The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 614: God's Tears Celestial Crystal

"With the protection of the elves, don't worry about these for now." Mo Xiaolang laughed and let an elves carry his belt, and rushed across the square so quickly, all the way out of the collapsed city gate.

In less than two minutes, with the help of the elves, all the players came to the safe grassland outside the city without hurting a single hair.

When they looked back, the entire fortress was already a large piece of broken wall...

The current scene is roughly similar to the real map scene.

However, the real situation is that the temple was actually destroyed in the hands of the Protoss' own people!

The elves put the players on the grass in the safe area, forming a circle, gratefully protecting the group of players.

"Dear warriors, with your help, we not only saved our lives, but we also saved our children as we wished. Your kindness will never be forgotten by the elves!" The elves bowed gratefully and said.

In an instant, all the elves bend over and salute, and the whole scene is quiet...

"Master Chief, dear elves, don't be so polite, everyone, please exempt you." Mo Xie quickly persuaded.

"Yeah, this is what we should do, everyone, don't do that." Lianna said with a smile.

Under the persuasion of the players, the elves raised their heads, their eyes turned from red to clear, all gratefully staring at the players.

And a golden exclamation mark immediately appeared on the head of the elf leader, indicating that the final mission of the dungeon could be successfully completed.

"Brave warrior, you have fulfilled your promise to me, now you can receive your reward." The elf chief said with a smile.

"Okay, don't worry, I have one more task to find you." Mo Xie was not in a hurry, looking at the countdown number that jumped out from the corner of his eyes and didn't know when, there was still enough time before the players were forced to withdraw from the instance. About five minutes.

And now, he has to look at the situation of the dungeon treasure chest and the mission requirements of the demon.

"Sister Na, you can throw out the treasure box now, you distribute the spoils, I still have things to do." Mo Xie reminded.

"Okay, I can finally open the treasure chest." Lianna nodded excitedly, and the teammates were also surprised, all surrounded her.


Seeing the goddess waved her hand, a huge purple ball of light flew to the lawn in front of everyone, and a gorgeous purple treasure chest over one meter high appeared in front of everyone.

"I'm going to open the box, are you okay?" Lianna asked with a smile.

"No problem, your luck seems to be good all the time, just go and drive." Mo Xiaolang nodded and smiled.

"Don't miss it this time. If you don't make the best, I will be my next time." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled.

"Bah, you crow's mouth, when did my sister miss it? I promise you will be the best when you open it." Lianna waved, twisted the willow and walked to the treasure chest, squatted down and grabbed the lid with both hands, clucking, the huge box The lid suddenly opened...

In an instant, green, blue, and purple halos shot out from the treasure chest, covering Lianna's beautiful face with various brilliant spots.

"Wow, so many trophies?" Lianna didn't even expect that a dungeon treasure chest opened, with a lot of equipment stored in it!

"What, how many trophies are there?" Ouyang Jiaojiao and her teammates couldn't help but surround the treasure chest, looking out in surprise...

In the open treasure chest, most of the boxes are filled with props, shining with a halo of various colors, and there are a lot of them!

"I'm going, I'm making a fortune now..." Mo Xiaoyuan said excitedly.

"Just take it out and divide it, hurry up." Mo Xiaolang smiled.

"Then I'm going to start." Lianna was also polite, and she reached out and took out an item from the treasure chest...

The green light flickered, and the beautiful white jade-like hands were holding a piece of green heavy armor shoulders.

"Warrior Excellent Level Suit Shoulderguard, it's useless, whoever wants it to take it." Liana glanced disdainfully, and immediately asked.

"Leave it to the life and occupation decomposition." Mo Xiaolang shrugged.

"Then I'll take it, let's see the next one." Lianna threw the green equipment directly into her package and began to take the remaining spoils...

The props in the upper half of the treasure chest are almost all blue and green quality props. The goddess took three consecutive blue and green props. These were things that her teammates had long looked down on, so she took them into the package for use. .

Mo Xie glanced twice, and then did not care about the distribution of the spoils. His eyes turned to the two strange props in his hand...

The left and right eyes of the idol!

These two props, a black crystal ball and a blue crystal ball, each exudes a cold and warm touch in the hands.

As for the black eyeballs, they are the mission props required by the demons, and they are also the special medium used by the Protoss to seal the demons.

Shenlei Celestial Stone: Special props, ominous quality. It is said that the tears shed when the gods cry are condensed, and they have unimaginable mysterious power. Inside a drop of **** tears, there is a huge space of spiritual power.

First put the black crystal in the middle of the palm of his hand, Mo Xie carefully observed its attribute introduction, but he was surprised to see the system notes unexpectedly.

God tears heaven crystal?

This name sounds pretty awesome, but why doesn't the system say how to use it?

However, within this black light flashing crystal stone, there was a ball of black smoke wandering back and forth. The curious Mo Xie stretched out his finger and rubbed it back and forth on the crystal stone...


At this moment, the black halo flickered, and a jet of black water flew out of the crystal stone, which flashed in the air and landed on the ground in front of him.

A lanky and familiar figure appeared again in front of Mo Xie...

The real body of the dark demon just appeared automatically inexplicably!

But this time, the height of the dark demon is about two meters, not as huge as the one seen in the sky before.

"Little guy, you finally rescued me, and give me the God of Tears Sky Crystal, and I can completely regain my freedom and control my own destiny." The dark demon said with excited eyes.

"Okay, I'm very relieved of Senior's being a human being. Since you can be free, you will have your own safekeeping for this Divine Tears Heaven Crystal. Don't be snatched away by the Protoss." Mo Xie smiled and nodded, knowing this. Block Baby is not for players to use, so it is passed directly without heartache.

"Thank you very much. I didn't expect to be able to help me. I still have to rely on my own people." The dark demon nodded excitedly, took the Sky Crystal with both hands, and took it into his arms with extreme care.

Ding... Dungeon: Congratulations to the player, don’t be sad, you successfully returned the God’s Tear Sky Crystal to the demon, and fulfilled the mission requirements of the demon perfectly. Please continue to talk to the demon and receive the exclusive mysterious reward for the dungeon!

The system prompt jumped out, and Mo Xie knew in his heart that this was a dungeon exclusive task reward that the system was about to issue to him.

There is only one chance for this reward. As long as he completes, the system will issue an announcement to announce all the second mission clues of the 30-level dungeon.

But no one can receive the exclusive mission story of the demon...

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