The Demon’s Menu

Vol 3 Chapter 75: Words are like knives and swords, but no blood is seen in killing!

The rocks flew and the ground cracked.

The earth was trembling.

None of the "parents" of the "Hundred Great Families" can maintain their original arrogance at this moment.

Panic appeared on their faces.

Look at the leader of ‘their’.

Looking at the altar...the altar gradually emerging from the ground bit by bit behind this leader.

That's right!

It's the altar!

It is entirely made of white jade and presents a circular high platform with stairs on one side.

When this high platform first appeared, every ‘father’ of the ‘Hundred Big Clan’ could see layers of pictures and repetitions imprinted on it.

The cumbersome picture and compound language constructs an indistinguishable ‘ritual’.

Some of these meanings are understood by everyone.


Almost subconsciously, the "parents" of these "hundred big families" looked at Cook's corpse on the ground.

For betrayal!

Everyone hates it!

No one will tolerate traitors!

The'parents' of the'Hundred Great Families' are no exception.

However, they all clearly remembered the previous leader's words.

‘Be a sacrifice! ’

‘This is your real mission! ’

Cook is a sacrifice.

Once the sacrifice is offered, something bad will inevitably happen!

After the ‘parents’ of the ‘Hundred Great Families’ had such an inference, several ‘fathers’ of the Hundred Great Families approached calmly.


"You are still so hypocritical!"

"Want to test?"

"Or... want to stop?"

The leader of'their' with blood on his hands looked at this scene and laughed loudly.

Then, the other party suddenly shrugged off his face and looked at the "parents" of the "Hundred Big Clan" around him with a gloomy expression.

"Unfortunately, it's too late!"

When the other party said this, the tone suddenly rose.

"Sacrifice the life I gave myself, and restore my injury!"


After speaking loudly, the altar of white jade lit up.

Even the scorched ground with potholes lit up.

The white jade altar is dazzling.

The light on the burnt earth surface is faint.

But it was this faint brilliance that made the faces of the'parents' of the'Hundred Great Families' present drastically changed.

They can clearly perceive that strange power flow.

Is the entire bottom of the pothole covered by the altar?

They thought so.

Cook's body disappeared in the faint light.

At the same time, the ‘their’ leader was shining brightly.

After a breath, the leader of ‘their’ appeared again.

The appearance is no different from before.

But the expression is completely different!

That is a kind of self-confidence!

The confidence to see everyone in front of you as nothing!

"Although there was a little accident in the middle, the final result has not changed-welcome you to my'trap'."

The leader of ‘their’ squeezed his fists and said in a light voice.

When the voice fell, the leader disappeared.

"Be careful!"

The ‘parents’ of the surrounding ‘hundred big families’ shouted.

But it didn't work.

One of them had his head taken off.

Everyone could only perceive a flash of black shadow in front of them, and the head of one of them was gone.

The headless corpse spurted blood, and finally fell to his knees.

The head was held in the hand by the leader, and then thrown on the ground casually.

"Sacrifice the life I gave myself to make me strong!"

The leader of ‘their’ said so.

As soon as they finished speaking, everyone felt that the leader's breath was powerful.

It's so powerful and very clear!


The'parents' of the'Hundred Great Families' looked at each other.

Is it powerful just like this?

They have already reached their level, and wanting to be as powerful as a single cent needs to be calculated based on the ten-year start. It is not only time, but also absolute effort and a little bit of luck.

Therefore, every bit of strength is worthy of excitement and surprise.

However, the power of the ‘their’ leader is completed in a breath.

Huh, Huh!

Many of the "parents" of the "Hundred Big Families" became breathing quickly.

The same thought came up in their minds--

Can I use this ‘altar’?

"Don't be fooled by his words!"

"These are the layouts he designed!"

Hera, standing on the edge of the pothole, roared loudly.

The voice went from high to low, reaching the bottom of the pit.

Naturally, the ‘parents’ of these ‘Hundred Big Families’ have heard it.

There was hesitation in their eyes.

The leader of ‘their’ also heard it.

The ordinary-faced leader raised his head.

"I didn't expect the people who inherited the Hera family to be so'innocent'!"

"Why don't you finish your words?"

"You should tell them that I really induced them to kill each other. Why didn't you finish?"

"Are you worried that after tearing the last bit of face, the result will become uncontrollable!"


"You know, what I said is true."

The leader of ‘their’ looked at Hera with a smile.

For ordinary people, the distance from the top of the pit to the bottom of the pit is beyond the reach of their vision, but to a strong person of their level, it seems to be right in front of them.

The leader of ‘their’ can clearly see Hera’s concerns.

Hera can also clearly see the pride on the leader's face.

it is true?

Still fake?

Hera is really unable to tell.

Her ‘inspiration’ has no sense.

But there is one thing she can be sure that the leader of the ‘their’, the ‘bystander’ hidden in history, is unkind.

This is correct!


Seeing the expressions of the "parents" of the "Hundred Big Families" at the bottom of the pothole, Hera sighed in her heart.

She has seen the eagerness to move from the faces of these fellow travelers.

Even Pandor, Dolko and others around her were breathing fast.

They are also tempted.


How can I not be tempted!

At their level, there are not many things that can fascinate them.

However, strength is definitely one of them.

Even, their original purpose here was to increase their strength.

However, the difference is that in their original plan, the benefits will be evenly distributed.

And now?

The words of the leader ‘them’ completely broke all this.

More importantly, this kind of discourse continues.

"You don't naively think that there will be a complete'body of God' inside and outside here, right?"

"Do not make jokes!"

"If anything... do you think it's your turn?"

"He is mine already!"

The leader ‘they’ sneered.

Such words are irrefutable.

Another identity of the other party: the ‘bystander’ of history.

This is an old monster that has lived for thousands of years.

This age is undoubtedly the oldest one present.

Even the eldest one of the'parents' in the'Hundred Big Clan' is more than 800 years younger than the other party.

What is this concept?

Simply put, before the embryonic form of the "Hundred Great Families" appeared, the other party already existed and was active in the world with various identities.

Therefore, if this world really has a truly complete ‘God’s body’, the other party should be the first to know.

And once you know, the other party will naturally not let it go.


Is all this a trap?

Lead us here and become the trap of ‘sacrifice’?

This thought came up in everyone's heart.

But there is one doubt!

Then, Hera asked this doubt for everyone.

"Do you think you can defeat all of us alone?"

Hera asked loudly.

This is the only rebuttal point she can think of.


Hera's question made the leader laugh.

When the laughter caught everyone's attention, the leader disappeared again.


Hera reminded everyone, but before the words were finished, two more "parents" of the "Hundred Big Families" were attacked by this leader. The opponent who turned into shadows and turned into wind is too fast. Up.

Moreover, the attack was not only silent, but also ignored the defenses of these ‘Big Hundred Families’ and ‘parents’.

Regardless of the occult defense or the defense brought by the props, under the opponent's attack, it is exactly like paper.

Under everyone's horrified eyes, the two corpses fell, and the leader's words rang again.

"Sacrifice the life I gave personally, and suppress everyone within the sacrifice range except me!"

With such words, the altar lit up again.

Then, all the "parents" of the "Hundred Big Clan" within the scope of the pit felt their bodies sinking.

Their power is suppressed!

Although only a trace!

But it was really suppressed!

Suddenly, the expressions of the'parents' of these'hundred big families' changed.

The leader of ‘their’ laughed again.

"You said--"

"Why can't I defeat all of you alone?"

"Because I can become stronger every moment!"

"Because I can suppress you all the time!"

The leader of ‘their’ looked at Hera on the edge of the pothole and stretched his tone.

Then, the leader shot again.


The shadow blew over the target like the wind.

Blood flowed across.

The body fell to the ground.

"Sacrifice the life I gave personally, and suppress everyone within the sacrifice range except me!"

Such words sounded again.

The bodies of the'parents' of the'Hundred Great Families' are even heavier.

Suppression appeared again.

To a more serious degree than before.

The shadow of death is like a shadow.

Almost immediately, these big figures who stood above the world were caught in a vicious cycle.


Can't resist.

The gap is too big.

Don't resist?

Sit and wait.

Too unwilling.

Involuntarily, their eyes turned to each other again.

It's different from the vigilant question before.

This time, he became naked and hideous.

And, killing intent is frequent.

Wait, it's death.

Resistance is also death.

It's better to try it and send people around on the road to gain more powerful strength and let yourself survive.

Such an idea appeared.

It can no longer be suppressed.

The next moment these ‘fathers’ of the ‘Hundred Big Clan’ quietly separated from the leader of ‘them’, they attacked their fellow travelers.

All kinds of secret techniques reappear.

The heat of the flame.

Frosty cold.

The poison gas is deadly.

The tangible power is huge.

Invisible power whispered to death.

Completely gave up temptation and defense, almost fighting for life.

"It's over!"

Hera looked pale as she watched the battle at the bottom of the pit.

She almost saw the collapse and separation of the entire'Hundred Big Family'.

In the past, no matter what happened, in the face of powerful foreign enemies, the ‘Hundred Big Clan’ could be consistent in the outside world.

Because they didn't really tear their faces.

But now?

Enemies of life and death, how can they cooperate without reservation.

Pandor, Dolco and the "parents" of the "Hundred Big Families" who did not reach the bottom of the pit apparently also thought of this.

Then they thought of more things.

For example: Can their families that did not participate in the battle form a new alliance to kill all the following allies who killed each other and once?

This thought made the eyes of Pontor, Dolko and others flashed.

But they have not acted yet.

They are still waiting for a result.

And such a wait does not take long.

After a few breaths, several battles were decided.

"Sacrifice the life I gave myself, and restore my injury!"

"Sacrifice the life I gave myself, and restore my injury!"

Almost when the battle was divided, these people shouted loudly.

They did not choose to increase their strength.

Because, almost every one of them was seriously injured.

Completely desperate play, causing such a consequence.

Then, the light flickered.

Their injuries healed.

It is healing in the true sense.

The kind from the inside out.

Slightly startled, then, ecstasy!

Every ecstasy appeared on the face of the winner just now.

Then... they looked at the people around them with more and more crazy the next moment!

They threw it out!

Attacking the people around him with a more frenzied posture than before.

Just win!

Even if there is only one breath left!

I can live too!

As long as I live, I can look for opportunities to become stronger quickly!

Everyone thinks like this!

This kind of thinking makes everyone at the bottom of the pit go crazy.

The ‘fathers’ of the ‘hundred big families’ on the top of the pit also became hesitant.

It turned out to be true?


These condescending ‘fathers’ of the ‘Hundred Great Families’ not only wandered their eyes, they almost subconsciously looked for suitable targets.

As members of the "Hundred Great Families", they are really familiar with each other.

The strength is not much different.

Therefore, the priority goal is to find one's own restraint.

However, soon, these people's eyes were locked in one place--

A ‘room’ severely distorted by external forces.

That is the "room" belonging to Jason.

Suddenly, these people's eyes brightened.

The members of the same ‘Hundred Big Clan’ have little difference in strength, so they are not easy to shoot.

But Jason is different!

A ‘Brazer’ in the ‘Game’ they created, although a little bit of strength, it’s just a little bit nothing.

Excellent goal!

Suddenly, the ‘parents’ of the ‘Hundred Big Clan’ standing on the top of the pit were about to act.

But someone is faster!

One of the "parents" of the "Hundred Great Families" in the "pit bottom" has rushed to the twisted "room" like an arrow from the string.

The other party came to the door and raised a foot.


In the loud voice, the door was kicked open, and the other party rushed in directly.


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