The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1151: A dilemma

After flying over a large mountain, it took half an hour. Mo Xie kept a private chat channel with Mo Xiaolang as he hurried along, keeping abreast of the battle in the city.

With the help of Deshen Flying Spear, Mo Xiaoyuan once again repelled a wave of offensive by the Protoss.

But the players were also attacked by lightning magic, causing heavy casualties, and had to dispatch new personnel to go up to the tower to help.

Once he comes back, it means that the Protoss brings more special combat occupations, and the more you fight down, the defender will face more dangers from the Protoss!

But the trouble is that the Protoss has reinforcements, where are their reinforcements?

The Elf Legion will not come to help until dusk. How can we persist in the long fighting time of about four hours?

With limited resources and great disparity in strength, this battle was a huge adventure from the very beginning.

But now, anyhow, I have been insisting on it for two or three hours, and it is not Mo Xie's style to give up so easily.

By the way, reinforcements!

Suddenly, Mo Xie's eyes lit up...

Protoss has reinforcements, so you can find them yourself.

"Brother Wolf, brothers and sisters, the command here is temporarily handed over to you. No matter what strategy the Protoss uses to attack the city, we only need to remember that once the tower becomes dangerous, use various resources to repel them immediately, and don't be afraid of waste." Mo Xie said.

"What do you mean, you are leaving" Lianna asked in surprise.

"Yes, the Protoss has reinforcements to support, and I must also go to the reinforcements to help, otherwise the bigger the fight, the more dangerous it becomes," Moxie said.

"Where are you going to find reinforcements now, the emperor regiment is here." Li Hong asked curiously.

"I'm still not sure whether the reinforcements can help, but as long as there is a chance, I will try it." Moxie said.

But the number of flying spears was consumed too much, and the manufacturing efficiency of the masters obviously couldn't keep up.

The Protoss became more cunning. Every time the shield array advances, the offensive of the thunder and lightning priests becomes stronger, but as soon as the barrier is destroyed, they will retreat quickly. When the Aegis soldiers recover a little, they will start to renew. Offensive.

They attacked more and more frequently, as Mo Xiaolang said, it was obviously the cat's tactics of playing with mice, teasing the players who defended the city.

In desperation, Mo Xiaolang once again asked the players to use kerosene to create a wall of fire, and finally slowed down the opponent's attack rhythm, allowing the defender to take a breather for half an hour.

However, the inventory of kerosene is now getting less and less, and it can still be used twice to make a fire wall, but it is not enough to make a fire!

As the battle became more tense, all the smiles on Mo Xie's face disappeared, anxiously urging the mount to speed up.

Flying through the vast green mountains and green waters and vast forests, a misty hilly area finally appeared ahead.

Mo Xie took Li Hong to the center of the map, and quickly found the tall mountain, and directly let the mount fly into the sky.

Landing on the familiar grass near the top of the mountain, the three quickly walked towards the mountain road leading to the top of the mountain.

Ascended all the way to the top of the mountain and found the Protoss Teleportation Platform. Fortunately, the Holy Light Teleportation Token was still there. Mo Xie planned to start negotiations from the Holy Light line.

The three figures flashed with the beam of light and immediately disappeared on the teleportation platform. The next second, the light flashed. The three people stood in the center of the teleportation platform on the high cliff, looking at the huge golden sun in the sky, Countless holy light people flying in the air to gather divine power.

"Come with me." Mo Xie, with two surprised beauties, followed the high steps towards the bottom city.

However, as soon as he reached the end of the steps, he was about to enter the City of Holy Light, but Mo Xie discovered that he came to Sun Valley this time, and the situation was completely different from the last two.

At the end of the valley bottom steps, a large number of golden armored soldiers were holding weapons in the middle of the intersection, seeming to be guarding the entrance of the entire valley.

"Be careful, I said to do it, your Royal Highness can subdue these magic soldiers, and Sister Hong hides behind me." Mo Xie reminded softly.

He suspected in his heart that the entire Holy Light Temple had been controlled by Vulcan, and it might be very dangerous to come over this time, but the existence of danger also meant that hope coexisted, and he did not want to give up halfway.

"Understood, you will be careful for a while." The holy princess took off the holy axe from behind. Although the holy axe is no longer powerful, she still can deal with a few divine soldiers with her strength.

Slowly walked down the steps, just approaching the ground of the city, a large group of divine soldiers had already begun to approach forward, with the long sword in front of them, blocking the path of the three.

There is a holy princess in front of the road, and every time a street intersection, there is always a large group of golden soldiers stepping forward to block the way, but without exception, they are all cut into two parts by the holy axe, Li Hong is dumbfounded.

Mo Xie followed behind the Saint Princess all the way forward, and found that in the buildings on both sides of the street, a pair of eyes were staring at the actions of the three people behind the gate. It seemed that the entire Light Element Protoss was confined in his room and was not allowed to be outside at will action.

It seems that the Fire Temple has taken action against the Holy Light Temple, sealing the entire Sun Valley.

Along the way, the killings continued, but there was no great master. The holy princess carried the holy axe and strode forward, getting closer and closer to the huge cliff at the end of the city in front.

The gate of the Light Element Temple appeared not far away. Outside the gate of the confined temple, there was still a large group of golden armored soldiers guarding. Seeing three people appeared, the group of soldiers rushed down the steps and surrounded the holy princess.

A burst of dazzling light shone, and screams sounded one after another. Li Hong was accustomed to the tragic killing scene. This time he did not hide behind Mo Xie. The two rushed forward, rushing up the steps from the corpses on the floor, with the holy princess. Together came to the giant doorway of the Holy Light Hall.

"The Fire God Temple just sealed it off, and didn't mean to send troops to suppress it." Mo Xie looked at the closed door and seemed to understand a little bit in his heart.

Sacred Light Master and Saint Ching Hee may have had enough of the rudeness of the Fire Temple this time, but for the sake of the overall situation, they can only endure the humiliation of their homes being blocked by others, not only ordering the tribe to hide at home and not go out, Even his own temple must be tightly closed.

Fortunately, their cooperation probably dispelled the doubts of the Vulcan Sect Master, so they only sent some Protoss soldiers to guard here, and did not take more drastic measures against the Holy Light.

"Now it's up to the mind of Sacred Light Master. She chooses to continue to be patient or choose to resist with us." Li Hong said lightly.

"I hope it's the latter." Mo Xie stood at the gate, stretched out the magic scepter in his hand, and knocked on the temple door gently.


It didn't take a few seconds for the dull sound to sound, and a creak was heard, and the heavy palace door quietly opened a crack.

Inside, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Mo Xie.

The master of these eyes is indeed the saint of the Holy Light clan, the beautiful Qingxi sister...

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