The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 570: Bloody boss

"I see, the two of us take turns to fight against monsters, but don't worry this time. I have already put on new weapons. It should be easier than last time." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"Uncle and aunt, please stay away first, and wait for instructions after we control the situation," Mo Xie reminded.

"Understood." The four new teammates nodded excitedly and replied.

"According to the old rules, the output is separated on both sides, Xiao Yuan, your summoned beasts follow me to attack, Xiao Yu pays attention to our blood volume." Mo Xiaolang roared and raised his shield, ready to charge.

Mo Xie stood beside him, his hooves in front of him sank slightly, focusing on his front body.

Ouyang Jiaojiao and Lianna stood on both sides, waving their hands to indicate that they were ready.

"Go strange!" Mo Xiaolang rushed forward, and after three steps forward, he had entered the range of his skills, and immediately activated his charge skills.


An afterimage quickly rushed forward, rushing straight to the demon deer's side, and instantly hit the opponent's front leg with a muffled sound.

Hurt -38!


A bright red damage number immediately jumped out of the top of his head, but above its long life bar, no loss was seen.

Moreover, with this fierce impact, Mo Xiaolang didn't even sway his body, showing how powerful its power is!

When an attack succeeded, Mo Xiaolang immediately raised the warhammer, and a khaki halo wrapped the warhammer. As the hammer hit the body hard, the damage number burst out on its head, and a yellow taunt status icon also appeared immediately.

Hurt -41!

"The new weapon is powerful, and the damage value has doubled!" Mo Xiaolang shouted excitedly, turning his body lightly, swept his easily avoided front hoof, and then the warhammer hit the opponent's body again. Another damage figure suddenly appeared...

The teammates were waiting for Mo Xiaolang to successfully attract the hatred. Seeing the icon appear, the two goddesses had raised their weapons one after another, and the sound of breaking through the air sounded one after another.

Arrows and magic hit the body immediately, and two damage figures burst at the same time.

Hurt -74!

Damage -52!

The highest attack damage is of course Lianna's archer profession. In the face of this type of defense against high objects and low defenses, the archer is the strongest exporter.

As they began to attack, their attention was still focused on Mo Xiaolang.

At this time, Mo Xie began to act...

The one-horned rhino ran wildly with all four hooves, making a dull sound like a drum on the ground. He seemed to be like a black tank, rushing straight to the hind legs.

You know, his current possession state makes him two times taller and larger than the players, and only a little smaller than his body, which means that he will inevitably become the protagonist of this battle.


The black light flashed, and the muffled sound resounded loudly again. Mo Xie had already hit the hind legs severely, and the sharp unicorn on the bridge of his nose pierced directly into the opponent's body unceremoniously...

Damage -50!

Extra damage-79!

In an attack, Mo Xie actually caused two different damage numbers due to the assistance of a single horn. All the teammates who watched were excited.

"I'm going, Xiao Mo's attack is so powerful." Lianna exclaimed.

"How does the demon wise man's method of possession feel a bit like a summoner and a summoned beast combined." Mo Xiaoyuan said enviously.

"Now he has been transferred to the Demon Race Prophet. I don't know if the Demon Race is a special profession, what surprises there will be in the future." Mo Xiaoyu said lightly.

At this time the offensive has been fully launched, the two goddesses guarding both sides, constantly emitting arrows and magic, and the amount of blood consumed.

Mo Xiaolang stood in front of him, his predecessor who specialized in harassment with Mo Xiaoyuan's summoned beasts, a series of red damage numbers burst out continuously.

Mo Xie specifically harassed the back, and his huge body kept crashing into the opponent, making it almost a little unstable to stand.

And the unicorn above his head is a powerful weapon. It hasn't shown its power to deal with ordinary monsters just now, but it is the most powerful weapon to deal with now.

Each time he hits, he can cause a fixed number of damage, which represents the damage value that the player can hit.

But his unicorn is an extra weapon. As long as the sharp horn can hit the opponent, it can bring out an extra damage judged by the system, and this extra damage value is based on the ratio of Moxie's body to his body, and the size of his strength. , Even a series of complex judgments made by the position and angle of the attack.

But anyway, as long as the unicorn stabs the opponent, the damage numbers are very impressive, and even Lianna's arrow can't reach this powerful level.

If it weren't for Mo Xiaolang's taunting status to take effect, judging from the output size, he would have already gone all out to deal with Moxie.

"Mo, be careful, my taunting state only lasts for three minutes, but I need to cool down for 1 minute in the middle of switching states. This stage is the most dangerous, you take the time yourself." Mo Xiaolang reminded as he attacked.

"Be careful of yourself, I have no problem here." Mo Xie replied with a smile.


Encountered by the fire-focused attacks of the players, they had already uttered a long cry in anger, lowered their heads, and kept swinging their body. The sharp antlers swept back and forth in front of Mo Xiaolang. As long as he was hit once, it would be terrible The number of injuries!

Of course, Mo Xiaolang knew how powerful he was. He held a shield to protect his front, his footsteps kept wandering, evading antlers sweeping and stepping on his front hooves, and at the same time continuously launched counterattacks.

"This bloodskin is so thick, it must have taken a lot of effort for you to pass the level last time?" Mo Xie asked as he attacked.

"Who said no? The first and second copies still passed the time after a delay. The third time was officially killed, but they still got the help of the soldiers." Liana replied silently.

"It turned out to be like this." Mo Xie was almost taken aback.

"Don't let the soldiers help, it will affect the final trophy acquisition, let's try our best to kill it alone." Mo Xiaolang said.

"According to your opinion, you had five copies yesterday, that is, you killed them three times. What benefits did you get?" Mo Xie asked curiously, he had never inquired about this matter.

"Don't mention it, three times I dealt with it with the help of soldiers. The last trophy is the assassin suit. I haven't seen anything good except the blue quality." Mo Xiaolang said silently.

"No wonder you say that. If you let help to deal with it, it is equivalent to taking the initiative to reduce the difficulty of the task, and the final reward will be reduced accordingly." Mo Xie suddenly realized.

There may not be many copies of this copy, but there are many hidden rules, and there are actually such rules for clearing rewards...

"It's true. Don't ask for help from the soldiers at the beginning of this level. After they come on the field, even the captain can't order them to retreat. So this time, you have to wait until you return to the team. There are so many people. This time you have to overthrow this anyway , See if the explosion is more powerful." Mo Xiaolang said.

"There is such a thing? Okay, I'll fight this time!" Mo Xie replied with a smile.

The soldiers can't retreat yet, this must be the ghost of the system again...

Faced with such a thick blood volume, it is indeed very difficult for the average player team to wear its blood volume within 30 minutes.

So they didn't know that until now, there are very few teams that can rely on the strength of the team to kill without the help of soldiers.

Including the people of the arrogant alliance, due to the limited number of copies, they have not killed this alone...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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