The Demon’s Menu

Vol 3 Chapter 9: Suffering writers

What will you find in the basement of a gangster stained with colors?

firearms? gold? banknote?

These are normal.

Even when a pile of bodies appeared, Jason was acceptable.

Even if these corpses are incomplete, they can.

These things will not make Jason stunned.

What made Jason truly stunned was that the things in front of him were too unexpected.

A broken bicycle, not only without a seat, but also without a rear wheel, was hung out of thin air and placed in a glass cabinet.

A floor clock, the pendulum has long stopped, and the hour, minute, and second hands are all gone. Only a white dial with a colorful yellow dial is left.

This floor clock is also in the glass cabinet.

Jason turned his head and looked to the side.

He saw ... a crowbar?

Jason confirmed for a few seconds that this was indeed a crowbar.

The whole body is black, placed in red velvet, and a glass cabinet as before is covered on it.

And on the second floor of the huge basement, there are three things.

Judging from the arrangement of the solemn matters, it is definitely not a misunderstanding.

It's just that Emode really values ​​these things.

Similarly, this is not a special collection hobby.

Because, on that crowbar, there was a burst of ‘food’ breath.

Items with a ‘food’ smell are naturally extraordinary.

But there is only one "crowbar", and the remaining bicycles and clocks are not.

"Unable to distinguish accurately, can it only be confirmed roughly?"

"Moreover, it is no longer a‘ weapon ’, but more ... livelihood?”

Jason thought about the difference between ‘food’ in front of him and ‘food’ in the past, and could n’t help reminding himself that he needed attention.

Obviously, the world in front of us has different ‘food systems’.

The thoughts in his heart did not hinder Jason's actions. As soon as he raised his hand, he smashed the glass cabinet equipped with a crowbar.

Drip, Didi!

Suddenly, the harsh alarm sounded.

However, Jason didn't care.

That phone call already told Emmod that it didn't matter if the alarm rang.

Lifting the corner of the ice hockey mask, Jason stuck his tongue out and licked the crowbar.

Sweet, with a light scent of rice.

Um ... a bit like the taste of old man Mi!

Jason's eyes lit up and he slightly embraced the "crowbar", then bit hard.


In the brittle sound of the metal, the corner of the "crowbar" was directly bitten by Jason.

Crunch, crunch!

In the crisp chewing mid-range sound, the sweet and rice flavor spread directly on Jason's taste buds.

Jason can be sure now, that is old man Mi.

He often eats before, and this taste will not be forgotten.

Then, he took out the ketchup bag that the boss Bob gave him when he bought hot dogs from a fast food stand in the afternoon.

Holding the ketchup pack in one hand, biting the corner of the ketchup pack with his mouth open, the ketchup pack was torn apart with a little effort, and Jason squeezed the ketchup pack on the "crowbar".

At this time, Jason could clearly see that a very complicated pattern appeared in the corner that he was bitten off.

Obviously, this ‘crowbar’ is not simple and has an extraordinary role.

But Jason took it for granted.

How could it be simple to be a ‘food’ utensil?

The knives, swords, steel bars, TV towers and the like eaten by him are all special.

"Crowbar" should naturally be the same.

It's a pity ... I don't know how to cook crowbars.

Only dipping sauce!

Jason thought about it silently, and packed several tomatoes in a ketchup pack with a whole crowbar.

Then he opened a mouth and a throat.

Suddenly, the entire "crowbar" was stuffed into his mouth.

Crunch, crunch.

Jason narrowed his eyes in the crisp chew.

Eating is always so pleasant.

Especially when eating is accompanied by fullness—

[Eating the physical holy sword (inferior imitation)! 】

[Physical strength, energy, injury recovered moderately! 】

[Fatness +8! 】

【Fatness: 152】


For Jason at the moment, it is not a high degree of satiety, but this does not reduce Jason's joy at all.

Because, this is completely unexpected.

Putting on the mask again, Jason strode toward the door stride.

And the moment he pushed out the door, three grenade grenades were thrown in.

This is Jason's previous loot.

Used at this time, naturally to eliminate the traces he might leave.

Not just the second floor underground.

Several other important locations, especially the two monitoring rooms, were taken care of by Jason.

Boom, boom!

The explosion of the grenade sounded one after another.

When Jason walked out of the mansion, the whole mansion almost became ruins.

However, this is not the end.

Outside the door, Brian carrying a bazooka stood there.

When Jason came out, he pulled the trigger against the mansion.



The rocket pierced into it, followed by the roar of the explosion.

The whole mansion soared into the sky.

Then Brian pulled out two strange grenades from the car and threw them at the ruined mansion.

Molotov cocktail!

Jason instantly recognized the true identity of the two grenades.


The flames rise to the sky!

The fire illuminates all around!

However, except for the burning sound of flames, there was no sound around.

The rich people around them all shrunk in their basement. Their bodyguards were armed with weapons and stood nervously outside the door. No one dared to come out and investigate what happened.


Brian looked at the fire and gestured to Jason.

Jason shook his head and refused.

Then, before Brian spoke again, he walked directly to the darkness.

He didn't mind acting with Bryan, it was to express gratitude.

But this does not mean that he will leave with Brian.

The goal is too big!

Not as good as his own.

What's more, he is a writer, and now he has to go back and write.

As for what happened here?

That was done by the ‘mask man’. What happened to Jason?

Seeing Jason disappear quickly in the dark, Brian didn't stop anymore. He pulled the door to board the car and stepped on the accelerator directly.

"Who is that dad?"

After the car started, Kemi couldn't help it anymore, she asked directly.

"It's my friend."

Brian said after a deep thought.

"Then what do you ... do you do?"

Kemi asked.

Brian was silent.

He didn't want to lie to his daughter, but he didn't want his daughter to know what he was doing.

Silence became the last choice.

Faced with such silence, Kemi changed the subject instead of asking the smart girl again.

"Where are we going now?"

"Are you going to mom?"

"Do not."

"Your mother is not safe there."

"You need a safe place."

Brian shook his head.

He knows exactly what kind of person Emaud is. Such a guy will not let the girls who escaped from him get revenge, and find out who destroyed his home.

Therefore, he needs to start strong.

Before the action of Emmod, he should get rid of Emmod first.

However, this obviously cannot bring Kemi.

He can only act alone.

Fortunately, he knew a very safe place.


Jason returned to Room 13 on the third floor of Apartment 3A.

The whole process was as quiet as when he left.

After collecting the mask and machete and washing it back, Jason sat in the study room wearing big pants and slippers and a pajama coat.

Although he knew he was not good at writing, he faced [main task] and he had to work hard to write.

At the beginning of the paper, he quickly wrote 'Chapter One'.

Then he thought about whether the beginning of the book should be written with a "preface".



The first page of paper was torn off, crumpled and thrown aside.

Jason wrote a "preface" on the second page.


1 second.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.


Two minutes later, Jason still couldn't write a word.

He didn't know what to write.

Even, I don't know how to write.

However, he is not a person who gives up directly.

So he insisted for another minute.

He stood up silently, gently pulled the chair aside, and then grabbed the manuscript paper on the table and began to tear frantically.

"Can't write it!"

"Can't write it!"

"Really can't write it!"

Jason roared as he ripped.

Then he picked up the pen and stared at the pen fiercely.

"And you!"

"You are all mature pens, why can't you write by yourself?"


"Why do you say?"

The pen will certainly not answer.

Only Jason's roar echoed in the room.

Naturally, such a sound penetrated the wall and fell in the ear of the policeman who was watching next door.

"Shall we go and see?"

"I feel like what happened to the writer?"

A young police detective asked.

"it does not matter."


"They are all schizophrenic and lunatic."

An elderly police detective was rich in business, and said while holding coffee slowly.

The young detective didn't understand.

"You think, the writer is writing a book, he is conceiving a book, he put his body and mind into that book, that book is a new world!"

"But what about reality? He will still return to reality. He needs to receive people in reality, eat, drink and sleep."

"One time, two times and three times, the two worlds intertwine and shuttle back and forth."

"Normal people will be crazy."

"Not to mention the writers, staying up late every day, irregular work schedule and eating irregularly, it is even easier to collapse."

The older detective explained.

"The writers are really pitiful."

The young police detective couldn't help sighing.


"Occupational diseases for many years and various incomprehensions have put writers under unbelievable pressure."

The older detective nodded.

"Don't understand?"

The young detective was puzzled again.

The older detective didn't answer immediately, but sighed slightly before speaking.

"The writer is a human being who puts almost all his energy into the code word. They are different from ordinary people. They have 365 days a year.

"If you have writer friends, you will definitely experience these--"

"Can you come out to play? Sorry, I want to code."

"Come on for dinner! Sorry, I want to code."

"Let's go and watch a movie! Sorry, I want to code."

"Holiday today! Sorry, I want to code."

"Once twice, at most three times, the writer basically has no friends."

"They would think that writers are out of gregariousness and are cold."

"Actually, they don't know how much the writer's heart wants to hang out, how much they want to go out for dinner, how much they want to date, but ... they can't do it, they have to code."

With that, the elderly policeman sighed again.

Then, without waiting for the young detective to ask, the older detective continued.

"But even then, there are a large group of people fighting them."

"Those who see piracy don't spend a penny, and shamelessly will give them various messages, saying that such a book is not worth reading, saying that I am poor, college students, look down on the genuine, and I look weak and reasonable."

"But what if there is really no money?"

The young detective asked.

"No money?"

"That's just that they think that such money needs to be saved, and it needs to be spent in more useful places, such as nightclubs, clubs, and girls. At that time, they were all strong, and they spent ten books and one hundred books Money, no frown. "

"But once I come back to read the book?"

"They are poor and reasonable again, and I am the weak. I look rational."

"Really hehe."

The old detective sneered again and again.

"It's really too much!"

"Don't they want to think about it, all go to watch piracy, what does the author rely on for dinner?"

The young detective asked angrily.

"What do you eat?"

"Shouldn't the author go to work?"

"Writing a book can be regarded as a dedication, but it can be used to generate electricity for love, and then, just go to work and feed yourself."

The older police detectives imitated some people.

The young detective was dumbfounded.

"This this……"

"Do you think this is fake?"

"This was told to me by a friend of my writers, and one of those who saw piracy just told him that."

"Moreover, that person is still laughing at the genuine readers, thinking that these people are fools and idiots."

The older detective recounted the story of a writer's friend.

"This is really a black sheep!"

The young police detective said in a deep voice.

"Not enough! Not enough!"

"How is this enough?"

"There are still some intentional comments on piracy that leave comments in the comments of some newcomer writers, because they are very clear that such newcomer writers are nobody's attention, and every comment will be extremely cherished, even if such comments are bitter The harshness will not be deleted. They enjoy such treatment, but they do n’t know that doing so may really kill a writer. "

The older detective sighed again.

"The writing and the writers are really pitiful."

The young detective couldn't help saying.

"Sometimes they are really pitiful, but sometimes they are really happy."

"Because, they have a group of real readers supporting them."

"You never thought how happy a writer would be with the support of a real reader. It was a resonance of mutual understanding, an inspiration from the soul, a bond that will never be forgotten."

The tone of the elder police detective was involuntarily excited.

"A real reader?"


"I will definitely support genuine!"

The young detective nodded vigorously.

The older detective smiled and was about to say something when footsteps came from the corridor.

Immediately after making a gesture to the assistant, he crawled on the cat's eyes and looked.

Boom, boom!

The next moment the knock on the door sounded, Jason opened the door.

He had heard footsteps long ago.

Looking at Brian and Kemi outside the door, Jason frowned. He didn't want to have anything to do with the father and daughter for a while, but in the end he turned his side and let the two enter the room.

He could hear the monitor next to him watching this breathlessly.

After closing the door, Jason pointed at Brian and pointed to the next door.

Immediately, Brian understood.


"I can't think of a more suitable candidate for the time being."

"I can only send Kemi to you."

Brian lowered his voice and said to Jason.

"Are you going to take action against Emmod?"

Jason asked.


"He doesn't die, I feel uneasy."

"Only he is dead, Kemi can live in the sun."

Brian did not hide, said straight.

Jason did not immediately refuse, he pondered.

According to the description of Cross Street Tracker, Aymod is a very important character and an important part of the protagonist's change. If Aymode is dead, the killer's layout is almost unbreakable.


Jason, thinking of something, looked up at Brian.

"how long it takes?"

Jason asked.


"Up to dawn!"

Bryan gave an affirmative answer.

"She can stay till dawn."

Jason replied like this.

"Thank you!"

"Thanks for everything you have done for me!"

"Jason, I will repay you!"

Brian promised, and then turned to look at his daughter.

"Kemi stays here."

"Jason can be believed."

Having finished speaking, Brian turned around and walked out, disregarding the reluctance and obstruction in Kemi's eyes.

Brian didn't look back, the door slammed shut.

Jason looked at the girl shrunk in the couch, and after thinking about it, turned to the study and bedroom.

Kemi, who was watching Jason all the time, was stunned when Jason turned around.

This back view ... familiar!

Almost instantly, Kemi thought of looking back when he thought of the previous underground floor.

This figure is exactly the same as the previous figure.

And the friend that dad said.

Two people are one person!

Quickly, Kemi got the answer.

Therefore, when Jason came out holding the pillow and blanket, Kemi had stood up from the sofa and looked straight at him. It seemed that this was the first time he saw him.

There was curiosity in his eyes.

There are also a lot of accidents.

"what happened?"

Jason asked without changing his face.

"Are you really a writer?"

Kemi asked.

"Well, the writer is overdone."

Jason nodded, without denying, but with a prefix.

"What about your mask?"

Kemi asked again.


"I can not understand what you say."

Jason denied it.

He does n’t mind Bryan knowing his identity because he knows that Bryan will keep secrets for him. He believes people like Bryan.

As for Brian's daughter?

Looking at what the other party is eager to try, Jason knows what to do.

He didn't want to have more accidents.

"It was you who just rushed in there!"

"I can be sure!"

"Your backs are exactly the same!"

"It's the same as the walking posture!"

Kemi ignored Jason's denial at all. She stared at Jason with her eyes wide open, and also turned around Jason, seeming to appreciate an unexpected work.

Under such eyes, Jason is still unmoved.

He has experienced too many scenes.

In front of you, not even pediatrics.

Throwing the pillow and quilt in his arms straight to Kemi, Jason said very coldly.

"You have two options now!"

"First, you rest here!"

"Second, leave my room!"

Having finished speaking, Jason no longer ignored Kemi and turned back to the bedroom and study.

Kemi was stunned. She was a little scared by Jason's indifferent tone.

After a long time, he said: "This is the living room."

"Ok, I know."

"You sleep on the sofa in the living room."

"The bed in the bedroom is mine."

Jason nodded that Kemi did not misunderstand.

"But I am a girl!"

Kemi emphasized.

"Equality between men and women."

Jason returned to the desk again, and said without looking up after sitting down.

"You are not a gentleman!"

"If I were not a gentleman, you would not have pillows and quilts."

Jason retorted.

"You, you will grow old alone!"

Kami looked at Jason and threw pillows and quilts on the sofa with hum, and the whole person went in.

She told herself that as long as she was patient until dawn, seeing her father, everything would pass.

But after only two minutes, Kemi couldn't help but get up.

She crept to the door of the study and bedroom, and quietly poked her head out.

She wanted to see what Jason was doing.

Then she saw Jason holding a pen and looked seriously at a brand new manuscript paper, as if something was brewing.

Is this a writer?

Kemi couldn't help thinking.

Just when she was looking forward to Jason's hard work, Jason suddenly looked up.

The eyes of the two were just in front of each other.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it."

"I'm just curious."


Unlike the previous stubborn, Kemi, who knew she was wrong, bowed and apologized in a panic. The long blond hair fluttered forward with her bending down, revealing a fair neck. When you touch one side, the youthful vitality of the girl and the feminine femininity are revealed at this time.

Being able to be targeted by the Emmod gang, Kemi's appearance is naturally indistinguishable. At this time, the action, combined with Kemi's beautiful face, is very attractive.

Jason got up from behind the desk and walked straight towards Kemi.

The tall, strong body scared Kemi back again and again.

"At noon, I will cook a hot pot base at home, and before I add potatoes, cabbage, tofu, shrimp slip, and mutton rolls, I will definitely take a sip of soup."

"The soup at this time really tastes good."

"Then I will eat all the ingredients and leave the hot pot soup."

"In the evening, I will add potatoes and cabbage for dinner."

"And in the middle of the night, I will light up again and cook the noodles inside, together with the soup base, as a special bowl of noodle soup."

"Do you know why?"

Jason asked, looking down at Kemi.

"Cause, because ... are you poor?"

Kemi stammered.


"So ~ ~ Do you know what to do?"

"I'm too poor!"

"So I am used to being alone."

"I am a bit uncomfortable with two people."

After Jason nodded, he walked to the sofa.

How to do it?

How do I know how to do it?

Kemi roared, but she only dared to roar in the face of Jason, not at all.

Then, she watched Jason pick up the pillow quilt, and was about to open the door of the room. A look like she was going to drive her out, Kemi hurriedly turned around, and when the door was opened, she suddenly blessed Soul-like shouting—

"I invite you to supper!"

(End of this chapter)

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