The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1174: Renewed offensive

"No, these things must be powerful weapons, please quickly ask the magic craftsmen to come and see them." Li Hong said.

"You immediately invite the two masters to let them observe the enemy in the air. You must figure out the specifics of these things in advance." Moxie said.

In the sight of everyone, hundreds of giants lined up in the dense crowd of large protoss legions are slowly moving forward toward the front of the crowd, seeing that they have reached the back of the protoss shield soldiers.

Outside the tower at this time, the golden armored shield soldiers and the blue armored divine soldiers mixed with each other, coupled with these peculiar huge props, created a strong pressure in the hearts of Mo Xie and the commanders.

They don't know how to deal with it before they don't know the opponent's strength.

Oh oh oh!

Just a few minutes later, the two beauties flew up to the air to observe the situation with two masters on their mounts. They had not heard from them yet, but at the foot of the distant Huangcheng Mountain, there were loud horns suddenly sounded!

The horn sounded, as if a heavy hammer hit the commanders’ hearts, making everyone nervous...

"The enemy has launched an attack horn, everyone prepares." Mo Xie said quickly.


In the sound of the horn, the Protoss Legion began to attack the tower again after 47 minutes of silence...

And during this time, outside the other two gates of Huangcheng Mountain, the confrontation between the Protoss Legion and the players continued, and the losses between the two sides were very huge!

The number of players is obvious, and they automatically abandon the square area on the side close to the tower to avoid attacks from the defense tower on the tower.

Around the square, on the roofs of the three-sided building complex, countless players are madly attacking the Protoss Legion. Arrows and magic, as well as summoned beasts and pets, are constantly rushing towards the Protoss soldiers. The scene is very lively. And confusion.

Long-range occupations have skill attacks, and melee occupations can only rely on pets to fight, and some even simply throw wood and stones out of the package, and strive to cause even the slightest damage to the Protoss soldiers.

In the square, players occupied half of the space, crowded with people, frantically resisting the advance of the Protoss Legion.

In this densely crowded environment, the superior power of the Protoss can hardly be used, even their shield soldiers can't form an effective camp, and the Aegis enchantment is impossible to use.

On the heads of the Protoss soldiers, arrows, magic, and even various props were flying, and their life bars were slowly declining.

The closer the Protoss soldier to the player, the more crazy the blood drop rate. The casualties of the Protoss soldier and the players are now 9 to 1, which means that if 9 players die, 1 Protoss will be killed. soldier……

With such a large disparity, the players should be defeated in a mess, but the actual situation is not the case. The players seem to be unable to kill Xiaoqiang, hang one to supplement one, and the dead pair rush up to one pair, always maintaining a terrifying Huge numbers.

The Protoss Legion was blocked by the crowd, and it was almost impossible to move forward, and continue to develop in this situation. Let alone move forward, they might even be killed by the players.

Mo Xie received reports from the players on the fighting on both sides, and he was extremely excited.

The tactics of the Protoss wanting to expand to the outer city are almost impossible now, and there is still a section of the Huangcheng Mountain tower occupied by the empire.

Although today’s situation is difficult, for the imperial camp, up to now, the party that has the upper hand should be counted among the imperial regiment and the players...

The other two battlefields are still in a stalemate. At least before the imperial castle on this side has a victory or defeat, the Protoss Legion will not spread its focus to those two places.

The footsteps outside the tower still sounded loudly, and the protoss shield soldiers rushing in the front.

But this time, they seemed to no longer worry about the threat of the divine power of the thick soil, and quickly approached downstairs.

And behind them, a large number of blue figures followed closely, including those mysterious props that were hidden by the curtain...

"Xiao Mo, the two masters can't recognize those things for the time being, what should I do?" Lianna's anxious voice came.

"Don't worry, recognize it slowly, we still have time." Mo Xie flew in the air, feeling helpless.

At this time, Mo Xiaolang had ordered the players on the tower to throw a large amount of wood towards the outside of the city. This is their only means of confronting the enemy at the moment. See if they can delay time at a critical moment.

Countless pieces of wood fell down the tower and rolled quickly on the ground. The Protoss shield soldiers held their shields to block the momentum of the wood, and continued to advance like a bulldozer.

The defensive tower on the tower opened fire again, and even the players' catapults hurriedly took advantage of the time when the opponent's defensive barrier had not been opened, and stepped up to throw stones into the crowd.

The fierce battle started again, and the explosions downstairs kept ringing...

"Understand." Dadi Shizi nodded and replied, once again raising the black long sword in his hand.

Suddenly, countless earth soldiers raised their spears, and a series of black light spots quickly converged towards the sky, gradually forming a huge black light group!

The huge black light revolved rapidly in the air, and black holes appeared one after another, and they began to swallow the aegis enchantment outside the city. Countless white smoke drifted from the enchantment to the sky, constantly being absorbed by the black light cluster.

Mo Xie looked extremely excited, but he kept paying attention to the situation behind the shield wall.

When the shield wall enchantment was officially completed, the blue figures also began to accelerate forward, approaching at full speed behind the shield wall, and the behemoths lined up and continued to approach the tower.

These giants now have entered less than 100 meters from the foot of the tower, and their outline size is officially seen by the players...

"What are these things, they are the same height as the towers, are they siege equipment" Mo Xiaolang asked in surprise.

"Maybe, the two masters haven't expressed their views yet." Mo Xie frowned.

Each of these behemoths is more than ten meters in height, and looks like a huge tower in the crowd. Each behemoth needs dozens of protoss soldiers to move forward. What the protoss spends so much power to get is definitely not an ordinary prop.

Mo Xie's heart was already very nervous. Even if this behemoth has no other use, as long as they are close to the tower, it is equivalent to building a passage to the city outside the city, and the soldiers of the Protoss can quickly attack the city!

"Xiao Mo, the master has recognized these things. They are called siege tanks. They are heavily armored for defense. The siege tanks are divided into five layers. Each layer can accommodate hundreds of soldiers. There are two long ladders inside. , You can let the soldiers climb from the bottom to the top, you can directly climb the tower, you have to be careful!"

Lianna's exclamation finally made everyone understand the specific use of these behemoths.

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