The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 611: Easy pass

At the moment when the gate of the temple closed, Mo Xie could also see clearly in the air.

This time, the secret agreement between him and the demon is the most worried thing about the Protoss in the temple. In order not to be discovered by them, they must perform the play well.

Now that the gate of the temple is closed again, it means that the Protoss has eliminated the guard, and he can safely lead his teammates to perform the next play well...

"Brother Wolf, guys, prepare the attack method on the ground for a while, just wait for the demon to approach and launch the attack quickly, without worrying about safety." Mo Xie quickly explained in the team channel.

"Attack directly... it's so powerful, will it make us put up a formation and come and die?" Lianna asked puzzled.

"Don't worry, this is the agreement I just reached with it..." Mo Xie informed all his teammates about what happened not long ago and the battle plan negotiated by the demon and him.


Listening to Mo Xie's explanation, all his teammates were stunned.

"No, there is such a good arrangement." Ouyang Jiaojiao exclaimed.

"It's still Xiao Mo, who brought back this good plan. Now we can complete the task easily." Mo Xiaolang said excitedly.

"The most important thing is not to defeat the devil, but to find a way to quickly attack the temple. Don't give the gods a chance to defend. They must get the left eye gem of the **** before they retreat!" Mo Xie reminded.

"This matter is more difficult. The strength of the Protoss is there. If you want them to retreat in a panic, I'm afraid they can only borrow the power of the elves." Mo Xiaolang said thoughtfully.

"Yes, after the battle started for a while, we let the elves approach the temple in batches and lie in ambush at the gate first. Once the demon fails according to plan, he will pretend to flee back to the temple and help us break the gate. What's next It's up to us," Moxie said.

"That way, everything depends on your arrangement." Mo Xiaolang nodded excitedly.

The red light was shining in the sky, and the sound of explosions was endless. The entire square could see huge beams of light rising into the sky at any time, and there were shocking scenes of red meteors falling to the ground everywhere!

However, after the Protoss closed the gate, some subtle changes have taken place in the offensive from the demon in the air. It is still flying a series of meteors to the ground, but the direction of the attack is all towards no one. Fly away in the open area.

So it seemed that the scene was very lively, but none of the players and elves were threatened by their lives.

This further validated Mo Xie’s account and made the players feel more confident...

No one thought that this alternative dungeon plot mission would eventually stand with the players!

Mo Xie quickly fell from the air, and first gave Lianna and the others the task of dealing with the real body of the devil, so that they could set up an attack formation in the center of the square, ready to welcome the landing of the devil at any time.

And he, Mo Xiaolang and the three uncles, divided into several groups to go around the square, and contacted the elven legions scattered there, asking them to take advantage of the offensive cover of the meteor to rush to both sides of the temple to ambush...

Not long after, listening to the fine footsteps coming from the surroundings, the elves crossed the square cautiously with red light shining, and headed to the steps of the opposite temple. All deployments were proceeding in an orderly manner.

At this time, after a few minutes of slow landing, the tall figure of the demon also slowly fell from the sky, hovering in the mid-air at a height of five meters in the center of the square, still launching an offensive in all directions...

The dense red light group exploded continuously around the attack formation led by Lianna, and the diffuse red light completely blocked the players' existence. Even if the Protoss opened the door again to monitor, it would not be able to see any real situation.

"Mo, enter the attack range, are you sure he won't fight back?" Lianna asked, raising her longbow.

"Just fight, this is a real body transformed with spiritual power, and will not attack you." Moxie said.

"Got it." Lianna nodded, and immediately raised her longbow towards the huge red figure above her head, swish an arrow, and shot it diagonally towards the sky...

At the same time, Ouyang Jiaojiao and Mo Xiaoyuan also launched an attack. The three players led a team of elven archers, and the intensive attacks continued to fly into the air and land on the huge body.

In an instant, hovering above the head of the demon in the air, a string of red damage numbers burst out immediately, and the life bar began to slowly fall...

Mo Xie stood on the side of the temple, looked back at the center of the square, and saw countless reds falling from the air, exploding brilliant red light beams, and there was no idle on the ground, dots of green light rushed to the sky, the battle scene was abnormal fierce.

From a distance, it seems that the two sides are playing inextricably, but the presence of red light makes the ground very blurred, and it is not clear how many people are hidden in the red glare.

The attack scenes deliberately created by the two sides seem to be very powerful. It seems that all the elves and players are fighting with the devil with all their strength. Every minute and every second, it seems that countless enemies hang up and fly into the air... …

In fact, more than half of the Elf Legion, including the Elf leader, had already secretly arrived on both sides of the temple, led by Mo Xiaolang and Mo Xie, waiting for the moment when the battle was over.

Time passed so quickly, the sound of the explosion did not stop every second, and the blood volume continuously taken away by the intensive offensive quickly knocked out one third of the blood volume of the demon in the air.

"Yes, it took ten minutes to kill one-third of its health, and there are twenty minutes left before we can officially attack the temple." Mo Xiaolang looked at the time and reminded excitedly.

"Don't run away if you hang up this time. There will be no less trophies." Mo Xie reminded with a smile.

"What? The fake and the spoils broke out?" Lianna asked incredulously.

"Yes, this is because we are the first to unlock the special settings of the alternative plot. Players who will enter the dungeon in the future will only be able to kill the last." Mo Xie smiled.

"It's so cool, I'm still worried that I'll be busy, and there will be nothing to kill." Lianna said excitedly, and the speed of the attack also accelerated.

The battle was still going on fiercely, and the players guarding both sides of the temple looked back nervously and excitedly in midair, waiting for the blood volume to quickly approach the end...







As nearly 20 minutes of hard fighting passed, there was a terrible howl outside the square, followed by red light flashing, the sky disappeared without a trace, and the huge body turned into a cluster of gorgeous red light. In midair, he rushed directly into the red ball of light hovering under the black cloud!


Countless beams of light fell from the air, covering the body of each player, and a string of experience numbers and various other reward numbers flashed above everyone's heads.

As the huge red light group flew into the red mask, a huge treasure chest with purple light suddenly fell in the sky, with a crisp impact sound, and it would fall firmly in the center of the square!

Sure enough, a dungeon treasure chest broke out!

Before the players came forward to open the treasure chest, the sky was surging silently, as if attracted by a huge force in the red mask, and was constantly sucked into the mask. The clouds around the fortress quickly became thinner, showing the sun shining. Brilliant Phnom Penh is coming...

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