The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 525: The plan to tease the saint

Mo Xie wanted to know what kind of systematic punishment would she be punished if the saint Qingxi couldn't keep the appointment?

He clearly remembered the disdainful expression of Saint Ching Hee when the contract was signed, and he also said, how can the noble Protoss become the guardian and punishment of the player?

Based on this sentence and the saint's expression of contempt, Mo Xie wanted to try, what kind of situation would emerge.

"Protoss saint... are you going to kill her?" Qing Binger asked excitedly.

"How can I beat her, you are now divinely exhausted, and you are not her opponent." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Then why are you looking for her?" Qing Binger asked puzzledly.

"This saint is different from other Protoss. Maybe she can be our friend. I saw her this time to keep the Light Element Protoss away from this conspiracy." Mo Xie said the truth.

"I understand what you mean, this saint will help us just like that elder son, right?" Qing Binger said with her beautiful eyes.

"Yes, so I need to find her location, but you can see the clouds and mists everywhere here, I can't see where the highest mountain is." Mo Xie nodded.

"Don't worry, this matter is left to me." Qing Binger replied, turning around to look at the vast mountains...

Mo Xie stood behind her curiously, the character of the Frost Dragon Girl made him very curious.

Sometimes, Qing Binger is like a girl who doesn't understand anything, always asking Dongwenxi full of curiosity about everything.

But sometimes, Shenlong's identity fills her with a majestic temperament, as long as she is careless, it will make her furious and put on the air of noble Shenlong.

But on the whole, Mo Xie still prefers such beauties, which makes him feel very real, far more reliable than those girls with deep thoughts in reality.

Qing Binger only glanced at the distant mountains before turning around.

"How about it, did you find it?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"Of course I found it. These clouds can't stop the eyes of our Dragon Race. Tell you. The highest peak you are looking for is on the left side. I can take you there." Qing Binger said.

"Let's go, it shouldn't be too late." Mo Xie nodded and urged quickly.

Qing Bing'er walked ahead, leading him all the way to the large mountains, into a wide canyon between the two mountains, and meandering all the way.

It’s strange to say that Qing Binger led the way, and it was very safe along the way. Those must pass the intersection that was originally occupied by the monster refresh area. As long as the dragon girl approached, the monsters were frightened and fled, hiding far away. In a corner, he dared to return to the original place after the two had gone far.

"What's the matter with them, why did they run away when they saw us?" Mo Xie asked in surprise.

"A group of little monsters, how dare you block the Dragon God's passage." Qing Binger replied with disdain, and continued to move forward.

It turned out to be so!

Only then did Mo Xie understand that the system still had such a setting.

The majesty of the dragon is also a great deterrent to wild monsters, which is an ability that other mythical beasts or mythical level cannot possess.

Because the Eastern Dragons have a very peculiar position in the two camps. They do not belong to any camp, but they occupy a very lofty status in the two camps. It is okay to say that they are, or to say that they are wild beasts. In short It is a special ethnic group that doesn't care.

Therefore, the noble dragon with the characteristics of wild beasts has become the object of fear of these wild monsters.

But the system has given this situation a special title...Longwei State!

In other words, Shenlong has a special deterrent for wild monsters, so that they can not only frighten those monsters, but also Shenlong with a certain identity, and even give simple commands to make wild monsters obey the command...

With Qing Binger leading the way, almost all of this journey was green light, which made Mo Xie a rare ease.

After bypassing several valleys and forks, the two kept advancing to the center of a relatively open valley, and Qing Binger suddenly stopped.

"The mountain you are looking for is in the front, but be careful. There is also a special seal hidden here. As long as you approach the entrance at the foot of the mountain, you will come into contact with the seal." Qing Binger watched warily Ahead, across the valley, a tall mountain has appeared, and a straight passage leads to the foot of the mountain, extending to the top of the mountain.

"There is also a seal here?" Mo Xie looked forward curiously, except for the clouds that filled the mountainside, he didn't seem to see any abnormalities.

"This is a transparent enchantment under the Light Element Divine Power. It can only warn and cannot attack. Although there is no threat, once you touch it, it is equivalent to warning the owner of the enchantment in advance." Qing Binger said.

"Light Element Divine Power Enchantment, I understand..." Mo Xie immediately understood the system settings.

As long as he comes to the appointment, the saint Qingxi will know his arrival after touching the barrier, and will definitely be waiting for him at the top of the mountain.

If you want her to suffer, you must find a way to lead her off the top of the mountain, and then go up quietly. After waiting for a period of time, the system will determine that the other party has missed the appointment...

Just do it.

Mo Xie smiled secretly in his heart. In fact, the initiative of this contract is completely in the hands of the player. He can come to the appointment at any time before level 40, and the saint Qingxi can only wait passively.

Moreover, it was possible that Saint Ching Hee appeared on the top of the mountain and waited for Mo Xie to trigger the barrier.

"Eldest Sister Dragon Girl, are you sure to break this barrier?" Mo Xie quickly asked, all hope now rests on Dragon Girl.

Because he had seen the dragon girl's ability, the protoss's such a powerful altar seal was easily cracked in front of her, not to mention this small warning seal.

"The mere enchantment of the light system, I haven't paid attention to it, but my divine power is still recovering from the damage, and I can't easily use the divine power." Qing Binger said helplessly.

"Meaning, you can't avoid this enchantment?" Mo Xie asked disappointedly.

"What do you know, I am a dragon **** with frost talent, and I am born to be the nemesis of all enchantments, even if I don't have divine power, I can untie it easily, but what good is it for me." Qing Bing'er said disdainfully.

"Is the Frost talent so powerful?" Mo Xie also heard General Diye say last time, how powerful the Frost Dragon is, but I don't know where it is.

"The Frost Talent is a rare encounter in the dragon clan in a thousand years. I tell you that you don't understand it." Qing Binger said coldly.

"Aren't your dragons' divine powers born from nature?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"Of course not. Only when the spiritual power that grows into the body is condensed into the mortal power, can we truly grow up, and then use the mortal power to go to the Dragon Heavenly Lake for an advanced ceremony, and then we can evolve into an adult dragon and obtain a special gift from heaven Talent, this is not something you can get if you want it." Qing Binger said proudly.

"That's it." Mo Xie's eyes lit up when he heard it. This was the first time he had heard of the Dragon Clan's growth method.

"My natal power is hanging on your neck. Although it is useless now, it is also a memorable thing of mine." Qing Binger said.

"It turns out that it is such a precious thing, I must take good care of it, but Sister Dragon Girl, can you help me open that seal?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

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