The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 691: Upcoming big event

After finishing the private chat with Mo Xiaolang, Mo Xie immediately teleported to the city gate teleportation formation and continued to set off towards Shennong Mountain.

Along the way, letting the mount run on its own, he checked the screenshots of the terrain of the generals' graves, and began to earnestly analyze the extent to which the plan to grab the BOSS was executable.

It was originally impossible to steal the BOSS under the siege of so many players in the arrogant alliance.

But the existence of the two giant waterfalls at the top of the cliff makes this operation possible again, but it must be carefully designed...

How can we use the help of the waterfall to gain enough time to deal with the boss? This is a very difficult thing.

However, combined with the triangular terrain in the valley, there are still mid-air waterfalls, which is not impossible.

The only difficulty is how to change the flow direction of the waterfalls so that they can flow directly into the map of General Tomb.

Moreover, the waterfall must be cut off, because the people of the arrogant alliance cannot approach it.

Fortunately, the terrain there has been observed in detail, and even detailed data such as length and width are recorded in Mo Xie's mind.

But the **** digital recognition disorder prevented him from calculating the angle between the waterfall and the ground. This is what worries Mo Xie...

All the way to the Shennong Mountain, back to the place where they often practiced, the four goddesses and the big stars were still there constantly to clean the monsters, and when they saw Mo Xie coming back, they quickly added him to the team to practice.

Mo Xie also talked about the problems encountered now, hoping to get help from the five beauties.

"Arithmetic, I can't." Lianna shook her head.

"I'll give it a try, but I haven't done such a problem for a long time, I don't know if it can be right." Mo Xiaoyu said thoughtfully.

"The height of the cliff is 458 meters, and the depth of the triangular valley is 36 meters..." Sister Hong kept meditating on the data that Mo Xie brought back, turned and squatted on the ground, seeming to be calculating something.

Ouyang Jiaojiao and Zhou Jianing are also thinking about this question in their hearts. Except for Mo Xie and Lianna, they seem to be able to do this kind of headache math problem...

"Xiao Mo, I seem to have an answer here." Sister Hong stood up first, turned her head and said.

On the ground in front of her, a large swath of dense formulas was suddenly drawn by branches, and Mo Xie's eyes were numb.

"If it comes out so soon, was A Hong a schoolmaster before?" Lianna asked incredulously.

"Sister Hong's answer?" Mo Xie also asked quickly in surprise.

"According to the cliff height and all the data you gave, as long as there is no error, the left waterfall at the top only needs to be deflected inward by 30 degrees, and the right waterfall is also deflected inward by 41 degrees, and it can fall 34 meters in front of the valley. , To seal off the entire valley mouth of the triangle." Sister Hong replied hesitantly.

"Are you really sure that you can form a straight line at 34 meters and block the entrance of the entire valley?" Mo Xie asked excitedly.

"If the data is correct, it should be here." Sister Hong confirmed the formula on the ground and nodded.

"Great! I have never known what to do. It's a huge loss for Sister Hong to have such a strong calculation ability." Mo Xie said excitedly.

"I'm done..." Ouyang Jiaojiao also stood up from the ground at this time and said with a smile.

"I'm almost done too..." Zhou Jianing quickly raised her hand.

"You guys are too good, I have a headache looking at the data, how did you figure it out?" Lianna's eyes widened in disbelief.

As a result, the answers obtained by Ouyang Jiaojiao and Zhou Jianing are surprisingly similar to those previously stated by Sister Hong...

Their inference is that as long as the exit of the waterfall is deflected by a certain angle, according to the flow rate, the position in the valley can be accurately obtained, and even the length data, the three are exactly the same.

At this moment, Mo Xie was even more certain.

But how to change the flow direction of the waterfall?

You know, the water column at the entrance of the waterfall is thick and powerful, and the players' abilities can't change its flow direction at all. Only Qing Binger's ability can be relied on by Mo Xie.

But can she change the flow of the two water columns alone?

Mo Xie regretted that she should have asked Dragon Girl to try before leaving, but there was no way, she could only check it out tonight before she went offline.

With the data calculated by the four beauties, anyway, there is now a good start, only the last step.

They continued to arrange traps, while fighting monsters, Mo Xie was still thinking about tomorrow's plan...

The eyeliner of the arrogant alliance stared at the team that was leveling, and seeing that Mo Xie stopped running around, the tail finally felt relieved.

At this time, Mo Xiaolang had already begun a close deployment, according to Mo Xie's request, adjusting the two major armies of the God Realm Alliance.

In the current God Realm League, in addition to the members of the business alliance, there are more than 7,400 combat legions, of which 4,300 are in the outlying legions, and more than 3,100 are the core professional legions of the tribe.

Nearly 100 people in this core army of more than 3,100 are high-level management teams. Except for a few bosses in the studio, everyone else is a managerial talent carefully selected by Mo Xiaolang, including the recruited gangster. People group.

Another 3,000-man core combat army, these are the six combat sub-groups with the most combat capabilities in the entire God Realm League.

Mo Xiaolang has been secretly ordered to go down. The six battle sub-groups are temporarily leveling in various field maps according to the original plan. However, before going offline this afternoon, they all returned to the main city teleportation array to report. After going online at night, they took advantage of being no one Stalking, immediately go to the Iron Mirror Mountain Range to gather, first enter the cave to practice level, and wait for the battle tomorrow.

Most of the 4,300 people in the outlying army are combat teams that quickly recruited into the tribe to expand their numbers. They have not carefully checked their identities. They are mixed with the eyeliners sent by the arrogant alliance, but they don't know who they are and how many.

According to Mo Xie's plan, Mo Xiaolang immediately reassigned the 4,300 people into 9 sub-groups, and assigned them to several wild maps near the Iron Mirror Mountains to continue fighting monsters and leveling.

Each branch has a designated position, and it is said that Mo Xie has other tasks, which will be assigned to them.

In the afternoon, Mo Xiaolang quickly deployed all the plans, but he was still very nervous in his heart, not knowing whether this plan would be successful.

As for what the situation will be, we will know the result after tomorrow night...

As the sun sets, it's evening again, and the studio members are off the assembly line one after another, preparing to enjoy dinner.

When everyone gathered in the restaurant on the first floor, Mo Xie announced the decided important news to everyone...

"What? Rob the boss tomorrow?" Lianna exclaimed.

"No, in this case, the arrogant alliance will turn around!" Mo Xiaoyuan asked in surprise.

"Xiao Mo, didn't you plan to confront them directly?" Mo Xiaoyu asked with blinking eyes.

"Xiao Mo, the Chen Group is powerful, we can't afford it now." Sister Hong couldn't help but persuade.

"Yes, since we are doing well now, let's take a little time, and it won't be too late to turn our faces with them when we develop well." Ouyang Jiaojiao asked.

"Who are you going to fight with?" Zhou Jianing didn't understand what they were talking about, but from the atmosphere, it seemed that a big event was about to happen...

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