The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 113: Mine Spirit Cave: The Guardian City

Ding...System: Don't be sad for players, the private map data of the Mine Spirit Cave is loaded, and your map system is officially opened!

Just as Mo Xie was still shocked by the mysterious city he saw in front of him, a system prompt popped out again. After a period of map updates, a new picture finally appeared on his minimap, which was no longer a dark piece.

The green and blue dots of him and General Anode were accurately displayed in the corners of a black map. A large black screen obscured the other areas of the underground city. He had to walk through before the black screen opened.

However, the map name displayed on the small map surprised him again.

As Moxie opened the map interface, I saw the map name displayed at the top of the interface, which was actually a one-line font of Mine Spirit Cave: Guardian City.

The guarded city is the real name of this underground city, but what does it mean?

According to General Anode’s explanation, if you want to obtain exclusive territory, you must obtain permission from the Imperial Family of the Sun Empire. How could these mine spirits have anything to do with the Imperial Family?

They are just a group of low-level people living in the mines. They have not obtained enough imperial merits, and they cannot obtain the territorial qualifications granted by the royal family.

More and more doubts in his mind, Mo Xie even wanted to figure out the hidden background here.

"Master General, let's go down and take a look." Mo Xie pleaded.

"I also want to know what's going on here, let's go down and investigate clearly." General anode also became solemn, as if he was shocked by the unexpected appearance of this city.

After all, he used to be one of the two great generals of Sunset City. On the territory of his commander, there was somehow such a large-scale city, and it would be uneasy for anyone to change it.

"Then let's go, be careful and safe." Mo Xie turned around and strode to one side along the circular cliff. The destination was the edge of a floating bridge not far away.

Around the entire crater cliff, there are many suspension bridges hanging in the air, leading to a mountain peak in the center of the basin far away. No matter which suspension bridge starts from, the final destination is that mountain.

This strange map setting makes the mysterious guarded city safer. Even if an enemy comes here, the owner of the city only needs to guard the mountain to block the enemy’s offensive, because there is the entire city. The only channel...

Mo Xie led the general, and the two came to the front of a suspension bridge, which was a huge long bridge connected by countless thick iron cables. Suspended in the air, it looked like a huge dragon and looked very spectacular.

"This is indeed a city that has only been completed recently. Look at what these chains and planks look like." General Anode walked quickly to the side of the suspension bridge, checked the situation here, and said with a deep frown.

"It is indeed a newly built city..." Mo Xie also saw clearly, the iron ropes were bright, the wooden boards were brand-new, and even the iron nails exuded a shining metallic luster. Here is a newly built new city, looking towards the basin from the cliff. Below, those buildings are also brand-new houses, which shows that the emergence of this city is not too long ago.

The two carefully walked onto the suspension bridge, and as the bridge swayed, they began to rush forward quickly.

What Mo Xie was most worried about right now was that the city owner's guard guarded that mountain. In that case, the situation would be very dangerous.

Passing quickly through the long suspension bridge, at the end of the hundreds of meters long bridge, the tall mountain became clearer and clearer.

Suspension bridges in all directions are all connected to this tall stone peak, and honeycomb-like openings can be seen everywhere on the mountain.

The end of the suspension bridge is also connected to a dark hole, and in front of the hole is a mountain passage hovering down.

The two rushed to the side of the suspension bridge, and after careful observation, they were surprised to find that there was no guard here, and the things they were worried about did not appear.

"Without the guard of soldiers, what kind of city is this?" General anode asked in confusion.

"Go in and take a look." Mo Xie rushed to the end of the suspension bridge and entered a wide platform above Shi Feng.

Opposite is a cave entrance, on both sides are winding mountain channels, you can choose to continue climbing to the top of the mountain, or you can choose to hover down to the ground.

But he walked directly to the front of the cave and found that the entire Shifeng was completely hollowed out, like a honeycomb inside. Numerous caves can be seen everywhere, and even the metallic light radiating from some cave mouths can tell that there are actually a lot of ore storages here. It's just a warehouse.

He suddenly understood that this is the place where the miners collect the ore and store it!

If you take away all their ore, it will make a lot of money...

But he immediately thought that his own parcel space was limited, and he couldn't install much if he wanted to.

Turning and leaving the cave entrance, what he wanted to figure out most now was what secrets were hidden in this guarded city.

With a surprised general, the two set off quickly along the stone steps that descended on one side, and went down the mountain in circles, gradually approaching the center of the basin...

At this time, on Moxie’s small map, a white passage was shown in the large black screen, leading to the center of the map, revealing a circular white space, and the topography of the entire city was still blocked by the black screen, making it difficult to see the specifics. Happening.

On the giant mountain peak, two black spots quickly circled towards the ground and approached the ground. After a long circle, the two finally stepped down the last step of the passage, standing at the foot of the mountain peak, and suddenly a spectacular building complex appeared in front of them...

At the foot of the mountain is a circular city square. Looking at it, a large group of buildings are arranged in the center of the basin. Numerous wide streets lead directly to the end of the city. From a distance, you can see the streets and lanes, and groups of people wandering around. .

After arriving here, Mo Xie had become nervous, and finally saw the residents of the city. If they found out, would he attack him in the first place?

Since entering the secret cave of the mine spirit through the light curtain, a special state symbol with crossed swords appeared before the names of him and the general anode, which means that the invasion state has been opened, and the owner of the city can attack them at any time!

"Be careful, don't let them see us." Mo Xie reminded him, and rushed to the distant building group to leave this open and dangerous area.

The two rushed to the opposite row of buildings when there was no one nearby, hiding in the alley between the two houses, carefully observing the surrounding environment.

"There don't seem to be many people in this city." Mo Xie looked at the empty large city buildings. Except for some short figures walking back and forth in the distance, no trace of patrolling soldiers was found.

Such a strange discovery made Mo Xie even more curious. He didn't know the number of mine spirits, but with their weak strength, why did they build such a large-scale underground city?

And the masters in this city, are there only those mine spirits...

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