The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 694: to cultivate

Mo Xie was extremely pleasantly surprised. It turned out that his Golden Pill Catalogue was the key medicine for curing diseases!

"My lord, don't worry, you have to see that I can give it to you at any time. But that kind of healing elixir must be made with golden orchid petals?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"You're wrong, your Jindan catalogue and my Jinlan are two different things. Even if there is no Jindan catalogue, I can use golden orchids to treat injuries, but the effect is not so strong. Now there is a Jindan catalogue, My orchid can be used as an auxiliary medicine to completely treat the general's old wounds without leaving any trouble." Military doctor Lan Qing explained.

"I understand. These are two different drugs. You want to use them together." Mo Xie suddenly realized.

"The old man must hurry up to collect orchids. After midnight, the orchids will wither." Army doctor Lan Qing waved his sickle and quickly got busy.

Mo Xie stood on the side, waiting quietly, expecting extremely in his heart.

This time, all NPCs can return to normal, and there is more confidence in defending the cave.

Time passed quickly, and when the military doctor Lan Qing had collected all the orchids in the valley, it was already more than an hour later, and the outside world had completely turned into a dark night.

"Okay boy, let's leave, take me to see the general, and show me your golden core catalogue on the way." Military doctor Lan Qing finally stopped working, carrying a slow medicine basket on his back.

"Understood, the military doctor will come with me." Mo Xie nodded excitedly.

The two quickly returned to the cliff, the cave opened, and the military doctor Lan Qing looked back at the dark valley and stayed there for a long time without movement.

"What's wrong with the military doctor? I can come back here in the future." Mo Xie asked curiously.

"This valley is a place carefully selected by the old man to grow medicinal materials. There are countless other precious medicinal herbs hidden here. It must not be seen by others. It is all the old man’s painstaking efforts. Once you leave, you can be discovered by others. It's too wasteful." Military doctor Lan Qing said with a sigh.

"No, there are other medicinal materials here? Why didn't I see it." Mo Xie asked suspiciously.

"These medicinal materials are very strange high-level elixir, and they are also plants suitable for growing in the dark, so hidden under these orchids, you will not see them unless you look carefully. Now the orchids have been collected, tomorrow these faint Lan Du will wither, and the medicinal materials underneath will also be revealed." Military doctor Lan Qing said.

"It turns out that this is the case, my lord, don't worry. After treating the injuries of the generals and soldiers, I must send some people to help you guard the valley. All the medicinal materials will be fine." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"This is great, otherwise it would be a pity." Military doctor Lan Qing nodded happily.

"Military doctor, I have another idea. I heard that the remaining military doctors in the Sunset Army are not very skilled. For future safety, after you heal the generals and their injuries, I want to send some doctors to follow you. On the one hand, it can help you take care of the valleys and plant medicinal materials. On the other hand, it can also learn some treatment techniques with you, so that the number of military doctors can be increased. How good are you?" Mo Xie suddenly moved in his heart and thought of a wonderful method.

"This proposal is not bad. In the Battle of Sunset City, many of my companions were killed unjustly by the soldiers they had rescued during the chaotic war, and it made me very angry. But after so many years, I gradually think about it. In such a chaotic scene, accidents are normal, and there must be a larger number of military doctors. Not to mention, just do as you said, let’s go.” Military doctor Lan Qing nodded, as the last remaining chief medical officer, he I also need to bring some more disciples out.

Mo Xie was even more pleasantly surprised. You must know that the profession of military doctor is not a profession that any alchemist can learn. You must get permission from NPC, otherwise you can't help it with more money.

Once employed as a military doctor, it is equivalent to the special combat occupation of the VIP card, which is also a special life occupation.

Careers like this, as the game progresses, there will be more in the future, and there are some more important positions that were originally held by NPCs, but will gradually be opened to players...

The two entered the cave and started a long journey...

Take the military doctor out of the cave and return along the original path of the ridge. Now Mo Xie can't use the city return scroll, because the military doctors can't go back together, so they can only continue to drive with him.

But walking from here to the Iron Mirror Mountain Range, without using the mount, would take at least two or three hours, which is too wasteful.

"Binger, come out." Mo Xie had no choice but to use Dragon Girl's power again.


The blue light flashed, and Qing Binger stood in front of him with a smile. As the two of them spent more time together, this proud dragon girl, who was once cold and withdrawn, became more and more like a little sister next door. , And the relationship with Mo Xie became more intimate.

"What's the matter?" Qing Binger glanced at the military doctor Lan Qing curiously, and asked with a beautiful smile.

"We are going to the Iron Mirror Mountain Range, can you drive us there together, this military doctor is waiting to save people." Moxie said.

"Are you going to that volcano?" Qing Binger's eyes lit up.

"Right." Mo Xie nodded.

"Okay, wait for a while." Qing Bing'er smiled and turned around, her body turned into a ball of blue light and rose into the sky, flying higher and higher in the night.

Ao Moo!

The loud dragon roar suddenly came from the night sky, scaring the military doctor Lan Qing almost sitting on the ground.

"What sound is this?" Military doctor Lan Qing looked at the sky in surprise, only to see a blob of blue light shining brightly. Before the Shenlong had seen it, the sound of dragons appeared first.

Mo Xie smiled without saying a word, raised his head and looked at the sky, he hadn't seen Qing Binger's dragon body for a long time.


The dragon roar continued, and the blue light hovered in the air suddenly, forming a long blue track...

Huh, the entire blue trajectory flashed brightly, and a vivid ice-blue dragon appeared suddenly, shaking its head and tail, soaring in the sky!

"It's really the Dragon God!" The military doctor Lan Qing stared in shock. For NPCs, the ancient dragon clan has been hard to see since the protoss came to power. The lonely sacred dragon is unwilling to deal with the protoss and has long been scattered. Living in seclusion, no longer guarding the masses of human beings.

Qing Binger fell one head towards the ridge, the huge dragon body hovering over the cliff, she saw her swing the dragon head, two blue whirlwinds flew out from the big mouth, wrapped the two bodies, gently lifted into the air, and fell. Above the faucet.

"Sit down, we will go to the Iron Mirror Mountain Range immediately." Qing Bing'er finally turned into a dragon body, and seemed very excited.

Moreover, Shenlong is arrogant, even if she wants to carry humans, she must be willing and give orders...

Ao Moo!

The two of them had just stood firmly on the dragon's head, and the huge dragon quickly rushed towards the sky side, scared that they hurriedly held a dragon horn each, before it was stable.

The sound of howling wind kept passing by, blue light flashed across the sky, and flew to the side of the mountain map...

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