The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 734: God Realm City

When the first tribe in the region was established, the official once sent a golden gift package to the mailbox of the tribal chief, Mo Xiaolang.

But he has not opened this treasure chest. After a long time, the beauties almost forgot about it.

"Yes, our golden gift package is said to have a lot of benefits after opening it, but why have you kept it hidden?" Ouyang Jiaojiao nodded hurriedly.

"In fact, the situation of this golden gift package, before the game is opened, our professional guilds have already received a message. The golden gift package is based on the level of the tribe, and the rewards will be different. In other words, if it is Clan scale, if you open it, the rewards you get will be limited to some advanced rewards within the current scale, such as capital packages, material packages, experience tokens, explosive rate tokens, and even prestige packages. But if you leave it to upgrade For the size of the alliance, when you have a territory, it will expand the scope of rewards and increase the chance of obtaining the best items.” Mo Xiaolang explained.

"So that's the case. Do you want to wait until the territory is completed before you come to open the golden treasure chest?" Zhou Jianing asked with a smile.

"Yes, so after building the territory tonight, I will immediately open the treasure chest." Mo Xiaolang stretched out his hand, a light flashed, and an additional item appeared in his hand.

This is a letter, which is a valuable territory license...

"Let's start now, everyone can't wait anymore," Mo Xie said.

"It's up to President Mo to build the territory." Mo Xiaolang handed the item to Mo Xie.

Mo Xie let out a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand to trade the permit, and walked towards the front of the two ridges under everyone's eyes.

Mo Xiaolang has already returned the position of the alliance leader to him before the battle. All he has to do now is to open the alliance management interface and apply for the establishment of a territory. The system will prompt you to choose a suitable territory position. As long as the requirements are met, use the territory. The license can directly divide the scope of the alliance territory.

Mo Xie opened the interface and immediately selected the command to build a territory...

Ding...System: Dear leader of the alliance, don’t feel sad, have you already selected a territory?


The moment the system jumped out, a nearby terrain plan suddenly appeared in front of Mo Xie.

The Red Army is a complex terrain that cannot be built into a territory. Most of the large mountain ranges are in the Red Army, and some plains between the mountains cannot accommodate the full size of the Alliance territory.

Mo Xie moved his finger and slid the lead frame between the two ridges. Seeing that the frame turned green in the middle of the ridge, there was still a large area of ​​free space.

Move your finger slightly to the lower position, slide the leader's frame to the best position, and leave room for future upgrades, then click your finger...

Ding...System: Dear leader of the alliance, don’t be sad. You have successfully selected the address of the construction territory. After you confirm it again, you can’t change it and will consume a [Domain Construction Permit]. Are you sure?

After carefully checking the terrain, Mo Xie confirmed again.

Ding Dong!

A crisp sound suddenly sounded in the ears of all the players of the God Realm League, and a line of system prompts slowly passed through the middle of the line of sight.

At the same time, the sky flickered and the muffled roar appeared again...

Ding Dong... [Regional Notice]: Congratulations to the [Sunset City] area, the first alliance territory has been formally applied for by the [God League], please [God League] Alliance Chief [Mo Sad] to name the new territory!

In an instant, a huge font appeared in the sky, this time it turned out to be a system announcement for the whole district!

Not only Moxie, but all the players of the God Realm League were surprised by the hints from the sky. As soon as the district notice came out, the God Realm League would not be famous. All the players in the district will know that it is the first to build an alliance territory. The player’s guild is actually a new player organization called the God Realm League!

But it was late at night, and the number of online players was not the highest, but there were also at least millions of players who knew the news and looked up to the sky one by one, discussing, what is the situation of this God Realm League?

At this time, a box jumped out of Mo Xie's eyes, asking him to name the new alliance territory.

This is easier to say, he wrote the word God Realm directly!

Ding Dong... [Regional Notice]: Congratulations to [Shenzhen League] for the official establishment of the territory [Shenjie Town]. Since [Shenjie Town] is the first player territory town established in this district, the map of the town location will be opened soon. 72 Hourly double activity, killing monsters experience and explosion rate are all tripled, officially opened at 12 noon today, all players are welcome to enter the map of God Realm Town!

Triple experience and burst rate! !

The system prompt appears again, all the players are crazy...

Especially the players in the area of ​​Sunset City are already asking excitedly, which map is God Realm Town on?

Players in other main cities were aggrieved because they had no way to go to the map of Sunset City.

The players who are still online in the arrogant alliance just looked helplessly at the system prompts in the sky. To them today, it seemed like a nightmare!

The flood and the fire double attack, the entire alliance was not spared, what a tragic failure this was.

Now watching others successfully establish a territory, this frustration is of course self-evident.

"I'm going, what's special, there is still this benefit?" Lianna exclaimed again excitedly.

"Tomorrow noon to triple the experience and burst rate? Then the glory aura of our victory in the alliance battle can be increased five times?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked in surprise.

"In principle, this is the case, but we can only enjoy a half-day of glory aura and overlapping time of activities." Mo Xiaolang nodded.

"Great, all leveling tomorrow!" Zhou Jianing almost jumped up happily.

She and Li Hong entered the game world the latest, but the upgrade speed gradually catches up with the large forces. If you add five times the experience time, they can completely surpass the second group and directly enter the ranks of the first group...


When everyone was excited, there was a low muffled sound on the ground, and the whole map seemed to be trembling violently.

Just tens of meters away in front of them, in front of Mo Xie standing, in the open space between the two ridges, a square crack was expanding on the ground...

"Look, everyone, our territory is about to appear!" Mo Xiaoyuan shouted in surprise.

"No, that rectangular crack is the boundary of our territory?" Li Hong exclaimed.

"Yes, our territory actually rose from the ground..." Zhou Jianing said excitedly.

The ground trembled violently, and a circle of rectangular cracks rapidly expanded. Just when all the players were about to stand unstable, a circle of black stone walls slowly rose from the underground cracks and appeared in everyone's sight... …

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