The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1240: Renovate the castle

"Sister Hong, after we got married, we took our parents over and stayed for a few days." Mo Xie asked with a smile while hugging the beautiful body.

"Okay, do we have to be here to get married?" Li Hong closed her beautiful eyes and lay comfortably in his arms.

"Of course, the wedding of the prince and the princess must be held in the palace..." Mo Xie looked at the castle under his feet with beaming eyes, and had already planned to renovate it well...

In one day, Mo Xie and Li Hong and his party stayed and wandered around in the old castle. They finally got a rough idea of ​​the environment here. At least in their old castle, they wouldn't get lost.

At noon, the two directors brought their family to welcome the owner of the castle, and enjoyed a European-style meal at Robert's house, listening to music and eating food.

Watching the family members of the two chiefs sing and dance, Mo Xie kept smiling.

What is happiness, he has only truly realized it now, isn't it just having his own territory, and the feeling of being together with the person he likes?

In the afternoon, Mo Xie, who was taking a rest with Sister Hong's body in the room, received a notice from Wang Fan that the local city government officials came to sign with the documents.

He immediately awakened Sister Hong and hurried to handle the reception of the castle...

After finishing the documents, it was not too early. The officials repeatedly invited them to the city to attend dinner parties. After all, Mo Xie had become a distinguished guest of their country.

Everyone smiled and accepted their kindness, and went to the city in the evening to buy gifts and put on a new look. They participated in the reception dinner hosted by the mayor of the city personally and spent a grand banquet with many local celebrities...

When we returned to the castle, it was already 23 o'clock in the night, and a group of people stood on the huge platform on the second floor, admiring the night outside the castle.

"I can't imagine that we still have today..." Mo Xiaoyuan said with a sigh.

A year ago, he was still a professional player with a monthly salary. Although his income was slightly higher than that of ordinary people, he was always worried about whether he could still guarantee income in the next month.

But now, he has become a super rich man with a net worth of tens of millions and an annual salary of millions...

All this seems to be a dream.

Especially Mo Xie, he has always wondered whether he still hasn't woken up in his dream.

After spending the romantic night in the old castle, the next morning, he was awakened from his dream by the sound of the bird, and looking at the sleeping beauty in his arms, the sun was shining outside the window.

Mo Xie didn't want to wake Sister Hong, so she held her delicate body and lay there thinking about it...

A beautiful day passed quickly. In the afternoon, Wang Fan took them to the university town in a vehicle to let them appreciate this world-famous place.

The entire university city is composed of countless schools, of which there are three or four of the most famous universities, and all of them are world-class prestigious universities.

Under the leadership of Wang Fan, Mo Xie and Li Hong checked a university selected by President Ma for them. As long as they have time, they can come here to continue their studies.

The two of them are very satisfied with this, and now they can come to study again with peace of mind as long as the affairs of the park are finished.

After taking over the ownership of the castle, attending the local mayor’s dinner, and watching the university environment, Mo Xie and Li Hong were very happy.

But it's time to leave...

"I plan to refurbish the castle again. You can help me ask the two managers, how much money will it cost to rest and refurbish the castle?" Mo Xie asked.

Wang Fan nodded and had a conversation with the two directors Ji Ligulu...

Seeing the two directors dancing and dancing in surprise and speaking a series of unintelligible language, Mo Xie knew in his heart that the two directors were also very excited about the proposal to rest in the castle...

After all, there is also their home, and even their family’s job. They all hope that the castle will become better.

"Mr. Mo, they said that as long as 1 million euros, they promise to renovate the castle completely, and no more repairs will be needed for at least 30 years." Wang Fan said.

"Tell them that I will give them 2 million euros and I want to see a brand new castle. As for the unused money, they will decide on their own what tools and miscellaneous facilities they need to purchase as funds for operating the manor." Mo Xie smiled lightly.

"Okay..." Wang Fan relayed his words to the two supervisors, who immediately nodded their heads in surprise...

Mo Xie already understood the personalities of these two supervisors. They were authentic Central European farmers who lived on the manor and were very honest and honest people.

Even without his master, the two supervisors will do their utmost to maintain the normal maintenance of the castle.

After shaking hands with the two supervisors, they took two taxis and headed to the airport for their return journey.

In fact, they don't need to go back so quickly, but Mo Xie remembers the situation in the game and the start of the park, and there are many things waiting for him to deal with...

Back at the airport, the special plane was still waiting there. After a group of people carried their luggage onto the cabin, the plane started again.

Flying among the blue sky and white clouds, everyone was in a good mood. Although the time was short this time, the magnificent and beautiful environment of the castle and the hospitality of the locals made them very satisfied.

The economy of this country is not too developed, but there is no pollution. Living here is indeed a paradise-like feeling.

I was chatting with excitement all the way, eating when I was hungry, and sleeping when I was sleepy. The flight of nearly 20 hours soon came to an end...

When the plane landed at the airport in their hometown, the moment Mo Xie and Li Hong both returned to the ground, Mo Xiaolang and Luo Feng had received the news, and they had been waiting outside the airport for a long time.

After taking the group back to the studio, everyone knew everything about the trip to the castle.

"Such a good place, I must live there for a while!" Mo Xiaoyu said excitedly.

"Now Xiao Mo and the others are back. Let's have a meeting quickly to determine the work to be carried out." Mo Xiaolang said.

"You have been there for two days, and we are almost too busy here. The designer team has long been stationed in the studio and is starting the first step of the site planning. We will wait for you to come back to make a decision." Luo Feng laughed.

"Well, I will have a meeting when I go back." Mo Xie nodded and smiled.

Now he doesn't need to worry about any situation. With sufficient funds and a strong team, he can do everything with confidence.

Even if he doesn't know what he doesn't know, there are professionals to handle it, and what he has to do is to get an overview of the situation.

Because before he knew it, Mo Xie had grown into a qualified commander, and knew that as a commander, he didn't need much skill.

All you need to do is to allocate resources together and solve the problem of cooperation between everyone, and that is a competent commander in chief.

This is the same as what he did in the game, and it is also the reason why Ma always values ​​him very much.

Moxie can make the people around him form a whole, can also find out the existence of some problems at any time, and can lead the team to quickly solve the problems and successfully complete some prescribed goals.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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