The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 522: boss is coming

The Outstanding Weapon of Light Wind Hunting

Use class: Assassin

Use level: 30

Set attribute 15: Agility +3

Physical Attack: 88-97

Tearing damage: +10 points

Tear: After receiving damage, there is a 30% chance of causing a tearing scar, and 10 points of blood loss per second within 5 seconds. The tearing state can stack up to 3 layers of damage, and each layer of damage is accumulated.

Damage +5%

Note: Assassin-type breeze hunting dungeon suit, equipped with a certain amount to activate the corresponding suit attributes.

Looking at the last trophy, the eyes of the two assassin uncles all became eager...

"The weapon, it's so handsome!" He said with excitement.

"Finally saw our weapon, this is a baby!" How did it play? His eyes lit up with surprise.

"The two uncles are both assassins. Tell yourself, who is this dagger for?" Moxie asked with a smile, he wanted to see what arrangements the business elite would make before facing the temptation of this equipment.

"It's not easy. He already has a light breeze suit. Of course he will give him this weapon." How is it played? He said with a smile.

"Come on, when I take this weapon, our attack efficiency will increase a lot, and what kind of equipment is there by then." It's okay to turn around and stretch out his hand.

"Do you guys divide it?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Of course, the weapon can't give him the best effect. It must be placed on me. This is called maximizing the advantage of capital. A game master like you doesn't know it." It's okay to turn around and say with a smile.

"Okay." Mo Xie finally believed in his heart, he was indeed facing a few business elites, calm high-level decision makers.

Passing the weapon to the opponent, a blue light flashed in his hand, and a snow-white crescent-shaped dagger was immediately displayed...

"How about, what attributes did the two copy suits activate?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"Light breeze hunting outfit, after activating two attributes, agility +5 damage +15." It's okay to turn around and say.

"What, the first activated attribute has risen?" Mo Xie was surprised. He remembered clearly that when he put on the first breeze hunting outfit, he came around and just activated an agility +3 suit attribute. , I didn’t expect that after putting together the two pieces, not only the second set attribute was opened, but the attributes that were already opened could also increase the value...

In this way, the extra attributes of the dungeon suit are really good...

Moreover, the single-piece instance suit, judging from the basic attributes given by the system, seems to be a little bit more than ordinary equipment with the same level of quality.

In other words, even if you don't look at the suit attributes, the dungeon equipment is more powerful than ordinary equipment!

After distributing the trophies in hand, now the first round of dungeon missions has ended, all players can go to the dungeon to deliver the task to receive rewards, and then open the dungeon task requirements for the next ring.

In the second round of the mission, no one knew what was going on right now, and even Mo Xie couldn't guess it.

Because the story of the dungeon was very brief, the elves broke the gate and rushed into the fortress after attacking the city, killing the soldiers and wizards in the city, and then burning down the entire temple.

As for the middle combat link, I don't know how the system is arranged.

However, Mo Xie also has a peculiar dungeon hiding task, which cannot be completed directly yet.

"Let's go, go back to hand in the task to receive the reward, we will do the second ring, time is very tight, we have to go to work this afternoon." I am a doctor, urging from the tower.

"Then hurry up." The three uncles turned around and hurriedly walked towards the city gate.

Mo Xie followed them closely, walking towards the direction of the temple, looking around constantly to see if there were any other special circumstances.

But along the way, the golden armored soldiers stood there like wood, and no one had a vision.

Mo Xie understood in his heart that there were only two possibilities in this copy.

One is the white-robed mage, he should be a key task, or the hostile elves, there may be some notable points among them.

But these are just his guesses, the system may set the range, but not necessarily so much.

Now that he has found one, there may not be much left.

But what he discovered was hidden, and most people would be able to discover it with just one more question. It was not a special task.

The group hurriedly returned to the steps, had a conversation with the white robe mage, and received the first round of task rewards...

"Thank you, brave warrior. Your arrival has given you hope again here. This is your reward for fighting bravely. Please collect it and receive a new mission." The white-robed mage said gratefully, waving his staff together. A faint white light enveloped Mo Xie...

Ding Ding!

The experience bar jumped up a bit, and 10 gold coins flew into the package.

But what made Mo Xie helpless was that this time the faction reputation reward only allowed him to restore his negative reputation by 100 points. If you want to remove the wanted status, it is still far away...

And this time, because of their strength, their output was too weak, and they failed to complete the requirement of annihilating the enemy, so they couldn't get the highest-grade rewards. Everyone got a blue weapon.

I couldn't get a purple quality weapon, but the teammates seemed very happy. The blue light flashed between their hands, and they were replaced with brand new weapons.

Especially when nothing happened, two crescent-shaped rhino daggers appeared in both hands!

It turns out that the new blue weapon in Moxie's package is also a scepter of suit weapons...

"Great, I finally have a weapon to use! If it's a shield, it would be better." God said that Yuguang said excitedly holding a blue warhammer.

"I have a short stick too." I am the doctor exclaimed excitedly.

But Mo Xie didn't seem to be satisfied with this weapon, because the fairy staff he was holding was already of purple quality and could only be replaced unless he got a purple suit weapon.

But now, the dungeon task has been completed, and he has no chance to get the purple reward again...

Because according to the system settings, the player will only be issued a task when he enters a dungeon for the first time. After you complete the task and clear the dungeon, the next time you come in, you will not receive the completed quest, just purely brushing equipment and Upgrade only.

He looked curiously at the blue weapon awarded by the system in the package, and wanted to know what the mage suit was like...

Outstanding weapon of magic word short wand

Use occupation: legal system

Use level: 30

Set attribute 15: Wisdom +3

Looking at the attributes of this short staff, Mo Xie became clear. The 30-level mage instance suit is called the spirit spell equipment...

He was also excited in his heart, wishing to get together the dungeon suit soon, and raise his strength to a new level again.

Close the package, Mo Xie continued the conversation, and seized the time to start the second round of dungeon missions.

"Brave warriors, although you have repelled the evil elves' first offensive, they are just some of the beasts they raised, and their strength has not been damaged."

"Next, they will definitely send more powerful monsters to provoke. As long as they kill the monsters, these elves can only come to attack the city themselves. I now need you to deal with the terrifying monsters they sent to ensure safety here. "The White-robed Mage said.

"I am willing to accept the task." Mo Xie replied immediately.

"Brave warrior, use your strength to protect the temple and go to fight." The white-robed mage lifted his staff, and the second round of tasks was immediately issued...

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