They did not belong to any race, but lived in groups along with mineral veins.

Near every large metal vein, there exists a tribe that protects the spirits of the mines, and their tribe is led by a queen who collects high-level ores to maintain the reproduction of the race.

This special kind of combat ability is not strong and belongs to the craftsman type.

Some information learned from General Anode made Mo Xie more curious about these strange mine spirits...

Can this be caught as a pet, and if it can become a pet of the players, wouldn't it help the players collect ore?

A peculiar idea came to him spontaneously.

"By the way, Lord General, you just said that you still have a lieutenant. Is he still alive?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"The ghost fortress I'm going to this time is a direct army that I arranged there before. It is led by my confidant and deputy general and guards a special passageway far away from Sunset City. I believe they will not suffer The impact of the last storm." General anode replied.

"It turned out to be like this, I understand, Master General, don't worry, I will definitely send you to that place safely." Mo Xie nodded and replied.

The two of them spoke and continued to march toward the depths of the mine, and gradually walked through countless resource collection areas. In the cave in front, the stone walls turned into a flash of black light, and more advanced resource mining areas appeared before their eyes.

Walking out of the cave, in the huge cave hall in front of you, a dense mountain bag with golden light, the gold mining area officially appeared...

In the wide cave hall, the situation that made Mo Xie even more surprised was also revealed.

In the center of the stone cave in the gold mining area, large and small figures are still busy collecting gold ore, and the figures of these guardian miners are different from the situation seen in the silver mining area just now.

The miners who are mining here seem to be taller, reaching a height of 1.34 meters, and their figures are more burly. On a pair of sturdy arms with completely different proportions, they look more majestic and rugged!

The number of these gold mining spirits seems to be less, but the speed of collecting ore has increased a lot. As the mining **** dances fast, the clinking metal sounds continue to sound, and blocks of golden ore fall to the ground. They were picked up quickly and thrown into the bamboo basket behind them.

"What's going on, they can also upgrade?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Yes, mine spirits can be upgraded by collecting ores. These are all high-level mine spirits." General Anode nodded and said.

"It can still be like this... well, this time I will follow them to find their escape route, and I must figure out where their nest hole is." Mo Xie said excitedly.

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