The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 603: The strength of the beast

Mo Xie knew very well that the Thunder Roar Spirit Beast was still at the elementary level and would not have much effect if it participated in the battle, but fortunately, it could still be used as a machine to absorb spiritual power, thereby inhibiting the absorption of spiritual power by the demon.

However, the first-level spirit beasts do not need too much spiritual power to increase their strength. After the second round of combat missions not long ago, the spiritual power of Thunder Roar has increased by about one-third, as long as it is at the current level. Continue to absorb spiritual power, and it will soon be able to ascend to the second stage.

Mo Xie and his teammates continuously launched attacks. With the help of the Elf Legion, they squeaked the dense ghosts above their heads, and their blood volume was rapidly declining...

In less than three minutes, the dense black shadows were almost in a blood-skinned state, they shouted more sternly, and the speed of their dance continued to increase, trying to avoid the enemy's attack.


Another round of arrows and magic lifted into the sky, squeaking screams endlessly, countless black lights flickering in the air, half flew to the sky, half fell to the ground, and was continuously absorbed by the Thunder Roar.

"Yes, it can absorb half of the spiritual power, so it will be beneficial to us." Lianna said with a smile.

"Look at the sky, there are new ghosts appearing in the dark clouds." Mo Xiaoyuan reminded.

"Look at whether the number of ghosts has decreased this time." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

A batch of ghosts died, and the demon once again called new slaves. Large tracts of ghosts continued to emerge from the dark clouds, and the number was still very large!

However, after careful observation, the players were surprised to find that the newly recruited ghost, both in number and density, is much smaller than before!

"Haha, the devil is about to die, this time only two-thirds of the last time it was summoned." Ouyang Jiaojiao laughed.

"The Thunder Roar has worked. It must have absorbed one-third of the demon's spiritual power just now. By absorbing a little more this time, our task will be easier." Mo Xiaoyu smiled.

As the Thunder Roar played a major role, the players' confidence grew stronger...

There are still a lot of ghosts flying above them in the air, and a new batch of ghosts is slowly falling to join the battle group.

Players stand firm, with two shield warriors holding large shields in front, and the rest of them just wait for the skills to be released quickly.

The Elf Legion is even more powerful. Their attack is the most fierce firepower output point of this battle. Coupled with the defensive shield opened by the Elf Sacrifice, they don’t have to worry about attacks from above, just aim at the enemy’s constant attacks...

Mo Xie also gradually understood the characteristics of the demon. This special one can continuously absorb the spiritual power of the enemy and us in ordinary battles, unknowingly let its strength grow rapidly, and become more powerful as it fights!

It's a pity that this demon just awakened from the seal, and when it was already at its weakest strength, it happened to run into a thunder roar that could **** spiritual power from it...

Mo Xie firmly believes that the players have already gained the upper hand in this battle, and the next thing to do is how to find out the true body of the demon and quickly solve this dungeon mission.


Inside the black clouds in the sky, bursts of angry roars are constantly ringing, and it seems that the devil has also discovered the disadvantage he is currently in and feels very dissatisfied.


Amid the intensive ghost calls, large black shadows were flying in the air. They actually gave up attacking the elves and the players, and all flew towards the position where the Thunder Roar was standing.

"Oops, they have to deal with your spirit beasts, Xiao Mo, be careful." Mo Xiaolang said nervously.

"It's okay, all of you come over and protect the spirit beast." Mo Xie gave the order indifferently, and at the same time took out the life pearl...

The turquoise light was shining, and the Leihou beast stood still, his eyes gleamed suddenly, and he looked at the gleaming spirit orb in his master's hand in surprise.

Mo Xie didn't dare to hand over the Life Orb to the Thunder Roar Beast to replenish its blood. This guy would swallow it without hesitation and take all the spiritual power of the entire Spirit Orb for himself!

If this is the case, many of his tasks would be impossible to complete. Besides, the power of the Life Orb is far from being as simple as imagined. At present, it is only sealed by divine power and cannot exert one percent of its power.

Mo Xie spread the spirit orb in his palm and immediately used the assistance function to target the Thunder Roar beast behind him. As long as it has a blood loss state, the spirit orb can bless it at any time and continue to regenerate its blood. Although the number of blood regaining is only 10 points per second , But it can also play a big role.

And the two doctors also hurriedly waved their staffs, blessing various cool buff skills on Thunder Roar...

This is the biggest difference between contract spirit beasts and pets. Contract spirit beasts cannot enjoy the recovery state brought by pet medicine, but they can enjoy the skill treatment of players.

While pets can only use potions to restore their health, they cannot get help from medical professions, but there are only a few rare professions of the summoner type, and their restoration skills can be effective for pets.

The two nurses are ready to rescue the Thunder Roar beast at any time. The large black shadows in the air have gathered on the top of the spirit beast and began to dive down. The purpose is clear. The devil does not want to see this guy continue to make trouble .

Moxie is not a fuel-efficient lamp. After discovering the attempt, he began to issue orders to let the Thunder Roar beast intentionally approach the edge of the Elf Legion.

Of course, even if such an order was issued, it also required a price of 3000 magic points. He had to use the blue bottle crazily again, and a long series of blue numbers appeared on the top of his head.

"Although the spirit beast is good, it is so troublesome every time you order, it's really speechless." Lianna sighed.

"Fortunately, Xiao Mo is a legal profession. If I change to me, no amount of blue bottles can make up." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

He is a shield warrior with the highest magic power value of only a few hundred points. He will be drained within one or two seconds of issuing a command. If all the magic power is lost, the system will automatically determine that the command is interrupted.

And for a legal profession like Xiang Moxie, the magic bar is more than a thousand points, and there is enough time to wait for the medicine bottle to be refilled.

The black shadow on the top of the head kept rushing down, and the sharp long claws grabbed at the top of the Thunderhowl beast's head, and each attack could cause a blood-red damage number.

Looking worriedly at the long string of damage values ​​appearing on the top of the spirit beast, they found that each attack could only cause more than 100 points of damage to the spirit beast. Only then did Mo Xie and his teammates feel relieved.

The contract spirit beast is really powerful. Although it is only the preliminary stage, its original strength is very powerful. Therefore, the Thunder Roar beast in the preliminary state is equivalent to a green quality 30 pet, and it can temporarily block a series of offensives.

Mo Xiaolang and the **** said that light had already flown, and the two big shields were immediately raised high, blocking the heads of the spirit beasts, causing the large group of ghosts to immediately lose their target of attack, and they had to circle in the air angrily. And issued a burst of strange creaking noises.

"Damn thunder roar, unexpectedly appeared here!"

In the black clouds, the demon’s angry voice sounded again...

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