The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 404: Deliberately hiding

In the morning, Mo Xie was preparing for the construction of the new studio, debugging all the equipment, and calling the unfinished official customer service to order another control device.

He reserved this set of equipment specifically for Sister Hong.

The furniture company's car also drove quickly, moving all the furniture ordered by Moxie into each room, and quickly installed it.

After the two goddesses cleaned up their rooms, they wandered around the villa for a while, and explored the surrounding environment.

When everything was ready, the truck of the moving company came to the door of the villa again. Mother's familiar loud voice could be heard clearly from far away.

In fact, there are not many things to be moved from my hometown, but some altars, pots, and suitcases. All the furniture is left in the old house and not brought to the villa.

Mo Xie hurriedly went downstairs and brought the two curious goddesses to the door to welcome the arrival of the two elders.

When my mother saw the two beauties, her eyes lightened, and she excitedly took their hands to the side to chat. Mo Xie didn’t have to guess and understood very well. My mother would definitely check the identity of the two goddesses like an account check. .

"Xiao Wei, do two such beautiful girls live in a villa?" Dad asked with a smile.

"Yes, they are all my new colleagues and will work here in the future." Mo Xie nodded.

"Among these two, is there any type you like?" Dad asked in a mysterious voice.

"Dad, don't think about being crooked, they are just colleagues, and they are all a little older than me." Mo Xie quickly explained.

"It doesn't matter if you are older. Such a beautiful girl is like a movie star. Don't miss the chance to socialize." Dad warned.

"I know, others may not like me, what are you worried about." Mo Xie said silently.

"People are willing to live in a villa with you. It's impossible to say that they hate you, son, you must listen to me this time, don't be shy, you must seize the opportunity when you need to express." Dad laughed Reminded.

"I see, you should hurry up to decorate the room, or mom will trouble you again." Mo Xie hurriedly pushed his father and finally got rid of his nagging.

Turning around, Mo Xie helped the moving company move the luggage one by one into the villa. After all the things were moved, he took the account and left the delivery truck far away.

The cleaning work of the property company has also been completed. No dust can be seen in the entire villa, and even the outer fences and outer walls have been cleaned up.

Mo Xie took out a stack of money from the bag and handed it to the property manager Wang, fulfilling the promise of the bonus he had said.

"Thank you, Mr. Mo, the sanitation has been cleaned up. If you have other requirements, you can call us at any time and we will be there on call." Manager Wang said excitedly.

"Trouble you, there are many opportunities to deal with in the future, you should go back and rest first." Mo Xie smiled and nodded.

Watching a group of staff take the equipment and leave the villa one by one, this luxurious villa building has finally become his private domain...

Turning around, he walked into the garden gate, locked the gate, and Mo Xie dialed the phone while walking towards the villa.

"Xiao Mo, we have already set off. We will get on the plane in about half an hour and we will be there in two hours." Mo Xiaolang's voice came from the receiver.

"Okay, I have finished all the arrangements here, and I will wait for you and the equipment to come over. I will let my mother cook some good dishes for you," Moxie said.

"Let Auntie cook for us, how embarrassed it is." Mo Xiaolang said with a smile.

"My mother will be responsible for our food in the future, and I don't know your habit of eating or not. Let's try it out today." Moxie said.

"Xiao Mo is too polite, we'll see you at noon." Mo Xiaolang nodded and said goodbye.

Judging from the current time, the planes of the other three teammates can fly to the city at 12 o'clock. Counting the time from the airport to the villa, it is absolutely no problem for dinner a little more than 13:00.

As long as the equipment is debugged before 16:00, today's game time will not be delayed.

Dad was busy tidying up the room on the first floor and arranged all the luggage he brought, while my mother had been sitting on the new sofa in the living room with the two goddesses and chatting about the housework.

Now the layout of the entire villa is almost complete, the only thing missing is all kinds of home appliances.

But there is no need to worry. The commercial buildings outside the community are full of large shops, and you only need to go out to buy these things and you can quickly get them done.

Looking at the order in the villa, Mo Xie walked in to greet his parents and the two goddesses.

"Let's go out. Mom and Dad will buy some food nearby, and the three of us will go to the buyer to call." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, let's go." Liana was already overwhelmed by her mother, and she wished to leave quickly.

A group of five people left the villa and took a battery car to the gate of the community...

By the time it was about 12 o'clock noon, the entire villa was completely brand-new, all the appliances were quickly installed, and my parents were preparing lunch.

Money is easy to do. This is the first time Mo Xie has tasted the feeling of rich people, but the cost of these two days is really amazing...

After such a toss, there is not much left in the bank card.

If you no longer want to open up new financial avenues, it will not be long before the studio will officially close down due to arrears of employees' wages.

Seeing that it was late, Mo Xie brought the two goddesses to the gate of the community again, stopped a taxi, and went to the airport to meet his new partner...

It was just over half an hour's drive from Haitian Mansion to the suburban airport. When the three people arrived at the airport terminal, it was already 12:50.

Mo Xie and the two goddesses were waiting at the entrance, excitedly expecting three familiar figures to appear.

After standing at the entrance of the passage and waiting for the fence, the three waited quietly, but the two goddesses winked at each other, as if they had something to say, but didn't know how to speak.

"What's the matter, two elder sisters, do you have something on your mind?" Mo Xie asked curiously when he discovered this abnormal situation.

"Xiao Mo, we called Ahong last night and told her all about our situation now." Lianna glanced at Ouyang Jiaojiao and finally said.

"What did Sister Hong say, is she willing to form a studio with us?" Mo Xie asked excitedly.

"This... I don't know what A Hong thinks. She said that she would stay in the apartment and not be with us." Ouyang Jiaojiao said depressedly.

"Do you still plan to go back to work in a place like this at night?" Mo Xie asked worriedly.

"She didn't mean that, she wanted to..." Lianna hesitated, it seemed that it was difficult to say something.

"What is she thinking, Sister Na quickly said." Mo Xie asked anxiously.

"Let me talk about it. A Hong came back this time, planning to sell the apartment, and then go to other big cities to develop. As for what to do, we asked her but didn't say." Ouyang Jiaojiao said with a frown.

"What! Sell the apartment and leave here..." Mo Xie's eyes widened, his heart shook, feeling extremely bad.

He instantly understood that Sister Hong wanted to sell the apartment and leave the city far away. It was not just for family reasons, but also for his factors. Sister Hong wanted to avoid him and didn't want to see him again. He...

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