The Demon’s Menu

Vol 3 Chapter 27: Dare to come?

The blue, hair-thin electric current wrapped around the palms of both hands ‘pop’, and the owner of the palm was laughing frantically.

The opponent's eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, and the pupils are like pinpoints. Anyone who sees these eyes will unconsciously tense and retreat.


Totally crazy!

Not only the eyes are like this, but the face of the other person is distorted to the extreme. You can hardly tell from such a face, this is what a person should have.

It is more like a beast that has seen blood.

Or a twisted monster.

But Jason looked at the man who stood in his way.

There is no slight fluctuation in his eyes.

He still classifies it as a person.

Because he has seen a real monster.

Each one is so delicious, which makes him unforgettable.

However, the other party still has something worthy of Jason's attention.

Electricity wrapped around your hands!

"Secret technique?"

"Slightly specious."

"It's more like an unexpectedly big mutation."

Jason knew the ‘madman’ in front of him. Although he had not met in a real sense, he had checked some well-known information.

With Jason's character, since the [Main Mission] is to win the finals, it is impossible for him not to check the opponents he might encounter.

The ‘Electric Shock Demon’ is naturally one of them.

According to the information he collected, this was a tortured and completely crazy guy.

In the remaining life of the other person, apart from "treating" others, there is no other idea or pursuit.

Unfortunately, there is only one type of ‘treatment’ that the other party knows: electric shock.

Among the evaluations of many ‘mads’ by the ‘Game’, the ‘Electric Shock’ is definitely the most dangerous category.

In the face of this type of ‘crazy person’, ‘game’ directly gives advice on ‘binding’.

There is no ‘apartment’.

There is no ‘free movement’.

There is only ‘fetter’ or ‘sleep’.

And now, when this ‘fetter’ disappears, it’s like loosening the collar of a beast.

Jason glanced at the scorched bodies behind the opponent.

There are both ‘contacters’ and intruders’ madmen.

Obviously, in the eyes of the other party, there is no distinction of identity, only the patient is left.

No exception before.

Now is no exception.

"Electric shock! Cure!"

'Electric Shock Demon' rushed towards Jason with such a shout.


Beyond the scope of ordinary people.

Undoubtedly, the opponent's change not only allowed the opponent to obtain the power of ‘electric shock’, but also greatly improved the opponent’s physical fitness, especially in terms of speed and response.

Obviously, he rushed to Jason's opponent in a straight line. The next moment he rushed to the wall and the roof, bounced back and forth like a bouncy ball.

Gradually, the speed increased again.

In the beginning, ordinary people's vision can still capture the body of the opponent.

After a few seconds, the other side was like afterimages, forming a net to cover Jason.

The sound of electric current in the opponent's hand was even more ubiquitous.


The sound is endless.

The figure is unpredictable.

Both appear at the same time, quite a feeling of complementarity.

And the ‘audience’ who inexplicably found that the ‘live broadcast’ was reopened, were boiling at this moment.


"The trick of the'Electric Shock Demon'!"

"'Electric Shock Cage'!"

"'Jason' is going to be killed!"

"Fart, Jason hasn't shot yet, how could he be killed?"

"No one has avoided it before, and this time is no exception!"

"Those guys in the past are not good, it doesn't mean that Jason is not good!"

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"Why can't I bet anymore?"

"me too!"

"Betting on dogs upstairs!"


The barrage began to scroll on the screen.

Except for the sloppy barrage, most of the'audiences' support the'Electric Shock Demon'.

Compared to Jason's'obscurity','Electric Shock Demon' has a reputation.

Jason also has supporters, but compared to those who support the "Electric Shock Demon", it is really too small, and it will be suppressed in a short while.

Laughing, sarcasm, and verbal abuse followed immediately.

However, everything came to an abrupt end.

Because Jason moved.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Under the frantic movement of the "Electric Shock Demon", Jason slowly raised his right hand.

Hold the knife in the right hand.

The tip of the knife is facing up.

next moment--


The figure of'Electric Shock Demon' passed the blade.

Then, one is divided into two.

As the blood spurted, the'Electric Shock Demon' fell to the ground, and its internal organs rushed to the ground.

A trace of puzzlement surfaced on the crazy, twisted face of the'Electric Shock Demon'.

It's not just the'Electric Shock Demon' puzzled.

All the "audiences" are puzzled.

"what happened?"

"Am I missing one episode?"

"I also think I missed one episode."

"What's the matter? Why did the'Electric Shock Demon' hit the street?"

"What about the'electric shock cage' that no one can avoid?"

"That's it?"

"That's it?"

"That's it?"


After a brief immersion, the barrage rolled in an even crazier manner.

The screen is full of doubts and puzzles.

But the next moment, the ‘audience’ who supported Jason began to fight back.

Just now they were overwhelmed by the supporters of the "Electric Shock Devil".

just now?

They are naturally exasperated.

Line after line of ‘just this’ appeared on the screen.

Every line of "just here" scrolls past, and the "audience" who typed this line of "just here" feels happy, and looking at Jason, they look forward to it.

Jason, never let them down.

Not before.

Not now.

Naturally not in the future.

"Go on, Jason!"

"Kill the other bastards!"

"You are the strongest!"


One by one ‘audience’ who supported Jason began to type on the keyboard frantically.

Although they don't know what happened until now, why the live broadcast did not appear in the final of the "Game" F zone, but it does not prevent them from supporting Jason.

Moreover, more people are also pouring into Jason's live studio.

There are curious ones.

There are also ‘audiences’ who originally supported ‘Electric Shock’.

With the death of the ‘Electric Shock Demon’, after the live broadcast room was completely black, these ‘audiences’ were stunned, and some of them hurled out of the live broadcast room.

The other part came to Jason's live studio.

They are just curious.

They began to look at this big man who was wearing a mask like a dumb man.

Jason noticed the rotation of the surveillance probe.

"Did the'emergency measures' of the entire building fail?"

Jason thought while searching for the body of the "Electric Shock Demon".

Just now, these monitoring probes were rigidly fixed to the wall, without any intention of moving.

It's moving now.

Naturally it was manipulated.

In this building, there should be a lot of people who can manipulate these surveillance probes. The high floors, middle floors, and some of the "contacts" in the building have this ability.

But at this time, after the ‘crazy’ held the ‘carnival’, the only people who were able to manipulate these probes were the upper floors of the building.

Which naturally includes Lothar 11.

It could only be Lothar 11.

Obviously one or more of the other senior executives participated in this ‘carnival’.

May be deceived.

It may also be voluntary.

Regardless of which one, if she was the ‘behind the scenes’, she would definitely ‘spur’ these ‘right assistants’ to further destroy the building’s defense system.

For example: ‘imprison’ emergency measures.

For example: ‘drive’ him or they kill Lothar 11, creating even greater chaos.

Although Jason still doesn't know the real purpose of the other party, but the other party's behavior has been accompanied by ‘damage’.

From small to large.

It's like a snowball.

Therefore, if it can cause greater ‘destroy’, the other party is naturally happy.

And Lothar 11 is left with "for help"!

When the conventional method does not work, only the use of ‘live broadcast’ is the only way to ‘seeking for help’.

And this is what the ‘behind the scenes layman’ would like to see.

What is greater ‘destruction’ than killing a Lothar 11?

Naturally, all the Lothar family members that will be supported in the future will be killed!

It is not difficult to do this.

Even, in some ways, it is quite simple.

Just put a bomb in this building!

After a bang, there was a ruin.

Everything, whether it is the supporting Lothar family, or Lothar 11 himself, will be overwhelmed.

Of course, the ‘trace’ of the ‘behind-the-scenes layman’ will also disappear.

"One ring after another, it's almost a targeted layout."

"very perfect."

"Also very clear."

"Starting with Sunder 9, no, not Sunder 9. The opponent has already started the layout, Sunder 9 is just the beginning of the plan."

"What does the other party want to do?"

Jason didn't believe that the other party spent so much'work' to'destruct'.

Unless the other party is a lunatic who enjoys destruction.

But if it is such a lunatic, there should be a more direct way, not this kind of troublesome way.

Jason stood up while thinking.

Jason did not find anything worth paying attention to on the body of the "Electric Shock Devil".

That kind of change?

Jason is not a scientist, he doesn't know how to collect it.

He is just a ‘gourmet’.

After confirming that there was no breath of ‘food’, he gave up completely.

What's more, even if there is, Jason will not take further action.

As a ‘gourmet’, Jason has a bottom line.

The bottom line of being born.

Jason continued to walk upstairs.

He hopes to find ‘food’.

Therefore, Jason is very detailed.

He was'cleaning up' layer by layer.

The ‘Maser’ met one after another.

If you encounter one, you will get one at a time.

There are no exceptions.

For Jason, these criminals and perverts, who are beyond ordinary people's imagination, are called ‘crazy people’. For Jason, they are not as dangerous as passers-by in ‘The City That Never Sleeps’.

It's not just about strength.

Perhaps the strength, these people have to be stronger than the passers-by of "The City That Never Sleeps".

Can behavior mode?

But it is extremely naive.

There is nothing to hide, and no tricks.

As long as he saw it, he rushed up with a yell, a head-on fight.

In this regard, Jason said he liked it.

He likes this kind of straight-forward enemy.

Especially, the strength is not as good as his.

"Did it become like this because of the'game'?"

"Really, the effect of'domestication' is remarkable."

Jason thought to himself.

A little white mouse could not help but touch the button in front of her mind. Every time it was pressed, some food appeared. Then, the little white mouse forgot about it, and kept pressing the button, forgetting everything.

Isn’t the ‘Madker’ in front of you like it?

The appearance is not like.


Exactly the same.

It really just became a material to provide ‘entertainment’.

Maybe bloody.

However, the essence has not changed.

And those bloody?

No one will care.

The ‘madger’ doesn’t care.

The ‘audience’ doesn’t care.

The high-levels of "Game Tower" don't care.

The ‘survivor’ may care about it at first, but once he joins it, he will become indifferent.

They chose.

They naturally have to bear the consequences of their choice.

"Entertainment to death!".

Jason thought, the pace accelerated.

Now that Lothar 11 has released the news, people from the rest of the families will come soon except for the'Losha Family'.

Even if the worst happens.

But the ‘game’ has not changed.

Everything will continue.

And he?

It will not change.

Because the [main task] remains unchanged, he will stay in it until he wins the final championship.


Is this championship really that simple?

Jason recalled the information gathered and sorted out in his mind, his eyes narrowed slightly.

However, Jason did not listen to his footsteps.

Still strode forward.

Those'audiences' who watched Jason were completely fried at this time.

"How many'busters' have died?"

"There are 27!"

"More than 27!"

"The floor that Jason walked before, we didn't see it, it was impossible to calculate!"


"Horrible Jason!"

"'True. Sadist'!"

"Jason is invincible!"

"No one can stop Jason's cut!"

"Not even a'madger'!"


At first the'audiences' were only shocked by Jason's strength, but as time went on, as more and more'mads' died under Jason's knife, this shock became a shock. , Especially when some newcomers' audiences began to flood into Jason's live broadcast room as the live broadcast room became less and less, the elderly'audiences' explained'Jason' as people who came over.

Suddenly, a frenetic atmosphere began to appear.

They began to tout Jason.

They began to become irrational.

Jason was invincible before they came.

This atmosphere attracted attention from other live broadcast rooms.

At this moment, there are already less than 10 live broadcast rooms.

Most of it comes from Jason's ‘clean up’.

A small part comes from the cannibalism of the ‘mads’.

Most of the remaining live broadcast rooms were silent, worried about Jason's approach.

However, there is one difference.

In the 22nd floor of the "House of the Harasser", a slender man in a training suit is doing push-ups.


First with both hands, then with one hand.

Then, four fingers, three fingers, two fingers, one finger.

When only the index finger was left to support the whole body, the frequency and rhythm of the push-ups did not change for the man in the practice clothes, and he was still comfortable.

Then, the opponent stood upside down.

With one finger as the support, continue.



Everyone will have this impression after seeing this man.

If there is no corpse on the side.

This is a ‘contact’.

A hole appeared in the chest.

The heart inside is missing.

Blood flowed from his chest, leaving a scarlet mark on the ground.

The man not far away still exercised himself.

Immediately, a weirdness emerged spontaneously.

However, this kind of weirdness did not bore the ‘audience’ who stayed in this live broadcast room.

On the contrary, they are very happy.

In other words, with a trace of fanaticism.

"The ‘Heartbreaker’ is really powerful!"


"The'heartbreaker' is the strongest!"

"What is that"


Watching the ‘audience’ of the ‘heartbreaker’ speak one by one.

Then, one of the most impatient ‘audience’ went directly to Jason’s live broadcast room to leave a message——

"Don't brag about it!"

"The'Heartbreaker' is on the 22nd floor!"

"Dare to come?"

PS Fat Dragon got up a bit late again today. It’s too hot. Fat Dragon, a person who can’t use the air conditioner at all, really lacks sleep at night. There are still two days left in this chapter. It’s fine after two days. Worry~ Finally, Fei Long recommended the "Super Mechanic" of his friend Leather Armor~ I really appreciate the Leather Armor’s Zhang Tweet~

(End of this chapter)

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