The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1201: Faction war plan

When everyone saw the chief financial officer say so, they all felt relieved.

"If this is the case, we shareholders can formally distribute dividends this month" Lianna asked in surprise.

"Yes, at the end of the month, I will give each shareholder a statement of income and expenditure, as well as the dividend distribution rules. As long as Mr. Mo signs, everyone can share the dividend." Mo Xiaoyuan nodded.

"Great!" Everyone was excited at this moment.

"How much we can divide, just calculate according to the current income, my sister-in-law will give an approximate figure." Ouyang Jiaojiao asked excitedly.

"According to the current income and expenditure, only 20 can be distributed, and the rest is used as the guild reserve. Everyone is about 100,000 or so. As the reserve reaches a certain amount in the future, everyone’s monthly dividend will be more and more. "Mo Xiaoyu replied thoughtfully.

"I went, there are so many, I really didn't expect that we really made money with Xiao Mo!" Lianna was overjoyed.

"Yeah, I didn't dare to think about it. I was afraid that Xiao Mo wouldn't be able to recoup the cost with so much money every day." Li Hong said with a smile.

"Now everyone can rest assured that the prestige of our God Realm League is getting louder and louder. There are countless players who want to join the alliance. The number of foreign legions is almost tens of thousands. Now we wait for the alliance to upgrade to a legion and expand the number of members." The little wolf laughed.

In the current God Realm League, the official members have reached a full membership of fifty thousand, and these fifty thousand players, whether professional or ordinary players, must pay a certain membership dues every month as agreed. Each person is 100 oceans per month.

As long as you become a formal alliance member of the God Realm League, there are actually many places to make money. Each official member can at least be in the guild mission and the guild warehouse assigned items.

Earning about 3000 oceans, so this membership fee is nothing at all.

A group of commanders were talking and all boarded the tower, watching the grand scene outside the city...

Fifty meters away from the tower, a large crowd of people gathered, but at this time it was silent and very strange.

The Protoss Legion neither attacked nor retreated, but stayed there quietly, waiting for the time to slowly pass.

"Let them guard, as long as they don't attack, we will be happy and quiet." Zhou Jianing smiled.

"Regardless of them, we continue our meeting." Moxie said.

"I will take a part of the brothers' full-time guild mission tomorrow, complete the last experience, and then upgrade the legion." Mo Xiaoyuan took the initiative.

"Tomorrow's update content, I have asked some from my friends, but I don't know whether it is true or not." Mo Xiaolang said.

"I just had a private chat with Mr. Luo, and he also told me some inside information, probably we know the situation is almost the same..." Mo Xie told everyone what Luo Feng had said.

"The content is almost the same. It seems that the official plan is to create two confrontation camps among the players to increase the difficulty of confronting the Protoss." Mo Xiaolang frowned.

"Yeah, the Protoss alone is already very difficult to deal with. If some players are diverted and they rely on the imperial city for defense, we are really not good at fighting." Li Hong nodded.

"As for the players’ choices, I don’t really worry too much, because tomorrow the stone stele of the chosen faction will appear outside the gates of the imperial city. As long as the players walk out of the gates, they know how to choose. They are probably smart. Players will not choose the Protoss, even if someone chooses the Protoss, those people have limited IQ, which is not to be feared." Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

"Under what circumstances, why do players know how to choose?" Lianna asked puzzled.

"You are stupid, now outside the East Gate and West Gate, the Earth Temple and the Holy Light Temple have been relocated. They are all opposing camps of the Protoss. Players will know that the Protoss has been divided into two when they see them. The temple must be chosen carefully." Li Hong scolded with a smile.

"Yes, this is only part of it, because tomorrow I plan to move God Realm Town to the outside of the imperial city, just to form a fight with the two sacred sites. Moreover, as soon as he goes online tomorrow, Brother Wolf will directly send a few camp announcements. Guide players how to choose." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"It's a good way to send announcements. At least it will let all players know what's going on, but it may be more difficult to relocate God Realm Town. We only have one chance to relocate. If we move here, it would be equivalent to giving up Cuiping Mountain. I can't move anymore!" Mo Xiaolang obviously couldn't bear the site of Cuiping Mountain.

"Yes, there is only one opportunity to move the territory. It is a pity to move to a higher level map. It is a pity to move to the imperial city." Zhou Jianing also agreed with Mo Xiaolang's idea.

Almost all commanders are reluctant to give up on Cuiping Mountain, and even less willing to waste the one-time relocation opportunity...

"Everyone is misunderstood. Have you forgotten my current official position? I am an imperial general now and have the right to build a private fief." Mo Xie reminded with a smile.

"We know that you still have another chance to build a territory, but God Realm Town has finally developed and is about to be upgraded to a junior city. If you move over now, don't you waste a city?" Mo Xiaolang shook his head and said. .

"Who said it was wasted? As an imperial general, the holy princess can freely delineate a piece of land outside the imperial city for me as a fief. In addition, I am the leader of the God Realm League. These two territories are in the system. It's my territory. I have checked the authority of the empire generals. I can use the alliance territory as a mirrored city to move freely between the two territories, as long as one of the territories has not started to build any buildings.” Mo Xie explained with a smile.

"No, it can still be like this" Mo Xiaolang was already silly.

"If this is true, then there is no need to waste a relocation opportunity in God Realm Town" Li Hong was also excited.

"Yes, so don’t worry, everyone. After the holy princess helps me delineate the territory, as long as I don’t start construction, I can mirror God Realm Town. In fact, the city on Cuiping Mountain will not disappear. The two mirrored cities can transmit to each other. , But only for urban residents."

Mo Xie said with a smile.

"I wipe it, it's so amazing!" Mo Xiaoyuan opened his mouth in surprise.

"In this way, don't we have two city bases!"

Mo Xiaolang asked excitedly.

"In principle, you can say that, but the mirror city has a time limit. It can only exist for seven days. After it disappears, you have to wait for the same seven-day cooldown."

Mo Xie explained.

"Seven days is enough. As long as we can stand firm in the early stage of the battle against the attacks of the Protoss, we can find a way to deal with them." Mo Xiaolang smiled and nodded.

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