The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 398: Organ flying kite

In order to better develop in the virtual world, Mo Xie carefully studied the official game information several times, combined with his own experience, and some strange and strange comments posted by players on the forum, he almost The basic rules of this virtual game are all clear.

However, the black vulture-like monster that appeared in front of his eyes was actually displayed in black lettering, which was completely beyond his cognition.

In his mind, in the saved game data, he had never heard of a monster or a black name.

With a black name, only players are possible. It is also because there are too many malicious killings, and the system determines that the name on the head will turn from red to black.

If you encounter a player with a black name, you can explode all the equipment on him as long as you kill him!

But the monster or, even, have never heard of the black name...

There must be a ghost in it!

Mo Xie was surprised, waiting for the steel anger ape to rush forward, and gradually rush out of the edge of the canyon covered by white mist.

But he himself did not continue to run away. Now these strange monsters hate all the pets, and he can just observe it up close.


The steel tower-like body rushed past the owner, turned the corner according to the command, and strode towards the straight line canyon.

Mo Xie stood there without moving, seeing that the top of his head was covered by a black monster. Their gleaming claws, hard black feathers, and a bald pink abdomen were clearly visible above his head for more than two meters.

But what puzzled him was that these monsters seemed to be a little sluggish. Although they had blood-red eyes like ordinary monsters, their eyes were straight, unlike ordinary monsters, which would flash every once in a while.

What is this, why does it look like it has no life?

You know, there are monsters to be set in the continuation, all of which are given a peculiar life symbol by the system, so that players can feel the advanced nature of virtual simulation technology in this game world.

At least the official publicity is that, as for any other purpose, players have no way of knowing.

So all the time, the monsters that Mo Xie has seen are like real animals. Unlike what I see now, these black vultures are rigid like models, and they don’t even flap their wings violently when flying. , Just slightly adjust the angle of the wings to maintain the balance during gliding.

Suddenly, a black vulture swooped down violently, and the target was the steel angry ape who was fleeing in stride behind Mo Xie.

And the angle at which this vulture dived just passed Mo Xie's head, and the height above his head was actually less than five meters away...

This is the best time to observe. Mo Xie selected this monster for the first time to investigate its attributes.


A system interface suddenly popped out, and the attributes of the black vulture were clearly revealed, and Mo Xie was stunned when he saw the contents above!

Mechanism Flying Kites: Black Dove Perfect Level Mechanism

can not fix

Use level: 50

Current durability: 900900

Current energy value: 499500

Flight speed: 9 times the speed per hour

Flying height: meters

Flying distance: 5 kilometers

Flying range: 3 kilometers in radius

Attack damage: 500-1000

Dive damage: 30%


Hawkeye Inspection: Passive skill, when flying in the air, the observation radius can be increased by 30%.

Gale Crossbow: When activating the skill, you can fire five arrows in a row at the locked target. Each arrow crossbow causes a fixed 300 points of damage, has a cooling time of 10 minutes, and consumes 30 points of energy.

Note: The perfect flight mechanism carefully crafted by the mechanism master can be used for air reconnaissance of enemy and friendly forces in long-distance contact, and can quickly launch air attacks on the enemy. The flight mechanism consumes durability when attacked, and the mechanism is destroyed when the durability is reset to zero. The energy value is exhausted and the organ stops its action.

This is a mechanism prop!

Mo Xie was stunned when he saw it. He finally understood that the large group of black vultures flying above his head was not a monster type, but belonged to the category of organ props!

The so-called mechanical props are the props made by the professions called mechanics among those life professions that everyone in the unfinished to be continued can learn...

However, at this stage, no mechanic player has been able to make high-level mechanical props, let alone such perfect high-end gadgets.

He never expected that he would come here to find Buguixia, and he would encounter such a legendary treasure!

It can be seen that these organ flying kites are not monsters set here by the system, but a kind of props controlled by people!

So the question is, who is controlling these flying kites and why would they attack themselves?

Could it be that every player who enters the Map of No Return Mountain will encounter this kind of treatment?

Or is it that only special people, such as coming here, will trigger the organ Feiyuan's group to attack?

Mo Xie stared blankly at the countless black vultures on his head chasing after the steel angry ape, now his mind was a paste, completely stunned by the system settings.

what's going on?

With countless question marks circling in his brain, Mo Xie desperately needs an answer...

Just when he was extremely puzzled, the steel angry ape had already ran wildly according to his instructions, rushed directly out of the corner, dashed all the way along the straight canyon, and finally rushed out of the canyon exit.

At the moment when the huge body of the steel angry ape rushed out of the canyon mouth, the large black vultures in pursuit of the sky also glide neatly in an arc, quickly turning back and returning to the white mist canyon, disappearing in the vast smog. Among...


The strange sounds of birds continued to echo in Mo Xie's ears.

Now he finally understood that these cooing sounds were not the birdsong made by black vultures, but the strange sounds made by adjusting their wings as they glide through the air.

These organ flying kites disappeared in groups, leaving only a dull face of Mo Xie, still standing at the corner of the canyon, staring blankly over the thick white mist.

Surprised for a while, Mo Xie woke up from his meditation, and gave the order to let the steel angry ape return again, and use the life pearl to restore its blood volume.

Seeing the green rebirth numbers constantly popping up on top of the pet's head, he is still confused now.

This inexplicable situation made him somewhat unresponsive just now, but when his thoughts slowly calmed down, some doubts began to gradually surface.

Someone must be controlling their actions for these organ props, otherwise they would not launch attacks for no reason.

Moreover, the system attributes are clearly marked, and the use of these mechanisms to fly kites is subject to conditions.

Because the mechanism flying kite cannot be repaired, once it is used, it can only be destroyed directly after its durability is lighted up by the enemy, or the energy value is consumed.

Therefore, such valuable props are generally not easily used by people.

It can be seen that the guy who secretly controlled the flying kite deliberately aimed at himself, or aimed at the steel angry ape, and sent such a large number of props to attack.

Then it can be concluded that if other players come here, it is very likely that nothing will happen...

Now Mo Xie understood that the attack he had just encountered must have been secretly controlled, and the goal was obviously to prevent him from entering this gorge.

And the identity of this person is also very easy to determine, he can't be a player, he can only be.

Because of the players at this stage, it is impossible for no one to have perfect level props, and there are still such a huge number.

The identity of this one seems to be ready...

It must be the mysterious orion he was looking for that could know his arrival and trigger the mechanism Feiyi to attack, otherwise such a coincidence would never happen.

In other words, since he started this round of the main mission, as long as he arrives at the corresponding mission zone, he will encounter the attacks of these organs!

The attack just now did not want his life, but a clue to the mission deliberately set by the system.

Of course, if he was accidentally killed by those organs just now, it can only be regarded as bad luck, and the system will not care about you.

But now Mo Xie has saved his life. If he wants to find clues to the mysterious Orion, he can only start the adjustment from the flying kites of these organs. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to find someone in this strange and white misty gorge. Harder than climbing...

Thinking in his heart, Mo Xie quickly understood the situation.

But what to do next, the system has given clues about the mission. If you don't seize this opportunity, the mission of finding the mysterious Orion will definitely be very troublesome.

But if you want to move on, you will definitely encounter the attack of these institutions Feiyi again.

Mo Xie seems to have guessed that this is a mission story set specifically for him by the system. If you want to find the location of Orion as soon as possible, you can only investigate from the agency Feiyuan.

However, he just saw the system attributes of these flying kites, and he knew very well that the flying kites could not exist for a long time. If he could not seize the opportunity before the energy value of these flying kites was exhausted, he would never see them again. The appearance of these flying kites!

Well, the quest clue is actually set like this, and Mo Xie feels almost drunk...

How can such a dangerous mission clue be used safely?

While adding blood to the pet, Mo Xie began to think...

Now that the system has set up such clues, the location of the mysterious Orion can only be found with these flying kites, but the problem is that they attack directly when they appear, and it is impossible to expect them to lead the way.


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