The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 597: The origin of the demons

Mo Xie also couldn't believe that he could absorb the magical attacks of the players, and guessed his race from the attack type...

You should know that before entering the unfinished continuation, each player must first determine the division of the camp, and then choose the desired race and occupation.

Each race has a special combat profession set by the system. Moxie was curious about the demon race's wise profession at the beginning, so he chose this kind of profession that he didn't know it was. As for the race, he never cared about it.

But since entering the unfinished business, after slowly getting to know the background plot in this virtual world, Mo Xie understood that this world is full of battles between races, especially the human race and the **** race, for the right to control the world. , The desperate struggle has been going on...

As for other ethnic groups, such as the two major ethnic groups of the orcs and the elves, they are intertwined in the two battle lines of humans and gods.

But he never knew what was going on with the demons.

According to the system settings, the demons should also be one of the five major races in the virtual world, but after entering the game, he was surprised to find that the demons' share in the entire world is too small to be found. The existence of the demons is necessary.

And the mysterious missions once issued by the demon mentor, the level and the large map span, are also the mission plots that players can complete in the middle and late stages.

But now, in the alternative plot of the 30-level dungeon, Mo Xie was surprised to find that the news of the demon clan was ready to come out. It seems that the setting of this dungeon is to extend some basic information of the demon clan and let the players understand what the gods conceal. Ambition.

"Yes, I am a member of the Demon Race, but who are you and why do you call yourself a Demon Race?" Mo Xie looked up at the sky, looked at the huge black shadow, and asked curiously.

"Little guy, don't you know the history of the demons at all, so you asked such a ridiculous question?" the dark demon said suspiciously.

"The Demon Race... Since I understood my identity, I have never seen other people from the Demon Race. Even my mentor has never said the past of the Demon Race. It just allows me to accumulate strength and reach a certain level before I can go to curse. To find out about our ethnic group, as for other situations, I don't know anything about it now." Mo Xie said the truth.

"What happened, how could the Demon Race become like this?" The Dark Demon seemed to be extremely surprised, and he asked again in doubt.

"Then what do you think the Demon Race should be like now?" Mo Xie asked.

"Back then... that **** group of guys had to get rid of us regardless of their feelings. In order to protect our relatives, we demon spirits voluntarily gave up resistance, dissipated our spiritual power, and let the gods capture. The only condition is Yes, don't hurt anyone of the Demon Race! But now, why don't you even know the situation of the Demon Race?" The Dark Demon exclaimed.

"Why, are you willing to be captured by the Protoss?" Mo Xie asked in disbelief, his eyes widening.

"The gods and demons are originally a family, but those of us who have mastered some special cultivation methods, no longer rely on the protection of the source of divine power, we can obtain the power needed for survival from other spiritual powers. In order to pursue a greater source of power , We left the temple and searched everywhere. Some people who have mastered this method of cultivation, but have not yet trained themselves into spiritual sources, have followed us on the road of exploring the unknown world. Unexpectedly, we just left the holy Within the scope of the temple, all the messages of being expelled from the temple were actually received. From that moment on, we are no longer the **** race, but the demon race!" the dark demon said helplessly.

"This is the origin of the Demon Race?" Mo Xie said excitedly.

"We don't know what a devil is. We have never done anything that hurts the world. The source of spiritual power we need is also obtained from flowers, trees, and natural spiritual power. We have never killed an innocent person. But the original The clansmen kept claiming to call us terrifying demons, and began to send soldiers to attack us wandering guys!” said the dark demon.

"I see, you never thought of fighting with them, but they can't tolerate you anymore, so the moment they expelled you from the temple, they have already started chasing you." Mo Xie suddenly realized.

"Yes, we explained that it was useless, so we had to escape all the way, but these former relatives saw us as if they had met an enemy, and they went so far as to kill them regardless of any affection! Watching innocent relatives being killed inexplicably, we are The guy called the demon can't bear it any longer. In order to cope with their constant attacks, we began to absorb spiritual power from the killing, and continue to expand our own strength to protect our closest relatives...Unfortunately, This killing is getting bigger and bigger, and the situation is getting more and more uncontrollable, so that many of our spirit source spirits are immersed in the pleasure of killing and cannot extricate themselves..." The dark spirit sighed.

"Not only do you enjoy the thrill of killing, but you also find that your strength increases more rapidly during the killing process, so before you know it, you are completely reduced to the real demon **** who kills at sight!" Mo Xie asked coldly.

"You’re right, since others kill us when they see us, why can’t we kill others? And absorbing the spiritual power of others allows us to cultivate spiritual sources faster, which makes us discover that we don’t need to look for those magical ones anymore. Strength, you can get what you want, so many people have been lost since then..." said the dark demon.

"You have completely become a demon god, and of course the people who follow you will be hurt." Mo Xie replied silently.

"However, when we discovered that there were fewer and fewer relatives following us, not only did the Protoss keep chasing us, but even gave orders, even the Humans, Orcs and Elves began to encircle and suppress us, our territory was surrounded by all sides, one by one demons. Died in the cruel battle, countless relatives fell wailing, so we repented and decided to give up this evil power and save the lives of all the remaining relatives. So we voluntarily become prisoners of the Protoss in exchange for a piece of paper Contract." said the dark demon.

"What? You signed a contract with the Protoss?" Mo Xie's eyes were stunned. He didn't expect that a demon with powerful strength would make such a decision for his relatives...

"Yes, after the contract is signed, our life and death are all controlled by the Protoss. When they must promise to protect our remaining demons, why did it become like this?" the dark demon asked in confusion.

"Wait, the Demon Race is protected by a contract, so it shouldn't be annihilated. For example, I don't seem to be restricted by the Demon Race's identity." Mo Xie said in surprise.

In this case, the situation is even more complicated. The demons are indeed not oppressed, but the members of the demons he sees, in addition to the players who choose the demons, the demons seen in the game world are only limited to the main city. Demon mentor only.

Where did the other demons go?

Is it true that as the demon instructor said, the existing demons have been driven to the cursed land by the gods, leaving them to fend for themselves?

Mo Xie seemed to have guessed something in combination with the task he had received.

But how should the matter be solved? Since the dark demon is not as vicious as imagined, the current battle should be avoided...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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