The Demon’s Menu

Chapter 17: keep away

There is no need to look back, just the smell of sulfur in the air tells Jason what happened.


An unprecedented big bang!

An explosion that directly tore the Taors 'dark guardians'!

The carriage stopped again.

Jason and Peters stood on the carriage and looked at Taoer.

A little half of Taor was turned into ruins!

The explosion point was in the center, and the energy released in a moment turned into a huge shock wave, which turned Tao ’s city center into a ruined wall. From the perspective of Jason standing, Taor seems to be a flower at the moment Strange flowers, ugly petals, and stamens.

Just looking at it is extremely uncomfortable.

Jason's face was rather ugly.

It's not because of the embarrassment of just speculating the error.

But ...

The danger level of the "Renewal Society" made Jason more cautious.

An adversary who is a regular player is not terrible.

The scary thing is that this enemy has learned to change!

Moreover, it is still changing in a way that ordinary people can't imagine!

Jason can be sure that before this explosion, no one would think that the "Revival Society" would use explosives.

It is precisely because of this that they have harvested a perfect victory.

It is difficult for ordinary people to evacuate a city, but under the premise of adequate preparation, it is not difficult for the ‘mysterious side’.

It is very difficult to destroy all the guards on the mysterious side, and each one is not weak.

Because these guards are not only familiar with the 'mysterious side', but also cooperate with each other definitely. If they see the wrong situation, they will definitely escape, even if a few are killed, there will be more escape.

Unless a trap is placed, and the number and strength of attackers occupy an absolute advantage.

But what kind of traps are more suitable than the explosives just now?

Easy, simple and straightforward.

"How, how could ... how could this be ..."

Peters murmured absently.

His hands involuntarily rubbed the hilt of his short sword, and the whole body shivered.

For the "Revival Society", Peters' perception is quite complicated.

On the one hand, he disagreed with the radical approach of the "Renewal Society".

On the other hand, he agreed with the idea that the "Renewal Society" insisted on "tradition" and insisted on cold weapons and freehand.

But now ...

Gunpowder is also used in the "Revival Society"!

The last piece of Peters' heart stuck and began to collapse.

"Sure enough," old guys "like me and you should withdraw from the stage of the times."

Touching the familiar hilt, Peters thought silently in his heart.

However, not now.

Peters did not forget his commitment as a "driver".

Although it is only used to disguise an identity, a promise is a promise that will not change.

"Mr. Jason, we need to leave as soon as possible."

"The complete annihilation of Tao's 'dark guardians' will definitely give the Federation a big move."

"If you are entangled in them, you will definitely not be able to reach Hans Harbour by the 26th."

Peters reminded.

Jason nodded immediately and returned to the carriage.

He will not refute the facts that are about to happen.

In Jason's mind, I already thought about how it would look like in the coming days.

Not only Taour, but the nearby towns will surely be surrounded by many federal investigators.

After thinking for a while, Jason said directly:

"Peters, bypass several nearby towns ..."

Speaking of which, Jason paused a little, his cautious personality played a role again, making him unconsciously want to expand the scope of this bypass, and immediately, Jason made a decision.

"Leave Rob around, and we will go further to supply."

"Yes, sir."

Peters is very much in favor of this decision.

If the supply is not enough, and the carriage is not his, Peters even hopes that Jason will give up the carriage, and he walks from a more remote place to the ‘Hans’ harbour.

From early evening to dawn, and then to the next afternoon.

The carriage drove along all the way, bypassing all the towns in the direction of Tower.

When the carriage approached Rob's range, Peters finally slowed down.

It's not that Peters doesn't want to bypass Rob directly, but the two horses pulling the cart are too tired, and then run down, I'm afraid they will be exhausted on the spot.

Jumping out of the driver ’s seat, Peters raised his hands to stroke the tired horses, massaged them with a special method to eliminate the fatigue, and at the same time, began to feed the horses with good bean cakes, and then brought two large buckets of clean water to In front of the horses, let them drink as soon as they bow their heads.

The horse stuck out its tongue and licked the clear water.

During this process, Peters had been carrying two buckets of water.

There was a tenderness in his eyes.

That is a natural love for animals.

When the two horses ate and drank and began to rest, Peters knocked on the door of the carriage.

Boom, boom.

Hearing the noise, Jason put down the book and pushed the door down.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jason."

"I concealed my identity before."

As soon as Jason got out of the carriage, Peters couldn't wait to say. Jason didn't speak, and listened quietly to Peters.

"I came from the genre" Cat Cave ", as Hume said, I inherited the name" Black Cat "."

"Hume, is the young man you have seen in the" Charles "before."

"He is my younger brother and I don't know when I joined the" Renewal Society "."

Speaking of Hume, Peters' tone was full of worry.

He was unwilling to admit in his heart that Hume knew the final big bang, because that betrayed Hume's words and deeds, which was deceiving him.

However, he wanted Hume to know, because only then could Hume be safe.

Otherwise, with Hume's temper, something will definitely happen.

The "Revival Society" will not be merciful to the troublemakers.

After breathing several times, Peters depressed the worry in his heart and pulled the topic back:

"As you know, the establishment of the Federation has made all schools of the past tense."

"At the range of countless cannons, the glory of the past is annihilated."

"All that's left is the 'griffin'."

"Or," Gryphon "is the winner."

"After all, the current Federation is called the" Gryphon Federation "."

Speaking of which, Peters smiled bitterly.

The tone of the following was even more bleak.

"We should have thought long ago ~ ~ When the" griff "defeated the only master of the genre era, they had already gained a key victory bargaining chip. wealth."

"In the end, the war broke out."

"All genres such as" Cat Cave "," Bear Tower "," Wolf Castle "," Snake Cave "," Eagle Cliff "and" Tiger Mountain "are all destroyed."

"at least……"

"On the surface it is."

"Most people did die under the artillery, but a small number of people are still alive. Some of them are like me, hiding their identities, and some are gathered together to form the" Revival Club "!

Mentioning the establishment of the "Revival Society", Peters entered a brief silence.

When he spoke again, he was no longer telling, but asking.

"Can I ask you a question?"

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