The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 759: Dangerous situation

On the other side, the Arrogant Alliance had just received this important news, and the spies hurriedly reported the information to the command.

"What, the Orc Legion has passed from the Sunshine Grassland? What's the situation?" Luo Feng asked in surprise and surprise.

"We have been staring at the main city and all directions, but we didn't expect the Orc Legion to appear inexplicably, directly entering the Sunshine Grassland, and we were approaching the Cuiping Mountain Range." A commander said with a smile.

"The size of the orc army, how much do you know now?" Luo Feng asked worriedly.

"We followed the orc army to get a general understanding of the size of the orc army. There are at least one hundred thousand people, and it is also equipped with a mechanical engineering army and a sacrificial team. Every orc warrior is above level 50. The God Realm League is dead!" A commander replied with a smile.

"Sure enough, we caught their weakness. The Protoss is also dark enough. They directly sent such a powerful legion to launch a sneak attack. See how long their territory can last!" another commander said in surprise.

"Mr. Luo, I don't know when the orc army will start attacking. Should we sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight? This time without us, the God Realm League will definitely not be able to handle it." The commander said gleefully.

"No, these people are dead, and they can't be given any chance. Even if the Orc Legion is strong enough to destroy their territory, we have to make corresponding preparations." Luo Feng said.

"Mr Luo meant, let's add some chaos to them?" the commander asked eagerly one by one.

"It must be guaranteed to be foolproof this time, everyone listens to my orders." Luo Feng rolled his eyes and immediately came up with an excellent plan to disrupt...

As he continued to give orders, commanders one after another accepted the instructions and began to mobilize the huge army of the arrogant alliance.

Countless players from the arrogant alliance began to gather around the Cuiping Mountain map, ready to cooperate with the orc army and deal a heavy blow to God Realm Town!

At this time, Mo Xie led a group of commanders and quickly returned to the exit zone of the Sunshine Grassland, gathering with a large group of God Realm League players guarding here.

"We just saw that the orc army has reached 100,000, and the professional teams are very complete, and there are mechanical siege troops to follow. This battle is very difficult." Moxie said.

"Great, no matter how strong they are, in order to protect the territory, we must fight them to the end!"

"Yes, it's great, even if all of them fail, we have to fight hard!"

"Great, great wolf, how to deal with them, you order."

A group of players were excited, and none of them showed timidity.

"First of all, I have to tell everyone that this time is not a regular city battle. The system has no rule restrictions and no protection. Once it hangs, it will lose a lot of experience points." Moxie said.

"Being killed by a monster is at most half level experience, we are not afraid." A group of people immediately shook their heads.

"Also, their level is too high. Our skills and ordinary attacks do very limited damage to them, so we need a lot of time to prepare various materials to defend against their impact. Only this forced damage will not Suppressed by levels." Mo Xie reminded.

"Yeah, the attack damage was not enough, we threw stones to kill them." The players suddenly reflected their eyes and said excitedly.

"This is just a way, but the time left for us now seems to be ample, because the orc army is only assembled in the center of the Sunshine Grassland, and it seems that it will not attack until tomorrow." Moxie said.

"If they don't take the initiative to advance, should we harass it?" Lianna asked.

"No, they put up a defensive formation and attacked them actively in the grassland. That is tantamount to suicide." Mo Xiaolang shook his head.

"Yeah, what we can do now is to prepare to hoard enough materials before they attack, and that is, we must be careful about the situation on the arrogant alliance. Don't guess, they will definitely come and make trouble." Moxie said.

"This is troublesome. It's not the stage of city war. We can't attack them if they come over..." Ouyang Jiaojiao said silently.

"We are ready first, no matter what they want to do, as long as they play tricks, I will immediately apply for the alliance battle to clean up them." Moxie said.

"Understand, let's gather people first and collect a lot of stones and wood." Mo Xiaoyuan said.

"Go ahead, here we are against it, all the surrounding maps are like entrances, all staring to death." Mo Xie ordered.

"Understand!" Everyone immediately used to return to the city, returned to God Realm Town and began to arrange separately.

Mo Xie took the players from the two sub-groups and kept guarding at the exit of the grassland, keeping an eye on the movements of the orc army...

This wait is half an hour.

Within this half an hour, news came from everywhere that the people of the arrogant alliance are sneakingly deployed in the map around Cuiping Mountain. Except for the Iron Mirror Mountains, they dare not enter at will, other maps have a large number of arrogant alliance players. Sneak in and hide...

Mo Xie knew what they wanted to do, but he was not in a hurry. The battle that is about to take place now is not a regular city battle, but a battle between the player and the beast. If the Arrogant Alliance helps the Orc Legion deal with the player’s territory, Afraid of being spurned by countless players.

And he has asked all the players of the God Realm League to spread the news that the orcs are about to attack the city, and call more individual players to defend the city.

Although it is midnight, there are still a lot of online players. As the news is widely spread, more and more players are still sending to God Realm Town, a large amount of transfer fee income, more It is far more than several times that of when the teleport function was first turned on!

You know, although there are a lot of players who like to join in the fun, there are more leveling madmen in the game world. When God Realm Town opens, they are forming a group to level up, knowing that they will be crowded in the city now. Most players choose to level up with peace of mind, and then go to God Realm Town for a tour.

However, with the news that the Orc Legion is about to siege the city, especially Moxie let the players deliberately spread, the Orc Legion is all composed, and after killing it, you can obtain massive experience points and countless top-quality equipment. It's...

In many games, there have been monster siege links. Whenever this kind of link appears, it means that this is a carnival for players and equipment grabbing activities. No player can refuse.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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