The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 508: Thirty-level copy

After tossing in the middle of the night, when the sky gradually brightened, it was almost 6 o'clock in the morning, and the team members all returned to the original cave.

Mo Xie asked his teammates to take a rest off the assembly line and prepare for the tribe construction at noon today.

Anyway, although it took a lot of time tonight, due to the special geographical relationship, the players actually spent only two or three hours of online time. This time is only spent on running, and they still have more than half of the remaining time. Duration of landing.

After the teammates were off the assembly line, Mo Xie came to Queen Niya and Queen Xinning, watching the two beauties taking care of Qing Bing'er who was sleeping, he briefly explained the matter again, so that the queen would take the family with peace of mind. Rest here and find a comfortable living environment for them in a few days.

But Queen Xinning didn't care about it. After so many years of imprisonment, she was very satisfied with being able to regain her freedom. She just wanted to see her daughter eagerly.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry. After these two days have passed, I will take Princess Zixin over and reunite you completely." Mo Xie smiled.

"Thank you Master En Gong, then we can wait here with peace of mind." Queen Xinning said in surprise.

"This dragon girl is not injured, but just consumes too much power. If she wakes up, please convey some of my words to her so that she will be with you temporarily, I will find a way to help her find her mother." Mo Xie looked at With Qing Binger who was asleep, this dragon beauty who had been talking coldly had an unusually noble temperament, which made him never dare to look into her eyes.

But now, the dragon girl in a coma is like a quiet and feminine girl, and finally completely removed all her defenses, looking as if she was exceptionally beautiful and refined.

And what surprised Mo Xie was that in a better-lit environment, he could clearly see the face of this dragon girl. On the beautiful jade face, he could even see the faint face of Sister Hong... …

Of course, the two women will certainly not be particularly alike. Sister Hong cannot have such a perfect face, but the contours of the faces of the two women, as well as between the eyebrows and eyebrows, are still so similar. Mo Xie can bear it in his heart. There was a burst of gentleness...

"Knowing Master En Gong, as long as Dragon Girl wakes up, we will definitely relay your words to her and try our best to keep her." Niya nodded and replied.

"Then you guys rest first, I'll leave first." Mo Xie nodded, called up the control panel, and quickly went offline to rest...

Sitting up from the control chair, the surrounding equipment was already empty, and the teammates all went back to the room to make up for their sleep.

Sitting there, looking at the sunshine outside, it was another sleepless night, and Mo Xie's brain also felt buzzing. The sequelae of staying up late using virtual devices were really unbearable.

He quickly stood up, lit a cigarette to wake up, then returned to the room to take a shower and change clothes, then jumped into bed and fell asleep...

During the whole morning, all the team members were not online. It was not until near noon that Mo Xie woke up under the urging of the mobile phone alarm, and quickly got up and opened the door to go out.

On the first floor of the villa, my mom and dad had just ordered a table of food, and they were shouting to start the meal. The doors of the room opened one by one, and the teammates walked out of the room one by one, rubbing their eyes and stretching, and all went to the first floor to eat.

"You didn't sleep last night, and you didn't eat breakfast today. This is not enough for work, it hurts your body, and you are not allowed to stay up late." My mother was nagging while carrying food to everyone.

"Knowing the aunt, I won't stay up all night again. I haven't married yet. If I get old, no one wants it." Lianna joked with her tongue out.

"You, Nizi, have a sweet mouth. You are so beautiful and you are afraid that no one wants it. I really can't find our Xiao Mo." My mother looked at these two goddesses. Both were very satisfied. One……

"Forget it, Xiao Mo in your family is now full of beautiful women, how can you look at me, is it Jiaojiao?" Lianna said with a smile.

But this time, Ouyang Jiaojiao didn't joking with her partner and took the stubbornness. Instead, she blushed and quickly picked up her rice bowl, stuffing her mouth with food indiscriminately...

"Hurry up and eat, there are still important work deployments going online," Mo Xiaolang said.

Everyone hurriedly picked up the dishes and chopsticks, enjoying the food to their heart's content, preparing for the afternoon's major events...

After eating a meal, helping the elderly to clean up the tableware, everyone immediately returned to their rooms, took a short rest, and then prepared to gather on the third floor.

Mo Xie also hurried back to his room, turned on the computer, and checked his chat software to see if there was a reply message from the business team.

It is a pity that since the negotiations last night, the other party has not responded to any information. I am afraid that he is still studying the alliance cooperation plan he proposed. There is no accurate opinion.

But Mo Xie is not in a hurry. The cooperation plan is too large, and it is normal for the other party to have concerns.

What he has to do now is to wait for the news quietly.

I lit a cigarette and walked back and forth on the balcony for a while. After half an hour passed, at about 12:40, noisy footsteps were heard outside, and the teammates came to the third floor one after another, ready to be on time on line.

Mo Xie also walked out of the room, greeted everyone, and returned to his control device.

"We all gathered in Sunset City in the afternoon to prepare for the official establishment of the tribe. Where does Xiao Mo plan to go in the afternoon?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"I plan to go to the level 30 dungeon map to have a look. There should be someone guarding it now, but I don't know if the dungeon mission is officially opened." Moxie said.

"Also, most of the players’ first-level groups are already above level 30. Someone should have opened up this kind of dungeon clue, and asked Xiaomo to check the dungeon situation first, or figure out the dungeon information first. It's time to do the dungeon mission together." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

The dungeon mission is a very important game system for old players, and it is almost a favorite place for most old players...

The so-called dungeon refers to a specific story scene, an exclusive story map that must be entered by players in a team state, and will not be disturbed by any other players in the dungeon. Each team has an independent map scene.

And the meaning of the dungeon is to provide players with equipment, props and quick upgrades. As long as there are games with dungeon missions, it must be the most lively place besides the main city...

In previous games, what Mo Xie valued very much was the dungeon task, and the dungeon was also his biggest source of money.

Especially the top dungeon is the birthplace of most players' equipment and weapons. It can be said that there are two ways to obtain more advanced and powerful equipment in the game.

One is to knock down to obtain equipment, and the other is to brush a copy and wait for luck.

But the number is too small, especially in the later stages of the game, the basics are all rounded up by the professional guilds, and ordinary players have only a copy as the only choice.

There is no threshold for the dungeon mission. As long as the players reach the required level and collect the minimum two requirements, they can directly enter the dungeon, kill the minions and obtain a lot of equipment.

However, the quality of the equipment of the dungeon mission is all random explosion rate. If you want to get the best items, you need to go to the dungeon again and again, and it is possible to have one or two pieces of equipment with the best attributes...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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