The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 590: Hostage threat

Ding... Dungeon: Don’t be sad for the player, the story of the Dungeon starts, please wait for you and your team members with peace of mind!

As the system prompt jumped out, Mo Xie and his teammates were surprised to find that their bodies began to move uncontrollably, and they retreated to the side of the square one after another while standing among the elven soldiers.

At this time, the elf chief waved his hand, and amid the angry roar, the intensive footsteps sounded again, and the elves rushed to the gate of the temple frantically, in front of the white light curtain.

As the figures flickered, the players could only temporarily watch from the wall, watching the large groups of elves in the square rush to the door of the temple.

In the crowd, the tall figure with the head of the elves quickly rushed forward, pulling out the longbow behind one hand, and quickly taking out a long arrow from the quiver with the other hand, bending the bow to shoot the arrow in one go.

With a bang, the bowstring flicked, and the long arrow turned into a green glare, which shot out from the top of the elves at high speed, and rushed towards the white light curtain with one click...


A violent explosion sounded suddenly, and then a gust of wind rolled back from the entrance of the main hall. The wind swept across the square. The players were actually backed a few steps by the sudden gust of wind before finally stabilizing. .

When everyone looked forward in astonishment, the light curtain at the entrance of the main hall no longer existed, revealing the huge black hole and the figures of the golden armored soldiers inside the hole.

"Warriors, all rush in and rescue our children!" the elf leader shouted wildly.

With a single arrow, he destroyed the divine power seal that blocked the gate of the palace, making Mo Xie and his teammates amazed.

As long as you enter the main hall, the Protoss will not have any defenses. How the next task is to be carried out depends on how the system is set.

Amid the intensive footsteps, a large group of elven warriors carried daggers and longbows excitedly, and rushed towards the gate of the temple...

But at this moment, the dazzling light inside the temple gate suddenly gleamed, and the entire hall seemed to be lit by dazzling white light. The golden armor soldiers guarding the door pushed away to the sides, one by one shrouded in white halo. The white-robed mage strode out of the hall with his staff high...

"Ah! Those mages are escorting so many children!" Ouyang Jiaojiao exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Yes, they are all elves, these **** guys, don't they want to threaten the elves?" Lianna exclaimed in shock.

Right in front of the players, the white-robed wizards who kept coming out of the main hall door held up their staffs one by one. The white light from the top of the staff enveloped their bodies in a white halo, like a defensive shield.

But their left hands each pinched a thin, thin and pointed-eared elf young child around the neck, and walked out of the hall one by one without fear.

The current scene makes the players all understand that the Protoss who was forced into a dead end, as the two goddesses guessed, actually threatened the Elves with hostages...

"Damn it, what a job!" Mo Xiaoyu shouted coldly.

"That's right, I can't beat the children as a shield, these gods are really hopeless!" Mo Xiaoyuan nodded angrily.

"Perhaps, this is the plot set by the system, and I'm afraid it's time for us to appear next." Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

"Xiao Mo is right. With children as hostages, the elves may not be able to do it anymore. We must be ready to fight." Mo Xiaolang agreed.

"It must be for us to deal with those protoss. I will definitely give this group of scumbags some color." Lianna eagerly said.

"Little sister, you are wrong. They are all scumbags." The doctor aunt said with a smile.

"Whatever it is, they are dead anyway!" Lianna pouted and yelled.

I saw at the entrance of the hall, more and more white-robed mages opened the defensive cover, escorting each elven child out of the hall, and the elven army that rushed to the entrance of the hall had no choice but to retreat again and again, giving enough for these guys space.

As all the white-robed wizards walked out of the temple, the number of elven children they escorted really surprised the players.

No wonder the elves come to siege the city at any cost. The Emotional Protoss has captured all the young children of the whole family!

You advance and I retreat on both sides, the square is tense, the atmosphere has been dull to the extreme.

The eyes of every elven tribe who looked at this group of protoss mages turned into blood-red appearances, wishing to go up and tear them to pieces!

As the last group of white-robed wizards walked out of the hall, a tall white figure finally returned to the players' sight.

The old man in white robe, the commander of the Protoss, walked out of the hall step by step with a smile on his face, standing directly opposite the elf leader with his head high.

"You humble elves, how dare you attack the temple, do you forget the vows your ancestors made!" The white robe old man shouted sharply.

"Shut up, you hypocrites, the gods that our ancestors once served are not the same as you are now! What's more, the eternal oath has existed for thousands of years. Our elves protect only the Eastern Dragons, not including your hypocrites. God!" the elf leader roared angrily.

"Sure enough, it is a villain who betrays the Lord and seeks glory. We are forced to sign that nasty contract with the human race, so you dare to immediately betray the master." The white robe old man said coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense, let our children go, we can leave immediately, and we will not commit each other from now on!" The elf leader gritted his teeth and shouted.

"How can it be so simple, the majesty of the Protoss is not to be desecrated, you dare to come to the temple to make trouble, do you want to get out of your body?" The white robe old man sneered.

"Then what do you want? If you threaten us with a child, we will fight you to death! What's more, now we have the advantage. If we fight with all our strength, we will definitely destroy your evil temple!" Said.

During the dialogue between the two, the players were all clear. The plot set by the system was indeed the same as they had imagined. The Protoss actually used the child as a bargaining chip, which would definitely force the elves to give up the attack.

It's just that Mo Xie is still worried. He knows that the Protoss is too insidious, and the Elves are afraid to suffer...

"Okay, we can let these little guys go, but we can't believe you." The white-robed old man said with a smile.

"What do you want to let these children go?" the elf leader asked anxiously.

"I can let these little guys go, but I'm worried that you will make a comeback again if you get the kids, so it's easy to get this group of kids back. Sign a contract to guarantee that they won't attack again. I will release these kids immediately. You should rest assured now. ?" The White-robed Mage suggested.

"It's that simple?" The elf leader was a little surprised by his proposal.

"Well, there is a conspiracy in this, but don't believe them!" Lianna also felt that the situation was not right, and quickly reminded her loudly.

But now that the story of the mission has started, only they can hear the words of the players, and they have completely ignored them.

"There is a contract guarantee, I will give it to your children, and promise that the Protoss will no longer pursue you, and you will not attack the temple and us, so what is there to worry about?" The white robe mage asked with a sneer.

"Okay, it's settled, just sign a contract according to this requirement." The elf leader thought for a while and found that there was nothing suspicious, and then nodded and agreed to the other party's request.

In order to rescue their children, the full of hatred can only be endured temporarily...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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