The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 502: Dragon God's Entrustment

The blue light group suddenly fell quickly, and in the process of falling, due to Qing Binger's divine exhaustion, the blue light curtain protecting the two was also rapidly dimming, and it would disappear completely!

Once the light curtain disappears, let alone whether to fall into the sky fire, even a normal flame can quickly make Mo Xie hang up!

Faced with such a dangerous situation, Mo Xie was speechless in her heart. He didn't expect to persist until the end, but it would still end up with such helplessness...

He couldn't do anything now, just clinging to the fragrant shoulders of the beautiful dragon girl beside him, letting the light group roll rapidly in the pillar of fire, waiting for death to come!

Ao Moo!

The desolate dragon roar sounded again, but this time, the sound seemed to appear next to Mo Xie. When he widened his eyes in surprise, he looked outside the gradually thinning light curtain, and a surprise suddenly appeared...

I saw the huge dragon with black light shining all over. I don’t know when it has quickly swooped to their vicinity. A huge dragon head is facing above the ball of light, and a pair of giant dragon eyes that are a little tired, staring at the light curtain. Two people.

The dragon chased quickly, suddenly opened its big mouth and sucked, and then directly sucked the disappearing ball of light into its amazing big mouth, and then quickly turned its head, and the arrow went straight above the fire pillar...

Ding...System: Warning! Players should not be sad. The system detects that the terrain you are currently in is about to suffer devastating damage. The map is very dangerous. Please leave the map immediately within 5 minutes, otherwise you will bear all the consequences!

At the moment when Mo Xie embraced the beauty and was sucked into the dragon's mouth, in the dark environment, a system warning message immediately popped out!

Of course, the danger zone suggested by this information does not refer to the current dragon mouth environment, but the entire crater terrain.

In other words, after at most five minutes, the sky fire is about to appear, covering the entire valley!

Worse, you must find a way to enter the cave, seal the entire passage, and perhaps escape.

Mo Xie thought of a plan to escape, the blue light curtain around finally disappeared completely, and Qing Bing'er's body seemed to have no strength, and suddenly fell into his arms.

Looking at the graceful beauty in his arms, Mo Xie's heart not only beat violently, but before he could express anything, suddenly the space in front of him lit up, and the dragon's mouth opened again...

Ao Moo!

The desolate dragon chant sounded, and a whirlwind blew from behind Mo Xie, directly lifting the bodies of him and Qing Bing'er out of the dragon's mouth...

The outside world is no longer in the pillar of fire, but on the other side of the volcanic valley, in front of an open cave.

The dragon hovered in the air, the dragon head hung down to the ground, and the huge dragon eyes stared at Mo Xie and the unconscious dragon girl in his arms.

"Young man, thank you for helping my daughter to rescue me, and quickly take my daughter away from this cave, promise me to protect her well, be careful of the conspiracy of the dragon clan and the gods." The dragon said sadly.

"What? Lord Dragon God, won't you go with us?" Mo Xie said in surprise.

"I can't protect myself now. Binger will be even more dangerous with me. Even if I leave here, the Protoss and Dragons will join hands to find me, even if they can find me at the ends of the world, Bing'er can't be with me. I hope you can replace me. Take good care of her. When I find out the beast that harmed me and thoroughly investigate the truth of this incident, I will come to you." Shenlong looked at the dragon girl lovingly, and said with a sigh.

"Lord Dragon God, since you are going to investigate the truth, then I am relieved. I hope you can take care and don't be caught by the Protoss again." Mo Xie was relieved a little, he thought it was Dragon God. At the end of life, I plan to die with the Protoss.

Since she has other plans, she doesn't have to worry too much...

Looking at the beautiful dragon girl still unconscious in her arms, Mo Xie didn't know what her condition was now.

"What the **** is going on with Dragon Girl now?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"Binger forced to overdraw her divine power, and her body could not bear too much pressure. She just fainted and rested temporarily. Remember, it is best not to overdraw her divine power many times, otherwise her life will continue to decrease. This is the special physique of our dragon race. Reason." Dragon God replied.

"It turned out to be like this..." Mo Xie nodded. It turned out that Shenlong's divine power could not be exhausted at one time, otherwise the current state of unconsciousness would appear. Even after waking up, Shenlong's long life would be lost a lot...

"My daughter will be taken care of by you temporarily. If she has three longs and two shorts, I will swear by the dragon god's life that I will not let you go!" Shenlong shouted coldly.

"Sir Shenlong, don't worry, I promise to take good care of her and wait for you to return safely." Mo Xie nodded and promised.

"Thank you then." Shenlong was pleased to move the giant dragon head, suddenly raised his head, and rushed towards the center of the valley...

Ao Moo!

The angry dragon roar resounded throughout the valley, stunned everyone's ears, and all of them stayed there at once.

Even the two masters of the Protoss who were in a fierce battle, who had not yet distinguished the victory or defeat, each stepped back a few steps, surprised to see a black light rushing rapidly, the huge dragon hovering in the middle of the valley, bowing his head and glaring at General Diye .

"Despicable fellow, the suffering I have endured, I will find you first to make it clear today!" The dragon roared, black air filled the dragon's mouth, and the dragon flames continued to spit out, seemingly about to attack.

"Lord Dragon God, this is a private matter of our Earth Temple, it seems that you don't need to intervene." Di Ling Shizi said.

"When I finish revenge, you will solve your own affairs by yourself. It has nothing to do with me." Shenlong didn't even look at him, all his attention was on General Diye.

"Shizi, the sky fire will be here soon, you can come back and go together." Mo Xie knew that there was not much time, and said quickly.

"It's not a coincidence, I'm going to end my hand when I was comfortable just now." Di Ling Shizi shrugged, raised his right hand high, surrounded by his rapidly rotating black shield, and immediately turned into a black shadow and appeared on his right hand.

"The temple soldiers follow the order and leave immediately with me. If anyone doesn't follow them, they will be expelled from the temple on the spot!" Di Ling Shizi ordered loudly.

"Subordinates obey!" Suddenly, loud and loud answers sounded neatly on all sides of the cliffs, and a large number of burly figures of golden armored soldiers lined up quickly, returning to the ground from the ropes, from the ground from the general night. He left quickly and gathered towards the entrance of the cave.

"A group of traitors! The Protoss is destroyed in the hands of you guys who are greedy and afraid of death. If you want to leave, stay and die together!" General Diye roared with extreme anger.

"The account between us hasn't been settled yet, let's die!" Shenlong couldn't wait for revenge. He roared and swooped down directly in the air. The dragon's mouth was opened, and a giant black plume of smoke gushed out...

General Diye hurriedly backed away, propped up the golden shield with his right hand to resist the attack of the smoke pillar, looking around, looking for the terrain to avoid.

He was very clear about the power of this dragon. Although the opponent was seriously injured at present, he was still an invincible opponent.

"Okay, thank you for your help this time, so that I can clean the door smoothly and bring these soldiers into the temple." Di Ling Shizi glanced at the battle ahead, seemingly not interested, turned around and smiled. Said Xiang Moxie.

"The son is polite, we're just hitting and knocking, but you saved us, and we will be our friends in the future." Mo Xie replied with a smile.

"Earth Temple is very happy to be your friend. By the way, two other beauties, with a group of elves, have been settled outside the cave by me. Are they your companions too?" Di Ling Shizi asked with a smile.

"Ah... Niya and Sister Jiao were saved by you?" Mo Xie's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yeah, I want to go underground, just to run into them, with a hand, help them escape from the hidden passage on the cliff by the way." Di Ling Shizi nodded.

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